Tiret-turbo for pipes: reviews and instructions for use

Every home has a pipeline that will have to be cleaned sooner or later. Using all these home devices, sooner or later the drain in the bathroom or kitchen becomes clogged. To fix the product, you need to use chemicals, pipe cleaner powder, gel. One of the most effective gels for removing complex blockages in pipes is Tiret.

ATTENTION! A unique, highly effective product has been developed for cleaning sewer pipes, eliminating any blockages. The product is a concentrated mixture of enzymes that easily break down and process fat accumulations and any deposits of organic origin. One package of Saniclean will last you a whole year! Read more"


A sewer pipe cleaner called “Tiret” is the best gel for saving sewers from dirt and blockages. The product includes:

  • bleach with a chlorine content of about 5-15%;
  • anionic surfactants less than 5%;
  • non-iogenic surfactants less than 5%.

This gel is available in all hardware stores and almost all large supermarkets in the country. There are several varieties of Tiret:

  • prophylactic;
  • professional;
  • turbo.

The components of the miracle remedy are identical in all forms of release; differences are present only in the percentage addition of surfactants.

The surfactant contained in Tiret gel dissolves grease and other blockages on the internal surfaces of the pipeline. Also, active surfactants are instantly mixed in a chemical reaction, which speeds up the sewer cleaning process.

Thanks to the increased content of active gel components, Tiret can clean out even the most difficult, most neglected contaminants in the sewer pipes of the house.

Gel Tiret Turbo Specialist for removing blockages

You can imagine that you are familiar with the commercial pipe cleaning products: Instant Power concentrate, Mole, Eco-drain for blockages 100 g, Atmosbio for pipe cleaning 1 l (Makzim), bacterial pipe cleaner Robik K-67, available on the market now. However, it is difficult to call them safe, since most of the remedies for blockages are based on heavy chemical substances, which, among other things, are not always effective. Chemical substances also form harmful vapors, which settle in a toxic layer in the bathroom and kitchen after introduction, which is fraught with negative consequences for the health of people living in the apartment/house. In such a situation, it is better to trust other means that promise results without consequences. A very effective means of fighting ( martial arts, hand-to-hand combat between two people, in which each tries to overpower the other, knocking him down
) against blockages was and remains the Tiret Professional gel.

If you check, you will find many chemical products on sale to remove clogged drains. But, Tiret Turbo gel remains a more effective remedy against sewer blockages for almost all homeowners. Why? For the simple reason that rubs promote disinfection along with the removal of dirt, grease, oil, wax and mold. Another positive effect is water softening. All that remains is to remove the blockage. Let's look at the implementation of tiret turbo using the example of clearing a clog in the sink.

Before all this, you need to take care of your own protection. You will need a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands, as well as glasses to protect your eyes from contact with the baking soda/gel. The reaction to contact can be very violent, so protective measures are imperative. Show timely concern.

Now that you have everything ready, take a measured dose of Tiret Professional gel (Tiret) Specialist and pour it into the drain. Wait some time for the rubbing gel to react with the clogged pipe.

Next, take half the dose of thyret and pour it down the drain. Again, leave the clog alone for half an hour. The reaction of the gel with the clog produces carbon dioxide, which appears as bubbles and eats away the debris and oils from the clog in the pipe.

Now comes the most crucial moment of the entire procedure. You will need to boil water, you need 5-6 glasses of boiling water, which are slowly poured into the sewer, so that the clog weakened by the chemical reaction is washed out of the pipe. Don't lean over the sink to watch the reaction. Stay away as boiling water can aggravate the scrubbing reaction.

In general, this completes the cycle of the pipe cleaning process. Continue repeating the function if the blockage was not removed the first time. As a rule, 3-4 times is enough. Beware of the introduction of Tiret Specialist ( an employee whose duties require the presence of primary, secondary or higher professional (special) education or good practical knowledge and/or practical

) with bleach, as these two products when combined produce harmful chemical gases that should not be inhaled.

Remember, you can use this pipe cleaner when you have iron pipes installed in your home. The alloy simply opposes the reaction ( an action that occurs in response to some impact

), which cannot be said about the plastic pipeline, which can melt as a result of this reaction. Products for plastic pipes are usually marked with a corresponding inscription on the label.

It is recommended to use this solution on a weekly basis as part of the prevention of blockages. This is all we wanted to tell you about the use of Tiret Turbo Specialist gel, we hope that this information has borne fruit in the fight against blockages.

How does the product work?

The action of Tiret is aimed at quickly removing existing blockages in sewer pipes. In addition to its main purpose, the product perfectly disinfects the surface of the pipeline. By eliminating bacteria that cause unpleasant odors from pipes, the product protects pipes from blockages for a long time after the last use.

