DIY septic tank Shambo: Step-by-step instructions + Video

In areas where there is no central Shambo sewerage system, the issue of sewage drainage is quite acute, since each house contains plumbing points - bathtub, toilet, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers are installed there. The owner is faced with the question of which used water drainage system is best to build.

It is necessary that the system operates without failures, meets sanitary standards, and does not cause inconvenience to residents and others in use. An important role is played by the cost of the future object and the possibility of independent construction with minimal help.

Shambo is an analogue of a cesspool

What is Shambo?

Shambo is a drainage system in the form of a special container, using concrete rings or self-concreting. There may be brickwork, or any container suitable in size for the pre-prepared hole.

The structure is made in the yard, close to the building from which sewage water will flow. Free access (access to special equipment) is important for further pumping out the contents using specialized machines.

How to install overflows?

If you are in the Moscow region, the overflow pipes of your chambo should be laid to a minimum depth of 110-120 cm. Residents of other regions are advised to check the provisions of SNiP 2.04.03–85 to calculate the depth of pipes based on the type and temperature of the soil.

The supply pipe is directed with its open end to the center of the well and is laid so as to pass with a slope of 2 cm per linear meter, 10 cm above the bottom filter and 5 cm above the outlet pipe. With this arrangement and slope it is easy to avoid pipe blockages. Do not use a plastic pipe as a supply pipe so that your system does not fail prematurely. The diameter of this pipe should be 10 cm.

The flow is directed downwards using a special sewer tee installed vertically. Its lower outlet will collect water under the surface, and the upper one will clear it of suspended particles so that they do not fall into the outlet pipe.

Tees for overflows

Place nozzles in the inlet and outlet pipes of the chambo that will trap solid floating substances. Place the pipes vertically so that their open ends are submerged in water. There is a special design of pipes that is most suitable for such purposes: extension pipes made of cast iron, which are attached to the pipe wall with special clamps.

If your shambo has several chambers, do not forget to leave between them not only holes for overflow pipes, but also openings through which the ventilation pipe will pass.

Installation and installation

It is quite possible to make a Shambo septic tank with your own hands; there is no need to contact services:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole 3-4 meters deep. The diameter depends on the availability of further finishing (concreting, finished container, rings, etc.).
  2. The container is placed in the prepared space, or the pit is finished independently, after which waterproofing and insulation are used.
  3. After completing the steps, the soil is filled up on the sides.
  4. The structure should be covered with a concrete block, with a hatch that will serve to service the structure, check the water level, and, if necessary, pump out the contents.
  5. A sewer system is laid using a pipe connected to the main riser in the house.

This is the main process of construction and installation of this type. It is important to place the septic tank design further from the place where vegetables and fruit trees are planted - possible penetration into the soil if the tightness is broken (cracks and chips of the concrete base) can adversely affect the harvest. During normal operation of the devices, such problems do not arise.

What does it look like in reality?

If there is no possibility of natural drainage (rooms below ground level), you need to use a small pumping system (installation). The device must be connected to a drain pipe in the house, for example, directly behind the toilet, using rubber sealing rings.

The operation of the device is to grind human waste, which is forced, using a pump, to the main sewer riser, after which, through pipes into the Shambo septic tank. The approximate capacity of feeding and draining into the pit is 6 meters in height.

The installation will solve problems that have arisen in rooms from which independent drainage is difficult or impossible due to their low location.

It is important to comply with SNiP standards when building Shambo


First of all, you need to understand the Shambo sewer system, what kind of design it is. It is a completely sealed tank installed in the ground. Its purpose is to collect wastewater from plumbing fixtures in the house. As the tank fills, the waste liquid is pumped out by a sewer truck or special pumping equipment.

The sump can be made from a plastic or metal container that is free of holes, cracks and other defects. It is possible to build a shambo pit from reinforced concrete rings and fill the bottom and walls of the sewer with concrete mortar.

The shambo is connected to the internal sewerage system by a plastic pipe, which is cut into a container for collecting waste liquid. The system is equipped with ventilation to remove unpleasant odors.

Requirements and basic rules for construction and operation

There are conditions that are not recommended to be violated due to the possibility of causing harm to the environment and people:

  • The septic tank is built at a distance of at least 30 meters from natural and artificial water sources. The same distance is allowed for planting vegetables and fruits;
  • for Shambo septic tanks with a solid bottom, the above requirement is not relevant due to the tightness of all sides;
  • the depth of the system is no more than 3 meters for the convenience of pumping out used water;
  • the level of water in the septic tank not exceeding 35 cm from the surface of the earth. For convenience, a mark is made on the wall or something like a strip with a mark is fitted;
  • The volume of the tank should be designed for at least 2-3 weeks of use without rolling out. If the size and volume are correctly calculated, taking into account the sewage points in the house, the continuous operation of the septic tank is enough for 1-2 months of use without pumping;
  • It is necessary to cover the device to avoid the ingress of foreign objects and the leakage of odors.

