What is better for a private home: a septic tank or an autonomous sewer system: reviews from owners

The choice of an autonomous wastewater treatment system should be based not only on the cost of the septic tank, but also take into account the costs and features of operation in the long term. Those who are looking for the most inexpensive and simple options sometimes choose variations with a concrete ring without a bottom. Such a system does not involve a complex process of wastewater treatment and recycling and does not require special knowledge from workers installing sewage systems.

However, on thematic forums on the topic of concrete structures you can find a lot of negative reviews. The only advantage of this design, which is recognized by many, is its low cost. The disadvantages appear soon after the start of operation of the cesspool . Lack of calculations for the amount of wastewater, ill-conceived location relative to groundwater and unsatisfactory quality of treatment lead to:

  1. Contamination of the site.
  2. Unpleasant smell.
  3. A cluster of insects.

In contrast, for modern septic tanks, reviews will only be positive, and in response to the question of which one is better to choose without pumping, you will find recommendations for such systems as “Unilos Astra”, “Topas”, “Biodeka”, “Volgar”, “ Topas-S" and Genesis. Below we will tell you more about their advantages.

Septic tank sewerage, what is it?

Translated from English, the word “septic tank” literally means “a structure for mechanical wastewater treatment.”
And speaking in engineering language, this is the settling and fermentation of sewage sludge with the subsequent removal of this sludge by a sewage disposal machine. There is another, more expensive way to dispose of wastewater, and it involves decomposing the wastewater with the help of oxygen and organic bacteria. Both methods are based on the arrangement in the ground of one or more (depending on the characteristics of the soil and the level of groundwater) polyethylene or plastic tank into which wastewater will flow.

The first method (in professional language it is called anaerobic or oxygen-free) involves the decomposition of waste naturally, without the use of an electric air compressor.

The second method (aerobic) is deep biological treatment, as a result of which waste is converted into harmless components. But this will no longer be, in fact, a septic tank, but an entire treatment station, the operation of which requires an air compressor.

In addition, the degree of purification in septic tanks and stations is different: in the first case, up to 70% of wastewater is purified, in the second – up to 95%.

However, the price will be completely different.

Essence of the device

A septic tank is an element of a cleaning or sewer system in the form of a container, or more precisely, a sealed well for collecting and treating wastewater. It is installed in the absence of a centralized sewerage system and is intended to serve dachas, private houses, utility buildings and other low-rise buildings. This device must comply with applicable regulations. In particular, during design and operation it is necessary to comply with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and SP 32.13330-2012.

Snip for placing a septic tank on a residential plot

To ensure functions, the following requirements are put forward to septic tanks:

  • sufficient mechanical strength to withstand liquid inside and soil exposure outside;
  • tightness, preventing soil contamination by runoff;
  • water resistance and resistance to various components of soil and sewage, excluding rotting, corrosion and other chemical reactions;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability and environmental friendliness.

The septic tank must be sealed so that water does not seep into the ground and pollute it

The tightness of the container must prevent the release of released gases into the air.

Scheme of a septic tank with gravity cleaning, where heavy substances accumulate at the bottom of the structure, turning into sludge

Septic tank diagram with natural filtration

Diagram of a septic tank with biological treatment

How to choose a septic tank for a private house and cottage

Price order

If on average in the Moscow region you can buy a septic tank from the manufacturer at a price of 20 to 80 thousand rubles and more, depending on the number of people living in the house, then for deep cleaning systems the prices are much higher and reach 400 thousand rubles.

Additionally, the price of a particular septic tank or station is also influenced by the “promotion” of the manufacturer, the material from which they are made, the model and technical capabilities.

So what type of autonomous sewer system should you choose?

Of course, you need to choose taking into account your financial capabilities, general level of comfort, the distance of your country house or cottage from sewage services and the total volume of water consumption.

In this article we will try to understand the variety of septic tanks. Their advantages and disadvantages. Price categories of individual models. We will try to choose the best offer on the market.

Wastewater treatment plant performance

To ensure trouble-free operation of the septic tank and prevent overcrowding of the tanks, it is important to select the correct performance of the model. This parameter, in turn, is related to the volume of chambers and their number

It was already indicated above that the average daily volume of fluid consumption is about 200 liters per person. A septic tank, according to accepted norms and rules, must accommodate the amount of wastewater for three days, so this figure should be tripled and multiplied by the number of residents. The result obtained will be the required productivity of the recycler, but experts do not recommend choosing “the minimum”; you should make a small reserve - 10-15% of the calculated volume, which is a kind of insurance and a way to reduce the risk of overfilling the tanks.

Having decided on the volume of the product, you can decide on the number of cameras.

