Septic tank "Unilos Astra 3": characteristics, installation, instructions, prices, reviews

Dachas, like any other suburban real estate, are rarely provided with central drainage systems. To ensure a comfortable stay, such facilities are equipped with autonomous systems, which necessarily include a septic tank. If the water consumption is small, the compact Astra 3 treatment plant is the ideal choice.

Choosing a septic tank is a responsible matter. It is better to give preference to modern models that provide the highest quality of cleaning. Moreover, there are now compact models on sale that are perfect for a summer house or other facility with low water consumption. The most compact version of the septic tank from the Unilos Astra line is designed to serve three users.

For what purposes is it used?

The initial modification of Unilos Astra 3 is in demand among owners of country houses and small cottages. The Unilos Astra 3 installation can be installed in areas with high groundwater levels, while the sewer pipe insertion depth is 60 centimeters. In winter, the liquid transported from the house to the septic tank does not freeze, thanks to the pipes being laid at the required slope.


Unilos Astra septic tanks are very popular among country property owners. These are modern energy-dependent installations that provide complete wastewater treatment. Models are presented in a wide range. The most compact option is Unilos Astra 3.


The Unilos Astra 3 installation has the following characteristics:

  • productivity – 600 liters per day;
  • maximum discharge volume in a short period of time – 150 liters;
  • compressor quantity and power – 1 x 40 W;
  • case size – 1000 x 800 x 2130 mm (height is indicated taking into account the height of the fungus).

This septic tank is ideal for a property with low water consumption. For example, for a dacha where no more than three people will live at the same time. The maximum salvo discharge volume of this model does not allow the installation of a full-fledged bathtub. In the house you can install:

  • shower cabin;
  • washbasin and sink in the kitchen;
  • washing machine;
  • toilet.

Advice! The compact septic tank Astra 3 weighs only 135 kilograms, so during the installation process it will be possible to do without the use of special equipment.

Lead method

Treated water must be removed from the septic tank. There are two ways to do this:

  • By gravity. This option is good if the soil on the site absorbs water well and the groundwater is low.
  • Forcibly. In all other cases, water should be pumped out using a pump. For this purpose, the installation is equipped with additional equipment - a drainage pump and a container for collecting water.

Design and principle of operation

The station is made of high-strength, corrosion-resistant plastic with a wall thickness of 10 mm. Unilos Astra 3 device meets all current environmental safety requirements. With silent operation, any unpleasant odors are completely absent. Septic tank Unilos Astra 3 operating principle:

  1. First, all wastewater enters the receiving chamber, where initial mechanical treatment is carried out. Heavy fractions are separated and settle to the bottom, where they are processed by anaerobic bacteria.
  2. The next stage of purification takes place in the aeration tank, where, due to the interaction of oxygen with activated sludge, a colony of bacteria is formed and the breakdown of organic matter begins.
  3. Next, the wastewater enters the secondary settling tank, where the sludge is separated from the water and heavy particles are returned to the aeration tank through a technological opening.
  4. The last chamber is a sludge stabilizer. This is where the final stage of cleaning takes place.

How to use?

When using septic tanks from the Unilos Astra line, you must follow simple rules. If you ignore this point, the station may fail. The following must not be disposed of in the sewer:

  • construction waste, plastic bags, baby diapers and other things that cannot be recycled;
  • toxic substances, solvents, petrochemicals, medications, as well as water that was used to wash drinking water filters;
  • animal hair, as well as cleaning vegetables and mushrooms.

When choosing household chemicals, you should give preference to products that do not contain chlorine or other antibacterial additives. It is necessary to ensure that the volume of water discharged simultaneously does not exceed the maximum salvo discharge value.

Otherwise, the station will flood. In the event of a power outage, the sewage system should be used to a minimum, since the septic tank cannot function if the compressor is not working.

The septic tank must be regularly maintained by pumping out excess activated sludge. If you wish, you can perform the pumping yourself. If the Unilos Astra installation is used in a summer cottage, then when stopping for the winter, it is necessary to carry out simple conservation measures:

  • pump out excess sludge;
  • turn off the power;
  • dismantle the compressor (it must be kept warm);
  • fill the chambers two-thirds with water;
  • lower plastic bottles with sand, tied by the necks with ropes, into the chambers so that two-thirds of the bottles are immersed in water;
  • close the lid and place insulating material on top (for example, old blankets or jackets).

