Autonomous sewer Unilos Astra 8: Technical characteristics - Installation instructions + Video and Photo

Septic tank Unilos Astra 8 is a biological wastewater treatment station designed for the installation of a sewer system in private houses, cottages and other residential buildings where no more than 8 people permanently live. The installation uses a combined method of liquid clarification: settling alternates with the work of microorganisms.

Astra 8 is a septic tank that was developed and put into production by the SBM-group company. The company specializes in the production of equipment for wastewater treatment plants. It manufactures products at its own facilities and sells them on the domestic and foreign markets under the Unilos brand. The company is confident in the high quality of its products, which is confirmed by various certificates.


ModelSalvo discharge (l)Efficiency (m3)WeightDimensions (mm)
Astra 8 standard3501,62901500*1160*2360
Astra 8 Pr (with pump)3501,62901500*1160*2360
Astra 8 Midi (extended)3501,63151500*1160*2500
Arsta 8 Midi Pr (with pump)3501,63151500*1160*2500
Astra 8 Long (extended)3501,63701500*1160*3000
Astra Long Pr (with pump)3501,63701500*1160*3000

Instructions and diagrams for sewer installation Unilos Astra and Topas

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    St. Petersburg, LLC, Ecoset, OGRN 1177847061732

    Septic tank Unilos Astra 8 is designed for wastewater treatment after 8 people

    In one day, the installation is capable of filtering 1,600 liters of sewage. It can easily accept a load of one-time liquid discharge of 350 liters.

    If sewer pipes are buried 60-90 cm, it is recommended to install the Midi model.

    When the pipes are buried at 90-120 cm, Astra 8 Logan Station will be an ideal option.

    Standard modifications are intended for pipes laid no deeper than 60 cm.

    The autonomous sewage system Unilos Astra 8 is equipped with a biological filter with aerobic bacteria. A favorable environment for bacteria is created by two compressors that operate alternately, which guarantees uninterrupted high-quality wastewater treatment.

    Sewage flows into the first tank, where it is divided into sediment, fats and water. In the same chamber, wastewater is mixed with activated sludge.

    Then they enter the aerator with bacteria. The compressor enriches the liquid with oxygen, bacteria are activated and accelerate the process of decomposition of organic compounds.

    Next, the semi-purified wastewater enters the third compartment, where it undergoes secondary settling. And the nitrogen level is restored.

    The fourth chamber is for activated sludge. The water is completely clarified and goes out. Purified water can be used as technical water or an additional infiltrator can be installed to drain water into the ground.

    Design features of a septic tank from Unilos

    The autonomous sewage system Unilos Astra has a number of features that distinguish it from many septic tanks offered on the treatment plant market.

    1. All chambers involved in waste treatment are located in a single building. The design of this unit is such that the device is highly durable. This is ensured by a wall thickness of 20 mm, which is made of high-quality polypropylene. In addition, the walls have stiffening ribs that increase the strength characteristics of the unit.
    2. Modern technology of molecular welding of polypropylene sheets ensures complete tightness of the septic tank. As a result, there is no threat of leakage of contaminated waste and there is no unpleasant odor at the sewerage site.
    3. Due to the thick and rigid walls of the device, there is no need to concrete the base during installation.
    4. Astra station depends on electric current. For normal operation of the system, the connection of compressors is required, pumping air and facilitating the process of pumping water and sludge inside the device.
    5. Despite the fact that cleaning is based on the use of aerobic bacteria, which increases the efficiency of the septic tank, complete waste treatment requires the installation of filtration fields in the external area.
    6. Unilos Astra is equipped with a system that automatically regulates the intensity with which the station operates. The mode is selected depending on how much liquid flows through the inlet pipe into the receiving chamber.
    7. Unilos uses membrane aerators in septic tanks. They are reliable and can be guaranteed to work for at least ten years. The intermittent aeration technique saves resources.
    8. The overall dimensions of septic tanks from Unilos, which are designed for sparsely populated individual houses, when installed, allow you to save space on the land plot.
    9. Septic tank Unilos Astra 5 has several options for manufacturing the septic tank body. These are standard, midi and long. The difference in design is made so that the septic tank can approach the supply pipe located at different depths.

