Pothan pipe cleaner - highly effective and dangerous

Any homeowner has had to deal with a situation where sewer drain pipes become clogged, and cleaning them with modern chemicals specially designed for this purpose was easier, cheaper, and better quality than calling and paying for the services of a plumber with a metal cable. Not long ago, a new effective Israeli-made chemical product appeared on the market, the trade brand name of which is Bagi Pathan pipe cleaning.

Pothan is a potent chemical, for the use of which it is useful to know its chemical composition and principle of action. This will allow you to avoid damage to plumbing fixtures and pipelines made from materials that it is not designed to interact with when working with Bagi Pothan. Also, during operation, the product emits an unpleasant odor in the form of gases harmful to human health - its use requires compliance with certain safety regulations.

Rice. 1. Popular household chemicals for clearing clogs

Types of blockages

The types of blockages that disrupt the operation of the sewer system during the removal of contaminated gray water can be divided into several categories, the main ones being the following:
Simple blockages. Caused by the accumulation of food waste, hair, and fatty deposits in siphons and on pipe walls. They can be effectively eliminated by using specially developed chemicals for cleaning sewer systems.

Mechanical. The reason for their appearance is the entry of solid mechanical particles into the household drainage system. To eliminate it, you can use a plumbing cable, a bottle, chemicals, if they dissolve the object that has entered the sewer system; in some cases, dismantling the sewer system may be necessary.

Technological. As a result of improper installation of the sewer system (gaskets are installed incorrectly, there are protrusions at the pipe joints) or the presence of a large number of turns, deposits can accumulate at the joints and corners of the pipes. The main method for eliminating this type of problem is to dismantle the drain system and then reassemble it correctly; if this is not possible, the most effective way is to use special chemicals.

Small slope. In this case, when draining, the water remains in the pipeline for a longer time and, accordingly, dirt deposits inside the pipes accumulate faster. If proper assembly of the drainage system is impossible, the use of household chemicals will help to get out of the situation.

Pipe deformation. As a result of the discharge of chemicals that corrode the pipeline into the sewer, sudden changes in temperature or over time, sewer pipes wear out (their inner walls become rough) and lose their shape. This causes increased accumulation of mud deposits inside, the main way to combat which is to install a new sewer system.

Rice. 3 Baghi Pathan – pipe cleaning


DEBOUCHER (Debaucher) – A special product that perfectly cleanses:

  • Sewer pipes;
  • Siphons;
  • Sinks;
  • Toilets.

In addition, the drug removes:

  • Hair;
  • Paper;
  • Fat;
  • Food leftovers;
  • Organic pollution.

After using “Brawler”, unpleasant odors disappear and all harmful bacteria are destroyed. The composition does not react with plastic and does not damage the enamel coating.

Very important! Cannot be used for aluminum pipes.

How to use

Each bottle has a special “child resistant” cap. To open the bottle, you need to press on the cap from above and turn it counterclockwise. Pour 500 milliliters of drain cleaner into the sink. Wait approximately 1–2 hours. If there is a severe blockage or a long pipeline, you need to pour out one liter of the drug and wait overnight. In the morning, rinse the pipes with a strong stream of hot water.

The composition of " Deboucher " has:

  • Purified water;
  • Sodium hydroxide,
  • Sodium hypochlorite.

How to store

Only at temperatures not exceeding 20-22 degrees. The drug should not be exposed to sunlight. If the drug is stored frozen, its properties are completely preserved after thawing. Be sure to shake the bottle before use.

Safety precautions

This highly caustic substance should be kept as far away from children as possible. Do not use for cleaning aluminum products. It is not allowed to mix the drug and detergents that contain acids. When working, be sure to protect your eyes.

Direct contact with skin must be avoided. If this happens, rinse immediately with a strong stream of water.