So, if you need to choose a suitable septic tank for your dacha, you should pay attention to the Astra 3 model. This is a modern installation that will provide high-quality wastewater treatment. In addition, the installation is easy to use, reliable and completely safe.

Advantages and disadvantages

The biological treatment station is in demand due to a number of undeniable advantages:

  • service life can reach 50 years;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • purification level – 98%;
  • no need for regular maintenance with a vacuum cleaner;
  • installation can be carried out in areas with high groundwater levels;
  • quick installation within a few hours, without the use of special equipment.

Among the disadvantages, the need to periodically pump out waste sludge and carry out maintenance is noted.

What is a septic tank?

Septic tank Astra 3 is a compact installation that performs a full cycle of wastewater treatment. As a result of the station’s operation, two types of products are formed – technically pure water and activated sludge. Water is allowed to be discharged onto the ground, into reservoirs or into community-wide storm sewer systems.

Advice! If desired, you can purchase an additional container into which purified water will be pumped, because it has neither odor nor a large amount of impurities and is quite suitable for irrigation or other household needs.

Activated sludge, the excess of which will need to be periodically pumped out of the station, can also be successfully used on the farm. The pumped-out substance can be sent to compost and, after rotting, used as an organic fertilizer.

Advice! Pumping out excess sludge will not be a big problem. To carry out this operation, the installation has a built-in pump (air lift). In addition, the pumped substance resembles ordinary lake sludge in color and smell, so there will be no problems with the spread of an unpleasant odor throughout the area.


  • daily productivity – 600 liters, the station is capable of serving up to 3 conditional users;
  • the installation can accept a salvo discharge of 150 liters of water;
  • power consumption is 40 W, the station will consume 1.3 kW of electricity per day;
  • weight – 120 kg;
  • dimensions – 0.82 x 1 x 2.03 meters;
  • the volume of the compartment accumulating sludge is 268 liters.

Discharge of purified water is possible either by gravity through the outlet pipe or by force. In the latter case, a drainage pump is included in the station package. The body of the Astra 3 septic tank is made of environmentally friendly and durable plastic – polypropylene.

The walls of the case are quite thick (20 mm) and have stiffening ribs, so the installation can withstand quite heavy loads. Complete sealing of the housing is achieved by using a special welding technology.

Possible installation schemes

A cushion of sand 15 cm thick is formed at the bottom of the prepared pit. The station is lowered into the pit on special cables; the septic tank must be mounted exclusively in a vertical position. After this, compaction is carried out by layer-by-layer backsprinkling, at the same time the installation is filled with water to the existing technological marks. The compressor for Unilos Astra 3 is connected immediately before starting the station. The pipes are first inserted with reliable sealing of the joints and the body is insulated if necessary. The electrical cable is laid in the pipeline trench.


A prerequisite for proper operation of the Unilos Astra 3 septic tank is regular maintenance. You can carry out the work yourself, but it is easier to conclude a service agreement with a specialized company. In the latter case, specialists will not only carry out cleaning, but also carry out scheduled preventive maintenance.

The sludge tank can be cleaned using the built-in pump. The pumped out sludge does not contain hazardous substances, so it can be disposed of in compost, and after a year or two the contents of the compost can be used to fertilize a vegetable garden or garden.

The Unilos Astra 3 deep biological treatment station is the junior model in the line. It has low productivity and compact dimensions. This station option is an ideal choice for a summer cottage or a small house for permanent residence, provided that the number of simultaneous residents does not exceed three people.

Prices and reviews

Unilos Astra 3 turnkey price will depend on various characteristics, such as the chosen drainage method and insertion depth. Call to buy Unilos Astra 3 at the best price, our specialists will help with the selection of materials and carry out installation in one day. Unilos Astra 3 reviews, which note that the station is perfectly adapted to operation in harsh climatic conditions and can operate without interruption in any season.
2021-04-01 05:29:59

Main stages of installation

Installation of Unilos Astra stations is quite simple, but requires taking into account local conditions. The installation work goes like this:

  • Prepare a pit and trenches for laying pipes. The requirements for the pit depend on the geological characteristics of the soil at the site.
  • The stations are installed and pipes are connected to them.
  • Backfill the pit with a mixture of dry cement and sand.
  • Connect the power supply and put the station into operation.

