Septic tank “Fast”: overview of the model range, reviews, installation and operation rules

The American company sells the Fast septic tank on the Russian market, which in its technical characteristics is close to its domestic analogues Ekolos or Tver. Part of the model range is intended for the treatment of domestic wastewater in the private suburban sector.

You will learn everything about the principles of operation, advantages and disadvantages of VOCs of this brand from the article we have proposed. We will tell you whether American equipment is suitable for use in Russia. For independent home craftsmen, we provide detailed installation and connection technology.

Design and principle of operation of a septic tank

When mentioning FAST structures, the term “septic tank” is most often used, although in fact it is a deep biological wastewater treatment system that operates through the activity of aerobic bacteria. The cleaning efficiency is 98%, the output liquid is odorless and colorless.

According to representatives of the supplier company, the word “septic tank” is more understandable for customers. The system is a modular design with many installation and connection options. The RetroFAST and MicroFAST models differ in technical characteristics and installation capabilities.

The RetroFAST station is suitable as a new wastewater treatment plant or a module for the reconstruction of an existing sewage treatment system. MicroFAST is installed in a container made of metal or concrete. When constructing a reservoir to house treatment equipment, the construction rules for constructing a septic tank, which belongs to the category of settling tanks, are followed.

Let's consider the design of the Fast septic tank and its location relative to the surface of the earth:

Main parts of the Fast 9.0 design: 1 – fan; 2 – surface of the earth; 3 – technical well; 4 – air outlet; 5 – sewer inlet; 6 – approximate liquid level; 7 – cover; 8 – airlift; 9 – airlift pipes; 10 – polymer honeycomb; 11 – outlet for purified liquid

As you can see, the tank is completely in the ground; only a fan for forcing air and a pipe for its outlet come to the surface.

The body of the FAST working container is made of high-strength plastic, which is resistant to rapid wear and corrosion and is designed for a service life of up to 50 years. All station parts are manufactured in the USA, except for the engines, which are imported from Italy or Taiwan.

The operating principle is as follows. Dirty sewage flows through pipes from residential and utility rooms into a reservoir divided into 2 working areas.

In the first zone, primary settling occurs, in the second, aerobic purification takes place. There is no need to specially purchase and add microorganisms into the container; they enter the septic tank along with the wastewater.

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Plastic honeycombs for the settlement of aerobes

Compressor housing and devices

Air filter and airlift assembly

Pipes and fasteners for station assembly

The habitat of aerobic bacteria becomes a honeycomb - a plastic load that does not need to be changed or rinsed throughout the life of the VOC.

When sewage is first supplied to the system, colonies of aerobes settle on the cellular surface of plastic honeycomb modules. Their vital activity and self-regulation of the population is supported by a constant supply of oxygen and the replenishment of a new portion of wastewater.

One of the airlift parts is a system of air diffusers that saturate the aquatic environment with oxygen and ensure circulation of sediment. As a result of the gradual movement of the medium and its processing by bacteria, the liquid becomes lighter, and the already clarified liquid enters the outlet. Drainage occurs simultaneously with the arrival of a new portion of sewage.

During operation of the septic tank, the honeycombs are completely immersed in liquid and are maintained using an airlift, due to which microorganisms have the opportunity to exist and independently regulate their numbers

The only energy-dependent element of the station is the air compressor, which has a dual purpose:

  • ensures the circulation of liquid necessary for cleaning;
  • supplies air to support the vital activity of aerobic microorganisms.

The optimal compressor operating mode is interval: half an hour in an active state, half an hour resting.

Installation diagram of the Fast system with an absorption well. Also, from the aerobic treatment tank, liquid can be supplied for further treatment to the drainage system, soil, ditch or reservoir

Cost ↑

The cost of Fast septic tanks is quite high. One has only to take a closer look at the prices of various trading companies that distribute this septic tank and it will become clear that even the cheapest version of the treatment system costs on average about 120,000 rubles .

And this is an order of magnitude higher than, for example, the popular analogues of Topas septic tanks, the minimum cost of which does not exceed 70,000 rubles .

Such a high cost of Fast septic tanks is often considered a disadvantage, and this is, in fact, a significant disadvantage. But there is one pleasant “but” - Fast septic tanks fully justify their cost. Their service life is significantly higher than that of other septic tanks, and therefore they can last more than 50 years.

Studying the cost of models of treatment equipment from an American manufacturer, which falls on the Russian market, we can say that cost variations present the following picture.

