Plastic storage tanks for sewerage - what they are, advantages, installation

Every summer resident wants to provide the most comfortable living conditions on his property. One of the main conditions is the presence of a toilet. Therefore, this structure can be considered the main one and, as a rule, it is built first on an empty garden plot .

The simplest option is a regular pit with a stall installed on top, but such a typical wooden toilet has two significant drawbacks: a strong odor and the need for periodic cleaning of the toilet .

Therefore, today we will try to discuss how to make a toilet for a summer house without smell and pumping out sewage.

Characteristics of a bathroom using a container

Pit for a toilet from a barrel
One of the most successful design schemes for a cesspool for a toilet in a country house is one where a container without a bottom is installed in the pit. The advantage of this option is that there is no need to pump out the accumulated liquid, since it is absorbed into the soil. Due to the small amount of waste, they have time to penetrate into the ground. Moreover, their volume should not exceed 1 m3 per day. If you neglect this recommendation, waste will accumulate in the cesspool from the container. This will lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor in the area.

Container filled with crushed stone

This option for arranging a cesspool is not suitable for dachas where the groundwater level is high. In this case, all sewage will penetrate into the soil, where it will contaminate the drinking source.

Therefore, the best way out of this situation is to install a volumetric sealed barrel. It will act as a septic tank.

In this case, it is necessary to regularly pump out the liquid using special equipment. To avoid doing this too often, you need to install a large capacity container.

To reduce the size of the septic tank, in this case it is recommended to install a complex structure.

It involves installing two or even three containers where waste will accumulate. Moreover, the last of them can be made without a bottom.

In this case, it is necessary to additionally use aerobic or anaerobic strains of microorganisms. They are added to the first container, where they break down biological waste. As a result, solid particles settle to the bottom. The already purified liquid is transferred to the next container. It, passing through an additional filtration layer of sand, enters the soil without polluting it.

Also, when choosing a scheme for arranging a cesspool, you need to choose the right material from which the barrel will be made. It is best to use metal or plastic containers. Each of these types of materials has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account before the installation process.

Criteria for choosing a toilet for a summer residence

First, we need to decide what exactly a country toilet should be. To do this, consider a number of selection criteria.

Country toilets for outdoor toilets

  1. As a rule, a country toilet for an outdoor toilet should not be something too intricate. Here you can do without modern devices of wall-hung toilets, installations, motion sensors and other delights. All this is good for your house or apartment, but at the dacha it is of no use. Therefore, one of the selection criteria is simplicity of design.
  2. The model also should not be too expensive, you leave your area unattended in winter, and in order not to get insomnia, worrying about how your toilet is doing, you should not purchase expensive models if you cannot provide them with proper safety.
  3. The equipment must be operated without liquid, that is, without draining. Otherwise, the cesspool, which undoubtedly accompanies country toilets, will fill up very quickly.
  4. Installing the toilet should be as simple as possible, because periodically it will have to be dismantled to clean the cesspool. To prevent this process from being delayed, there is no need to complicate the design.

Having decided on the main criteria, let's talk about how to choose a toilet for a country toilet.

Metal containers - advantages and disadvantages

Metal containers that you can install yourself have a number of significant disadvantages that directly affect the durability of the constructed structure. These include:

Metal barrel

  • low corrosion resistance of the material. After 3-4 years, such a container becomes unsuitable for use, since it is impossible to repair it;
  • in most cases, this option for arranging a cesspool can be expensive. Metal containers are quite expensive;
  • complexity of installation. If you use a large container with massive walls, it is quite difficult to install it without the help of special equipment;
  • You can only use containers whose wall thickness reaches 15-16 mm. They are often very difficult to find.

The advantages of this material include their resistance to frequent temperature changes. It is not afraid of severe frosts when deep layers of soil freeze. Also, such a container is heavy, which will more securely fix it in the ground.

Plastic containers

When constructing a cesspool with your own hands, plastic is considered a better material than metal.

It has many advantages:

Plastic barrel

  • long service life. Plastic can be used for arranging a cesspool for a toilet in a country house for 40 years;
  • due to their light weight, these containers are very easy to install without the help of outsiders or special equipment;
  • plastic is resistant to the harmful effects of biological fluids or special chemical compounds that are used to process waste;
  • prevents wastewater from penetrating through the walls of the container into the soil;
  • the cost of such a container is quite low;
  • The plastic is very durable and will not collapse under pressure from soil or runoff.