When building autonomous sewage systems for a small dacha or house, you should pay attention to the Unilos Astra 3 septic tank. To make sure of the effectiveness and convenience of these installations, you should read reviews from users who are already using this installation on their site.

Installation of an Astra septic tank at the dacha

Installation of an autonomous wastewater treatment plant in a local area or dacha requires correct determination of the installation location, in accordance with SNiP (2-5 m from the house, 25 m from the well, 3 m from the road), and preparation of consumables. When arranging the system, you will need water, sand, welding equipment for soldering pipes, and additional devices to simplify excavation work. The excavation of the pit is carried out manually. The work period is 3-4 hours for sandy soil, 8-10 hours for clay and loam.

The size of the pit is 50 cm larger than the dimensions of the septic tank in width and 10 cm in length. The height of the trenches is selected individually (60-120 cm), taking into account the slope of the sewer pipe - 2 cm/m, the outlet pipe - 7 cm/m. The bottom of the pit and trenches is covered with sand, forming a layer 10 cm high. Having lowered it onto a sand cushion, the station is leveled. The station is sprinkled with sand and filled with water at the same time. The liquid level in the container reaches the insertion point of the supply pipe.

All that remains is to connect the water main and lay the cable in the corrugated pipe. A hole with a diameter of 110 mm is created in the septic tank, a plastic pipe is inserted, and sealed with polypropylene solder. The supply trenches are filled with sand, the installation is filled to the level marked in the container with green stripes. The electrical equipment is connected to a separate circuit breaker in the house, and the septic tank is commissioned. The system is ready to go!

Positive characteristics of the Astra septic tank

The Astra septic tank differs from analogues in a number of advantages:

  1. A powerful and reliable structure for a summer residence is created from polypropylene sheets 20 mm thick. The device is completely sealed and resists ground movement. It has been in operation for more than 50 years.
  2. The efficiency of sewage water treatment with a septic tank reaches 98%.
  3. The small dimensions and weight of the device make it possible to install it manually in a pre-dug pit. The procedures are completed in 1-2 days. The temperature threshold allowed during the installation of the station is -10...+50 degrees.
  4. The Astra septic tank is volatile. Short-term power outages at the dacha do not affect the quality of ongoing processes.
  5. The device operates silently and does not emit a strong odor.
  6. Astra septic tanks are equipped with compressors of Japanese brands. The models are adapted to the Russian climate.
  7. The overall cover of the unit provides unobstructed access to the working elements.
  8. The warranty period for the operation of the Astra WWTP housing at the dacha is 3 years, components (compressors, pump) - 1 year.

Questions and answers about the Unilos Astra 3 septic tank

Tatyana: We installed Astra 3 six months ago, tell me how often maintenance is required? When is it time and can we do it ourselves?

Septic tank Good: If you live permanently, you need to maintain the septic tank once a quarter using a standard pump, or once every 6 months using a drainage pump to pump out mineralized sediment. To do the service yourself, use the “service book” that came with the kit. There the process is described in detail and with photographs. If you have any questions, write or call.

Construction of a septic tank Unilos Astra 3

Unilos Astra is an underground polypropylene monoblock with a wall thickness of 20mm and a bottom thickness of 80mm. Inside, the septic tank is divided into four chambers: the receiving chamber is the largest chamber into which wastewater enters; here the natural process of sedimentation of particles takes place, whose density is higher than the density of water; aeration tank (a special aerator is installed in it, wastewater is saturated with oxygen and purified when interacting with sludge, an oxidation process occurs that allows a number of organic contaminants to be broken down and removed from the water); sludge stabilizer (waste sludge accumulates in this section and accumulates over time at the bottom of the tank); secondary settling tank (the water is additionally settled and discharged cleanly outside).

The waste that accumulates as a result of wastewater treatment can be removed using built-in pumps (which anyone can master). You can also connect additional drainage pumps to the installation - then the cleaning process will become even easier!