Septic tank model name Fastprice, rub. (average figures)
Fast Retro 0.25From 111500 to 112150
Fast Retro 0.375From 107720 to 125000
Fast Micro 0.5From 135500 to 183000
Fast Micro 0.75From 276000 to 276300
Fast Micro 0.9From 298500 to 299500
Fast Micro 1.5From 486500 to 488500
Fast Micro 3.0From 707000 to 710300
Fast Micro 4.5From 98500 to 1000400
Fast Micro 9.0From 1250000 to 1272000
Fast HighStrength 1.0Negotiable
Fast Fast HighStrength 1.5Negotiable
Fast Fast HighStrength 3.0Negotiable
Fast Fast HighStrength 4.5Negotiable
Fast Fast HighStrength 9.0Negotiable

Important! Despite the high cost of Fast local sewage treatment plants, you must remember that by purchasing this or that model, you immediately save yourself and your home from a lot of unnecessary hassle.

Firstly, you forget about cleaning and maintaining the septic tank for several years in advance. And carry out cleaning only for preventive purposes about 5-6 years after the equipment is first put into operation.

Secondly, the septic tank is not difficult to install and copes well with various sewage effluents that contain difficultly soluble particles in the form of food residues, for example.

Also, all internal parts and devices of the septic tank are not afraid of wastewater containing household chemicals, and therefore they can easily tolerate the presence of such, processing them properly.

Thirdly, the installation of a septic tank is very simple and universal, and therefore such a system can be installed in almost all types of soil.

Equipment operating rules

Service and operating conditions distinguish Fast equipment from similar brands. The systems are energy dependent, therefore, you will have to pay extra for electricity.

The consumption of the most popular model RetroFAST 0.375 is 250 W/h, in energy saving mode it is 2 times less (saving mode is 12 working hours per day).

There is no need to constantly turn on/off the compressor, just program the timer to the 30/30 mode - it works for half an hour and rests for half an hour.

The only thing you have to do regarding the compressor is to clean the air filter once every 5 years. To control the start or shutdown function, an ordinary key is used, which can be installed in a comfortable place, for example, in the house.

The technical hole manhole cover is located 5 m from the residential building (behind the fence) and next to the rest bench - this is only possible due to the absence of an unpleasant odor

The station’s operating condition must be maintained only in case of permanent residence; when leaving, it is enough to simply turn it off. There is no need to preserve it, nor do you need to fill in various technical solutions such as antifreeze. The next time you turn it on, the system will work as usual without additional preparation.

Electricity costs can be considered the only ones, since regular cleaning, sludge removal or pumping out of solid sediment is not required. It is recommended to remove compacted sludge sediment once every 5-7 years, otherwise it will harden and grow to the walls of the container.

Pumping is carried out using sewer equipment. The hose length can reach 100 m, meaning no access roads are required.

Installation of the system in a concrete sealed container, consisting of three compartments: 1 – sump; 2 – deep biological treatment station; 3 – distribution well. From the last compartment, the liquid is forced into a ditch outside the site

The equipment manufacturer does not offer service because it is not necessary. There is no need to wash the polymer honeycombs - their condition is regulated by the system itself, replacement is also not necessary - the service life of the load is equal to the service life of all equipment (50 years).

In order for the system to function smoothly, there is no need to dump solid, water-insoluble objects, such as cat litter, into the toilet (and other entry points). But toilet paper, household cleaning products, and solutions containing chlorine are ok.

Reviews ↑

Oleg Petrovich, Moscow To be honest, I was not very impressed by the stories of the sales consultants when my wife and I were choosing a septic tank for our country house. They told us a lot of good things about the Fast septic tank, but the price is fabulous! So, you buy a pig in a poke for a tidy sum, and then regret it for the rest of your life. In order to be less burdened with all sorts of opinions of private stakeholders in the form of sales representatives, we decided to find more realistic opinions about the Fast septic tank. Truly, he who seeks will always find. We had the opportunity to talk about this topic with a number of owners of such a septic tank, but only serving not private houses, but, believe it or not, restaurants and cafes. And once we even talked with the owner of one of the car washes where the Fast septic tank was installed. In general, almost everyone unanimously declared that the septic tank was simply wonderful, and that they both installed it and forgot about it. But for our family, such a septic tank is still unaffordable, so we made do with the Topas sewerage installation,

Daria, Ryazan My friend told me about this septic tank Fast. Although I’m not particularly knowledgeable about anything like this, I still wanted to write a review here, in the words of a friend. At first they thought for a long time whether to buy such an expensive station, but then they finally decided and bought it. It was already installed about a year ago. The station endured the winter well, without any manifestations of unpleasant odors or noises. But the most interesting thing that my friend liked most was that almost a year had passed, they decided to look inside the septic tank and saw that there was about a bucket’s worth of sediment there, or even less. Is it possible that such a septic tank can be used for years? This is hard to believe, but my friend confirms this fact. They have a family of 4 people: a husband, a wife (my friend), their child and a grandfather who lives with them. So much for the American setup. Apparently, they are not cut out for it either.