The disadvantages of this material include its instability to low temperatures. To fix this, the plastic walls of the container must be insulated with a layer of mineral wool. Also, a plastic barrel can float due to its light weight.

To prevent this, its walls must be securely fixed in the ground.

Types of sewage tanks in a private house

The task of processing waste water is not only its accumulation and periodic pumping; cesspools can also cope with this.

The liquid must be cleaned of harmful impurities and pathogenic bacteria, since it is dirty and contaminated water that is the source of serious diseases and even epidemics. Therefore, most residents of private houses strive to build an autonomous septic tank.

The most suitable for this purpose are plastic containers specially produced for septic tanks.

Tanks used as a reservoir for wastewater generated during their use serve to preserve liquid until filling. After this, it is pumped out with a specially equipped sewage disposal machine - a sludge extractor and taken out for processing to a specially equipped place.

Plastic tanks for sewerage in a private house come in various types:

  • rectangular shape (Eurocube);
  • cylindrical (tank);
  • spherical.

Containers made of plastic are always made with ribbed walls, which increases their strength characteristics and does not allow them to deform when filled with liquid.

The main materials for the manufacture of such tanks are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polypropylene. But vessels made of composite materials, which contain glass fiber or carbon reinforcing fibers, are more durable. But such products are more expensive.

The volumes of tanks for plastic septic tanks are very diverse; the market offers vessels with a capacity of 500 liters to 100 tons in horizontal and vertical versions. This makes it possible to choose the method of installing the tank depending on the availability of free space on the site.

How to choose the right place to install a bathroom?

Cesspool from a barrel
When choosing a place to install a toilet with your own hands in the country, you must adhere to the following rules:

Applying protective impregnation to structural elements

Having completed the main work with lumber, it is necessary to apply a special wood impregnation to all surfaces. The choice of impregnation preparations is quite wide. First, and this is especially important, saturate wooden structures with an antiseptic that protects against mold, fungi and other organic formations. The toilet is an unheated room located in the zone of extreme risk of damage from organic tumors, therefore special attention should be paid to antiseptic protection. Secondly, it is necessary to thoroughly protect the entire structure from rotting. In conditions of high humidity, both outside and inside the toilet, the rotting process can lead to the destruction of the structure in just a couple of years.

There are special impregnations that protect wood from fire. An accidentally thrown unextinguished cigarette in a toilet can lead to a fire, which can then spread to neighboring buildings, so special attention should be paid to fire protection. Finally, impregnations can also perform decorative functions, giving wooden structures an elegant look.

The first stage is the arrangement of a cesspool from a container

When constructing an outdoor toilet from a plastic barrel with your own hands, you must first dig a pit of suitable dimensions. In this case, the use of a galvanized metal container is also allowed. But you need to take into account that it has a much shorter service life.

The pit for a toilet that you build yourself should have a depth that is 25-30 cm greater than the height of the container. This is necessary to create a filtration field, which will help clean the waste, and clean liquid without harmful impurities will be absorbed into the soil. Also, this pit should be 10-20 cm wider than the tank. This gap is needed to fix the tank inside the pit.

Cesspool for a round container

When the hole is dug, fill its bottom with a layer of fine crushed stone 20 cm thick. Lay sand on top by another 10-15 cm. In this case, each layer must be carefully compacted so that no voids form. After this, you need to install a barrel without a bottom so that its upper edge rises 7-8 cm above the ground surface. In the future, this will greatly facilitate dismantling the container.

You need to fill the sides of the walls with crushed stone. It should reach 2/3 of the height of the container. Place a layer of clay on top to the ground level. When the hole is completely filled, cover the surface of the soil with fine gravel. Also, add an additional layer of sand on top, reaching the level of the top edge of the container.


  1. Stupefied:
    07/05/2014 at 23:59

    Concrete supports for the toilet are impressive! It took about a quarter of the country house's worth of timber and plywood. You could immediately wipe yourself with money.

  2. admin:

    07/14/2014 at 06:54

    You know what German quality is... It’s the same here - if you want a good construction - think through every little detail and don’t skimp on materials. Maybe a builder has such a hobby, he has a lot of money, but he loves to build something with his own hands.

  3. Eugene:

    05/23/2015 at 21:40

    What is the correct name for foundation columns? I want the same ones) I can’t find them

  4. admin:

    05/24/2015 at 22:33

    Don’t bother too much - take a foam block of a suitable size, if you really want to, you can cut holes in it for the beams. Only with high hygroscopicity the issue needs to be resolved.

  5. Anton:

    06/14/2015 at 22:18

    What if you put 4 tires?

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