Rating of the best products for septic tanks and cesspools: what they are, advantages and disadvantages, application features, step-by-step guide


Septic tank

Editorial staff of the “New Place” website


From this article you will learn


  1. Criteria for selecting bacteria for septic tanks
  2. Rating of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools

The rating of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, no matter how hard we try, can be very conditional. There will not be first and last places, but there will be the best manufacturers of these products. Why? It’s simple - for each type of septic tank and task it is necessary to select a certain composition of bacteria.

In our material, we have collected information about the ten best, in our opinion, compositions for septic tanks and cesspools that have proven their effectiveness. When compiling the rating, expert opinions and consumer reviews were taken into account.

Rating of cesspool products

The TOP is based on user reviews and opinions of experienced cesspool maintenance specialists. VyborExpert specialists paid attention to the effectiveness, safety, convenience and versatility of using products.

All funds were compared according to the following parameters:

  • Type – chemical or biological;
  • Release form - powder, liquid, tablets, granules;
  • Packaging volume and its convenience;
  • Consistency and aroma;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Effects – elimination of unpleasant odors, softening of waste, reducing their quantity;
  • Rate of bacterial activation;
  • Composition and quantity of components;
  • Duration of exposure;
  • Safety for the environment and humans;
  • Best before date;
  • Operating temperature range.

An important factor was the adequate price-quality ratio of the products in question, as well as the combination of effectiveness, safety, and ease of use of the drugs.

The best septic tanks for home and garden

Tablets for cesspools

A very convenient form of release of biological drugs that does not require further processing. The tablets are lowered into a pit for collecting sewage (if according to the instructions they do not need to be diluted with water), taking into account its volume, after which they destroy the sewer odor and dissolve solid bottom sediments. The rating presents the safest and most effective products according to customer reviews. We selected them from 10 nominees.

Happy summer resident

Bioactivator for country toilets and cesspools, which eliminates the current unpleasant odor and prevents its occurrence in the future. One tablet is valid for 1-2 months and is designed for a container of up to 1500 liters. The product decomposes fats, feces, and organic matter. The composition includes filler and dry soil microorganisms, which fight the problem.

The Happy Summer Resident is suitable for both open pits that do not have an artificial bottom, as well as open pits. In this case, after the residues are broken down, water will be absorbed into the ground. Thus, the fullness of the container is reduced and the intervals between calls for vacuum cleaners are shortened. The drug is active for 3 years from the date of production.


  • The effectiveness has been confirmed by the research center of the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy;
  • Fast action;
  • Copes well with both odor and prevention;
  • The packaging lasts a long time;
  • Harmless to the soil.


  • Small package weighing 5 g;
  • When combined with disinfectants, effectiveness decreases.

This product for cesspools works best in a temperature range from +10 to +40°C, so waste effectively decomposes almost all year round, except winter.


A universal preparation, suitable not only for cesspools, but also for sewers and septic tanks. The package contains 6 effervescent tablets, packaged in convenient jars. Each of them includes over 1 billion microorganisms that break down waste and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. They are harmless to humans and soil and do not disturb its composition.

BioExpert tablets accelerate the dissolution of fecal sediment at the bottom, process waste into compost and prevent the release of gas. The drug is safe for plastic rings, which are often used to construct a cesspool. It does not destroy the walls of the container and does not worsen the condition of the soil. The dosage of the product is small - you need to dilute 1 tablet in 5 liters of water, then pour the finished liquid into the recess.


  • Shelf life – 24 months;
  • Long lasting;
  • Fast reaction;
  • Various effects;
  • Facilitates the distribution of sewage inside the pit.


  • 4 tables enough for volume up to 16 cubic meters. m.

The purpose of the product is not just to remove the unpleasant odor, but also to make the process of cleaning the cesspool from human waste as easy as possible. To do this, the drug processes the contents of the structure into liquid form. Thanks to this action, it is possible to reduce the financial burden on the budget when calling vacuum cleaners.

