Septic tank "Triton": overview of the model range, installation features and consumer reviews

Not every country house can be connected to a central sewer system. For a long time, the problem of wastewater in dachas and private houses was solved with the help of cesspools and home-made treatment facilities. Today, local treatment systems come to the rescue. These can be expensive and difficult to operate stations that do an excellent job of cleaning. But there are also easier and cheaper, but no less productive options, one of which is installing a septic tank.

The word septic tank came into Russian from English. septic, which means putrid. The design is a structure that purifies an average of 25 m³ of domestic wastewater in one day. The operating principle of such an autonomous treatment plant is quite simple. It consists in the fact that used water flows through a pipe into a special container, where it undergoes fermentation. Purified by 50-70%, it goes into the soil, where the purification cycle is completed. The sediment remaining in the septic tank accumulates and is removed using a sewage disposal machine.

Today there is a wide range of autonomous treatment facilities on sale, the most popular of which is the three-chamber septic tank “Triton” from the company -.

  • 2 Triton septic tanks: advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 Installation of a septic tank
  • 4 Reviews about the septic tank

Triton or Tank

Often the same septic tank model is called Triton mini and Tank mini. In fact, the functionality is the same, two well-known manufacturers simply released the installations almost simultaneously. The Triton mini septic tank has the following key characteristics:

  • It can process and purify wastewater from 2-3 people who live in the house at the same time or from time to time.
  • The body is made of low-density polyethylene, which makes the structure strong and durable.
  • It contains 2 chambers in which mechanical and biological treatment of wastewater from the house occurs.
  • The cleaning capacity per day is 400 liters, a salvo discharge that the septic tank can withstand is 500 liters. Such data is indicated in the installation passport.
  • The total volume is 750 l, while it weighs only 85 kg (including a 20 kg infiltrator), this makes it possible to install it yourself, without the use of special equipment.
  • Dimensions – 1.25 x 0.82 x 1.7 m, infiltrator – 1.8 x 0.8 x 0.4 m.

Important! Although there are possibilities for processing 400 liters of wastewater per day, it is still better not to exceed the volume of 250 liters. Otherwise, rapid silting of the infiltrator will occur.

Septic tank Triton mini

Brand “Triton”: distinctive features of devices

]septic tanks Tank[/anchor] and Triton, focusing on the characteristics of consumer demand, has created a full line of structures, from small-sized storage tanks to powerful treatment stations designed to serve apartment buildings.

The models have a horizontal and vertical shape, differ in size, weight, number of chambers, cleaning efficiency, productivity, completeness and, taking into account all of the above, cost

In private households, Triton brand treatment devices that operate on the principle of settling tanks are predominantly used.

When choosing the size and performance of a septic tank, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • soil type;
  • location of groundwater;
  • number of residents;
  • permanent or temporary type of residence;
  • daily waste volumes;
  • temperature indicators, etc.

For example, for a family of 2 people who come to the dacha only in the warm season, the smallest device - a Triton Micro with a volume of 180 liters - is sufficient. The unit not only accumulates and sediments waste water, but also purifies it in the infiltrator.

For a family of 3 people who regularly visit the dacha, the Triton Mini , the volume of which is much larger - 750 liters. The local treatment device operates on the same principle as the Micro model - with subsequent post-treatment in the infiltrator.

Despite the name, the building can easily serve a company of 5 people visiting for the weekend.

Triton N is a storage tank that regularly requires sewerage services. Specialists are called as the tank fills.

The need to install a storage tank arises if the groundwater level is high enough and it is not possible to install an infiltrator or there is simply no need to install a more serious device due to seasonal visits to the estate.

The volume of the tank is selected depending on the amount of wastewater. Household models include products with a capacity of 1000...5000 liters, but there are also larger devices that can hold up to 40 thousand liters. The table shows the characteristics of the model range of devices with elliptical ends (+)

For a family living outside the city permanently, the best option is Triton T - a three-chamber structure with additional infiltration. The performance of the septic tank was calculated empirically; as a result, when purchasing, you do not need to provide data on the expected volumes; it is enough to name the number of people living in the house.

If you need to save money, you can purchase Triton ED - a two-chamber septic tank with an infiltrator. The quality of cleaning will be slightly lower, but maintenance will also be easier.

It is important to remember that all types of Triton septic tanks contain VOCs that can purify wastewater by a maximum of 75%. The exception is the Triton N , which does not have a cleaning function.

Regular cleaning is required for all types of septic tanks. The difference is that storage tanks are emptied completely and frequently, while in septic tanks only solid sediment must be removed so that volumetric compactions are not created at the bottom.

You should also remove excess activated sludge, a breeding ground for microorganisms. Sludge is effectively used as fertilizer.

Cleaning in chambers

The Triton mini septic tank works similarly to other LOS (local treatment plant) models. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  • The first chamber receives wastewater from the house, where it settles. As a result, solid particles precipitate. The insoluble ones float to the top.
  • Upon reaching a certain level for overflow (and the wastewater must remain in the first chamber for at least 3 days), the clarified liquid passes through the biofilter. Its main component is floating bioparticles. Due to the specific design of such a filter, additional mechanical cleaning also occurs.
  • Triton mini septic tank operates with anaerobic bacteria, that is, those that can live without oxygen.
  • Transfer to the infiltrator. At the outlet of the installation, the wastewater is still dirty - the degree of purification is only 65%. Already in the infiltrator they are purified to 98%, which makes it possible to discharge them into the soil.

Septic tank Triton and infiltrator

Principle of operation

The Triton autonomous cleaning device is a set of devices for collecting household wastewater and household waste, which includes three chambers, like its predecessor, the Tank. In these chambers, solid particles settle to the bottom due to the low speed of water movement, and then decompose.