Vasily Alekseevich Smirnov, St. Petersburg More than anything else, when choosing a septic tank for my dacha, I was interested in how the structure withstands and works in winter, and also whether it is not afraid of groundwater. It’s clear that I was immediately ready to buy a septic tank, not one of the cheapest options. Firstly, I knew that septic tanks of the type I needed were not cheap, and secondly, my family and I are at the dacha quite often, except for the four winter months. And even then he can come periodically in winter, especially on holidays, and even with guests. So, no matter how you look at it, a septic tank was needed. About 2 years ago I bought and installed a Fast septic tank. I finally decided to install it overseas. I can say, no matter how incredible it may seem, the septic tank amazed me. I have never had to pump out accumulated sediment. Even in the spring I looked in to check, the sediment was about a third, or even less. I was really and pleasantly surprised. So the septic tank is cool! Buy and think that the price is so high!

Juliana, Izhevsk When choosing a septic tank for one boarding house, I did not even expect that American products were so reliable and strong. A septic tank was installed on the territory of the boarding house about 1.5 years ago. Reviews so far have only been positive. The boarding house has already hosted guests and vacationers for several seasons. Not to say that it was crowded, but it wasn’t empty either. Therefore, the load on the sewer system was, in principle, average. There were no malfunctions observed, the septic tank is working properly. Of course, it was very important to initially correctly select the right septic tank model that would have time to service a large number of wastewater. In general, the owners of the Fast septic tanks were satisfied.

How to choose a product for cesspools and toilets, read the article: products for cesspools. How the machine for pumping out drainage pits works, see the page.

A variety of corner kitchen sinks can be found here.

What are the consequences of excess moisture in the soil?

You can see the results of this phenomenon yourself - trees and shrubs die. Why is this happening?

  • the oxygen content in the soil decreases and the carbon dioxide content increases, which leads to disruption of air exchange processes, water regime and nutritional regime in the soil;
  • oxygen starvation of the root-forming layer occurs, which leads to the death of plant roots;
  • the supply of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) is disrupted, because excess water washes out mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become unavailable for absorption;
  • intensive breakdown of proteins occurs and, accordingly, the processes of decay are activated.

Plants can tell you at what level groundwater lies

Take a close look at the flora of your area. The species inhabiting it will tell you at what depth the groundwater layers are located:

  • perched water - it is best to dig a reservoir in this place;
  • at a depth of up to 0.5 m - marigolds, horsetails, varieties of sedges grow - bladderwrack, holly, foxtail, Langsdorff's reed;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - meadowsweet, canary grass, ;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m – favorable conditions for meadow fescue, bluegrass, mouse peas, rank;
  • from 1.5 m - wheatgrass, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know when planning site drainage

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • with a groundwater depth of 0.5 to 1 m, vegetables and annual flowers can grow in high beds;
  • depth of water layer up to 1.5 m is well tolerated by vegetables, grains, annuals and perennials (flowers), ornamental and fruit shrubs, trees on a dwarf rootstock;
  • if the groundwater is more than 2 m deep, fruit trees can be grown;
  • The optimal depth of groundwater for agriculture is from 3.5 m.

Is site drainage necessary?

Record your observations for at least some time. You yourself can understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to simply redirect melt and sediment water along the bypass channel, rather than allowing it to flow through your site?

Perhaps it is necessary to design and equip a storm drain and improve the composition of the soil and this will be enough?

Or is it worth making a drainage system only for fruit and ornamental trees?

A specialist will give you the exact answer, and we strongly recommend calling him. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness on this issue.

