Bacteria for septic tanks “Doctor Robik”: advice on purchase and instructions for use

Any owner of a private house with an autonomous sewer system faces the question of civilized waste disposal. Agree, in order to save the budget, I would like to reduce the number of calls for sewage equipment without compromising the operational characteristics of the treatment plant.

To reduce the cost of maintenance, you can use bacteria for septic tanks “Doctor Robik” - these are bioactivators that accelerate waste processing. We will tell you how the products work, what types of cleaners exist, and also provide tips on choosing and using the products.

Historical background on production

The Roebic Corporation has been conducting laboratory research since 1959. Initially, the company was engaged in the selection and cultivation of colonies of microorganisms to provide environmentally friendly products to the US domestic consumer market. The developments were based on known types of bacteria of rotting and decomposition.

By selecting and growing in an alkaline environment, the bacteria have become resistant to various wastewater compositions. Thanks to its success in breeding, Roebic has become a leading supplier of patented products and plumbing fixtures throughout the United States.

Subsequently, the corporation entered the international level and began supplying goods to foreign markets. ROEBIC Corporation has developed and patented lines of bacterial cultures that actively digest residues of fats, oils, proteins, starch and cellulose.

Assortment of biological drugs. The photo shows the company's full line of products. In addition to products for wastewater treatment and septic tank care, the company is developing in such areas as the production of products for accelerating compost

The corporation's main product line consists of the five most popular biologically active agents. The full range of products includes more than 35 items. They are used not only in private households, but in highly specialized industries.

All products are environmentally friendly. It is certified by international environmental organizations. The quality of products is controlled by the corporation and is constantly improved through scientific activities.

Regardless of the degree of cleaning performed, all septic tanks and cesspools must be cleaned by vacuum cleaners, and ground treatment systems must be cleaned by the owners. When using bacteria, the periods between calls for vacuum cleaners increase significantly (+)

Additional feedback on usage features

"Doctor Robik 509" will be able to restore the system if used according to the instructions. For example, the temperature readings when pouring the cleaning agent must be positive. If there is a need to clean the collector, then the reagent must be poured into the drain hole, and then washed off with water several times.

If you are treating bathrooms that are used far from residential buildings, it is recommended to pour the composition into a cesspool. Consumers are advised to follow the manufacturer's recommendations when the cesspool has not been used for a long time. When the waste mass dries out, it is necessary to pour 2 buckets of warm water into the tank.

General principle of biological treatment

The life of bacteria is directly related to waste processing; the more food there is, the faster they multiply, forming colonies. Having multiplied to the required quantity, they are capable of processing up to several kilograms of solid insoluble residues contained in household wastewater per day.

Bacteria and fungi occupy a special niche in the structure of the ecosystem. They support the cycle of substances in nature. Plants synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones. For example, oxygen is obtained from carbon dioxide, and chemical elements are converted into organic ones.

In turn, the resulting organic substances are consumed by higher animals and converted into more complex compounds. Bacteria transform organic residues, decomposing them into simple elements. Thereby closing the cycle of substances.

The figure clearly shows the role of each participant in the ecosystem. Plants produce substances necessary for the life of animals, which in turn consume and transform them. Bacteria decompose complex organic compounds, thereby providing plants with food (+)

If food for bacteria and other decomposers runs out, their numbers rapidly decrease. Dying bacteria make room for plants, which in turn receive a nutrient medium for existence.

Thus, the sludge from the bottom of the cesspool or tank where the bacteria were used serves as an excellent fertilizer.

Water processed in a septic tank is free of the smell of sewage and can be used to water plants in the garden. However, it is worth noting that the bacteria must be resistant to household chemicals.

The drains contain a large amount of not only organic substances, but also residues of detergents that are used in any family. Bacteria for septic tanks "Doctor Robik" are bred taking into account the increased alkali content in wastewater.

This means that they are able to survive and process not only organic matter, but also various foaming additives. This makes the manufacturer a leader in the production of bacterial cleaning products.

