Dry toilets for summer cottages: which one to use and a review of the best models

The lack of a traditional bathroom in a summer cottage is a serious inconvenience that can significantly overshadow the beauty of country life. But this problem can now be solved quite simply.

Even if there is neither space nor desire to build a house with a cesspool, it is enough to purchase a dry toilet. But how do you decide on the most suitable model? Agree, it’s worth finding out the details before purchasing.

The article we presented explains in detail which dry closet to choose for your dacha, introduces existing varieties, and highlights the features of operation. Focusing on reliable information, you will not make a mistake in your purchase, but will purchase the ideal option for you.

We describe in detail the design features of the models, the specifics of their placement and the principle of content processing. A brief overview of dry closets in demand on the market from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers is provided. The information is supported by a useful selection of photos and videos.

Which dry toilet is better to use for a summer residence?

Toilets, based on the method of biological processing of human waste, are divided into three types:

  • peat (compost);
  • liquid (chemical);
  • electric (don’t be surprised, there are some, but they have nothing in common with the electric chair).

Peat dry toilets

In these toilets, feces are separated into solid and liquid phases using a peat mixture enriched with special bacteria (the use of regular peat is ineffective due to the insufficient number of microorganisms in it). The solid phase is poured into a compost pit, from where after 2-3 years it can be removed and used as organic fertilizer. The liquid phase is discharged into the drainage network.

Since the decomposition process is accompanied by the release of gas, the lower sealed tank is made with two outlets: one for drainage, the other for connection to the exhaust riser.

Construction of a peat dry closet.

Advantages of peat dry toilets

  • simplicity of design (although there are models with an exhaust fan);
  • environmental friendliness (no chemicals);
  • maintaining and cleaning the compost bin is not difficult;
  • low price of the device itself and composting materials (with the exception of a small number of imported products).

Disadvantages of peat dry toilets

  • permanent installation due to the presence of a ventilation pipe;
  • For “high-performance” modifications, the filled container is quite heavy and is usually equipped with wheels, so you need to think about the route for transporting it to the disposal site.
  • large sizes compared to other types of dry closets.

When is it appropriate to use. A peat dry closet is an ideal option for owners of large plots who want to obtain a high level of organic waste processing at low operating costs with the possibility of their further use as fertilizer. The most suitable place for such a toilet is a separate extension or a ready-made factory cabin, which will require additional capital investment.

Liquid dry toilets

Liquid dry closets are devices in which waste is disposed of using special liquids. Water (usually with added flavoring) is poured into the upper tank, and concentrate is poured into the lower container. When flushed, the water mixes with the concentrate and forms a chemical composition that affects the feces.

Construction of a liquid dry closet.

There are two types of liquid dry toilets:

1. Formaldehyde

They block the process of biological decomposition by destroying bacteria that cause stench. Formaldehyde-based composition is very effective in terms of odor removal, but is very toxic. Therefore, under no circumstances should the processed product be buried in the soil, not only on the site, but also outside it. The only method of disposal is to drain it into the central sewer system or hand it over to a service organization (if such a service is available). Because of this problem, formaldehyde-based dry closets are rarely used in suburban settings.

2. Ammonium

They process the “primary product” according to the principle of anaerobic septic tanks, i.e. based on microbiological decomposition in combination with oxygen deficiency. The ammonium-based composition is not as effective as the formaldehyde-based one, but it is much less harmful and can be used to add to a compost pit.

So, an ammonium toilet, like a peat toilet, can be classified as a “waste-free” product. However, waste processed in this way is not ideal from an environmental point of view (they still have some toxicity), so compost can be used no earlier than after 3 years (peat-based compost is ready for use after 1-2 of the year).

Advantages of liquid dry toilets

  • light and compact (can be transported in the trunk of a car);
  • no ventilation device required;
  • tightness and hygiene, which allows the products to be installed even indoors (for example, in a room where a seriously ill patient is located).

Disadvantages of liquid dry toilets

  • relatively high operating costs due to expensive concentrates;
  • problem with waste disposal.

When is it appropriate to use. Liquid dry closets are attractive due to their mobility: they can be installed anywhere and taken with you outdoors. They are especially good as an individual option, because... for a family of even 3 people, a 12 liter capacity will clearly not be enough (it will have to be changed every 2-3 days), and not everyone can lift a container with a larger capacity.

Electric dry toilets

If you look at it from the point of view of ease of use, then this is the optimal alternative to a country toilet. Human organic matter (all or only its solid fraction) in an electric dry closet is loosened, heated and dried by an air flow forced by a fan. Due to this, the processed mass decreases in volume several times, after which it is composted. The need to use water for flushing depends on the type of toilet (compost or cassette). There are models with a combustion chamber where waste turns into ash, and an even more exotic option with freezing.

Installation of an electric dry closet.