Before using the drug, it is recommended to read the instructions for use of Tiret. Products in the form of a gel-like substance are the most economical and profitable. One unit of Tiret is enough, usually for 2 times. The dense chemical consistency penetrates existing contaminants on the pipeline and leads to the dissolution of pipe deposits. Tiret turbo removes dirt better than other standard sewer mixtures.

The price of this miracle cleaner ranges around 200 rubles, which is much more economical than its analogues. Tiret-turbo works not only as a dirt cleaner; in addition to removing dirt deposits, it eliminates unpleasant odors emanating from sewer pipes. Odor is removed by eliminating microbes that live in the sewer environment. Tiret is suitable for use in cleaning both metal and plastic pipes.

Properties and features of the drug

Processing sewer pipes requires caution, since the chemical composition of Tiret Turbo is quite aggressive. The drug is produced in the form of a thick gel. It is this consistency that allows the composition to penetrate deep into the pipe even through a thick layer of mash.

Also in household chemicals there are several highly effective components that perform the main task. They are responsible for breaking down particles of fat, dirt, food and other debris located in the pipe lumen. Their role is played by surfactants and chlorine-containing components.

Source lori.ru

The pipe cleaner also contains antibacterial components that will help disinfect the sewer system from the inside and remove stagnant, rotten odors. The only disadvantage of this composition is the presence of an unpleasant pungent odor. It quickly evaporates when the room is thoroughly ventilated, and when using it, you will have to acquire personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves).

My advice! I recommend using this pipe cleaner 1-2 times a month. Due to the content of gentle components inside, the applied composition does not corrode the sewerage structure inside. It tends to penetrate the clog even if the sink is full of water.

Source diz-kitchen.ru


Why do people, faced with the problem of a clogged pipeline in their home, prefer Tiret? This product has a number of advantages that distinguish it from competitors on the market. The main positive properties are:

  • quick action to eliminate blockages;
  • disinfectant property appears;
  • convenient release form with a safety bottle that provides child protection;
  • suitable for use in both metal and plastic pipes;
  • acceptable price;
  • one gel is enough for several uses;
  • Thanks to the preventive action, blockages will not appear in the pipeline for a long time.

The only disadvantages of Tiret are its constituent elements, which are quite toxic to humans. But correctly observed safety precautions when using gel for cleaning pipes will eliminate negative consequences.


When clearing complex blockages, other means are also used. They provide effective removal of grease, food waste, hair, fur, and limescale. When using all products, precautions must be observed. The following products are highly effective in removing blockages: Mole, Deboucher, Floop, Mister Muscle.

Release forms

Tiret produces products in three directions: professional, antibacterial and turbo. Each release form has its own pros and cons.

  1. The antibacterial does an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors from the pipeline; it is aimed not at eliminating existing blockages, but at preventing their occurrence (you should not purchase this gel format to clean contaminants);
  2. Professional is a strong fighter against blockages, removes almost any degree of harmful substances in one application, but the disadvantage of Tiret Professional is its narrow profile of action (the product is designed only for metal pipes, it will simply ruin plastic ones);
  3. Turbo combines the capabilities of both the first and second gels. Firstly, it perfectly removes blockages in all types of pipes, be they plastic or iron. Secondly, it is an excellent protector against the emergence of new contaminants on pipe surfaces.

It is precisely due to its wide functionality that consumers prefer the latest release form - Tiret Turbo.

How to use the product?

If there is little water flow in the bathroom, the sink is clogged, or there is an unpleasant smell in the kitchen that cannot be removed with a freshener, you need to act immediately. With the help of Saniclean you can easily cope with the situation without a plumber... Read more»

You have purchased the miracle product Tiret turbo, the next step is to immediately pour the gel consistency into the drain pipe or water. Leave the poured substance for five minutes. After the cleaning “session”, you need to rinse the surface to be cleaned with hot water, this must be done thoroughly.

In case of advanced clogged sewer pipes, the cleaning session lasts longer than five minutes, depending on the severity of the contamination. It is worth remembering that using the chemical must only be done with gloves that provide protection against contact of the active substance with soft tissues. It is also recommended to wear safety glasses; the product is very toxic.

Let us explain in order how to use Tiret on the farm:

  1. If there is water left in the sink or bathtub that cannot drain, it must be removed by scooping it out with a basin or cup.
  2. You need to pour 250 ml of Tiret turbo into the pipe.
  3. Leave for 5 or 15 minutes. The cleaning time depends on the severity of the contamination.
  4. Without washing away the remaining gel, add another 125 ml. Again we wait about 5-15 minutes. Seething may begin, there is no need to be afraid, this is how it should be.
  5. We wash off the remaining gel and clean the pipe from the chemical active substance.