Determining the required volume

Since the Shambo sewage system is of the export type, the storage tank must correspond to the volume accumulated for at least 2 weeks, this will allow you to save on expensive sewage disposal services. Volume calculation is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • the number of people living in the house, the estimated volume of water consumed per person is assumed to be 200 liters per day;
  • use of bathtub, washing machine and dishwasher - 50 liters per day.

The optimal volumes are those that allow the sewer truck to perform one-time pumping.


There are bacteria that help keep the septic tank in proper sanitary condition. They are distributed according to their intended purpose. When choosing products, you need to pay attention to the instructions for use. For example, bacteria intended for rural toilets on the site are not suitable for a septic tank.

Preparations that are not resistant to aggressive environments (chlorine) will not work in drains and containers that contain household chemicals (washing powder, active cleaning agents, chlorine bleaches, etc.).

When choosing a product for a drainage container, where all the drainage from the house enters, you should choose products that are resistant to aggressive environments. Some species require constant aeration. Ambient temperature affects bacteria. A properly selected product eliminates odor, copes with contamination and removes grease from the walls and bottom of the container.

With the correct selection and operation, following the instructions on the package, the bacteria will purify the water in the system. It can be used for watering. The drugs are available in dry form and in solutions. Powders are diluted with water. The prepared solutions are poured into the toilet and flushed. The composition can be applied directly to the septic tank.

Cleaning procedure

A sewer truck is called in to clean the Shambo tank; this need arises approximately once every two weeks. To ensure that this procedure is carried out less frequently, experts advise using a special septic tank, the effect of which helps to reduce the volume occupied by wastewater. In addition, it would be useful to use special products with a disinfecting effect that eliminate unpleasant odors. The use of drugs after the pumping procedure is especially important.

The drugs differ in the type of action, some only allow the decomposition of organic compounds, they will have to be used quite often, but they are also inexpensive. However, there are also substances on the market with special bacteria in their composition that are not afraid even of exposure to chlorine and detergents. They cost more, but they are also more effective.

Advantages and disadvantages of sealed Shambo pits

The advantages of this type of pits are:

  1. High environmental friendliness of the design. A hermetically sealed container prevents the masses from contaminating the soil and groundwater.
  2. Ease and simplicity of installation.
  3. Low material costs.
  4. Ease of use.
  5. Inability to enter groundwater.
  6. High-quality work of the septic tank, regardless of the composition of the soil.


  1. There is a possibility of specific odors getting onto the surface. To avoid this, a sealed cover should be used.
  2. The required type of work is periodic pumping of the pit using special equipment. technology. Special biological products will help increase the time between pumpings.

Repairing the system is quite simple - the damaged element is located, dismantled, and replaced. All this will not be any problem. Based on the above advantages and the number of disadvantages, we can conclude that the sewage system is worthy, and it is worth installing it if necessary.

Which option should I choose?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which method of wastewater disposal should be chosen. It is necessary to take into account the operating conditions. One of the most important factors influencing the choice is the amount of waste to be disposed of. If the volume is large, then it is better to install a septic tank, since the costs during the construction phase will be offset by the absence of the need to often use the services of sewer trucks.

With a small volume of wastewater, it makes sense to install a sealed storage tank. Its construction will cost less, and cleaning the tank, carried out once or twice a year, will have little impact on the family budget.

Another important point is the geological conditions at the site. The fact is that under difficult conditions (quicksand, clay soil, etc.) it is extremely difficult to build a septic tank, since it will be impossible to organize water drainage by soil filtration. In such conditions, it may be more profitable to install a sealed plastic tank, since the construction of a septic tank will be too expensive.

So, when building a local sewer system, it is very important to choose a simple, effective and inexpensive method for disposing of sewer wastewater. There is no single solution that will suit everyone without exception. To choose the best option, it is necessary to assess the operating conditions of the local sewerage system, as well as find out the main characteristics of the soil in the area where construction is planned. If water consumption is low, and if it is necessary to carry out construction in difficult geological conditions, it is more profitable to install Shambo. Otherwise, a septic tank will be the optimal solution.

General information about plastic hatches


Plastic sewer manholes are produced by pressing from low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene, using special additives. Due to this, they have a stable color and resistance to temperature changes and precipitation. At the same time, the material used is durable, environmentally friendly and safe for humans.

These hatches include:

  1. A cover that opens one hundred and eighty degrees and is secured with bolts;
  2. Frame.

Positive traits:

  1. Low price, much cheaper than cast iron;
  2. Light weight, weighing from 10 to 50 kg, and this significantly reduces transportation costs;
  3. Resistant to corrosion;
  4. Able to withstand temperature changes from minus fifty to plus fifty degrees. Such hatches can be used in chemical production shops;
  5. Long service life (about fifty years);
  6. Interchangeable. Plastic covers are used for cases that can be made of metal and cast iron; 7. They are environmentally friendly and look aesthetically pleasing. Negative qualities:

Small loads. Plastic hatches cannot be used under heavy loads.