Review of popular models

Residents of cottage and holiday villages are often interested in septic tanks designed to serve one or several houses, so we will focus on models with minimal productivity. The main technical characteristics are presented in the table:

The table shows the reduced price (on promotion) of the popular model RetroFAST 0.375: instead of the usual 169 thousand rubles. – 159 thousand rubles. Prices for MicroFAST models change, as they are “tied” to the exchange rate (+)

The cost of MicroFAST systems can be clarified online on the official website of the TAKOM company or by contact phone number.

RetroFAST 0.375 for a country house or cottage

The compact biological treatment system for country houses is designed to serve from 1 to 6 people (maximum 8 people). Productivity – 1.5 m?/day, with increased load – up to 1.8 m?/day. without loss of efficiency.

A special feature of the equipment is its installation - the system is suitable for installation in a new or old tank of suitable dimensions. Most often this is a plastic container or a well made of 2-3 concrete rings.

RetroFAST 0.375 model diagram

Pay attention to the location of the container: it is completely buried in the ground. Only the hatch of the technical well and the ventilation pipe reach the surface (+)

Fan power – 0.2 kW/h, air supply speed – 0.14-0.48 m?/min.

When installing the fan, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • concrete base;
  • location – no more than 30 from the station;
  • installation in a non-flooded area;
  • power supply – 115/230 W, 60/50 Hz.

The fan and cable should be insulated from moisture. To protect the cable, it is recommended to use a corrugated polymer sleeve.

MicroFAST 0.5 for cottage

The MicroFAST 0.5 modular system, like the entire line, works on the principle of aerobic-anaerobic deep cleaning. Unlike the previous model, it is designed to serve a large cottage inhabited by a family or group of 8-10 people. It can simultaneously treat sewage water from several sources - cottage, bathhouse, guest house. The exception is drainage from the pool, which should be done not into a septic tank, but into a drainage system.

Device diagram of the MicroFAST 0.5 model. The best option for constructing a tank is a concrete sealed container consisting of 2 compartments: the first is a sedimentation zone, the second is where biological treatment takes place (+)

The model’s productivity is 1.9 m?/day, with increased load – up to 2.3 m?/day. Withstands uneven discharge of wastewater. This means that it works without loss of efficiency even with sewerage volumes of 0.1 m?/day, and at maximum load. Self-repairs in a short period of time if solvents or chemical detergents get into the sewer.

MicroFAST 0.75 for a large cottage or group of houses

Like the previous model, the MicroFAST 0.75 station is used to service one large cottage or a group of buildings located nearby. In order for the system to operate uninterruptedly and the quality of cleaning to correspond to the declared indicators, it is recommended to connect no more than 2-3 cottages to one structure.

Like all other models, the performance of MicroFAST 0.75 is focused on the number of people living in cottages. The maximum number of users is 14 people (at a rate of 200-230 l/day per person)

Productivity is 2.8 m?/day.

Maintenance of more powerful systems does not differ from the operation of models with lower productivity: sediment is removed no more than once every 5 years, washing of the polymer load or preservation during departure is not required.

MicroFAST 0.9 for a cottage community

The MicroFAST 0.9 modular system is not installed on a standard summer cottage, for which a less productive station is sufficient. It is designed to serve large estates with several houses, small hotels, and sports facilities located far from centralized communications.

The MicroFAST 0.9 biological treatment station is essentially an increased in size and more powerful modification of the MicroFAST 0.75 model with a productivity of 3.4 m?/day, designed to serve 14-17 people

To install powerful structures, in order to eliminate technical problems, it is recommended to use the services of a supplier.


The treatment facilities supplied by the American company are highly efficient.

At the same time, the dimensions of the devices are striking in their compactness - the height, width and length of the edges do not exceed one meter.

The system is easily installed in ready-made and used drainage pits. Which undoubtedly attracts not only the owners of private houses and summer cottages, but also the inhabitants of large cottages, owners of mini-hotels and cafes.

The manufacturer guarantees high-quality cleaning up to 98%. Aerobic bacteria for the septic tank are used in the processing of wastewater, showing excellent results. The structure consists of a treatment module and a wind generator used to pump oxygen. The aerator ensures uniform mixing of air with liquid sewage waste, which activates the activity of bacteria.

The cleaning module must be placed in a cubic two-chamber container with dimensions of at least 1.5 meters along all sides. The container can be made of metal or any polymer. Concrete structures treated with waterproofing materials are also suitable.

Installation recommendations

If the owners decide to improve their country house themselves, they will need to first familiarize themselves with the installation instructions. First of all, you need to choose a place to install a septic tank, taking into account sanitary standards, and prepare a pit at the chosen location.

