Which product is better for cesspools: a review of live bacteria, antiseptics and chemistry

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
Top 6 best products for cesspools
1Bioforce Septic ComfortBetter efficiency
2BioBac BB-Z 150Suitable for winter
3Doctor Robik Bioactivator 409High quality
4Live bacteria BioseptFast action
5GorynychFavorable volume
6TratanBest price

Nothing can spoil a pleasant day at the dacha except the unpleasant smell from the dry closet. Unfortunately, not all houses are equipped with modern toilets with advanced sewage systems, so often there are cesspools or dry closets on the sites. Frequent use can cause them to become clogged, overfilled, and emit strong odors. In this case, a special cesspool cleaner will come to the aid of the summer resident. The product is designed to quickly relieve overcrowded latrines. Preparations are often aimed at removing repulsive odors.

When choosing a suitable product for a dry closet, you must remember that this segment of products is divided into 2 types. There are organic and chemical activators. The former are much safer than the latter, but chemical-based drugs are usually highly active and start working faster. Chemical samples are also more versatile and can cope with any type of contamination. The rating below presents 6 samples of the best products for cesspools.

Reasons for the appearance of sludge and the first accompanying signs

There are several reasons for silting a cesspool or septic tank. Firstly, this is a consequence of improper operation, namely, untimely cleansing of impurities. As a result of such negligence, the walls of the bunker are covered with a layer of fat, which does not allow moisture to be absorbed into them. The result is siltation.

Secondly, the pit may become silted as a result of poor performance of bacteria processing sewage or the complete absence of these microorganisms in it. If a septic tank has already appeared in the house, then it must be maintained correctly, that is, populated and fed on time, with bacteria that process sewage.

The third reason for rapid silting is improper pumping of a filled pit. The fact is that if the tank is completely cleaned, the walls and floor will be covered with a quickly dried crust of sewage. It creates an impermeable layer that prevents moisture from escaping into the soil; as a result of this condition, rapid silting occurs. That is why, as an experienced goldsmith, when pumping out the contents of a cesspool, we leave a small layer of liquid at the bottom.

Signs of siltation appear quite quickly. This includes an increase in unpleasant odor, rapid filling of the pit, and visual observation of silt on the walls.

How do bioactivators work?

Biological preparations contain living microflora and enzymes. Sewage and waste are a breeding ground for them. Today, manufacturers offer two types of biological products:

  • Septic tanks;
  • Antiseptics.

Active microorganisms entering wastewater begin to multiply, feeding on sewage. As a result of their operational activities, the following occurs:

  • Processing feces and waste into liquid;
  • Reducing waste volume.

Septic tanks cause the decomposition and processing of feces into an odorless technical liquid. Antiseptics sanitize waste. With the regular use of biological products, there is no need to pump waste out of the toilet: a clean drainage system conducts liquid well into the soil. Also, after the microorganisms work, the liquid becomes completely safe, and it can be used for watering the garden or fertilizing the soil.

Principle of operation

Cesspools need to be cleaned periodically, and how often it needs to be cleaned depends on the use. Sewage pits are cleaned in different ways: mechanical, biological, chemical. The last option is the most effective and simple. The principle of operation of chemicals is to convert soluble compounds using reagents into sparingly soluble ones. The main thing is that the chosen product is capable of reducing the volume of fecal matter as much as possible and can process paper, cellulose and filtered solids.

Preventive measures

Simple procedures will help avoid siltation of the pit. It is important to carry them out regularly:

  • pump out liquid household waste without waiting for the container to overflow or for the liquid to stagnate;
  • remove solid deposits from the walls or bottom of the tank using a jet of water under pressure or a stiff brush once every two months;
  • Renew microorganisms in the tank by pouring out a pack of biological product at least once a month.

Protecting the cesspool from freezing by creating a heat-protective layer or burying the reservoir below the ground freezing level is an effective prevention of siltation, helping to maintain the performance of bacteria at a high level even in the cold season.

Description of the drug "Tamir"

The most popular among cleaning products is the biologically active drug “Tamir”. It helps solve most problems associated with the operation of individual sewage systems and allows you to quickly dispose of organic residues, household and sewage waste in septic tanks and cesspools.

The drug Tamir is sold in any specialized store

The principle of operation of the drug is based on the action of active bacteria.

When a certain environment is created, bacteria during their life activity accelerate the decomposition of organic substances and provide disinfection of wastewater.

User reviews

The use of the drug has received positive reviews. Among the advantages, users noted:

  • Its availability. On average, the product costs 5-6 dollars and is several times more affordable than chemical drugs.
  • Efficiency. “Tamir” eliminates unpleasant odors in just 5-7 days and allows you to effectively deal with blockages.
  • Ease of use. The product is available in liquid form. Depending on the purpose, the liquid is mixed with water and other components and poured into a pit or other waste container.