Scope of application of Doctor Robik drugs

Bioactivators of this brand facilitate and speed up the following work:

  • Preparation of compost from organic waste ( Dr. Robik 209 ) . In this case, Doctor Robik preparations will accelerate the maturation of environmentally friendly fertilizer and help get rid of the inedible part of the harvest, food waste, fallen leaves and other organic debris. Such funds will be of interest not only to farmers, but also to land owners.
  • Cleaning cesspools. (Doctor Robik 109, Doctor Robik 409, Green package) Bioactivators of this group help to “dissolve” even fossilized deposits, saving the owner of a country plot from the need to build a new toilet or equip a new cesspool. Moreover, cleaning the cesspool itself after using the activator comes down to simply pumping out liquid waste. Such funds will be of interest to owners and buyers of country houses or dachas with “conveniences” in the yard.
  • Maintenance of septic tanks and autonomous sewers ( Doctor Robik 309, Doctor Robik 509, Doctor Robik 809 ) . Preparations from the “Doctor Robik for septic tanks” series help rid the primary (gravity) filtration chambers of an excess of silt deposits. A colony of bacteria introduced into the sewer eliminates the need to clean the primary chamber and helps maintain soil throughput in the filtration fields, destroying silt, grease and even detergents in the drains. Such activators will be of interest to any owner of an autonomous sewer system.

What problems does Doctor Robik solve?

Review of products manufactured by the company. Among them are the most popular products that can be found for sale on the Russian market.

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Powdered products

Estimated processing volume

Marking of dry formulations

Priority form for submission

“Doctor Robik 109” is the most popular product produced by the corporation. It is designed for simple septic systems and cesspools. One sachet contains 5% bacteria and 95% fertilizer. Once a month, you need to pour one packet of the product into the septic tank.

“Doctor Robik 509” - used for complex blockages in sewer pipes. As a rule, they are caused by residues of fabric fibers, hair, paper and other organic matter.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. Designed for septic tanks with a volume of up to 2,000 liters. The most expensive product in the series for a private home

In addition, the bioactivator, once in the tank, is capable of destroying old fossilized deposits of sludge at the bottom of the septic tank. It contains anaerobic microorganisms, so its service life is much longer and is one year. It is used in complex systems and autonomous treatment septic tanks of the “Tank” type.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. Designed for containers up to 2,000 liters. The product can be used in case of stagnant plug formation in pipes that are rarely used

“Doctor Robik 409” - used for a closed sewer system, where liquid and larger components of wastewater are merged together. Such a container is pumped out as it is filled. There is no possibility of water draining into the ground. To remove waste from the site, sewer pumps or sewer trucks are used.

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Complex product in the form of a solution

Possibilities regarding the volume of processed wastewater

Compliance with manufacturer's recommendations

Liquid action time

The composition of these microbes is involved in the processing of waste into inert compost. Suitable for cesspools or digesters - septic tanks deprived of oxygen.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. Designed for containers up to 2,000 liters. Prevents drain holes in pipes from becoming clogged

“Doctor Robik 309” is a biological preparation containing aerobic bacteria. Anaerobes may optionally be present. Used to purify water with limited access to oxygen and an abundance of liquid. Suitable for septic tanks, overflow wells made of concrete, plastic and other materials.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. The product cleans pipes from soap deposits that have formed on them, which reduces their permeability

“Doctor Robik 809” - not used for septic system tanks. Its purpose is to clean sewer pipes. Cleansing occurs due to the fact that the product contains anaerobic microorganisms.

They breed in soapy drains. Capable of processing synthetic reagents without an environmental threat to the ecosystem.

Septic tank and cesspool: what are the differences?

Modern dacha owners strive to create a life in nature with maximum comfort. To do this, they use cleaning products for cesspools and septic tanks. The two designs have significant differences.

Septic tank

A septic tank is a sealed settling tank for wastewater, which is made in the form of a container of two or three sections:

  • the first is directly connected to the sewer and is intended for rough cleaning of what gets into it. In this case, part of the waste settles to the bottom in the form of silt sediment;
  • in the second, waste is decomposed using various means; If the septic tank is two-sectional, from this tank (it is made leaky) processed waste enters the ground;
  • the third is the final settler; after leaving it, the waste is purified up to 65% and then enters the soil and groundwater.