It is better to rinse off as follows: first fill the sink or bathtub with water, plugging the drain, and then drain the collected water. With more pressure, clogs will move away from your pipes more effectively. It’s even better if you wash off the product with hot water. It is not even forbidden to use boiled water from a kettle.

If the contamination is very advanced and difficult, then you will have to repeat all the steps in the second round. Usually one time is enough to rid your home pipes of blockages.

Compliance with safety measures

The instructions for using the Tiret Turbo gel cleaning agent state that the gel should be stored in places inaccessible to children. During use, it is necessary to avoid penetration of the chemical active substance onto the skin or eyes. If the gel damages part of the skin or eyes, immediately rinse these areas with a stream of water.

Under no circumstances should Tiret be mixed with other chemicals, and especially with oxidizing agents and bleaches, as a chemical reaction begins that releases harmful substances and vapors into the air inhaled by humans.


This pipe cleaner is the most popular. There are quite a lot of varieties of it. This powdered preparation contains caustic soda.

To clear a blockage in a pipe, when using the “Mole”, you need to perform the following operations sequentially:

  • The cleaning agent is poured into the drain with 40–120 ml of the product. Leave for approximately 2–3 hours;
  • The pipe is washed with a strong stream of hot water.

"Mole" shows very good results for removing:

  • Fat;
  • Leftover food;
  • Collagen fibers.

It also removes unpleasant odors from the room. The substance can be used as an excellent prophylactic agent.

The composition of "Mole" contains:

  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Sodium sulfate.

It must be said that this drug is produced by various manufacturers. Therefore, the amount of active substances in each of them may differ. The time of use of each drug is purely individual.

This does not change the cleaning efficiency in any way, but before use you need to carefully read the instructions.

For many years, “Mole” has remained the most popular product when it is necessary to clean the sewer. Can be used as an excellent preventive measure. Therefore, if your water is simply not draining well or you need to carry out preventive maintenance, then the best remedy for blockages in the economy segment is Mole.

Tips for use

Those who have repeatedly used the miracle product Tiret-turbo advise people who find themselves in a similar situation to use this gel strictly according to the instructions provided with the product.

The product is very toxic and emits vapors harmful to human health. Therefore, when interacting with the drug, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves and safety glasses.

You don’t need to look into the pipe every minute and wonder if the pipeline cleaning is finished? In less than 5 minutes, the blockage will still not be cleared, but there is no point in harming your health.

If blockages have not occurred before, it is better to purchase two gels at once in case one cleaning process does not help.

People who have used Tiret advise washing off the product after cleaning with only warm or hot water. This will remove the smell of chlorine faster, and you will wash away all the dirt in one flush.

About ways to deal with blockages

No matter how hard we try, nanoparticles are found in the flushed water, which stick to the walls of the pipes and create plugs. Fat, hair, food debris, sand - all this collects in one lump and makes it difficult to drain water.

The oldest and most common method of dealing with pipe blockages is a plunger. It consists of a handle and a rubber suction cup. Thanks to the vacuum created by this device, the blockage is pushed out of the pipes.

Time ( the form of physical and mental processes, the condition for the possibility of change

) from time to time it requires significant physical effort, but does not always pay off. The plug is not completely removed, but only partially moves, which allows the water to gradually drain into the drain.

After some time, a congestion forms again and even then it is necessary to turn to experts ( a specialist invited or hired for a fee to issue a qualified conclusion or judgment on an issue being considered or resolved by other people who are less competent in this matter).

), since the plunger here is already weak.

Plumbers come with the most advanced device - a plumbing cable, at the end of which a steel handle is soldered. Having disassembled the siphon under the sink, the cable is inserted into the pipe.

One person should guide it, and another person should turn the handle. Thanks to these manipulations, the cable evenly enters the sewer system and clears away the accumulated dirt.

Packaging of Tiret gels of various types ( VIEW: Literally: What is visible to the eye


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use the services of experts, and they do not come as quickly as we would like. Naturally, after such a procedure you cannot do without general cleaning.

Some people try to fight blockages in the system using soda. This method is not justified. Since soda does not penetrate deeply and acts only superficially.

There are many products that can be purchased in household chemical departments. Waters, powders, gels - in such abundance it is extremely difficult to make the right choice. After all, these products are not always safe. They often contain languid chemical elements.

When removing blockages in this way, the components enter into a chemical reaction with the debris. Harmful vapors enter the human lungs and settle on indoor furniture, causing allergies and various pulmonary diseases. Children are especially susceptible to this.

When choosing a product, you must carefully read the composition. There are elements that destroy even plastic pipes and are only suitable for iron systems.

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