Advantages of electric dry closets

  • absolute safety for the environment;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • no chemicals;
  • long interval between tank cleanings.

Disadvantages of electric dry toilets

  • high cost (average price is 42-45 thousand rubles);
  • the need to ensure a positive temperature, forced ventilation, and in most cases, drainage;
  • energy dependence.

When is it appropriate to use. If funds allow and there is a source of electricity, an electric dry closet is the most technologically advanced solution. In developed countries it is gaining more and more popularity.

Bottom line

As practice shows, the most optimal option for a dry toilet for a summer residence is the peat variety. Along with low cost, compactness and simple functionality, we should also highlight the ability of these devices to produce useful fertilizers to nourish the soil in the garden and beds. As for liquid and electric models, they are more often used in country cottages for permanent residence. If a portable device is required, you should pay attention to compact chemical instruments.

The best electric and mechanical dry toilets

Separrett Villa 9000

Separrett Villa 9000 (Sweden) is a composting dry toilet that works on the principle of separating waste into solid and liquid fractions. The first is dried by a fan and accumulates inside the container, the second is discharged outside with a hose. Energy costs are significantly lower than for mixtures and concentrates.

Main characteristics:

  • storage tank capacity: 23 l;
  • seat height: 44.0 cm;
  • dimensions: 45.6×54.1×67.2 cm;
  • weight: 13.0 kg.

Watch the product video

Pros of Separrett Villa 9000

  1. There are no problems with waste disposal.
  2. No need to purchase consumables.
  3. Minimal maintenance (tank cleaning every 3-4 months).
  4. Almost complete absence of odors thanks to forced ventilation.

Cons of Separrett Villa 9000

  1. Urine sometimes gets into the storage tank due to the imperfect design of the urinal.
  2. Energy dependence.
  3. Price (from 42 thousand rubles).

Conclusion. Despite the high price, the toilet is popular among users who want to minimize the worries and costs of caring for and operating this product.
In addition, the resulting compost is ready for use as fertilizer.

Biolan Biolan eco

  • The volume of the waste tank is 200 l.
  • The volume of the canister for liquid waste is 25 l.
  • The height of the exhaust pipe is 1000 mm.
  • The diameter of the exhaust pipe is 75 mm.
  • Dimensions – 650 x 650 x 970 mm.
  • Weight – 24000 g.

Biolan Biolan eco is an environmentally friendly composting toilet that can be used in any summer cottage. The model does not require water, electricity or connection to a central sewer system. The structure can be installed on the foundation of an old toilet by cutting a hole of the appropriate size in the wooden floor. The insulated tank guarantees fast composting. The model can also be used for recycling organic household waste. The volume of the building will be enough for the entire summer cottage period, even if all family members use the dry closet conscientiously.

The cast polymer case is completely sealed, which eliminates the possibility of interaction with the external environment. The unique ventilation system effectively copes with unpleasant odors. The finished compost is removed easily and simply using the door at the bottom of the tank.

How to use it correctly?

Operating a dry closet does not require any special skills or knowledge. The main thing is to assemble the structure correctly so that the tanks are tightly connected to each other, and in models where flushing is intended, install a pump for supplying water, as well as a valve that prevents the formation of air pockets.

Before starting use, or after each emptying of the storage tank, it is necessary to pour the required amount of chemical into it or pour peat into a special compartment, depending on the type of dry closet. It is important to monitor the occupancy indicator and dispose of waste in a timely manner.

The possibility of using these portable closets in winter depends on their type and installation location. In well-heated rooms there is no need to preserve them.

Country “rooms of reverie”

What is the first to be built on our domestic “haciendas”? That's right, a wooden booth, which, although it sticks out and is visible from everywhere, provides a person with an enclosed space, fencing him off from the rest of the world at the right moment. For the time being, this building is quite enough, and visiting it even has a touch of romance.

After getting used to it and losing its novelty, all the shortcomings of this structure become clearly visible: it’s too far to run to it, you don’t want to show your neighbors your physiological cycle, but most importantly, it’s not clear what to do with what has accumulated in the pit. Although it is called a cesspool, I really don’t want to do this, and if I start such work, I would like to reduce the severity of the “indescribable sensations” to a minimum.

The solution to the problem was found according to the principle “abroad will help us,” although the Great Schemer had something completely different in mind. From prim Europe, where the use of “bushes” is bad manners, the bio-toilet for the dacha has come to our domestic spaces. Why the prefix “bio” is used in the name of this device is not entirely clear, since the essence of the process remains the same. Most likely, what was meant was that it is used outside the city, and waste disposal occurs with the least damage to the environment.

This is a compact device that, if desired, can be installed right at home - it is no larger than a bench in size.

Waste is accumulated in it and disposed of in one of three ways:

  1. Composting.
  2. Chemical decomposition.
  3. By drying.

You can use a dry closet not only at the dacha. It is installed in small displacement cabin boats and car trailers. This is a good help for those who care for the sick or disabled. The biggest advantage of this device is that waste can be disposed of without offending your human dignity.