Safety and Precautions

Baghi Pothan for removing blockages in the sewer system is a potent drug, when using which the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, safety glasses) during use, ensure good ventilation in the work area.
  • Avoid contact with skin, enamel surfaces of sinks and bathtubs, floors, marble and ceramic tiles.
  • Do not mix the drug with other chemicals, do not dilute the granules with water before use.
  • If the substance gets on your skin or eyes, you should immediately rinse them with running water and consult a doctor; if Pothan is swallowed, you should drink plenty of water and immediately seek medical help.
  • Bagi Pothan should be stored separately from other household chemicals and kept securely away from children.

Forms of release of the drug

The aggressive chemical is available in a dark plastic bottle, always with a handle. Inside there are round granule balls of white and gray color. The volume of one package is 600 g. Packaging of 310 g is less common.

Due to the extreme toxicity of the product, the bottle is sealed with a special cap with a child-proof mechanism.

If there is little water flow in the bathroom, the sink is clogged, or there is an unpleasant smell in the kitchen that cannot be removed with a freshener, you need to act immediately. With the help of Saniclean you can easily cope with the situation without a plumber... Read more»

When dry, it produces virtually no odor. The permissible storage temperature of the substance is 5-25°C. In this case, moisture should not get inside the bottle.

Benefits of using the drug

The cost of the drug Bagi Pothan is quite high; a package weighing 600 g will cost the buyer about 8 USD. – this disadvantage is offset by the following advantages:

High efficiency. Bagi Pothan is one of the most potent drugs that dissolves all types of mud deposits in pipes until they disappear completely.

Economical consumption. Unlike liquid products, the use of granules allows you to use one package about 10 times for very severe blockages, and given the effectiveness of the drug, the period between cleaning drains, compared to other products, increases significantly. This makes the drug a good buy, considering the price-quality ratio.

Performance. According to the instructions, the drug cleans drain pipes within 3 minutes.

Rice. 4 Pothan - description on the package


As you can see from numerous reviews, the Pothan pipe cleaner has the following advantages:

  1. Affordable price. This Israeli product can be purchased in stores at an affordable price.
  2. Economical consumption of granules. One package is enough for 2-3 procedures.
  3. The composition allows the drug to act quickly.
  4. High-quality pipe cleaning is carried out.

Because of these properties, the product is one of the most popular. It is used to remove blockages in the bathroom and kitchen.

History and origin

Colonies of Pathans (Pashtun people) arriving in Punjab are accounted for by Sir Densil Ibbetson in the following manner:

The history of Pathans in India is much earlier. Trapusa and Bahalika, variously assumed to be merchants or slaves from Balkh were the first lay-person to accept Buddha. During that time, the regions west of HinduKush, including Afghanistan were ruled by Mauryan empire and their vassal states of Indo-Greeks. These Indo-Greeks were staunch followers of Vishnu and Buddha and ruled large parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They gave rise to the Hellenistic form of Buddhism which competed with the Mathura form.

Large numbers of Pathans accompanied the armies of Mahmud of Ghazni, Muhammad of Ghor and Babur, and many of them obtained grants of land in the Punjab plains and founded Pathan colonies which still exist. Many Pathans were driven out of present-day Afghanistan and khyber Pakhtunkhwa due to devastated invading forces such as Genghis Khan and his Mongol armies, including internal feuds or famine, and have taken refuge in the plains east of the Indus River where the Mongols marked the line of their aggression.Mehmond Pathan Hoshiarpur were also in the army of Mahmud of Ghazni. Which show the strength of Pathan tribes

The tribes most commonly to be found in the Punjab region are the Niazai, Kundi, Miana, Bangash, Yusufzai, Hassan Zai, Mandanr, Lodhi, Kakar, Sherwani, Orakzai, Tareen, Sulemankhel sulemani, Kakazai, Karlanri, barakzai, Khizerzai and the Zamand Pathans. Of these the most widely distributed are the Yusufzai, of whom a body of 12,000 accompanied the Mughal Emperor Babur in the final invasion of India, and settled in the plains of India and the Punjab. But as a rule, the Pathans who have settled away from the frontier have lost all memory of their tribal divisions, and indeed almost all their national characteristics. The oral tradition of Pathans has that they are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great who invaded the area in 327–323 BC. Archaeological evidence, however, suggests a Greek influence before this invasion. A phylogenetic study investigated the possible genetic relation of Pathans with Greeks and found evidence of a limited contributions of Greek genes in the Pathan population.

