Mole pipe cleaner - composition, instructions for use

In order to get rid of blockages in sewer pipes, various chemicals are used. Most often, many people use Mole for cleaning.

ATTENTION! A unique, highly effective product has been developed for cleaning sewer pipes, eliminating any blockages. The product is a concentrated mixture of enzymes that easily break down and process fat accumulations and any deposits of organic origin. One package of Saniclean will last you a whole year! Read more"

It is best to choose this particular product, as it is considered the most effective and affordable. With the help of Mole, you can get rid of a severe blockage and not have to call a plumber for this procedure.

What is he like?

The “Mole” sewer pipe cleaner dissolves residual household waste that creates blockages in drains.

Fatty deposits accumulate in siphons and on the bends of pipes, on which sand and other dirt sticks, hair, animal hair and fluff remaining after washing things collect, lumps of toilet paper and small particles of food get stuck. The lumen of pipelines is also narrowed by inorganic impurities and salts that make up hard water.

“Mole” can dissolve any clots that impair the permeability of the sewer system.

By removing existing obstacles to the movement of water, the drug stops the process of decay of organic matter, accompanied by unpleasant odors.

Effect of the product on hard deposits

At its core, the Mole pipe cleaner, whose composition is a solution of inorganic alkali, combined with active additives, is a way to eliminate deposits inside sewer pipes.

The most common places where such blockages appear in sewer pipes are:

  • bends;
  • knee;
  • siphons;
  • rubber seals in plastic pipes;
  • tow in cast iron elements.

Fat plug in the sewer

In short, places where solid residues can “catch” on uneven surfaces, drops and protrusions, and serve as a basis for the accumulation and layering of other waste.

In addition, vegetable and animal fat serves as an adhesive base for collagen fibers, and they are already overgrown with growths that significantly impede the flow of water and serve as a source of unpleasant odors, so you have to think about how to clean the sewer pipes:

The substances contained in the “Mole” product help soften and decompose food and household residues that are not washed off with running water.

The most difficult residues in sewer systems to remove are:

  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • proteins;
  • fatty acid salts;
  • collagen fibers (human and animal hair, fish scales).

It is to destroy them that the action of all active components of the sewer pipe cleaner is aimed.

Purpose and scope

The “Mole” plumbing cleaner is used to dissolve dirt accumulated in pipes, which prevents the water from draining completely. You can also use the product preventively to keep the pipes clean at all times.

Experts confirm the safety of the drug for cleaning cast iron and plastic products.

“Mole” effectively cleans sink and kitchen sink drains, dissolves dirt in siphons, and breaks through complex blockages in the toilet. Thanks to its aggressive effect on pathogenic microorganisms, the drug prevents the development of infection and makes the air cleaner.

Composition of the cleaning product

The composition of “Mole” differs slightly from different manufacturers. But the basis of the drug is always alkali, which is otherwise called caustic soda or caustic soda. The chemical formula is NaOH.

Its concentration is usually 15-30%, but for complex long-term blockages they produce a product with a high caustic content - up to 60%.

The next required ingredients of "Mole" are surfactants (surfactants). They are important components of any detergent or cleaning product. These components, occupying 5-10% of the volume, increase the effectiveness of alkali by softening lumps of dirt and helping to dissolve salts contained in hard water.

Its liquid “Mole” composition must include purified water.

In addition, the developers enrich the cleaner with aromatic fragrances, making the product more ergonomic.

Some manufacturers of pipe cleaners add other components to the composition:

  • sodium hydrochloride, which kills pathogens;
  • organic acid, which more effectively dissolves salt deposits inside pipes;
  • caustic potassium is an alkali that enhances the effect of caustic soda.

The best remedy to fight blockages

Clogged pipes in the house are a common and very unpleasant problem that cannot always be dealt with the first time. The number of cleaning products in stores is simply huge, but once you have used “Mole” to clean pipes, you can refuse to choose other drugs. The product first appeared on the shelves of hardware stores back in the middle of the 20th century, and has still not lost its demand due to the properties declared by the manufacturer, allowing it to quickly and effectively remove blockages and dissolve deposits of fat and dirt on the inner surface of pipes. Of course, this is not the only remedy if the sewer in a private house is clogged, but perhaps the easiest.