Liquids for cesspools

Such products are sold ready-to-use or require preliminary dilution with water (if we are talking about a concentrate). These products effectively break down deposits into water and carbon dioxide. Their main advantage is low consumption. On average, 1 liter is enough to process 2000 liters of wastewater. The rating includes potent and harmless drugs.

BioBac BB-V 180

Biological agent for the cesspool to maintain its normal functioning. Thanks to its regular use, the need for sewage disposal is minimized and, accordingly, the cost of maintaining an autonomous sewage system is reduced. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the high concentration of aerobic microorganisms, biologically active enzymes and mineral salts.

Liquid "BioBac BB-V 180" has a universal effect - it eliminates unpleasant odors and prevents their occurrence in the future, stops the reproduction of insects, and prevents the formation of a greasy film on the walls. This product also thins sediment at the bottom, decomposes the remains of detergent powders and soap, fecal matter, grease and paper.


  • Economical consumption;
  • Not a concentrate - no dilution with water required;
  • The optimal pH level is 7;
  • Can be stored at temperatures from 0 to 35 degrees;
  • Effective odor removal.


  • Not low cost.

The product for country toilets and cesspools “BioBac BB-V 180” is aimed at processing 12 m³ of biological waste. One 1 liter package is enough for 30-40 days.

Doctor Robik 409

The drug was released for breaking down paper, urea, proteins, and fats. The product is suitable for cesspools with both open and concrete bottoms. To effectively maintain the functioning of the structure, it is enough to pour liquid inside once a year. For a cesspool volume of 2000 liters, one package (798 ml) is sufficient.

Doctor Robik 409 prevents the pit from silting and eliminates unpleasant odors. It does not contain hazardous components for humans and the environment. The product is quite effective, but once a year it is still recommended to empty the sewer system and then pour this liquid into it. The container should be shaken before adding the drug.


  • Fights well against both fresh and established odors;
  • Reduces the frequency of pumping;
  • Safe for plants;
  • Does not need to be applied regularly;
  • Acceptable, not strong aroma.


  • When washing, it must be combined with Doctor Robik 809.

In case of dehydration in the pit, the activation of bacteria can be started by adding water.


The drug for. The liquid comes in a convenient bottle with a lid, which is convenient for measuring the required amount. The container has a handle, which makes the product easy to use. The product is intended for use in cesspools, dry closets, bucket toilets, and septic tanks. With its help, it is possible to get rid of unpleasant odors (fecal, food).

Devon-N has a wide spectrum of action - it also reduces waste due to the biodegradation of sewage. This saves money on vacuum cleaner services. The liquid is not affected by low temperatures, so it can be used at any time of the year. The high efficiency of the drug is dictated by the content of nitrogen fertilizer. To remove odor, it is enough to dilute 100 ml of the drug in 2-5 liters of water and pour it into the structure.


  • There are no alkalis in the composition;
  • No acids or formaldehyde in the formula;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Does not cause skin irritation;
  • Easily washed off with water.


  • Before pumping out the pit, the consumption is high - up to 2 liters per cubic meter.

The drug is environmentally friendly and does not pose a threat to the environment due to its complete biological decomposition. The cesspool cleaner allows you to use recycled waste as a component in the production of composts.

How much do bacteria cost for septic tanks?

Most manufacturers package medications in standard 25 g sachets. This is a single dose for a 750 liter container. There can be up to 50 such bags in a pack. This is necessary for regular use, because during any cleaning you have to pour the product into the septic tank several times.

Two sachets of Biosept in Moscow will cost 141 rubles. Bioactivator ROETECH 106M will cost 46 rubles per sachet. There are also cheaper options. 1.5 kg of live bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools “Tratan” can be purchased for 190 rubles.

There are also non-standard packaging. The new Russian manufacturer Biolatic offers bags of 80 g. It is stated that this weight is enough to clean a septic tank with a volume of 2 m3. Biolatic - Septic costs an average of 150 rubles for such a package.