  • Single-chamber models are suitable for a minimum amount of waste (the average daily volume is less than a cubic meter).
  • If the daily volume of wastewater is no more than ten cubic meters, a two-chamber septic tank would be the best option.
  • Three-chamber models will ensure trouble-free waste disposal, even if a family of 4 people permanently lives in the house; they are designed to process wastewater in a volume of more than 10 cubic meters per day.

Selection parameters and calculation of septic tank volume

Our selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Number of family members: 2-3 people. Only sometimes do guests come to you.
  • Or you visit your dacha (country house) only on weekends in the summer, and live permanently only during your vacation.

Let's take the average wastewater consumption per person as a basis. This is 200 liters per day. Consequently, the volume of household wastewater per family will be 400-600 liters, and at peak load times 1000-1200 liters.

This means that the volume of the septic tank must be appropriate - from 2 cubic meters / day. "Why?" - you ask. Yes, because the number of tanks where it ends up depends on how much wastewater there is.

In the settling chamber, the wastewater is divided into different fractions: the heavy ones sink to the bottom, and the lighter ones remain at the top, then entering the next tank, where it is cleared of other organic impurities, and only then enters the soil.

Therefore, we advise you to choose a two-chamber septic tank with an overflow or a septic tank with one horizontal or vertical tank, divided into 2 parts.

The best septic tanks for a summer residence from 6 people

To understand how to choose a septic tank for a house designed for 6 people, a study was conducted. These models are more powerful, have greater throughput and can process about 400 liters of water. The rating of septic tanks for a family of 6 people was based on the results of comparative tests, where 5 nominees were evaluated. Of these, only 2 models are practical.

Multiplast Termite Pro 3.0

Autonomous sewerage, designed for private homes, quickly cleans wastewater from the house, making it as safe as possible for the environment. After filtration, the wastewater is odorless and quickly absorbs into the soil without causing any danger to it. The equipment is designed taking into account the expected loads, it is suitable for cottages inhabited by up to 6 people. After professional installation, the system will serve the owner for decades, without losing its practicality and efficiency.


  • Quality of work;
  • Efficiency;
  • Durability;
  • No smell;
  • Easy to install.


  • High price.

From the reviews we can conclude that autonomous sewerage is suitable for families who use large volumes of water daily.

Even after several years of use, the system does not lose its direct functions, cleans sewage, and does not emit an unpleasant odor around the house.

Ecoprom Rostock Cottage

A popular autonomous sewer system for large cottages that quickly cleans household wastewater. It copes with water that enters the drain not only from the shower, but also from the toilet, sink or bathtub. The device is intended only for houses and cottages; it cannot handle waste from livestock farms, so it is not used in this case. Ecoprom Rostock made from virgin LLDPE polyethylene. It can withstand any flow of water and does not deform even during long-term use.


  • Suitable for large families;
  • Cleans any drains in a private home;
  • Durability;
  • Affordable price.


  • Not detected.

Reviews show that if the device is installed incorrectly, malfunctions may occur in its operation, which are accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor and the slow passage of waste through the drains. To eliminate this shortcoming, you need to seek professional help from craftsmen who will quickly install the system, ensuring its durability and practicality.

Material of manufacture

The next question is the material from which the septic tank is made. Fiberglass or polyethylene?

Fiberglass is usually fiberglass impregnated with resin, and due to this it has a fairly durable structure. Fiberglass products are comparable in strength to metal. Septic tanks made of fiberglass are absolutely not subject to corrosion and can be used when working with high-temperature wastewater or aggressive liquids.

A polyethylene septic tank is not inferior to fiberglass in its strength, but its advantage is that it is less susceptible to fractures as a result of loads or soil shifts in the pit itself. In terms of price they are not too different.

We now move on to choosing a septic tank model.


Andrey writes from the Moscow region: “I read a lot of reviews, installed a Topas 8 septic tank and got a bunch of problems. The station was installed in the summer, was not used in the winter, and the next year in the spring this entire system emerged from the pit. The supply pipes were damaged. It turns out that it was necessary to lay a slab with eyelets at the bottom of the pit and anchor the septic tank by throwing cables over its top.”

My advice: Don't try to drown the tank by filling the chambers with water - it won't work. Call a team to pump out the contents from the pit and reinstall the septic tank. You cannot use clay to fill the gaps between the walls of the pit and the septic tank. In the spring it will swell and move the station from its place. Opinion of Semyon Alekseevich from Yekaterinburg: “Two days after installing Topas, my plugs were knocked out - water got into the wrong compartment and flooded the compressors. The problems have been fixed. Soon the septic tank began to leak water through the seam. As a result, metal parts oxidized and the compressors failed again. I waited a long time for the technicians, then hired local guys. They replaced all the parts for me, cleaned the cameras (I paid 9,000 rubles). Topas worked, but I lost my right to warranty service.”