Helpful information:

  • Installation of a heating system in an apartment and selection of pipes
  • CleanUp Cleaner
  • Overview of chimney pipes
  • How to install pipes in the bathroom and toilet?
  • Sewer cleaning: clearing clogged pipes
  • Installation of polypropylene pipes: a quick guide

If you need large volumes, you can use caustic soda - it is part of the cleaning chemical and does an excellent job.

Enthusiastic consumer reviews about the effectiveness of using the cleaner appear online regularly. This is understandable: blockages really are not able to resist the action of the active substances in the composition of the popular product.

Types and forms of release of the drug mole

Varieties of “Mole” for sewer cleaning differ in the degree of their impact on accumulated contaminants. From the product labels you can determine for what purpose it is best to use the drug. The buyer can choose from “Mole” in the form of granules, powder, liquid or gel.


The viscous structure of the pipe cleaning gel does not allow the alkaline components included in the composition to quickly dissolve in water. The drug envelops the contamination, softens it and gradually destroys it. It is especially effective for eliminating dirt in hard-to-reach places and for removing toilet blockages.

Cleaning agent "Mole" will dissolve all organic residues.

By staying on the walls for a long time, it will clean the pipeline of mineral deposits. The consumption of the gel is very small - a liter bottle is enough for several cleanings.

In addition, it is less harmful to humans and surrounding objects - it is difficult to splash or accidentally spill. With regular use, the gel-like “Mole” will keep your pipes clean for a very long time.


'Liquid bottle

“Mole”, available in dry form, is also suitable for cleaning sewer pipes. In terms of the nature of their effect, products in granules and powder are almost the same.

But unlike liquid drugs, they are convenient in that their volume is designed for one time.

Both options are great for cleaning pipes with complex configurations because they dissolve more slowly and act on contamination for a longer time.

What are the differences between different types?

The most popular remedy for blockages, which can expand the lumen of pipes and prevent the accumulation of dirt, has the word “Master” on the label. If the prefix “Bio” is added to the name, then the drug contains antibacterial components that dissolve small food particles and disinfect the pipe. This “Mole” is suitable for cleaning drains and siphons of kitchen sinks.

If there are persistent contaminants on the bends of sewer pipes, products with a high alkali content are effective, for example “Professional”, “Active”, “Tornado”. And in case of obstruction of the toilet, it is better to choose a drug whose name contains the word “Turbo”.

Varieties of Mole

Sewer contaminants can be in the form of grease, hardened plugs, accumulated organic waste, and other types. To eliminate them, different approaches are used, which is why “Mole” is produced in various types and volumes. It comes in the following forms:

  1. gel,
  2. liquid,
  3. powdery.

To understand how they differ and where they are used, let’s take a closer look at each type.


A viscous substance capable of uniformly covering the surface to be cleaned. It is believed that the gel is less effective compared to other types, but the most gentle in relation to human health. Economical, one liter of solution is enough for 3-5 uses. Used for blockages located nearby in the sewer, as well as for prevention.


Highly concentrated liquid solution. Quickly penetrates inside the pipe. Retrieves and breaks down dirt plugs located deep in the pipe. Removes old formations and eliminates sewer odor. Can be used for preventive purposes. The cheapest type, but requires caution when working with it. When it gets on the body it causes a chemical burn.

Powder or granules

The dry type of the drug, which contains more active ingredients. It has a destructive effect on clogs upon contact with water. Quickly and effectively removes severe blockages. When reacting with liquid, it creates splashes that are unsafe for humans. After using it, you need to thoroughly rinse the sewer pipes with hot running water.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Mole"

The Krot pipe cleaner has several recognized advantages:

  • eliminates any blockages, and the product with a high alkali content dissolves the most complex and hardened clots that have accumulated over several years;
  • due to its bactericidal properties, it is very effective for cleaning siphons under kitchen sinks;
  • has a low price and has a long shelf life.

The disadvantages include a long wait for the cleaning result (up to two hours), an aggressive effect on the skin and respiratory system, as well as the need to thoroughly ventilate the room after treatment.

Owners often ask whether Krot can be used to clean plastic pipes. Manufacturers claim that the drug does not damage polyvinyl chloride. The bottles into which the product is poured are made of the same material as the pipes.