While the water passes through all the chambers, it gets rid of suspended matter and is purified, and the purified wastewater ends up on a special filtration platform.

Today, the manufacturing company produces many different modifications of septic tanks, which differ in design, shape, and size.

The Importance of Infiltration

According to sanitary standards, the wastewater that comes out of the septic tank in question cannot be discharged into the soil. Often those who do not equip an infiltrator, in order to save money, then write angry reviews that Triton emits an odor and has spoiled the soil. If you do not install an additional cleaning system, this is exactly what will happen.

The infiltrator itself is an additional system that helps clean the drains. It consists of:

  • Containers without a bottom, with a pipe running through the dome. It comes out with wastewater that has been treated in a septic tank.
  • The main filter element is a sand-crushed stone bed, and the wastewater is sprayed onto it.

Important! The filter under this additional element needs to be changed from time to time, as it wears out, as evidenced by its silting. This process will occur more slowly if it is used in such a way that the wastewater is retained in it for at least 2-3 days.

Price list for three-stone septic tank Triton-T. Sewage for home and garden.


volumesize (DxL)Price with VAT
septic tank Triton-T 1 qty. 2 people 1 0001200x117024 500
septic tank Triton-T 1.5 no. 3 people 1 5001200x162030 000
septic tank Triton-T 2 no. 4 people 2 0001200x202039 000
septic tank Triton-T 2.5 no. 5 people 2 5001200x252048 000
septic tank Triton-T 3 no. 6 people 3 0001200x292057 000
septic tank Triton-T4 no. 8 people 4 0001200x382072 000
septic tank Triton-T5 no. 10 people 5 0001200x472085 000
septic tank Triton-T6 no. 12 people 6 0001500x3600132 000
septic tank Triton-T7 no. 14 people 7 0001500x4200150 000
septic tank Triton-T8 no. 16 people 8 0001500x4800168 000
septic tank Triton-T 9 no. 18 people 9 0001500x5300188 000
septic tank Triton-T 10 qty. 20 people 10 0001500x6000210 000
septic tank Triton-T 11 no. people 11 0001500x6500228 000
septic tank Triton-T 12 qty. people 12 0002000x4050270 000
septic tank Triton-T 13 qty. people 13 0002000x4350299 000
septic tank Triton-T 14 qty. people 14 0002000x4700337 500
septic tank Triton-T 15 qty. people 15 0002000x5000361 300
septic tank Triton-T 20 qty. people 20 0002000x6700478 400
septic tank Triton-T 30 qty. people 30 0002000x9800622 100


Advantages and disadvantages

Numerous reviews help to formulate both positive and negative qualities of the septic tank in question. Among the positive qualities:

  • Affordable kit price. Often sellers offer VOCs immediately with the infiltrator.
  • Duration of operation – from 50 years.
  • Ease of installation, use, maintenance.
  • You need to clean the Triton mini septic tank no more than once a year.
  • The installation is autonomous and energy-independent, which means it can easily be used for a summer residence.
  • If installation conditions are met, it does not emit odors.
  • It can function even at negative temperatures, down to –30⁰.
  • Cleaning is effective; wastewater after the infiltrator can be discharged directly into the soil.
  • Resistant to harsh chemicals that sometimes end up in sewers.
  • Excellent tightness, does not suffer from corrosion.


  • It will not be possible to install such a septic tank in a too limited area, since it is necessary to comply with SNiP standards and at the same time correctly position the septic tank itself and the filtration fields.
  • The infiltrator must be periodically cleaned and the sand and gravel bed replaced.
  • You should not dump more than 250 liters per day, although the manufacturer talks about 400 liters.

Installation diagram of the Triton mini septic tank

Approximate prices

The cost of any septic tank is influenced by the complexity of the design (products with airlifts and aerators cost many times more), the volume of the tanks used, the materials used and their reliability, which is directly related to the thickness of the tank walls. The manufacturer’s brand and the seasonality of sales play an important role in the pricing policy - the highest prices for goods are observed in the spring and summer; in winter, products can be purchased at significant discounts.

Prices for Triton are considered affordable and depend on the above factors. The cost of Triton T and Triton N products from most suppliers ranges from 24,000 (T-1, N-1) to 915,000 rubles. (N-60), prices for Triton DE range from 29,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Price list for the Triton-T model and additional equipment

Installation procedure

User reviews affected the installation process of the Triton septic tank. In general, it is characterized as lightweight. The installation procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Construction of a pit for a septic tank, sewer pipes, and infiltrator. The pit must have a depth of at least 50 cm, +30 cm on the sides.
  • A sand and gravel cushion is created at the bottom of the pit. If the water level is high, then you will need to install a reinforced concrete slab or pour a concrete floor. It is important to achieve the correct (zero) bottom level.
  • Lower the installation into the pit and fill it with water. At this stage, you need to make sure that the installation does not have cracks or other defects that could affect its functioning.
  • Laying pipes and installing an infiltrator.
  • Backfilling. It is carried out like this: the septic tank is filled with a mixture of sand and cement with regular pouring of water and compaction.
  • Lay several layers of insulation on top of the installation. Fertile soil is already being added to them.
  • Only the inspection hatch remains on the surface of the earth.

According to reviews, it is most convenient to use such a compact installation for a country house. The amount of waste that is produced there and the irregularity of being at the dacha is the key to long-term and uninterrupted operation of the Triton mini.

Modern technologies at the service of people

Cesspools are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Local sewage system based on a septic tank (DST) will create environmentally friendly living conditions.

But you need to choose a specific model based on the characteristics of the site:

  • soil type,
  • occurrence of aquifers,
  • geological features of the area,
  • and others.

The Triton model range includes devices that are suitable for both a summer house and a country house.

"Triton-mini" is intended for use in a country house or in a small private house with a family of 3-4 people.

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