Overview of the characteristics of the Terra septic tank: what they are, description, pros and cons, device, maintenance and operation manual, installation

When building a house, it should be taken into account that a comfortable stay in it is ensured by securely installed communications and especially thanks to the sewerage system. Before creating one, it is important to think about what kind of cleaning station you will use. Many home owners choose the Terra septic tank.

The septic tank is easy to maintain and use, and therefore it is chosen by many owners of suburban areas.

Cleaning system design

The treatment plant tank is constructed from polyethylene, which is strong enough to withstand heavy loads. On the stiffeners, the wall thickness of such products reaches 5 cm. Despite this, during installation it is important to fill the tank when backfilling the pit, so that the walls do not deform due to pressure differences.

The Terra station is divided by partitions into several chambers, each of which performs a specific function. All chambers are connected into one system thanks to pipes. The last tank of this design is equipped with a pump, thanks to which the wastewater is quickly removed into the ground.

crazy hands

Is it possible to build a septic tank yourself?

It is possible and necessary. Most local treatment facilities are built with your own hands.

A pair of Eurocubes were used for the construction of local treatment facilities.

What materials can be used?

I will list only the most accessible and popular solutions.

Septic tank made of rings . For the construction of a sump and filter well, reinforced concrete KS rings are purchased. The bottom of the sump is concreted, the bottom of the drainage well remains unpaved.

A couple of subtleties:

  • The seams between the rings in the sump are sealed with cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass. It will speed up the setting of the solution and make it waterproof;
  • Drainage well rings are installed on a bed of gravel or crushed stone. They also perform backfilling. In this case, not only the soil bottom will absorb water. but also the walls of the pit.

The photo shows a single-chamber septic tank with a filter well made of reinforced concrete rings.

Monolithic septic tank. It is delivered and installed ready-made, or poured on site, right in the pit. The walls and bottom of the pit with waterproofing laid on them (polyethylene or roofing felt) serve as external formwork. The internal one is made of available materials - boards, plywood or OSB (oriented strand board). The easiest way to cover a monolithic septic tank on top is with a PD-LT slab with a hatch for pumping out the contents.

Two-chamber reinforced concrete settling tank.

  • Brick septic tank . The walls of the settling tank are laid out of red brick on a concrete pad laid on top of a sand bedding at the bottom of the pit. In a drainage well, unlike a sump, the walls are placed with gaps. Backfilling is done with crushed stone or gravel.

Brick two-chamber sump. Use only red bricks: silicate bricks are destroyed in water.

  • Septic tank for a summer house made from barrels . The settling tank (an ordinary 200-liter steel barrel) is connected by an overflow to a filter well (the same barrel without a bottom). Sealing of connections with the supply pipe and overflow is carried out with silicone sealant, anti-corrosion protection of steel is done with bitumen mastic or bitumen varnish.

An enameled steel barrel is a ready-made container for settling domestic wastewater.

  • Septic tank made from car tires . Old rubber can still serve you when constructing an autonomous sewer system. The construction instructions are extremely simple: just stack the tires in the pit. The volume of the sump and drainage well will be small, but it will be quite enough for the dacha visited on weekends.

Drainage well with walls made of old tires.

My experience

I converted a concrete cesspool into a septic tank using a plastic water container as a septic tank. Details of the construction of a septic tank are at your service.

ImageDesign element

The sump is a polyethylene tank with a volume of 1000 liters.
When calculating the septic tank, I proceeded not from sanitary standards, but from the actual water consumption. Due to the peculiarities of the layout of the yard, the tank had to be installed not in the ground, but openly, under the porch of the house, fortunately the climate of Crimea allows this.

Supply pipes and overflow are laid openly.
The connections to the tank are sealed with silicone. Here you can only use very high-quality sealant from trusted manufacturers: cheap silicone does not stick to smooth polyethylene at all.

Both the pipes and the septic tank are heated. Winters in Sevastopol are mild, but frosts still occur.
For an overflow with a diameter of 50 mm, I used a self-regulating heating cable with a power of 10 watts per linear meter; for an inflow with a diameter of 110 mm, I used the same cable, but with a power of 16 W/m.