A product for cleaning septic tanks from a young manufacturer Biolatic Source sirodelie.by

Doctor Robik septic tank and cesspool cleaner can often be found in suspension format. A 750 ml bottle costs about 579 rubles. And the average cost of a 40 g bag of granules for septic tanks is approximately 180 rubles.

Powders for cesspools

This release form is a crushed powder, most often packaged in sachet form. Its contents are pre-combined with water to activate bacteria and then added to the pit. Among the most effective and safe, it is necessary to especially note 2 bioactivators with the largest number of positive reviews.

Bioforce Septic Comfort

Biological cleaner for country toilets and septic tanks, eliminating unpleasant odors and recycling human waste. It breaks down sewage in the cesspool and thereby reduces its quantity. Its regular use eliminates the risk of clogging the drainage channels and restores the microflora inside. All this is provided by natural microorganisms, enzymes and nutrients.

Bioforce Septic Comfort, due to its safe formula, does not harm the environment and humans, and also does not damage the walls of the structure (if any). It is also chosen due to its wide operating temperature range - from +5 to +60°C, so the product can be used for more than 6 months a year. The product has an optimal acidity level - from 4 to 10 pH.


  • Low consumption - per 1-2 m³ of waste up to 200 g;
  • Over time, the amount of the drug applied can be reduced to 60 g;
  • May be added as needed;
  • Considerable packaging volume – 500 g;
  • Adequate smell.
  • As the temperature drops, the drug becomes less effective;
  • Concentrate that requires dilution with water.

Due to the richness of the formula, it is recommended to dilute the product with liquid in a ratio of 1:100 before use.


Biological activator for cleaning cesspools and septic tanks. It quickly and effectively decomposes feces, grease, and soap, which subsequently do not settle on the walls of the structure. The drug softens the crust and removes sediment at the bottom, reducing the volume of solid waste. This reduces the risk of blockages in the pipeline. However, the greatest benefit of the product occurs when using a water drain. Biosept shows results both in anoxic and aerobic conditions.


  • Includes enzymes;
  • Activation within 2 hours from the moment of application;
  • Available in sachet form;
  • Low dosage - for 1 m3 you need 1 sachet every 2 weeks;
  • 12 sachets per pack.


  • Chlorine and antibiotics, when released into a pit, reduce the activity of the product.

According to reviews, this product for cesspools not only effectively eliminates existing unpleasant odors, but also prevents its appearance.

Differences between biological and chemical antiseptics

Previously, chemical antiseptics were the most popular, but recently many owners of private houses prefer biological preparations.
A chemical antiseptic for drainage pits differs in many ways from a biological agent:

  1. Chemicals are suitable for harsh climates because the active ingredients remain active at any temperature. But biological agents for drainage pits should be used at temperatures between -4 and +30 degrees, otherwise the bacteria will die.
  2. When using chemical antiseptics, there is no need to create separate drains, since their action is not affected by household chemicals. Even chlorine does not harm such preparations. As for living microorganisms, they are immediately killed by chemicals for sewer pits.
  3. Substances contained in chemicals can react with sewer elements, especially metal ones. In addition, their entry into the ground is harmful to the environment. Therefore, the use of a chemical antiseptic for the toilet is allowed only in sealed tanks, built primarily from concrete or polymer materials. As for biological preparations, they are absolutely safe for nature, so wastewater purified with their help can be discharged into the ground, and the requirements for such sewer systems are not so stringent.
  4. When using chemical antiseptics, decomposition products cannot be reused, since they contain many harmful substances. But compost formed under the influence of biological preparations serves as a good fertilizer.

How to choose a product for a cesspool

When choosing bioactivators, Vyborexperta.ru experts first of all recommend focusing on their purpose, type and type.


