Topas 5: description of the septic tank, modifications, design and installation

Living in the private sector or being the owner of a country house, owners often face the problem of connecting their home to the central sewer system.
Water and gas heating have already been installed, the only issue left is the sewerage system. After all, without this, the house will not become comfortable, and living in it will not be comfortable. You can understand this problem differently if you buy and install a Topas 5 septic tank. A septic tank is an environmentally friendly autonomous sewer system that is easy to maintain yourself.

Description of the septic tank

A modern autonomous sewage system must provide a high level of purification of the wastewater entering it and be convenient to use. The use of Topas 5 sewerage is recommended for small residential properties, for example, for a summer house or for a small household designed for 5 people.

The installations use natural cleaning methods; to achieve a better result, a combination of two types of treatment is used: settling and biodegradation of organic matter.

Topas 5 stations use forced air supply into the environment being cleaned. Thanks to this, the most comfortable conditions for the life of aerobe bacteria are provided.

The degree of purification is very high - 95-98%, so there is no need to build post-treatment facilities. Treated water can be discharged into a reservoir or onto the ground without damaging the ecology of the site.

The installation is a single body made of modern plastic. The internal cavity of the housing is divided into compartments through which the cleaned medium moves sequentially. The septic tank requires power supply, that is, it is volatile.

Advantages of the Topas 5 septic tank

The number of users of this system is constantly increasing. And there are reasons for this:

  • Ease of use. Anyone can maintain a septic tank themselves.
  • Small dimensions. You will not need to allocate a lot of space for its installation.
  • Long service life. The polypropylene body of the aeration station will last at least 50 years. The design feature of the septic tank will withstand soil pressure, and the ascent will be prevented by stiffening ribs that create additional resistance.
  • The output water is suitable for use, odorless and does not pollute the environment.
  • Reasonable price


Before purchasing, consumers are advised to familiarize themselves with the technical characteristics of the Topas 5 septic tank. It is important to know what volume of wastewater the station is designed for, how much electricity it consumes and other important parameters. Main performance indicators:

  • number of users – 5;
  • receiving chamber volume – 220 l;
  • processing volume – 1 cubic meter/day;
  • power consumption – 1.5 kW/day.

Advice! Please note that the maximum volume of the salvo discharge depends on the volume of the receiving chamber. In the Topas 5 model it is limited to 220 liters, so the use of a full-size bathtub is excluded in this case.

The dimensions of the model depend on the modification; the dimensions of the standard model are 110 x 120 x 250 cm. The weight of the model is 230 kg. The body material is durable polypropylene, it is resistant to mechanical damage and chemical influences.


In addition to the standard model, three modifications of the treatment plant are available, designed for operation under certain conditions. The Topas 5 pr septic tank differs from the standard version in that the discharge of recycled water is carried out not by gravity, but by means of pumps. Such forced drainage must be used where gravity drainage is not possible. For example, when installed in heavy soil that does not absorb water well.

In addition, extended models (Long) with a height of 3.1 meters are available. The use of this option is necessary where it is not possible to make a connection at a standard depth of up to 80 cm. The presence of an elongated neck allows connection to be made at a depth of 1-1.4 meters.

In the event that it is necessary to carry out the installation underground and ensure the drainage of water forcibly, install the Topas 5 Long pr septic tank. The Topas 5 long pr model has an elongated neck and is equipped with an additional pump for pumping out water.

The principle of operation of a septic tank

The purpose of any septic tank is to purify the sewage flowing into it; the operating principle of the Topas septic tank is based on the use of natural processes that occur in nature. Let's get acquainted with how the treatment plant works. The Topas operation scheme is as follows:

  • water and household waste enter the receiving tank;
  • in the receiver, initial settling occurs with the separation and precipitation of the largest impurities;

  • Next, the cleaning takes place from contaminants dissolved in the water; the cleaning takes place under the influence of special bacteria;
  • the same bacteria process most of the sediment that accumulates in the settling chamber;
  • final settling occurs with the separation of clarified water and its disposal.

The main operation of the Topas 5 septic tank is provided by compressor equipment. With its help you can:

  • mixing the liquid with the biomaterial used for cleaning;
  • saturation of the environment with oxygen, ensuring the life cycles of bacteria;
  • movement of liquids between chambers via airlifts.

The structure of the septic tank is simple, it has the following compartments:

  • a receiver performing the functions of a primary settling tank;
  • chambers with an aeration tank, where the main biotreatment process takes place;
  • secondary settling tank;
  • chambers for accumulating excess sludge.

The compartments are connected to each other by airlifts that transport liquids.

Advice! If there is no electricity, the station cannot clean as usual. For some time it can function like a regular sump. During this period, it is important to reduce water consumption, otherwise it will lead to overflow of the receiver.

The principle of operation of the autonomous sewage system Topas

The operation of the Topas sewerage installation is based on the use of a biological method of wastewater treatment. Aerobic bacteria are used to remove feces from contaminated wastewater. In terms of its implementation, this process is quite simple.

Carrying along organic contaminants, wastewater ends up in a septic tank, for which a pipeline is used to transport it there. Once in the first tank, they encounter active bacteria that begin cleaning. To speed up the decomposition process, oxygen is supplied to the container in a continuous mode, provided by the aeration tank.

Thanks to the supply of oxygen, favorable conditions are created for the accelerated decomposition of feces, fat, and food debris discharged into the sewer system. Using such a system allows you to purify water from contamination by 99% with minimal time. Based on these indicators, it can be stated with a high degree of certainty that the septic tank in question has high environmental characteristics.