The cable is secured to the pipes outside using aluminum tape and polyethylene ties.

Several turns of cable are laid directly into the septic tank. Of course, the end sleeve and connection to the cold end remained outside: aggressive household waste corrodes the heat-shrinkable tube in 1-2 years, but the cable insulation can come into contact with them without any damage for an indefinitely long time.

Principle of operation

The described dacha sewage system works as follows:

  1. At the first stage of cleaning, water from the sewer enters the receiving chamber. After this, it settles and separates into water and sediment, which settles to the bottom.
  2. The waste then flows into the next chamber. The process of aeration and oxidation occurs in it. At this stage, fine debris settles as sludge.
  3. After this, the wastewater enters the third chamber, where settling occurs. Also at this stage, clarification is carried out using bacteria.
  4. Next, the water flows into chamber 4, where additional cleaning is carried out.
  5. At the last stage, the water enters chamber 5, from where it is discharged into the soil using a pump.

After the purification process, 98 percent purified water is removed from the system.


Deep biological wastewater treatment plants are the most effective way to install suburban sewage systems today.

Terra autonomous wastewater treatment plants are fully equipped and ready for operation. The standard package includes:

  • Compressor SECOH or HIBLOW
  • Station control unit
  • Stationary sludge pumping
  • Sludge stabilizer
  • Ventilation (on the hatch)
  • Pipe aerators "Matala"
  • Three-layer PVC air supply hoses, reinforced
  • Chrome fittings
  • Air distribution comb with adjustment of station chambers
  • Coupler for connecting the incoming line d110mm
  • Forced ejection pump
  • Emergency alarm

The lineup

When choosing a cleaning station for a country house, you should consider the features of different models:

  1. "Terra-3". This station is small in size and is designed to receive wastewater, the volume of which can reach 700 liters. A septic tank can process up to 300 liters per day. It should be noted that the Terra septic tank can withstand a single intake of up to 150 liters of wastewater. The weight of the entire installation is 150 kg. The dimensions of the device are 1.2x2 m. If necessary, you can purchase an extended model, the length of which is increased to 2.5 meters.
  2. Terra-5 station. This installation was created taking into account the wastewater that passes through the sewer system when 5 people live in a house. The station is capable of receiving 250 liters at a time. Moreover, its maximum volume is 1200 liters. The mass of the station is 220 kg.
  3. Terra-8 station. This system is designed to accommodate 8 people in a house. It can also be used for two houses connected by a sewer system. In this case, the simultaneous discharge of wastewater can reach 800 liters. If desired, you can find an enlarged station. The volume of the described septic tank is 1600 liters, which is quite enough for two houses or a family of 8 people.
  4. Septic tank "Terra-10". The described system is intended for a family of 10 people and can process up to 100 liters per day. The mass of the described equipment is 350 kg.
  5. Installation "Terra-20". This septic tank is the largest and is often used for joint sewerage for 3-4 houses. The tank volume is 4000 liters.

Knowing the approximate volume of wastewater entering the sewer, you can easily determine which of the proposed devices is suitable for your site. It is also worth seeking advice from specialists or ordering the installation of a septic tank. In this case, professionals will do all the work efficiently and in a short period of time.


1. The wall thickness of the TERRA case is 25-50 mm , other manufacturers use sheets of 6, 8 or 12 mm. 2. The depth of connection of the sewer pipeline in TERRA is 0.6 m - 0.7 m from the surface of the earth, which corresponds to the Code of Practice SP 32.13330.2012. Other manufacturers offer a connection at 0.3 - 0.4 m. 3. The dimensions of TERRA stations correspond to the declared volumes of processing of domestic wastewater. 4. TERRA stations without a seam on the body.

✓ The quality of Terra deep biological treatment stations is confirmed by the Certificate of Conformity, Expert Opinion, Declaration of Conformity of the Customs Union, and complies with the standards and technical specifications in force in the Russian Federation.

All products are certified. Technical certificate.