The home dry toilet, with all its advantages, also has a number of disadvantages.

The main one is that it cannot work without a certain set of accessories.

  • Composting peat mixtures,
  • chemical breakers,
  • bags,
  • napkins,
  • filters...

The list of necessary and useful little things is very wide. All of them are quite expensive, and you can buy them without problems only in large centers of civilization. In rural stores, the mention of them only causes bewilderment.

However, its benefits and the amenities provided are so great that it is worth showing persistence in acquiring all the necessary set of “essentials” for its operation, and not being particularly stingy.

An overview of the main types and popular brands of this wonderful device in every sense will help you answer the question: how to choose a dry closet for a private home.

Liquid or chemical

Structurally, they resemble peat, but chemicals are used as a substance that processes waste (see below).

Consists of two connected containers. A supply of water is poured into the top for flushing waste. The lower part is filled with a chemical mixture that decomposes feces.

The following are used as working fluids:

  1. Formaldehyde. Hazardous, toxic substances of limited use;
  2. Ammonium. Less harmful than the first ones, but also require careful handling.

Considering the high toxic danger of chemical fillers, disposal of waste substances is permitted only in containers specially designed for this purpose. This type of dry closet is almost never used in dacha conditions and is described here for informational purposes.


  • Ease of movement;
  • Independence from communications;
  • No need for ventilation;
  • Absorb waste odor.


  • High toxicity;
  • High cost of working fluids;
  • Unpleasant fumes from chemicals;
  • The need for frequent bowel movements.

Selection depending on parameters

The model of a mobile dry toilet should meet your needs

Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Seat height (depending on your height and the presence of children in the family)
  • Availability of additional functions (electric pump, double-sided flush)
  • Tank volume (depending on the number of family members)
  • Full indicators (signal when cleaning is required)

Which model should you choose?

In the domestic market, the most widely used are Dutch (Thetford) and Canadian (Passport Potti) models. They have some design differences that affect the cost of the dry closet.

Watch a video review of Porti products:

Despite the fact that most of the Dutch manufacturer's facilities are located in China, its products are in greatest demand.

Of the models of portable dry closets, the most popular are the economical versions - Campa. Its configuration does not include a fill indicator, and the pump functions are performed by a hand pump; the price is $100.

The more expensive PortaPotti 365 model is equipped with a piston pump, an indicator and has the height of a regular toilet. It is easy to use, lightweight and has an optimal tank volume. Its cost is about $150.

Watch a video review of Thetford products:

For those who value comfort in everything, the manufacturer offers a portable dry toilet to buy the most modern version. It eliminates the shortcomings of all previous models. It belongs to the luxury class and has two indicators: filling and flushing. It also has space for toilet paper. The price for products in this series starts from $210.

What are consumers saying?

The choice of a portable dry closet is a purely individual matter. But it won’t hurt to listen to the recommendations of those who have already purchased it. Reading the reviews, you can be sure that it is better to purchase models with a large bottom container, and in this case you will have to empty it no more than once a week

Also, to avoid the penetration of odors, you need to pay attention to the presence of a blocking valve of the drain valve or choose a cassette model that has a similar operating principle

Many appreciated the products of the Dutch manufacturer, noting not only their appearance, but also their main characteristics. According to the majority, reviews of the portable dry closet are positive for good reason. This is a kind of summer resident’s dream, the fulfillment of which became possible with the appearance of such models on the market.

Thetford Porta Potti 565P

  • The volume of the waste tank is 21 l.
  • The volume of the clean water tank is 15 l.
  • Seat height – 443 mm.
  • Dimensions – 448 x 388 x 450 mm.
  • Weight – 5500 g.

Thetford Porta Potti 565P is a spacious model that can be used in summer cottages with permanent residence of several people. Thanks to the high seating position and large seat, the comfort of use of the dry closet is practically no different from a regular home toilet.

The reliable design guarantees the complete absence of unpleasant odors. The construction material used is durable plastic, resistant to mechanical damage and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The filling indicator will tell you when it is necessary to empty the tank or add flushing fluid. Compact dimensions and low weight facilitate transportation. If necessary, the model can easily fit in the trunk of a car. A reliable piston pump is used for flushing.

Popular models

The Russian market offers dry toilets from such companies as Piteco, Biolan, Ecoprom, Ekomatic.

The Piteco company has been producing dry toilets for many years, the products are of high quality and low price. The average weight of a bathroom is twenty kilograms, but there are lighter models.

Ecoprom is also a domestic manufacturer; it produces three models of bio-toilets, differing in the size of the seat and tank.

Biolan is a Finnish company; its dry toilets are so compact that they can be installed even in apartments. A wide range of models takes into account almost all consumer wishes.

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