Correct location of a well on a private plot: legal requirements
Having purchased a country plot, the owners are faced with the need to equip a well. To ensure that this facility complies with sanitary and hygienic standards
Maintenance of septic tank Tver, instructions
Tver is an unpretentious biological treatment plant. The receiving chamber in it serves to sediment suspensions,
Drainage pipe in the storm drainage system of a private house
Drainage pipes for draining groundwater: what are they and how to work with them
When living in individual country houses without a centralized sewer system, the owners have to solve the problem
Well with head
Construction of a well head, do-it-yourself cover installation
Installing the head is not the most difficult part of the work when building your own well. Neither itself
Choosing a suitable well pump for pumping clean and dirty water from a well
When the construction of the well is completed, you can move on to the next, no less important stage. Choosing the right one
Wastewater treatment
How is biological wastewater treatment used and what are its advantages?
Every day a person needs water for domestic and industrial needs. It is polluted by substances that carry
What is the pumping station used for?
The principle of operation of a water supply pumping station for a private house: what it consists of and what it is needed for - device, diagram
An individual hydraulic extraction point has many advantages for residents, including independent supply
Homemade drilling rig and machines for drilling water wells
Finding a good and inexpensive drilling rig for drilling water wells is not easy.
How to drain water from a roof - rules for installing gutters, pipes, trays
Modern roofs are not a complete structural covering until water is drained from
How to install a drainage tray with your own hands: Types of trays and their installation + Video
Drainage trays are used in surface drainage systems. The purpose of the tray in this case is to collect
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