In terms of the level of wastewater treatment using the Topas sewer system, full satisfaction of the requirements of current norms and standards is ensured. Using such an installation, you can effectively organize a full cycle of wastewater treatment. It is worth noting that during wastewater treatment, which takes place directly in the installation itself, the interaction of water with the surrounding space is eliminated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Topas installations have numerous advantages, but there are also disadvantages that consumers need to be aware of. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages:

  • small dimensions allow installation even in small areas;
  • easy maintenance;
  • the ability to use both year-round and seasonally;

Advice! When used seasonally, before stopping for a long period, conservation measures are carried out.

  • very high level of water removal from impurities;
  • high quality of housing material, as well as components;
  • long service life;
  • complete absence of odors;
  • the existence of a wide dealer network, thanks to which residents of any region can easily perform and order equipment maintenance.

The model has much fewer disadvantages. These include:

  • the need to connect the power supply, since all processes are ensured by the operation of the compressor for the Topas 5 septic tank. This condition makes the installation of equipment in dacha areas with an unstable energy supply irrational;
  • the need for regular maintenance, including cleaning of chambers, as well as scheduled preventive maintenance or replacement of equipment.

Main advantages of the system

Topas 5 is intended to serve one household of five people, as evidenced by the installation markings. Topas septic tank sizes range from smaller treatment units suitable for individual households to larger ones. The product is certified and has a high level of protection. Advantages of a septic tank:

  1. Ability to recover from long periods of inactivity.
  2. Space saving.
  3. Features a low profile and height adjustable inlet.
  4. An equalizing tank that equalizes daily fluctuations and sudden strong inflows of liquid.
  5. Decanting purified water prevents the release of surface sludge.
  6. Easy maintenance of Topas 5 and a guarantee of up to 50 years.

On a note! When using equipment seasonally in a summer cottage, it is recommended to carry out a conservation process before stopping it.

Installation process

It is best to entrust the installation of a Topas 5 septic tank to professionals who have the appropriate licenses and provide guarantees for the work performed. The installation diagram must be drawn up taking into account local conditions; the following must be taken into account:

  • soil characteristics;
  • relief of the site;
  • hydraulic regime, that is, changes in the level of groundwater depending on the season.

The installation process of Topas 5 is as follows:

  • a pit is prepared, its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the septic tank. So, if a model with an extended neck is selected, the depth of the pit should be more than 3 meters. The bottom is filled with sand;
  • install Topas 5; when performing this work, you can do without lifting equipment. The work is carried out by 5-6 people;
  • connection to the sewer pipeline is made, the connection diagram depends on the modification;
  • the next step is connecting the power supply. You can study the electrical diagram of the Topas 5 septic tank in the instructions, but it is better to entrust the connection work to experienced electricians. The station control unit is installed in the house, this will allow you to monitor the operation of the station during operation without leaving the room;
  • Next, a test run of the treatment facility is carried out; if no defects are identified, the pit is backfilled.

Advice! To avoid deformation of the housing under soil pressure, it is necessary to fill the housing with water during the backfilling process. Moreover, the water level should be higher than the backfill level.

Choosing a Topas installation location

Choosing the location where the Topas treatment plant will be installed, which serves for biological treatment, is a responsible task, during which several special points should be taken into account:

  1. It is not necessary to install the installation near access roads, since its maintenance does not require the participation of a sewage disposal truck. Consequently, there is no need to organize convenient access to the installation site;
  2. The issue of insulation is controversial for many, and we will try to help figure it out. Even in cases with a shallow sewer pipe (up to 1 m) leaving the house and without insulation, the discharge products do not freeze. This occurs due to the fact that all discharges are made immediately after using the bathroom and their temperature (discharge products) is above zero by a significant amount. The same thing happens with fairly deep-lying pipelines (up to 4 m deep). Do not forget that the sewer also removes exhaust air from the installation, and the temperature of this air is also above zero degrees;
  3. After reading the previous paragraph, many will think that insulation can be abandoned, which will save money. However, one more important fact should be taken into account: condensation snow can form inside the sewer pipe, which appears due to temperature differences inside and outside the pipeline. Moreover, this snow can grow at a very fast pace, which ultimately causes a jam to form, and the removal of discharge products will become impossible. It must be said that the operation of clearing snow from a pipeline is complex and time-consuming, so it is recommended to insulate the sewer pipe. Moreover, the thickness of the layer of heat-insulating material should be selected taking into account the depth of the sewer pipe.


Any equipment comes with an instruction manual, and the Topas 5 septic tank is no exception. After studying the operating manual, you can learn how to maintain a septic tank with your own hands. You can enter into an agreement with a specialized company that will service Topas 5, regularly carrying out cleaning and scheduled maintenance.

To clean the Topas septic tank, no special equipment is required; the work can be done independently, using the built-in sediment. It is recommended to clean the Topas septic tank once a quarter. The pumped-out substance can be disposed of in compost; it does not pose a threat to the ecology of the site.

With constant use, there is no need to specially insulate the station for the winter. When used seasonally, before stopping, additional cleaning and conservation measures are carried out, including removal of compressor equipment and additional insulation.

Topas 5 is a compact autonomous sewer system designed for use in private households. The installation is designed to process one cubic meter of liquid and is suitable for serving five users. The model is easy to use and does not require constant attention from the owners. However, equipment maintenance must be carried out regularly; only in this case can you count on long-term operation of the model without emergency stops.

Installation of a deep cleaning station

Installation of septic tanks from the Topas model range is not difficult; if desired, you can do it yourself. The installation work takes place in several stages:

  • A pit is dug, a sand cushion is placed at the bottom, and the sides are reinforced with formwork.
  • Installation of the station in a pit.
  • Connecting a sewer pipe.
  • Connecting the septic tank to the electrical network.
  • Backfilling of the station. You need to fall asleep while filling the container with water.
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