How to clear a clog in the bathroom so that the water drains well

Gradually, fine dirt and soap accumulate in the bathroom drain. The easiest way is to pull out the debris with a piston, creating a vacuum effect. Instead of using pistons, try using a vacuum cleaner with a blower function.

Push clogs firmly with plumber's wire. If dirt is stuck in the siphon, remove the lock nut, pull out the bulb and clean the siphon. Boiling water, industrial and improvised products will help wash away and dissolve dirt in the sewer.

Buy gels and powders in the store: “Mole”, “Sanox”, “Tiret”, Sanfor, Chirton, “Mr. Muscle”, “Bagi Pothan”, Domestos. Pour baking soda down the drain for a few minutes and rinse. To enhance the effect, add a vinegar solution. Lemon juice also removes minor stains.

How to clear a blockage with hot water

Often, blockages, especially in the kitchen, occur due to grease, dirt and small debris.
If you have steel pipes installed, pour boiling water into them directly from the kettle. If the pipes are plastic, simply open the hot water tap for 10-20 minutes. A small traffic jam will not withstand such an attack. The Lifehacker Telegram channel contains only the best texts about technology, relationships, sports, cinema and much more. Subscribe!

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What causes blockage

In most cases, a dense plug is formed due to small debris, clothing threads, hair, pet hair, and even pieces of soap getting into the drain pipe.

When you first encounter problems with your bathtub drain system, remember that there are three categories of blockages:

  • Mechanical - caused by the accumulation of debris deposits.
  • Operational - formed due to the lack of regular prevention.
  • Man-made - associated with improper installation of the system, wear and tear of equipment and all kinds of gusts, accidents, leaks, etc.

If there is no blockage and the water outflow is weak, check the pipes. Perhaps the reason lies in the insufficient slope of the outlet pipe or in the small size of its cross-section. Increasing the slope of the drain pipe will eliminate the problem. Lower the socket of the sewer riser or raise the bathtub.

If you need to remove a blockage, use comprehensive methods to clean all pipes, including the sewer riser.

How to clear a clog with a plunger

Using a plunger, air and water are forced into the pipe, and the blockage is destroyed under their pressure.

Fill the sink or bathtub with some water or drain it: the liquid should cover the bottom by 1-2 cm. If there is a problem with the toilet, wait until the water subsides or scoop it out, no matter how unpleasant it may be: do not splash its contents all over the room .

Use a plunger to completely cover the drain hole, leaving no gaps for air to escape. Then grab the plunger firmly (with both hands) and make a few up and down movements. You will feel pressure build up in the pipe.

Lift the plunger sharply, removing it from the drain hole. If the blockage is cleared, water will begin to flow normally through the pipe.

Repeat the procedure if necessary.

If the problem is in a double sink, you will have to arm yourself with an additional plunger. They need to cover the second drain hole to block air from entering the pipe. If you don't have a spare plunger, cover the empty drain with a rubber-gloved hand.

Cleaning the siphon at home

If the cause of the blockage is in the siphon, you can clean it at home. It is worth noting that this cleaning is useful not only for blockages in the bathroom, but also for preventing the elimination of unpleasant odors.

On the surface under the siphon itself, you need to lay a rag that absorbs moisture well.

Place a bucket or basin on top of the rag. These things will protect your floor from excess water and thereby reduce the cleaning time afterwards.

Carefully unscrew the closure nut and remove the entire flask

Please note that water will flow out after opening the flask.

The siphon itself is washed with hot water, thereby thoroughly washing away any remaining debris.

Afterwards, return all the components to their places, the main thing is to make sure that the pipe does not rest against the siphon flask.

Open the water and check the parts for damage.

At home, this procedure is recommended as a preventative measure, about once every few months.

How to remove blockages using chemicals

If you don’t want to bother with a plunger, choose one of the proven recipes.

  1. Soda + vinegar . Pour 150 g of baking soda into the drain hole and immediately pour in the same amount of table vinegar (for a clogged toilet, feel free to increase the dosage of ingredients by 1.5–2 times). The beginning of the chemical reaction will be accompanied by the active release of thick hissing foam, so do not be alarmed. Cover the drain hole with a rubber glove or something else so that the mixture penetrates deep into the pipe, corroding the blockage, and does not come out. After 10–15 minutes, open the tap (or drain the water) and check if the blockage has been cleared. If the water still does not drain well, repeat the procedure.
  2. Lemon acid . Boil a liter of water and dissolve 1-2 sachets of citric acid (about 40 g) in it. If you have metal pipes installed, the liquid can be immediately poured into the drain hole. If the pipes are plastic, wait until the water cools to 70–80 degrees. The acid will dissolve deposits on the pipe walls and remove the blockage in 10–20 minutes. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  3. Store-bought pipe cleaner . Choose any one to suit your taste and budget and use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. But remember: such liquids are toxic. Work with them wearing gloves and make sure that the product does not get on your skin or mucous membranes.