Appearance of local autonomous sewage systems Unilos Astra

  • The cover of the Unilos Astra station is located on the surface of the earth, which makes maintenance of the station quite simple, and the flow of oxygen into the compressor compartment is free. And the septic tank body itself is located underground and does not deteriorate the appearance of the suburban area.
  • The entire system of deep biological wastewater treatment is housed in a single housing, thanks to which the design of the septic tank is compact and heat loss is reduced.
  • The housing of the Unilos Astra station is made of polypropylene. This is an environmentally friendly material that is not susceptible to corrosion, which ensures high reliability and durability of the structure.
  • The septic tank is completely sealed thanks to a unique welding technology, which also increases mechanical strength.
  • Thanks to the small overall dimensions of the station and mounting loops, transporting and installing the septic tank is easy and convenient.
  • Wastewater treated in a septic tank can be discharged directly into the ground, ravine or storage well, and if the septic tank has a forced discharge, then into a drainage ditch.
  • Since the station body has stiffening ribs and is made of polypropylene, installation of the septic tank can be carried out without prior concreting

Design and features

The Unilos Astra septic tank is an autonomous water purification system, which is designed for a different number of people living in the house (depending on the model, this is 5 for five family members, or 8 for eight, respectively). A bioseptic is considered safer to use than a classic mechanical sump tank, since it does not cause any harm to the environment and is characterized by cleaning efficiency. Its analogues are the developments of the company Unilos Scarab and Cyclone, Topas from the Topol and Yubas plant.

Photo - Astra modifications

The bioseptic tank is designed using an all-in system, i.e., all compartments are located in one container - the main tank. This tank is divided into several sections: a receiver, an aerobic chamber or aeration tank, a settling tank and a sludge receiver. Each is connected to the previous one, but thanks to the special design of the filters and the presence of a compressor, water cannot flow into the previous one. Due to the pump, technology with forced drainage of wastewater is used, which significantly speeds up the process of operation of the entire system.

Photo - Astra design

Advantages of the system:

  1. The device guarantees fully automatic wastewater treatment with high efficiency. According to recent studies, the efficiency is up to 99%, which is almost twice as high as that of systems with a mechanical operating principle;
  2. Simple installation on site;
  3. Energy saving. The consumption of a septic tank can be compared to the electricity costs of operating a washing machine;
  4. The special design of the tanks prevents gas leaks and unpleasant odors. This is especially important if the septic tank is installed in the courtyard of a residential country house or in a country house;
  5. Technical resistance to mechanical and chemical influences. In addition, spare parts do not respond to sudden temperature changes characteristic of the Russian climate;
  6. The compressor installed in the treatment tank provides high speed pumping of clean water and purification of contaminated wastewater. When using traditional settling tanks, sewerage is cleaned within 3 days.

But the Astra septic tank also has its disadvantages :

  1. Expensive maintenance. The main filter used to treat water is anaerobic bacteria. They need to be updated every year, otherwise the system will be ineffective;
  2. Repair and maintenance are very difficult to do with your own hands;
  3. High cost of the system;
  4. Due to the presence of living microorganisms, so that they do not die in winter, the septic tank requires additional insulation;
  5. With intensive use, regular malfunctions of aerobic tubes and filters are possible.

If you compare mechanical and natural cleaning options with biological ones, there will be no doubt. The biosystem is based on completely natural processes, where microorganisms that are safe for humans clean wastewater from odors and solid particles and saturate them with useful substances. In addition, the operating scheme provides for the presence of toilet paper and other hygiene products in the sewer water, and does not clog even with a large amount of them.

Marking of septic tanks "Astra"

Treatment plants for dachas of the Astra series are supplied to the Russian market in three versions:

  • Standard - a model that provides pipe insertion at a height of 60 cm from the ground surface;
  • Midi allows connection of the inlet pipe at a depth of 60...90 cm;
  • Long is a septic tank for a summer residence, allowing you to connect the supply line at a height of 90...120 cm.

The structures are equipped with additional devices that facilitate operation and service. The manufacturer allows the use of a built-in sewage pumping station (sewage pumping station), a post-treatment unit with a pump, a UV disinfectant, and an ultrasonic cavitation apparatus.

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