    The septic tank consists of two or three sections in which waste is processed


This is a structure for draining household waste in private homes without a central sewer system. It can be without a bottom or sealed, but in any case the smell cannot be avoided. To eliminate this problem, special means are used.

Waste from sealed cesspools must be pumped out periodically

Tips for purchasing bioactivators

It is necessary to select a suitable bioactivator based on the type of septic system and the frequency of its use.

There is no point in buying “Doctor Robik 509” if the sewerage system is installed in the country house and is used only in the warm season. In this case, make a choice in favor of a more budget-friendly bioactivator, for example “Doctor Robik 109”.

You definitely need to pay attention to the quality of the packaging. This will protect you from purchasing a low-quality product. Popular products are often counterfeited. It is advisable to buy biological products in trusted specialized stores that comply with the rules for storing microorganisms.

You cannot purchase drugs that are sold by sellers outdoors during the cold season. Also, you should not buy drugs that are exposed to the sun during the warm season. Temperature fluctuations kill bacteria and reduce their numbers. Which inevitably leads to a lack of effect in cleansing the septic system.

Detailed reviews and comparisons of cleaning products for septic tanks and cesspools are given in the articles:

  1. Antiseptic for toilets in the country: a review of chemicals and bioactivators
  2. Which product is better for cesspools: a review of live bacteria, antiseptics and chemistry

Comparison of the functionality of drugs from the Doctor Robik brand

Drug nameVolume of pit or septic tank, litersFor septic tanksFor pitsTime of actionDissolves paperDissolves fatsDissolves soap
Doctor Robik 1091500 -2000++30-40 days+
Doctor Robik 3092000-3000+1 year++
Doctor Robik 4092000-3000+1 year++
Doctor Robik 5092000++One-time++
Doctor Robik 6092000++180 days++
Doctor Robik 8092000-3000+One-time+

Instructions for use of bacteria

Any biologically active drug needs to be used correctly. If you do not comply, there is a risk that you will not get the expected effect.

If all actions and preparations are carried out correctly, the unpleasant odor will decrease within a few hours. The effect of using the drug can be assessed after a week.

Sequence of preparation of the product

Preparations based on bacteria are produced in the form of liquids and powder mixtures. Using a liquid product is not difficult and does not require special preparation, unlike mixtures. Simply pour the required amount of liquid into the sink or toilet and rinse with warm water.

Powdered products must be handled differently. If you open the package, you can smell the smell of bread bran. This substance is food for bacteria and contains a variety of nutrients.

While the bacteria are in suspended animation (sleep is sleep), they do not need food. But as soon as this substance gets into the water, they wake up and begin to consume feeding. During this period, their active reproduction occurs.

This is what bacteria look like in a state of suspended animation. Large granules visible to the naked eye - bran supplement. Since the content of microorganisms does not exceed 5% of the volume of the entire package, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them

Before introducing bacterial cultures into a septic tank or reservoir, it must be emptied. Despite their resistance to alkalis, bacteria are sensitive to chlorine and other aggressive disinfectants. These products include chlorine and chlorine-containing cleaning compounds.

If wastewater containing these substances is not pumped out, the introduction of bacteria will not be successful and will lead to the death of microorganisms. The empty tank must be filled with some warm water.

After the bag is unsealed and the septic tank is prepared, the contents must be poured into a bucket of warm water. The volume of the bucket should not exceed ten liters. The density of bacteria should be sufficient for rapid emergence from the dormant state and subsequent use of fertilizing.

The optimal temperature for breeding bacteria is from +5°C to +10°C. At higher temperatures, some types of microorganisms that are sensitive to temperature fluctuations may die.

After use, the container must be washed thoroughly. There is no need to add foreign substances to the water. The contents of one package will be enough

After the microorganisms are placed in an aqueous environment, the container must be placed in a dark place. This is necessary in order to preserve light-sensitive microorganisms.