Hatches are selected depending on the intended installation location and the type of communication networks. The mechanical load class also depends on the installation location.

The price of the product depends on the size of the selected rings. The cost depends on the wall thickness and ring diameter.

1. Products from Ecosys, having an external cross-section of 95 centimeters, an internal cross-section of 90 centimeters, with a ring height of one and a half meters, have a price of nine thousand rubles. If the cross-section is 60 and 65 centimeters, then their price is 8 thousand rubles.

2. Polex Plast model - PK 970 with a bottom, having a height of 1 meter, a wall thickness of 2.5 centimeters, sells for 11 thousand 700 rubles, without a bottom it has a price of 9 thousand 500 rubles. The same rings with a bottom, having a wall thickness of 3.9 centimeters, cost 13 thousand rubles, a model without a bottom costs 10 thousand 500 rubles.

3. Polex Plast model - PK 1400 with a bottom, a meter high, with a wall thickness of 2.5 centimeters costs 19 thousand 400 rubles, without a bottom costs 17 thousand rubles. A structure of the same height with walls of 3.9 centimeters, having a bottom, costs 21 thousand 500 rubles; a model without a bottom costs 19 thousand rubles.

4. The Rodlex brand of the UN line produces various models of rings, which have their own price:

  • - a design with parameters B500, 250 liters in volume has a price of 4 thousand 350 rubles.
  • -size B1000, 500 l volume has a price of 8 thousand 650 rubles.
  • - design size B1500, 750 liters volume costs 13 thousand rubles.
  • - a design of size B2000, 1000 liters in volume has a price of 17 thousand 300 rubles.
  • - a product with size B 2500 with a volume of 1250 liters has a price of 21 thousand 610 rubles.
  • - a design with a volume of 1500 liters and size B3000 has a price of 25 thousand 930 rubles.

Summing up

When constructing a cesspool with a permeable bottom, factory rings are sometimes used. They weigh a lot, so lifting equipment is required. But the work will be done in just one day.

For a sealed pit, rings are also used. But when filling joints with a simple solution, the tightness is broken over time. A leak occurs.

In this case, the gaps are sealed with a self-expanding cord and special repair mixtures. At a minimum, the surface is plastered on both sides.

Rules for getting maximum effect from bacteria

If you have purchased biobacteria for sewer cleaning and want their work to be as productive as possible, but at the same time the cost of the drug is minimal, then you must strictly adhere to the rules recommended in the instructions.

If there is a lack of liquid in the tank, then such an environment cannot be considered favorable for the growth and spread of bacteria. A high level of humidity is an essential attribute of the effective functioning of bacteria.

What you need to know

Before using the biological product, you need to prepare it according to the recommendations indicated in the instructions. If the biological product is in the form of a liquid, then you just need to shake it. If the product is granular or powdery, then it must be prepared in advance.

The preparation is simple and does not require any special knowledge or skills, so it is not difficult to do it yourself. The powdered version or in tablet form must be diluted with water. After which the prepared product is poured into the toilet or cesspool. Preparation is a must. Otherwise, do not be surprised that the effect is far from what you expected if you fell asleep or poured in an unprepared biological product.

If the sewage system is not used regularly, the effectiveness of biological products may decrease. In order for bacteria to multiply and maintain their work, they constantly need new effluents. And if waste does not fall into the pit, then the number of bacteria decreases, and there is a risk that they will die altogether. Make sure that there is no longer interruption in the operation of the sewer system than 2 weeks. If this does happen, then you will need to use the drug again.

The optimal option is for the amount of liquid to exceed solid particles by 2 cm. If the distance is less, then the missing volume of water must be added to the sewer tank so that the bacteria can fully perform their task.

What we must not forget

Also, the effectiveness of biological products will be much lower than the desired level if household chemicals, one of the components of which is chlorine, flow into the sewer. If you still actively use chlorine-containing products, then the preparation for cleaning the septic tank must be appropriate. Bacteria must be such that they can survive even in an aggressive environment. Another option is to use household products without harmful additives.

The presence of water filtering substances, for example, manganese or antibiotics in the drains, has a depressing effect on cleaning preparations for sewer systems. If the above-mentioned agents get into the sewer system, then the functioning and life of bacteria is incompatible with them.

If a substance destructive to bacteria somehow penetrates into the sewer, then you need to pour a sufficient volume of water into the tank and use the drug again, following the recommendations in the instructions.

If fat constantly penetrates into the sewer system, a dense film is created on it. A special anti-grease product will help eliminate it. But it’s easier to prevent grease particles from getting in by installing a so-called grease trap on the sink.

In any case, before using a cleansing agent, figure out whether you need this particular drug or another. Also read the detailed instructions for its use and be sure to follow its instructions.

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