Installation of a cesspool septic tank

Septic tank: price and negative reviews

The most advertised brand in Russia on the autonomous sewerage market is the Septic Tank model range. The price with turnkey installation is from 15 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen model.

Septic tanks Tank are indeed very popular and relatively inexpensive.

From the outside, the septic tank looks like a sealed plastic container, divided into several sections. According to the manufacturer, this septic tank Tank purifies wastewater from impurities up to 98%, but whether this is true has not been confirmed by any independent laboratory tests.

Despite the large number of positive reviews, these septic tanks are still criticized by buyers. Basically, the criticism comes down to the fact that there are cases:

  • When the buyer has not calculated the volume of wastewater, and the wastewater flows either into the “return” or onto the surface;
  • When the walls or bottom of the septic tank cannot withstand the pressure and cracks form in the body.
  • Also, the design of the septic tank itself requires its installation by a specialized company, otherwise the manufacturer does not bear a warranty. And this is additional financial costs.
  • Another drawback is the small thickness of the tank walls compared to the thickness of other septic tanks.

Negative reviews about the Tank septic tank on one of the sites

Another important detail is regular cleaning of the tank itself. Tank septic tanks must be constantly monitored.

Rules for installing autonomous systems

Before you begin installing the system, you must meet certain requirements for its location.

Sewerage can be installed during the construction of housing or later, but it should be located away from certain objects, in particular:

  • 50 m from a source of drinking water;
  • 10 m from a river or stream;
  • 30 m from the reservoir;
  • 3 m from fruit trees;
  • 5 meters from the road.

The generally accepted algorithm for installing a sewer system is as follows:

  1. A pit is dug, exceeding the size of the tank by 30-40 cm on each side. According to technical requirements, it is possible to install a biofilter and a bioseptic tank in one pit.
  2. To lay the pipes, another trench is dug, the slope of which should be 2 cm for each meter of pipe length.
  3. A concrete platform is poured at the bottom of the pit, and after it hardens, a septic tank is installed and secured with cables.
  4. The parts of the sewer system are connected, and the filter part is filled with cleaning material.
  5. The installed system is being backfilled.
  6. The sewer system is being connected to the home pipeline.
  7. The system is tested and, if there are no problems, is launched for continuous operation.

Before backfilling the installed sewer system, it is recommended to test it - this will avoid unnecessary hassle if mistakes were made during the connection.

Septic tank Topaz

The Topaz septic tank competes with Tank in popularity. But here a different cleaning technology is used - the so-called aerobic cleaning process (we already talked about it above), and it is designed for permanent or seasonal residence.

It is necessary to install an additional pump for Topaz septic tanks, which will forcibly remove purified water.

If manufacturers recommend installing the Tank on sandy or sandy loam soils with low groundwater levels, then Topaz is installed in any type of soil.

But the price will be different: if a Tank 2.5 septic tank will cost you on average about 36,000 rubles, then to buy a Topas 5PR septic tank you will have to pay 80,000 rubles. High cost is the only drawback of the Topas septic tank.

Negative reviews about the Topaz septic tank on one of the sites

Also, septic tanks from other manufacturers under the trademarks “Rostok”, “Tver”, “Dochista”, “Microbe” and “Termite” are in demand.

Rating of domestic offers

Despite the fact that the production of treatment facilities for local sewage systems in Russia began recently, some of the companies have already established themselves as reliable manufacturers. Their quality is in no way inferior to European standards. In addition, domestic models are cheaper than imported ones. According to consumer surveys, several companies are recognized as the best manufacturers of treatment facilities on the Russian market.


Thanks to the introduction of membrane technology into septic tanks of its own production, the Yubas production association has earned a worthy place in the ranking of domestic manufacturers. Their systems are considered reliable and work properly even after long periods of inactivity.

Eurobion cross-section, work diagram


These septic tanks are produced by the Eco-Grand brand. Their models are famous for their high level of sewage treatment (99%). The manufacturer uses a non-standard scheme in the production of its products. Namely, open access to the primary sections simplifies maintenance of the treatment system. Garbage can be removed from them on your own, without the involvement of sludge extraction equipment.

Types of septic tanks Poplar


Specializes in the production of septic tanks. The products are offered under the Unilos brand. Guarantees a high degree of wastewater purification (about 75%). It produces several types of treatment facilities depending on the degree of complexity. The stations are complemented by special compressors responsible for the quality of cleaning. The purification process is carried out in several stages.

Septic tank Astra


The Russian one is responsible for the quality of this line of septic tanks. This company produces septic tanks with varying degrees of productivity:

  1. Compact in size with the ability to process up to 600 liters per day.
  2. High-performance models capable of cleaning about 1200 liters per day. The parameters of their products are similar to classic recycling stations operating using multi-stage technology.