They are bred to live in conditions where there is no daylight and its presence can negatively affect their life. In addition, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime. Do not keep the container in a room whose temperature is outside the range from +5°C to +20°C. The container must stand for at least 6 hours.

During this time, the release of small gas bubbles should begin. This indicates that the microorganisms were stored in good conditions. In this case, they can be placed in a container or septic tank.

After a few hours, the number of microorganisms will begin to actively multiply. The unpleasant smell of sewage from the sewer will be noticeably reduced. At the same time, the process of cleaning the walls and bottom of the container from grease deposits and other organic residues will begin.

The video shows the process of introducing microorganisms into the drainage pit:

Features and storage methods

To maintain the cleaning effect at the proper level, it is necessary to periodically add bacteria to storage tanks and septic tanks. For powder mixtures, it is necessary to maintain the temperature range from +5°C to +25°C and the integrity of the packaging. It is not recommended to store the product for more than 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Liquid products in plastic canisters must additionally be stored in a dark place, avoiding exposure to sunlight. Since the microorganisms contained in the canister are anaerobic, the lid must be tightly closed.

This will reduce the amount of oxygen and increase shelf life. Just like for bulk mixtures, you need to maintain a temperature range from +5°C to +25°C.

How does the drug work?

The most important thing that consumers need to know is that the product is safe for nature. The main active component is bacteria, or more precisely, their spores, which are sown in conditions convenient for them and begin to process solid organic substances.

How the tool works:

  • Once in favorable conditions, spores begin to multiply. Entire colonies develop in a septic tank, cesspool, or compost. They absorb solid particles and, digesting them, make them liquid.
  • On the first day, a fermentation process is observed, which sometimes causes the formation of gas plugs. After 32 hours, the cesspool/septic tank will work normally.
  • 4 days after introducing bacteria into the sump, the unpleasant odor will disappear. By this point, most of the wastewater has already been recycled.
  • The life cycle of bacteria is completely completed 14 days after they are started. It is at this time that the manufacturer recommends pumping out liquid waste.

In favorable conditions, bacteria do an excellent job and quickly decompose animal corpses, excrement and fallen plant parts into the soil or inorganic substances. Moreover, the rate of reproduction and decomposition under certain conditions can be very high.

Yeasts, lactic acid and alcohol fermentation bacteria have long been used in the kitchen. The end product of their activity is vinegar and alcohol. From this group of kitchen workers, yeast and alcohol-producing bacteria could be released into the septic tank.

However, alcohol bacteria are too capricious and need a lot of carbohydrates, and yeast fungi can generate a process that is too fast. So, for a controlled process of recycling the contents of septic tanks and cesspools, you need to buy special bacteria.

Once the spores are in the cesspool, bacteria, as consumers emphasize, will begin to multiply. Colonies of microorganisms will absorb waste and process it into a liquid mass. On the first day, a fermentation process will occur, which can cause gas locks. After 32 hours, the cesspool will operate as usual.

On the 4th day, according to buyers, the unpleasant odor from the sump will disappear. Until this time, fecal matter, as well as fat deposits on the walls, will be completely processed. If the pit was silted, then on day 6 the bacterial composition should be updated. This will improve cleaning efficiency. The effect of the product will expire two weeks after the start of use. After 14 days you can pump out liquid waste.

How to prolong the effect of biological treatment?

Like any other microorganisms, “Doctor Robik” bacteria require special conditions to maintain vital activity and reproduce.

Compliance with a number of rules will improve the efficiency and duration of microorganisms:

  1. The water level in the septic tank or container must be at least one third of the tank’s volume. Otherwise, there will not be the necessary space for development.
  2. The temperature regime must be observed. This means that wastewater should not be allowed to freeze. In the case of shallow cesspools, this is inevitable, and therefore in the winter season there will be no effect from the work of microorganisms.
  3. Do not drain water whose temperature exceeds +60°C. This will lead to the death of microorganisms. The septic tank must be constantly used. Otherwise, the bacteria will not have enough food, which will lead to a reduction in the colony and extinction during prolonged periods of inactivity.
  4. Do not flush any remaining medications into the septic tank, as microorganisms are not resistant to antibiotics and other agents.
  5. Frequent use of bleach and other chlorine-containing products should be avoided.