Supervised installation from 8,000

rubles, installation from
rubles .

We produce stations for up to 500 people.

We invite construction and installation teams to cooperate.

Call: +7 multichannel

The walls of the Terra installation are made of low-density polyethylene, the stiffeners are reinforced. The color of the installation and hatch is green.

Advantages of Terra equipment

When considering reviews of the operation of the systems described, you can come across both positive and negative reviews. The advantages include:

  1. Durability. The Terra septic tank can operate for more than 50 years.
  2. Convenient shape. Thanks to its shape, the septic tank will not rise even if no anchoring technique was used during its installation.
  3. Reliability of wastewater treatment. As a result of the passage of currents through the system, water is obtained that is 98 percent purified.
  4. Simplicity of the system installation and maintenance process. Caring for the system does not require experience or large financial costs.

The only disadvantage of a septic tank is its energy dependence. It should be remembered that if there is a power outage in the area for more than 5 hours, an anaerobic reaction will begin in the chambers of the septic tank, which will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Septic tank maintenance

For high-quality operation of the Terra system, it is necessary to ensure its reliable maintenance. It consists of the following:

  • It is necessary to periodically clean the sludge in the first chamber of the septic tank. This needs to be done once every 2-3 years. And to increase the interval between cleanings, you can use aerobic bacteria that will soften the sludge and reduce its volume.
  • Once every six months it is worth pumping out water from the fifth chamber of the septic tank.
  • The filter installed in the third chamber of the device requires thorough washing once a year.
  • Visually inspect all autonomous sewer chambers at least once every six months.

Important: it is worth knowing that water purified using the Terra family structure can be used for watering garden crops. And the residual sludge from all chambers is suitable for their seasonal fertilization.


How to install the system

First you need to choose the right place where the septic tank should be located. It must be more than 5 meters away from all buildings on the site. If there is a well on the site, the septic tank must be located at a distance of more than 20 meters. It is also important to locate the cleaning system at the bottom of the terrain.

After determining the exact location of the septic tank, you can begin to create a pit. Its dimensions should be approximately 40 cm larger than the structure being laid on all sides. The bottom of the created pit is filled with sand to a height of about 30 cm. It is important to compact this material well and check the horizontalness of the surface.

The equipment must be laid in such a way that the hatch is located at a height of 1.5 m above the ground. This is necessary to prevent the possibility of melt water and precipitation entering the tanks.

To prevent the structure from rising during soil heaving or being washed away by groundwater, the pit around the septic tank should be filled with a cement-sand mixture. To prevent pressure drops on the walls of the septic tank during backfilling, it is necessary to gradually fill the tanks with water. The sprinkling must be compacted well.

After the work is completed, the top of the tank is insulated, after which it is backfilled with soil. After this, the sewer pipe is installed. Need to remember. That it should be located on a slope. Also, don't forget about electricity.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer suggests following the installation instructions:

  • The instructions say that it is better to choose a place for installation in a low area;
  • The VOC septic tank must be installed at a distance of 5 m from the road, at least 10 m from the reservoir, and at least 50 m from the well (well) with drinking water. The VOC septic tank should be located three meters from trees and at least 4 m from the building.

After installation, the VOC septic tank can immediately clean the sewer. More details about the installation of VOC septic tanks are described in the video and photo instructions.

Reviews confirm that it is better to follow the instructions for maintaining VOC septic tanks:

  • Once a week, check the liquid after cleaning at the outlet of the VOC septic tank for transparency and absence of odor;
  • Once every 12 months clean the chambers of the septic tank VOC from sludge. The septic tank aerator releases VOCs by 30%, and the septic tank by 60%;
  • Once every 2 weeks, replace the tablet in the VOC purification device compartment;
  • Once every 14 days, add a VOC biological product to the septic tank.

The price of a VOC septic tank depends on the model, region and dealer. Also, the price of VOC sewage treatment stations may change during promotions and special offers.

Below are approximate prices for various models of VOC septic tanks in Moscow

Table 1 – Prices for VOC sewage treatment plants

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