Range of treatment facilities Tank


Products from the same company. They have several configurations and cleaning methods. They can process from 450 liters per day (“Mini”) to 750 liters per day.

Triton dimensions


All models under this brand consume little electricity. The structures consist of 4 wells. All stages of purification, including anaerobic, are carried out in them. The degree of wastewater purification is 98%.

Topas - top view


These septic tanks are manufactured by the Engineering Equipment trading house. The peculiarity of these structures is that sewage treatment can be carried out both chemically and biologically. Each station is equipped with a 4-level water clarification technology. It can, depending on the model, process 750-1500 cubic meters of wastewater in 1 day.

Tver in section

Rostock and Leader companies have also proven themselves well in the domestic market.

Which of the septic tanks listed above is the best is up to each individual to decide. There are no clear parameters or standards here. The main thing is that it satisfies all user requests, is easy to maintain/use, is inexpensive, and lasts a long time.

Septic tank Rostock

The range of Rostok septic tanks is presented in three versions: “Mini”, “Dachny” and “Cottage”.

It differs from the septic tanks already discussed in that it is made of polypropylene using seamless technology and has an original design, which is equipped with a damper for the incoming wastewater flow to avoid “stirring up” the sediment.

The disadvantages include the high cost of installation, which is almost the same as the product itself (40-45 thousand rubles) plus dependence on groundwater.

Septic tank Tver: negative reviews and disadvantages

Let us now consider a septic tank under the trade name “Tver”. The price of this septic tank will range from 65 to 80 thousand rubles.

The price increase occurs due to four-stage wastewater treatment, so this septic tank does not require aeration fields.

This Tver septic tank needs to be cleaned once a year.

The disadvantages of septic tanks in Tver include, perhaps, the only one, but a very serious one: it is a septic tank chamber where fermentation and putrefactive processes occur, and from this an unpleasant odor appears (or may appear).

An example of a negative review about a septic tank Tver

Reviews from owners of septic tanks with a biofilter for their summer cottages

When deciding which septic tank to choose for a private home, you can read a lot of reviews. But from the many recommendations, we can highlight several septic tanks with biofilters that have earned special trust among Russians - Eurolos BIO, Garda, Dalos and Kolo Vesi.

Eurolos BIO are systems with constant recirculation, which are available in two versions - with and without forced pumping. The polypropylene cylindrical body has no seams, due to which it has high strength and tightness.

Cleaning is carried out in stages:

  • in the primary settling tank by anaerobic microorganisms;
  • in the biofilter - with aerobic bacteria and in the secondary settling tank.

Productivity - from 600 liters per day. Easy to install, maintenance is required once every 2 years.

Kolo Vesi is an autonomous system in which aeration occurs naturally through the process of wastewater recycling. The absence of a compressor increases the reliability of the VOC. Maintenance of the system is somewhat difficult, since the biofilter basket is located above the main tank. Nevertheless, septic tanks from this manufacturer have earned positive reviews due to the minimum number of electromechanical components and optimal quality of wastewater treatment.

Other brands

Often, the inflated price for a particular septic tank depends on the advertising budget and the marketing “packaging” used by sewer system manufacturers.

Septic tanks Dochista (price from 30 to 40 thousand rubles), septic tank Microbe (mini-septic tank, the price of which varies from 10 to 17 thousand rubles) and septic tank Termite (price from 24 to 60 thousand rubles) are less known, less, so to speak, “ promoted."

But their work is based on the principle of wastewater treatment common to all septic tanks: sedimentation of wastewater and subsequent biological purification.


The choice depends not only on how many users of the septic tank there will be and not only on the amount of money for the purchase, but also on a number of other factors:

  1. Do you want to install a septic tank yourself or invite specialists.
  2. Does the territory of your site allow you to create an aerobic zone or not?
  3. Do you have enough patience, strength and time to control the operation of the septic tank or do you need to “set it and forget it?”
  4. Are you ready to put up with the occasional unpleasant odor or not?
  5. Is there a sewage disposal service nearby, prices for services in the Moscow region average from 800 rubles per cubic meter? m.

Nobody wants to bother themselves with various technical problems. Nobody wants to tighten screws and nuts, doesn’t want to check the level of wastewater in the sewer, doesn’t want to sit and wait for a sewer truck.

We come to a country house to relax, listen to birdsong, go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, barbecue and enjoy nature. Instead of thinking about the consequences when opening a water tap or flushing the toilet. Therefore, our choice: a complete cleaning septic tank, as they say, from “a” to “z”. And the choice of a specific model is yours!

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