    The main advantages of the Astra 8 autonomous station

    • Loyal cost
    • Wastewater treatment 99%
    • Environmental friendliness
    • No vacuum cleaner services required
    • Trouble-free operation
    • Compactness
    • Strength
    • Guarantee


    • Energy dependence
    • Requires replenishment of bacterial colony
    • It is prohibited to dispose of chemicals, chlorine, medications and some detergents into drains. The bacteria will die. We'll have to replenish the colony.

    How is a septic tank maintained?

    Maintenance of Astra septic tanks consists of:

    • in weekly visual monitoring of the activity of all systems and the quality of discharged water;
    • in replacing filters, this procedure is performed once every three months;
    • in the timely cleaning of the septic tank from waste sludge that has turned into fertilizer. This is done once a quarter.

    The owner must ensure that during operation no aggressive substances or acids are discharged into the system, which can destroy working bacteria in the internal chambers.


    • A pit is dug in width and depth 50 cm larger than the septic tank.
    • Trenches are dug for sewer pipes
    • The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand 10-15 cm thick.
    • The sand is leveled and compacted.
    • The trenches are also filled with a small layer of sand and a slope of 2-3 cm per linear meter is arranged. This is necessary to create gravity flow.
    • It is recommended that the cable be pulled together with the pipes; for this, it is insulated in a special corrugated pipe of small diameter.
    • A foundation pit is being prepared for infiltrators or a filtration well.
    • The septic tank sinks to the bottom of the pit. The weight is impressive, you will need special equipment.
    • The pipes are being connected. It is important to maintain the tightness of all joints.
    • The station is filling with water.
    • The exhaust pipe is being connected
    • The pit is filled with soil mixed with sand up to the neck.
    • A trench is being dug.
    • Disposal of water into a storage tank, well or soil is organized.
    • The cable is connected. All systems are checked.

    Important! Like any other septic tank, the Astra 8 station should be installed in accordance with SNiP.

    1. The septic tank must be located at least 5 meters from the home
    2. At least 3 meters from green spaces
    3. 10 meters from hand or stream
    4. The minimum distance to a source of drinking water should be 30 meters.
    5. At least 5 meters from the road
    6. If there is a lake or pond nearby, then the septic tank should be 50 meters away.
    7. All pipes are laid at a slope from the house to the septic tank and from the septic tank to filtration facilities
    8. The sewer system must have ventilation
    9. On highways it is necessary to install inspection, turning, junction and, if required, differential wells.

    In any case, before organizing a sewer system, you should draw up a diagram of it.

    Method for pumping out excess sludge

    It is not necessary to hire specialists to service all elements. You can do this yourself. For these purposes, it is better to prepare several buckets for collecting dirt.

    The first thing you will need to do is remove the pump hose and remove the plug. To remove the hose you will need to loosen the clamp. Now you can start pumping. After completing this operation, install the plug and secure the hose. To complete the operation, fill the stabilizer container with clean water to the minimum level.

    If you skip regular cleaning, dirt will fill the rest of the space. This will cause the entire installation's processes to fail. To clean it you will need a fecal pump. They pump out the contents of the compartments. After completing the operation with the product, you need to fill it with clean liquid to the level of the marks.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Modern systems for processing household waste using biological treatment methods have an impressive list of advantages:

    • long service life reaching 50 years;
    • complete absence of unpleasant odors;
    • no need to call a vacuum cleaner;
    • quick installation within one day;
    • full compliance with all current environmental safety requirements.

    The station is practically devoid of shortcomings. When powered from the network, consumption is only 2.1 kW/day, and sludge can be pumped out on your own, thereby saving on calling a sewer truck.

    Operating principle and station design

    Domestic wastewater from the house goes directly into the septic tank, undergoing step-by-step cleaning in four tanks:

    1. Reception compartment.
    2. Aerotank.
    3. Secondary settling tank.
    4. Sludge stabilization chamber.

    All waste consisting of organic compounds is broken down naturally biologically through the action of microorganisms. The processed liquid has a high degree of purification, reaching 98%, which turns it into process water. The body is made of high quality plastic using modern injection molding technology. This completely eliminates the possibility of cracks or liquid leaks. The station can be located in any type of soil, even in wetlands.

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