In addition, users note the environmental safety of Tamir. The microbiological complex does not contain mercury or other toxic substances. Thanks to this, the product is universal and is actively used, for example, in livestock and greenhouse farming, where it is used for the biological processing of household and other waste (manure, food debris, weeds, etc.).

Biological products for cesspool

If environmentally friendly preparations based on enzymes and living organisms are used to decompose sewage from a cesspool, then this method of purification is called bacterial-enzymatic.

All bacterial and enzymatic wastewater treatment preparations have the following qualities:

  • Converting waste into a safe mass. The sludge obtained as a result of the activity of bacteria is a valuable fertilizer, rich in organic matter and minerals.
  • Safe for people, do not cause allergic reactions or skin irritation even in case of direct contact.
  • Helps eliminate odors and excess gas formation during the decomposition process.
  • When in contact with any materials of inorganic origin, they do not show aggression. This fully applies to metal, plastic, plastic, concrete, brick, which are most often used for sewerage and cesspool walls.
  • They are able to work effectively only at positive temperatures; they show the greatest activity in the temperature range from +3 to +30 degrees. Although there are exceptions, there are preparations based on bacteria that can work well at temperatures up to +45 degrees.
  • Sensitive to household chemicals and detergents.
  • They are suppressed and can almost completely die when combined with chemical cleaning agents - concentrated alkalis and acids, phenols, aldehydes, active chlorine. The survival of bacteria depends on the concentration of the chemistry.

It should be taken into account that although live bacteria are effective for cesspools, they are still not recommended for use in winter and cannot be combined with chemicals.

The wastewater fermented in the first chamber with the participation of anaerobic bacteria enters the second (and subsequent) chambers with aerobes. After which, additional treatment is carried out in drains or a filter well using aerobic bacteria located in the soil

By their nature, microbes for cesspools can be classified into 2 groups:

  1. Aerobic. They work only in conditions of unhindered supply of oxygen necessary for their life. To do this, either provide its free access in an unlimited volume, or pump the gas with compressors. Aerobes are capable of processing almost all substances entering the cesspool and destroying harmful microbes, purifying and disinfecting water before it enters the filtration fields or absorption well.
  2. Anaerobic. They work in closed, sealed containers that prevent the penetration of oxygen. Such cultures serve for preliminary fermentation of wastewater with the help of methane-producing microorganisms. Fermentation takes 2-3 days, then the prepared mass is available to aerobes.

For bacteria to work effectively, sudden temperature fluctuations must be avoided. Preference should be given to those biological preparations that have been adapted to chemistry and are able to work in complete darkness.

Preparations that provide biological treatment of wastewater can be produced in various forms.

The release form is determined by the following parameters:

  • The type of bacteria used;
  • Composition of the drug;
  • Frequency of application;
  • Ease of use.

Most often, biologically based drugs are available in the form of granules and powders, liquid formulations and tablets. Each of the presented biological products has its own dilution characteristics and varying efficiency of waste decomposition.

Powder formulation options

They are produced in the form of a dry powder, the composition of which contains a group of microorganisms and enzymes. The drug is convenient for transportation; it is packaged in containers and containers of various sizes.

Powder compositions have the following characteristic features:

  • The drug consists of saprophytic anaerobic bacteria grown under artificial conditions.
  • The composition can be sold either in powder form or in the form of a granular mixture.
  • Bacteria in the form of granules or powder are in suspended animation and require activation.

Most often, bacteria are activated by adding warm water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Sometimes it may be necessary to add sweetness or organic matter to activate bacteria. A sign of the awakening and beginning of bacterial activity is the release of carbon dioxide, which is manifested by the release of bubbles on the surface.

When awakening bacteria in the bacterial powder, you must strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions, otherwise the product will not have any effect.

The instructions should not be neglected, since incorrectly awakened bacteria will not bring any positive effect after being introduced into the cesspool.

Liquid concentrated products

Liquid biological preparations have a high concentration of microorganisms. They contain a complex of anaerobic bacteria that effectively decompose almost any organic impurity. When exposed, household waste decomposes into water and carbon dioxide.

The main distinguishing feature of liquid products is the small volume required for a large amount of waste. Due to the high concentration of the solution, 1 liter of the drug will be enough to process 2 cubic meters of wastewater. The recommended volume of the drug is indicated by the manufacturer.