What is Pothan for pipe cleaning chemical composition

All chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes can be divided into two large groups: acidic and alkaline. Alkaline preparations do not have a harmful effect on metal compared to substances containing acid; they remove fatty deposits better, therefore they are widely used in everyday life for cleaning pipelines and plumbing fixtures.

The manufacturer produces Bagi Pothan in the form of granules or powder, it contains the following components:

  • more than 30% caustic alkali;
  • surface active substances (surfactants) from 5 to 15%;
  • various types of additives.

Thanks to its composition, Bagi Pothan not only perfectly removes fatty deposits, but also dissolves wool, hair, rusty formations, and organic food debris, which are the main sources of pollution.

How the product works

Alkaline granules, entering the drainpipe, quickly and easily dissolve in a liquid medium. The action of the active agent begins instantly. The granular composition is capable of clearing serious blockages of organic and inorganic origin.

The Pothan product, penetrating through standing slurry, destroys various plugs that prevent the free passage of water:

  • fat deposits;
  • limescale;
  • accumulations of animal hair and fur;
  • soap residue;
  • food waste;
  • paper;
  • plastic bags;
  • rust.

The powerful, effective Pothan product helps clear most blockages without much physical effort or the use of a special plumbing cable.

How to determine the presence of a blockage

Before using any product to remove blockages in pipes, it is advisable to verify the need for its use based on the following criteria:

  • Reducing the rate of water outflow. This problem is easy to identify when the taps are turned on at full power - water accumulates in the sink or bathtub.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the drain hole also indicates the presence of a blockage with biological waste.
  • Another sign of clogged drain pipes is the appearance of water in low-lying drains (usually a bathtub or shower stall) when draining water from higher-lying sinks. Sometimes this effect is observed when using a washing machine while draining dirty water.

Rice. 2 Blockages of sewer systems

Tips for use

The effective Pothan reagent is not intended for washing machines, dishwashers and Jacuzzis. They use thin plastic hoses that can be damaged by chemicals.

When using the product, pour the granules directly into the drain hole. Enameled and marble surfaces of bathtubs and sinks will certainly be damaged if they come into contact with the substance.

To avoid emergency situations, independent use of Pothan is recommended only for removing small blockages. In more complex cases, it is better to contact the appropriate services.

Pothan pipe cleaning instructions for use

Step-by-step instructions for using Pothan to clean pipes are as follows:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the room, as when using Baga Pothan, gases harmful to health are intensely released. When cleaning the sewer system in the bathroom, it is better to remove towels and personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, washcloths) from it. The product is potent, so to protect your hands it is better to use rubber gloves, in which you should carry out all work.
  2. Before use, remove water from the siphon approximately 5 cm below the drain hole. This rule is automatically observed in all normally assembled drain systems, so it is very rarely subject to mandatory execution.
  3. Next, into the drain hole at arm's length with your head turned to the side, you need to pour 70 - 100 g of granules, which corresponds to half a glass. When cleaning the sewer for the first time, it is better to use the maximum amount of the substance; in the future, during preventive cleaning, the dose can be reduced.
  4. Then you need to pour half a glass of hot water into the drain hole, you need to wait 3 minutes until the product dissolves the blockage.
  5. After a specified time, the sewer system is flushed with hot water.
  6. If it is not possible to completely remove the blockage the first time, the above procedure is repeated.

Rice. 5 How to use the product

Cost and consumer reviews

The price of this product is slightly higher than similar household chemical products, but if you take into account its low consumption, its purchase will be profitable. The cost of this product is almost the same in all regions of Russia, it is within five dollars.

The main thing is not to purchase goods from unverified sellers. Since recently the number of counterfeit products has increased, as a result of which the risk of buying low-quality goods increases.