Machine "Mole"

The “Mole” machine is used to clean sewers in public places (industrial enterprises, hotels, gas stations, etc.). This is a plumbing device specially designed for removing household blockages in small diameter pipes.

Photo – General Pipe Cleaners

An electromechanical drum-type sewer cleaning device, suitable for both metal and plastic pipes. The kit includes a special plumbing hose with various ends that can be changed as needed. The machine is also used to remove blockages in chimney and ventilation networks.

A special handle is attached to the drum. When it rotates, the drum mechanism also begins to rotate, unrolling the hose. The action length of the “Mole” is 30 meters, but if you find a hose of a similar diameter (as on the device), but longer, you can increase this figure with your own hands. In addition to manual mode, the device can be used semi-automatically. In this case, the equipment operates according to a simplified system: the worker’s hands are free, and the hose or cable unfolds automatically.

Photo - enhanced mole

The device operates in both manual and semi-automatic mode. In the first case, the drum rotates using a handle attached to it and unrolls the hose. In the second, the cable is fed automatically. The device is put into operation using an electromechanical drive.

Let's look at the advantages of General Pipe Cleaners MR Mole-Mini:

  1. effectively clears the sewer system from blockages of any complexity;
  2. easy to use, does not require additional experience;
  3. silent during operation;
  4. loyal to use in PVC pipes;
  5. does not deform or damage pipes;
  6. The thin diameter of the cable allows the device to be used for bathroom drains and kitchen sinks.

To clean toilet drains, it is recommended to use Krot-DR, which is a prototype of Rems Cobra 22. It is slightly inferior in power, but its price is much cheaper. For a clear example of how the “Mole” machine works, we present a video:

Video: General Pipe Cleaners Krot-88

Instructions for use

The drug must be used in accordance with the instructions for use written on the label:

  • 250 ml of the product in liquid form or a mixture of the contents of one sachet of dry substance and 200 ml of water is poured into the drain of a plumbing fixture or into a pipe;
  • wait 1.5-2 hours;
  • rinse with a strong stream of warm water;
  • if the water does not drain well enough, the process is repeated.

Using an insufficient amount of the product will not completely eliminate the obstruction of the pipe, and its excess may pollute the surrounding air too much with decomposition products.

Mode of application

Before using a cleaning product, it is recommended to open the windows or turn on the hood so that the unpleasant odor is immediately removed from the room. If liquid is used, the container should be shaken first (be sure to make sure that the lid is tightly closed!).

The method of application:

  1. Pour about 200 ml of the substance into the clogged drain. If using a granular form, add the contents of the package.
  2. We wait 90 minutes.
  3. Rinse the pipeline with hot water for several minutes.

If the water begins to drain, but not as quickly as before (before blockages appear), it is recommended to use the cleaning agent again.

Precautionary measures

When using "Mole", according to the manual, you must wear the same protective equipment as when in contact with other caustic chemical compounds: thick rubber gloves, a thick apron and a respirator.

It is necessary to remove children and pets from the room, and after completing the cleaning process, thoroughly ventilate the room.

In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin, be sure to wash the affected area with tap water and lubricate the burn site with a restorative cream. If the product gets on the mucous membrane, you should immediately rinse it with plenty of water and call a doctor. If you swallow Mole, drink plenty of clean water and call an ambulance.

Advantages of the drug

Mole has a lot of advantages when compared with other Russian or foreign analogues.

The following advantages:

  1. The product starts working quickly. Thanks to this, you can get rid of the blockage in the pipe in the shortest possible time. It will take an hour and a half to completely remove the dirt.
  2. Easy to use. In order to get rid of the blockage, you will need to pour or pour the product into the drain hole. You need to wait a while and drain with running water.
  3. Cleanliness remains after using the drug. If you compare cleaning with a cable, then there will be no dirt in the room from the Mole.
  4. Acceptable and affordable price. You don't need to pay a lot of money for the product, as it is inexpensive. The effectiveness of Mole is on par with expensive drugs.

The only drawback is that you will need to be careful when using the product. When contacting any chemical, you must adhere to certain rules so as not to cause harm to health.

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