By following these recommendations, you can significantly increase the lifespan of microorganisms, as well as save on pumping wastewater with a sewer machine.

Purified water enriched with minerals can be used for watering plants in a personal plot, since the amount of harmful impurities does not exceed sanitary and epidemiological standards. If there is a cesspool on the site, then the sludge from its bottom will be suitable as organic fertilizer.

Consumer Reviews

A product based on artificially grown microorganisms has many advantages. According to consumers, this drug promotes the breakdown of large fractions into small particles. Harmful bacterial flora within the system is controlled from multiplying. Unpleasant odors are eliminated. Disposal of sewage when using Doctor Robik 509, reviews of which you should read before going to the store, is not required.

Silt deposits are decreasing in volume. The substance is completely safe for the environment, which, according to consumers, influences their choice. System performance improves. The walls of the pipeline are not damaged. The structure and equipment are used for a longer period. Buyers also like the fact that the drug is affordable.

Artificially grown microorganisms maintain vital activity at an optimal temperature ranging from 4 to 45 °C. Inside the septic tank, oxygen must be provided, which is necessary to feed bacteria. Consumers emphasize that biological activators may die and their work may be slowed down if special conditions are not created inside the septic tank.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Practical recommendations for the use of bacteria to clean septic tanks, an effective method of preparing the working staff for launch:

Bacteria are a good way to extend the life of your septic tank and are also an excellent way to get rid of unpleasant odors. Their use reduces the frequency of complete cleaning of the sewer storage tank.

Do you have experience operating and maintaining a septic tank? Tell us, what biological product do you use to break down waste? You can ask questions and leave comments on the article in the form below.

Feedback on operational features

After reading reviews of Doctor Robik 509, you can find out that this composition is suitable for cesspools, septic tanks and drainage systems that are filled with fossils, as well as thick masses. According to consumers, this drug has increased power and is designed for use in conjunction with problematic and old sewers.

Using the mixture, you can clean the pores in the soil and normalize the operation of the system, be it drainage or sewer. The product can be used annually or as needed. Consumers like that the application is not complicated, because the drug can be poured into a septic tank, cesspool or toilet.

What else do you need to know about the product?

The principle of operation of Doctor Robik 509 was described above. This composition refers to specialized products that allow you to process compost and dissolve fossils. In order to enhance the effect of the activator, the cesspool should be cleared of liquid waste. This will help dissolve problematic accumulations and eliminate rotting processes, which quite often occur at the bottom of the storage tank.

After the “Doctor Robik 509” product has been used for the septic tank, and its effect has been completed, it is recommended to pump out the resulting liquid mass, which was formed as a result of the work of the organic destructor. It can be used for watering the soil or fertilizing. This measure is not mandatory for an open cesspool.

Biological product options

You can use Doctor Robik in the following types:

  • 109 – intended for cesspools and septic tanks with organic matter.
  • 309 – purifies large volumes of water in conditions of limited oxygen.
  • 409 – suitable for closed sewer systems.
  • 509 - designed for systems with a volume of 2000 liters, if there is fossilized silt, severe blockages and hardened organic matter.
  • 609 - can be used in settling tanks with a volume of 3 m³, if the waste includes urea, fats, proteins, starch and even paper.
  • 809 – decomposes synthetic substances.

Dr. Robic for cesspools and septic tanks receives feedback from consumers, often positive, especially when used for targeted drains.

This is what Doctor Robik 109 is often called. The bacteria that can be colonized with this drug utilize paper, cellulose, and feces. Helps decompose fats, proteins, urea, starch.

If you use the drug regularly (every month), it will be possible to eliminate siltation, and wastewater treatment processes will proceed quickly.

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