Which product is best to choose for cleaning pipes from blockages - sewer cleaning options

To clean the sewer pipe, we use the common fast-acting preparation “Premium Pothan” - this is a solution of caustic alkali. Pour the product into the clogged pipe (approximately 70 g), then pour a glass of hot water and leave for 3-5 minutes. Then we flush the drain with a strong stream of hot water.

You can also use baking soda and vinegar. Pour half a pack of soda into the drain and add vinegar. Plug the drain with a plug. Wait 2 hours and rinse with boiling water (4-5 liters). If this does not help, use strong alkali-based preparations.

A blockage in pipes and its removal at home is an everyday matter, but in the process of cleaning the system, certain difficulties may arise. In this article we will look at many ways to solve this problem and how to avoid such a situation in the future.

In a modern private home it is impossible to imagine life without high-quality sewerage. It is best, of course, to install sewerage during the construction stage.

It is not difficult to install it, even on your own, without calling specialists. But there are points that you should pay attention to first. For example, an incorrect slope of a sewer pipe will often cause your pipeline to become clogged.

Release forms

On sale you can find the following types of modern products that help deal with blockages:

  • liquid formulations;
  • thick gels;
  • granular preparations;
  • powders.

The properties possessed by this or that pipe and sewer cleaner do not depend on the form of release. It affects the ease of use of the product.

In the case where the drain is filled with water, it is better to give preference to the gel. They are specially produced with a thick consistency. They are poorly soluble in water. The gel should be squeezed into a drain filled with water, then it will slowly settle down and fall into the area where its action is required.

As for liquid products for eliminating blockages in the sewer system, it is most convenient to pour such compositions inside the drain - this is done carefully, avoiding splashing. However, you need to remember: they may contain caustic components that can harm the condition of ceramics, enamel and even stainless steel.

Granular preparations are also convenient to use, since they are free-flowing and evenly distributed over the surface to be cleaned.

Experts recommend that when choosing a product for clearing clogged pipes, first of all, pay attention not to the release form, but to its properties, since this is primary.

Purpose of sewer cleaning products

Manufacturers produce three main groups of these products:

  1. To eliminate fat plugs. This product should be used when the drain in the kitchen sink is clogged.
  2. To dissolve hair. If your bathroom drain is clogged, this will be your best choice.
  3. Universal use. This product is recommended for use when it is difficult to determine what the blockage consists of, since it formed in a common sewer pipe. Most likely, it contains both hair and fat deposits.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the purpose of this or that product, since the correct choice determines how quickly the problem will be resolved.

Hydrodynamic method

Sometimes, when choosing a method for cleaning a sewer in a private home, they use a compact version of industrial equipment that acts on blockages with water supplied under high pressure. With this method, contaminants are completely removed from pipes with a diameter of 5 to 30 cm.

The hydrodynamic method is used in apartments. A flexible hose with a special nozzle is inserted into the water pipe. Pressurized water removes all deposits. The hose, thanks to jet thrust, moves further along the pipeline, washing away and removing contaminants from it.

Variety of anti-clog products

When you go to the store to look for a good solution for blockages in pipes, you can see a large assortment of these products. Some of them are more expensive, others are very cheap. But in this case, expensive products may not be the best. Among the products offered to consumers, there are budget options that can perfectly cope with removing blockages that have formed in the sewer pipeline.

The main purpose of all chemical compounds for drain cleaning is prevention. The plumber recommends treating drains with your favorite product at least once every month. As a result, the sewer system will function without problems.

Also, treatment with drugs should be carried out when a deterioration in the waste water flow is detected. If it starts to go away slowly, you need to fill it up or fill it with product. The problem will disappear and then there will be no need to contact a specialist.

Quite often, anti-clog compounds in pipes help remove severe contamination, but not in all cases. The reason for such a poor effect from using the product is not always its low quality, but the fact that it is not able to dissolve the cork.

For example, during repairs, rags, small pieces of construction debris, etc. fell into the sewer. All this can be removed from the pipeline, but only mechanically, and even in this way it will be difficult to do. Such contamination is removed using special devices, for example, a plumbing cable.

Before calling a plumber for help, you should apply a clog remover. The range of these products in domestic stores is huge.