In most cases, liquid products are already ready for use, but to achieve maximum effect it is better to keep them at room temperature to better awaken bacteria

Liquid products may require dilution with warm water or directly poured into a cesspool without a bottom or with a bottom. In any case, the container with bacteria must be kept at room temperature and ensure that the vital activity of bacteria is activated. The container with bacteria should not be left exposed to bright light during the awakening period.

Drugs in tablet form

The tablet form of biological products is considered the most convenient to use. It is enough to place the cleaning tablets for the cesspool into a container with sewage, and the anaerobic bacteria will begin their work. The amount of the drug is determined by the volume of the pit and is indicated in the instructions for use.

The basis of tablet preparations are anaerobic bacteria, which work well in the dark in the absence of oxygen. In addition to tablets, biological products can be produced in the form of cassettes with colonized microorganisms or in the form of self-dissolving bags.

The easiest way to work with biological products is in the form of tablets; they do not require preliminary preparation; it is enough to throw 1-2 tablets into the cesspool every month and not worry about processing sewage

The tablets perfectly dissolve solid bottom sediments, which allows you to avoid work on deepening the cesspool. In addition, they perfectly purify wastewater from suspended particles and neutralize unpleasant odors.

When purchasing tablet drugs, you need to pay attention to the life activity of bacteria. This is due to the fact that there are tablets based on aerobic bacteria used in septic tank treatment plants. Such preparations are not suitable for cleaning cesspools, since their activity requires oxygen.

Review of the best brands and brands

Taking into account the fact that chemicals are increasingly having a negative impact on the environment, biological products are becoming increasingly popular.

The most popular on the market of biological products for cleaning cesspools are:

  • Bioactivator Sanex. Available in powder form, which should be infused in warm water for 20 minutes to activate bacteria. Sanex, in addition to sewage, copes well with fats, starches, paper and organic fibers. The water obtained as a result of purification can be used for irrigation.
  • Doctor Robik. It contains more than a hundred types of microorganisms, which allows, in addition to organic matter, to easily cope with the decomposition of phenols, fats and detergents. A sachet of the drug is capable of cleaning 5 cubic meters of wastewater. If there is not enough water in the cesspool, then for the drug Doctor Robik to work effectively, it is necessary to replenish the fluid deficiency.
  • Bioactivator "Green Pine". In addition to bacteria, the drug contains organic carriers, enzymes, and pine flavoring. In addition to excrement, it copes well with fats and minimizes the reproduction of generations of flies. The drug ensures the processing of the contents of the pit to the state of fertilizer.
  • Micropan. Available in powder and liquid form, there is also a tablet form. Optimally combined bacteria and enzymes cope with the processing of excrement and paper into a safe mass.
  • Bio-sept. Used as a universal remedy for cesspools. Helps liquefy bottom sediments, cope with fats and excrement, and neutralizes surfactants. The bacteria of the drug are strongly suppressed by chlorine-containing substances.

All biological products cope well with organic waste, and their effectiveness is determined by the environment present in the cesspool. There are simply no special criteria for choosing organic preparations; for them to work effectively, you must strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Our article will introduce you to the structure and technology of constructing a cesspool on a summer cottage.

Release form

According to the form of release, chemicals for outdoor toilets are divided into:

  • liquid formulations. They are the most effective and cope with various contaminants. They are a ready-to-use solution. Their principle of operation begins immediately after being poured into the tank. The most popular products are: “Deo - Tural”, “Weist - Treat”, “Dachny - Aqua”;
  • powdered products. Dilute with water according to the instructions and leave for 20 minutes, after which it is poured into the sewer. Experts recommend reducing the concentration of products when using them in metal containers;
  • tableted. Convenient to use. The number of tablets used directly depends on the volume of the sewage tank. They destroy even the most persistent odors and dissolve most of the bottom sediments of a solid structure.

Prevention of siltation

In order to solve the problem of how to remove sludge from a cesspool at a lower cost, it is useful to apply the following preventive measures:

  • Do not flush solid waste, personal hygiene items, or toilet paper down the drain as they obstruct the passage of the cesspool.
  • It is quite difficult to clean grease from the drain pit, so it is advisable to install a grease trap in the kitchen under the sink or in the dishwasher drain.
  • If possible, it is better to separate waste gray water (discharge it into a drainage well) and fecal waste - chemical reagents significantly reduce the productivity of anaerobic bacteria and some drugs.

The principle of operation of a grease trap
If the cesspool is clogged due to siltation, then the methods for cleaning it depend on the financial resources of the user. The most expensive way is to call a special suction pump, which is designed to pump out this type of fraction. To reduce costs, they often use a sewer truck and then clean out the pit using hand tools or an electric fecal pump.

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