At the bottom there is a cushion of sand and crushed stone. And if the water level at the construction site is high, then it is necessary to lay a reinforced concrete slab on top of the sand cushion and secure the septic tank body to it. Then you will need to connect communications to the septic tank - inlet and outlet pipes. After this, the pit is backfilled and the septic tank is insulated.

What customers say about this installation:

  1. We recently installed a Rostock mini septic tank at our dacha, but immediately appreciated all the amenities it provides. You get used to good things quickly, so now we remember with fear the basins and buckets that we used to carry before. But they haven’t yet realized how quickly the chambers fill up, and how often they will have to pump out.
  2. For a long time they did not decide to buy a plastic septic tank, because they were afraid that the body would not “survive the winter” and would be crushed by the soil. But the experience of our neighbors, who installed a septic tank in the Rostok Dacha option, convinced us. We looked at the neighbors, how people lived, and we were all running around with buckets, and bought ourselves a similar model. The septic tank worked successfully during the summer season and “survived” the winter well. So it was in vain that we delayed the purchase for so long.

So, you can use Rostock septic tanks to equip your dacha or home. These installations are simple and reliable, so they are deservedly popular among consumers. For a house in which the family will live permanently, a Rostock cottage septic tank is suitable; if the water consumption is small, you should choose the Country or Mini model.

Why is it worth paying attention to this device?

The septic tank market offers a variety of models, which makes it very difficult to choose. And yet there are undisputed sales leaders, among which are the Chistok systems.

They attract buyers with their undeniable advantages:

  • The special finned shape prevents the container from floating up. The one-piece design guarantees complete sealing of the device.
  • Robust housing with walls 14mm thick on the flat areas and 16mm thick on the fins.
  • When using post-treatment, the output is water purified to 90-95%.
  • The need to pump out sludge once a year. When using special bacteria - once every 5 years.
  • The simplicity of a device that is simply physically incapable of failure. The plastic housing has a service life of at least 50 years.
  • The system is non-volatile, which allows it to be used even in areas without utility lines.

No installation difficulties, during which you can significantly save on excavation work. Since you will need to dig a hole of a simple rectangular shape, you will not need to fill the bottom of the pit with concrete and anchor the device.

The cleaning septic tank is quite easy to install, some craftsmen even manage to install everything themselves

  • High quality septic tank combined with affordable cost.
  • The installation, together with the filtration field, represents a highly effective wastewater treatment system that produces practically clean water.
  • Simplicity and low cost of maintenance.

Internal structure of the system: functions of the compartments

If you look inside the septic tank, you can see 4 compartments that are interconnected using airlifts (as overflow devices are called). Airlifts are plastic tubes into which wastewater is forced by blowing air.

Due to the location of all sections in one building, the Unilos Astra septic tank does not require much space and is installed without the use of heavy construction equipment

Compartment #1 - receiver

The first compartment is a receiver into which wastewater from sewer pipes flows. In this chamber, all contents settle, the waters become clearer, and solid particles precipitate.

Compartment #2 - aeration tank

In it, the wastewater goes through the stage of processing by aerobic bacteria, and there is absolutely no need to replenish the septic tank with it. They reproduce well in the contents, and to speed up this process, the chamber is fed with oxygen. Astra uses the intermittent aeration method, which destroys nitrates that come with wastewater.

Compartment #3 - secondary settling tank

In the third compartment, all silt particles are divided into old and fresh. Fresh ones are lighter in weight, so the system sends them back to compartment No. 2 to go through a couple more stages of cleaning. The old sludge settles and is then sent to a separate receiver at the bottom of the compartment, from where it will have to be raked out periodically.

Compartment #4 - water purification sump

The last compartment finally purifies the water from suspended particles and removes it outside. A pump can be connected to it, which will forcibly remove water to the place desired by the owner.

The purified water coming out of the fourth compartment is discharged directly into the ground through a container without a bottom, so the owners will forever forget about calling the sewer truck

Modular system in a concrete ring: features and purpose

The fast septic tank is an autonomous and energy-dependent unit that allows you to purify dirty water that comes from residential buildings. The number of people living in them is from 1 to 125 people. Autonomous service is suitable for recreation centers, industrial buildings, villages and buildings that are located far from city sewers.

The module cleans wastewater with an uneven chemical composition. No consumables are required for work. The unit is cleaned once every four years. This fact distinguishes the device from similar devices from other companies. The quality of processed human waste is impressive: it is 98% purified.

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