To reduce the problem of how to clean sewer pipes, pour boiling water over them monthly. For prevention, the recommended products are used once every two months. Periodically remove and clean the siphon.

Prevents residues of construction compounds containing insoluble solids from entering the sewer system. Grease grates are installed on kitchen sink drains. In the bathtub, when draining the water, a special grate is placed on the drain to trap hair and wool.

When urgently clearing the sewer system of blockages, take into account the degree of wear of the pipes and the material from which they are made, so as not to damage the system. At the same time, observing preventive measures significantly extends its service life.

Floop powder for cleaning pipes

Sold packaged in 60 gram bags. It is produced in two types. In the first option, the product in the green package needs to be filled with cold water, and in the second option (red package) - with hot water. The powder is a universal drain cleaner because it dissolves fats and hair plugs, and also corrodes organic matter. Floop cannot be used to unclog toilets.

This powder should be poured exclusively inside the sewer riser so that it does not get on the bathtub or sink. The cleaner, even in dry form, is extremely toxic, so you should wear gloves and protective clothing when using it.

The contents of the package are poured out, filled with water and waited for 15 minutes. During the reaction, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room; do not lean over the drain and inhale the fumes.

After 15 minutes, turn on cold water and rinse the drain. As a result, the cork should dissolve. If this does not happen, the product can be reapplied. It is not recommended to use Floop for the third time in a row. Usually one sachet is enough.

Pothan bugs against blockages

It is a universal granular product that clears blockages in pipes. It is characterized by active action and high concentration. To use it, water is removed from the drain so that there is approximately 5 centimeters of dry pipe.

The granules are carefully poured and filled with a small amount of water. At the same time, the arm is held outstretched and the head is turned away from the drain.

After three minutes, turn on the water, after which a violent reaction begins, during which foam and toxic gases are released. This is an effective remedy for blockages in pipes that have formed near the drain hole, since the granules do not get inside. The disadvantage of the drug is its high cost and too toxic odor.

Cleaning with a cable

The most effective, but very labor-intensive method of cleaning sewers, if the first 2 methods did not help. Before using the cable, you should still try cleaning the drain with hot water or soda and vinegar.

In this way, you will make sure that there may be a blockage with some physical objects, and not with fat, which you still cannot push out with a cable.

Instead of a cable, you can use a spiral or a special cleaning machine. Perhaps nothing better than mechanical equipment for cleaning pipes has been invented in our time.

For example, a very common mechanical machine is a device for cleaning sewer pipes. The essence of its work is similar to manual cable cleaning, only less labor-intensive and automated.

Insert one of the ends of the cable into the drain hole, begin to slowly push it inside, smoothly turning clockwise or counterclockwise. Even if the clog is not very massive, but it is very deep, it will take a lot of effort and patience to clean it.

As soon as you feel the cable sticking into something, pull back slightly and try to break it with a sharp movement. The method is very labor-intensive, but there is no better method yet.

Universal drug "Mole"

Products for clearing clogs under this name are sold in the form of granules, liquid, and gel in plastic bottles. “Mole” is poured or poured directly into the drain. When working with granules, fill them with water, turn your head away and do not inhale air. After 1 - 2 hours, wash off.

The composition works effectively, dissolving the bulk of the traffic jams. At the same time, it is sold at lower prices compared to similar cleaners. Many housewives believe that “Mole” is the best remedy for clogged pipes.

Tiret Turbo

Available in the form of liquid, gel, granules. One bottle should be enough for 2 – 4 uses. According to the manufacturer's instructions, Tiret is poured into the drain, left for 5 minutes and then washed with a large volume of water. Consumer reviews about this product are mixed, since it helps some people well, while others note its low effectiveness.

Everyone who has used Tiret says that it has an unpleasant odor that is released when cleaning the kitchen sink. A possible reason for this phenomenon is the dissolution of fatty deposits or organic deposits. In addition, the cleaner is expensive and requires a large amount of product to clear the blockage. The only advantage that can be noted is the presence of a lid with special protection against small children.

Determining the location of the blockage

To decide how to clean sewer pipes at home, you need to find out the cause of the problem and locate its location. To do this, you need to spill separate sections of the pipeline.