Regular use of such products allows you to clean the pit for collecting human waste much less frequently and eliminates the risk of an unpleasant odor. When using the drug, the sewage is separated into 2 layers. Silty sediment accumulates at the bottom, and water at the top. If the structure is open, without a bottom, then it is simply absorbed into the ground, and if there is a base, it can be pumped out with an appropriate pump.


Cesspool products are divided into two large categories - chemical and biological. In the first case, artificial components are added to the composition: formaldehyde, ammonium compounds, nitrate oxidizers, bleach. Naturally, they are cheaper than their counterparts, but also less safe. Biological products are made with the addition of natural microorganisms that break down human waste and neutralize unpleasant odors. These bacteria consume the contents of the structure and process it into a harmless liquid.


Cesspool cleaning products are available in liquid form, powder, granules, and tablets. The former, as a rule, are a concentrate that must be diluted with water before use. This reduces the consumption of the drug, but it also costs more than alternative options.

The powder form also often requires dilution with liquid to activate the microflora. It supports the functioning of autonomous sewage systems by accelerating the growth of microorganisms and allows you to accurately calculate the effective dosage.

The most convenient to use are tablets, which may need to be pre-dissolved in water. Most often, they can be used in both anoxic and aerobic conditions. Usually one piece is enough to remove unpleasant odors and absorb impurities.


The cost of biological products varies widely - from 177 rubles. up to 3 and even 5 thousand rubles.

The most affordable, of course, are the products made (more precisely, grown) in Russia and the CIS countries.

  • For a half-liter bottle of Gorynych you will need to pay only 177 rubles. This is the most inexpensive drug.
  • A bottle of Tamir with a volume of only 30 ml will cost 380 rubles.
  • A box of the biological product “Vodograi” will cost from 500 to 900 rubles, depending on the volume.
  • The price of the Sanex bioactivator ranges from 300 to 700 rubles. per package depending on its size.

Imported compounds are several times more expensive. Their cost ranges from 3 thousand rubles, and the cost of American products can reach 4.5 - 5 thousand rubles.

Chemical antiseptics cost from 200 rubles. (formaldehyde, bleach) up to 1500 rub. (nitrate oxidizers) per package.

Which cesspool cleaner is better?

When choosing a drug for cesspools and toilets, you must be guided primarily by customer reviews and compare them with the characteristics of bioactivator manufacturers. You should also take into account the conditions for using the funds - the type of pit (open or closed), the volume of the structure, etc.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on each option considered in the rating:

  • “Happy Summer Resident” tablets eliminate unpleasant odor and prevent its reappearance in the future.
  • Bioactivator "BioExpert" - fights sewage not only in the cesspool, but also in the septic tank.
  • The drug "Doctor Robik 409" - breaks down human waste and reduces its volume.
  • The Devon-N product saturates the pit with bacteria, which absorb waste and free up space.
  • Bioforce Septic Comfort powder – reduces the risk of clogged sewer pipes and drains.
  • Biosept - removes sediment at the bottom and increases the absorption of water by the earth in an open type of structure.
  • Liquid for cesspools “BioBac BB-V 180” - minimizes the need for sewage disposal and reduces the cost of maintaining an autonomous sewer system.

A cesspool cleaning product must be selected taking into account its size and purpose of use - removing unpleasant odors and/or reducing the amount of waste. Good drugs most often have both capabilities and adequately cope with all the tasks.

Where can I buy?

Today, a resident of any region of the Russian Federation can order this or that product on the website of the manufacturer or official dealer. The product will be delivered no later than 3 days later. You can also go to a specialized store to purchase. In the capital, antiseptics for cesspools are sold by:

  • shopping (3rd Perova Polya passage, 4);
  • (Plekhanov St., 4);
  • trading house "SlavAqua" (Yeniseiskaya str., 1).

Residents of St. Petersburg and the surrounding region can contact the stores of the following companies:

  • “UniSeptik” (Vatutina St., 17);
  • “Plast Product” (Alexander Nevsky Ave., 2);
  • “SlavAqua” (Peskarevsky Prospekt, 150).
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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