“Pothan”, as a pipe cleaner, has gained high popularity among consumers, and this is evidenced by their numerous positive reviews. Among the reviews you can also find negative ones, but there are not many of them, and they are mainly caused by violation of the instructions for use.

Famous Punjabi-Pathans of Pathan ethnicity

  • Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan
  • Feroz Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan
  • Hamidullah Khan Burki WWII Flotilla Commander, Captain Pakistan Hockey Team, writer, photographer, and journalist
  • Imran Khan Niazi, Former cricketer and Current Prime Minister of Pakistan
  • Jehangir Khan Tareen Former Minister for Industries
  • Dr. Nazir Ahmed OBE, Pakistani scientist, bureaucrat and founding chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  • Hayatullah Khan Tareen Former MNA
  • Shaukat Tarin Former Finance Minister of Pakistan
  • Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan Babar Senior Politician
  • Munir Ahmad Khan, Pakistani nuclear scientist and engineer
  • Ishaq Khan Khakwani, Former Federal Minister of State for Pakistan Railways And IT & Telecom
  • Javed Burki, Pakistani cricketer
  • Maulana Kausar Niazi, former Federal Minister
  • Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri, former Senator
  • Gul Hameed Khan Rokhri, politician
  • Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri, politician and member of Pakistan Movement
  • Humair Hayat Khan Rokhri, member of the National Assembly of Pakistan
  • Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, Sitara-i-Jurat twice and Military Cross
  • Tariq Niazi, Pakistani field hockey player
  • Khan Bahadur Alam Khan, Member District Board Jalandhar, Assessor in Session Court Jalandhar.
  • Aamir Hayat Khan Niazi, member of the Punjab Provincial Assembly
  • Munir Niazi, a poet of Urdu and Punjabi languages
  • Shahryar Khan, foreign secretary and Chairman PCB
  • Zulfiqar Ali Khan, Pakistan Air Force Chief of Air Staff
  • Tariq Kamal Khan, Pakistan Navy Chief of Naval Staff
  • Karamat Rahman Niazi Pakistan Navy Chief of Naval Staff
  • Shireen Dil Niazi Maj.Gen.Pak Army, former DG FC
  • Zarrar Azim Lt.Gen. Pak Army, former Core Commander Lahore
  • Hadayatullah Khan Niazi Maj.Gen. Pak Army, former DG NHA
  • Rafiullah Khan Niazi Maj.Gen. Pak Army, former DG FC
  • Sanaullah Khan Niazi Shaheed Maj.Gen.Pak Army, former GOC Swat
  • Javed Sultan Khan Niazi Shaheed Maj.Gen.Pak Army, former GOC Kohat
  • Salahuddin Khan Niazi Addl IG Police Punjab
  • Habibullah Khan Niazi IG Police Punjab
  • Dr.Liaquat Ali Khan Niazi DMG Officer, Former Secretary, Govt. of Punjab
  • Maqbool Khan Niazi, Former federal minister and MNA
  • Misbah-ul-Haq, Pakistani cricketer
  • Intikhab Alam, Pakistani cricketer
  • Fawad Khan, actor

Effect on plastic pipes

Bagi Pothan is a potent product designed to clean only thick-walled plastic sewer pipes made from polypropylene or PVC pipes. Its use for cleaning thin-walled and drain pipes of washing machines and dishwashers, which can be made of materials other than PVC, is not allowed. It is also not recommended to use the product when cleaning corrugated pipelines - if it remains in the recesses of the corrugation for a long time, it can be damaged.

In any case, after cleaning plastic sewer pipes with strong Bagi Pothan, it is better to immediately rinse them with water for a while.


The drug costs almost the same as many others. According to reviews, the price of the Pothan pipe cleaner is approximately the same in the regions of Russia. It costs about 250 rubles. It is important to purchase the product from a trusted store.

Many people prefer to choose Bagi Pothan drain cleaner. Customer reviews are almost exclusively positive. People love the effect that comes from cleaning pipes correctly.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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