The check starts from the toilet. If, when emptying the toilet cistern, the liquid flows away without problems, go to the bathroom.

If the liquid from the bathroom passes well, move to the kitchen. Here, traditionally the blockage occurs in the siphon, but it is also possible for waste to accumulate in the pipe connecting the kitchen sink drain and the main sewer pipe.

If the liquid does not drain at all, but flows from the sink into the bathroom or raises the level in the toilet, the problem is in the general house system - the riser is clogged.

When a problem arises in a private building with a separate septic tank, the first thing to do is check the water level in the receiving pit or septic tank. If it does not exceed the permissible level, then the problem is in the sewer pipes at the exit from the cottage.

A particularly unpleasant situation is when a rag or other object gets stuck in the main sewer pipe of an apartment building, at a level just below your floor. Then all the sewage from the apartments on the upper floors will enter your sewer system and spill over the edge.

In this case, you will have to call plumbers with special equipment. It is impossible to fix this problem on your own.

Mister Muscle

A candidate for being called the best means for flushing sewer pipes, according to housewives, is “Mr. Muscle,” produced in granules.

The cleaner is very effective and is able to cope with complex plugs; it corrodes everything except metal, but does not damage the pipeline and siphons and does not have a strong odor.

The granules are poured into the pipe and only then poured with cold water, wait 1 - 2 hours, sometimes the time is increased, for example, by leaving the product overnight.

Mixed cleaning method

When cleaning sewers in a private house, a mixed method is used. They work like this:

  • garbage is removed with a rope;
  • pour a liter of boiling water;
  • after 20 minutes use a plunger;
  • pour baking soda into the drain - one glass;
  • pour in three glasses of boiling water.

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Soda will remove residual grease from the internal surfaces of the pipes and eliminate the specific odor, acting as a disinfectant. The method is used to prevent possible blockages.

Using anti-blockage products in pipes

When using drain cleaners, you need to remember that they are chemically active compounds and must be handled with extreme caution. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions on the product packaging.

It describes standard recommendations that must be followed in order not to harm your own health:

  1. Open windows and doors, turn on ventilation.
  2. Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses.
  3. Do not allow product to come into contact with skin.
  4. When pouring granules and powders, pouring in gels and liquid formulations, keep your hand extended. Place the head away from the drain where the cleaner is poured. If you don’t have a respirator, you should try not to breathe. When you need to pour water, do it without breathing and stretching out your hand.
  5. After the reaction begins, do not lean over the drain hole and leave the room.
  6. When flushing pipes, first use a thin stream of water to avoid splashing the product.

All of the above measures must be followed. All cleaning compounds, like other household chemicals, must be hidden in a place where children cannot reach. Even empty containers of products emit a strong harmful odor, so they should be thrown into the trash immediately.

Personal Safety Measures

If you have to clean the sewer yourself, you should not throw into the background personal safety when carrying out these activities. We must never forget that all processes are associated with a very aggressive environment. In which, in addition, various bacteria that can cause serious diseases develop very actively.

Therefore, you should follow some useful recommendations:

  • Work should be carried out in high rubber gloves to avoid contact with the skin of chemicals, as some of them can cause toxic burns.
  • You should protect your respiratory tract with a respirator, and not only from inhaling chemicals, but also sewer gases, and from getting dirt into the oral cavity.
  • It is also recommended to protect your eyes by wearing at least regular glasses.
  • All actions related to the preparation of solutions that use acids or alkalis must be carried out with special care. Even ordinary, “harmless” at first glance table vinegar or concentrated citric acid can turn out to be very unsafe.
  • If chemicals come into contact with your skin or eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water.
  • To avoid an emergency in the future, after cleaning the system with chemicals, the pipes must be thoroughly rinsed with running water so that the remaining detergents go into the collector along with the blockage.

Check out the types and installation of a grease trap for sewerage from our new article on our portal.

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We hope that the publication will be useful. Having figured out what methods exist to bring an autonomous sewage system into working condition, you can choose the best option for a particular case.

In conclusion - a video in which its author shows another original way to deal with sewer blockages

Video: How to deal with a severe sewer clog yourself

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