Clean the sink with soda and vinegar - Let's extinguish the grease!

Cleaning the Sink with Baking Soda and Vinegar
If that plunger method didn't work and you're up to your eyeballs in water and grease, stop, catch your breath, and swear a little. Just during this time, the residual water that I wrote about above will go away. Or at least should go...

So... we wipe the drain hole of the water, and in some cases we somehow get rid of it and pour soda in there. In my case, I used 4 tablespoons. We pour vinegar over all this white powder and extinguish this fat! After 15-20 seconds, pour in some hot water for an even greater chemical process and immediately close the tap.

After this, everything will begin to seethe and hiss. As soon as you notice that the soda and water begin to flow well into the drain, turn on the hot water and rinse off all the exfoliated fat with good pressure. Below in the video you can see how I cleaned the sink with soda. I’ll say right away that the video is for reference and my sink was not clogged!

Clearing a clogged sink with baking soda and vinegar is much cheaper than buying expensive drain and clog cleaners. If the vinegar and soda method did not help you, then you still need to buy this product or call and use the services of a plumber, but only after the third option.

How to clear a clogged plumbing cable

If the clog doesn't want to give up, use a plumber's cable. Perhaps you or someone you know has it. As a last resort, if you are not afraid of damaging the pipes, use a long wire or a bendable brush.

Look under the sink and look for the siphon (the curved part of the pipe). The water in it prevents sewer odors from entering the apartment, and through it you can get to the blockage. Unscrew or remove the siphon (depending on the design) and give yourself access to the pipe. If your bathtub or toilet needs cleaning, the process is simplified: you don’t even have to unscrew anything.

Carefully insert the cable into the pipe. Here, the help of another person is desirable: he will turn the handle of the cable, winding hair, dirt and small debris from the walls of the pipe around it.

Push the cable in until it hits the blockage, then gently move it back and forth to break the blockage.

Pull out the cable. Reinstall the siphon and open the tap to flush the pipe and remove any remaining blockage.

Causes of blockages

Pipes can become clogged for a number of reasons:

  • errors at the stage of laying the sewer system. If the pipe slope is insufficient, lumps of debris will form on an ongoing basis. In this case, the solution to the problem is to completely replace the sewer system;
  • long-term operation of pipes - even plumbing products made from high-quality materials begin to cope with their functions worse over time, the pipes become loose, and their inner surface becomes covered with various growths;
  • primary choice of materials - for example, deposits will form on cast iron pipes faster than on plastic analogues;
  • entry of foreign objects through the drain;
  • lack or insufficient care of home sewerage.

Hair is the leading cause of clogged pipes.

What causes clogged pipes?

How to prevent blockages

  1. Before putting dishes in the sink, remove any remaining food from it.
  2. Do not drain leftover cooking oil down the sink. It belongs in a garbage bag.
  3. Install a protective mesh over the drain hole.
  4. Make sure that hair does not fall into the sewer: in pipes it can cling to all sorts of protrusions and form into balls. Comb your hair before showering, collect it and throw it in the trash.
  5. Don't flush too much toilet paper down the toilet. Perhaps the sewer system in your home is not designed for this at all. If the plumbers confirm this, you will have to put an additional trash can in the toilet.
  6. For prevention, rinse the pipes with hot water or special household chemicals. This will help remove salt and fat deposits.

Chemical cleaning methods

Various solutions and powders are used in cases where it was not possible to clean the drains with mechanical devices, or they are not at hand.

Patented drugs from the store or food solutions are used. Let's look at the most popular and best means for removing sewer blockages with your own hands.

Household chemicals

The most popular drain cleaners are:

  • “Tiret” - available in gel form, copes with fat and food residues;
  • “Bagi Pothan” - granules that remove hair, fur and limescale;
  • "Mr. Muscle" - has the form of a gel or foam, dissolves hair and lime deposits.

After purchasing the drug, you should do the following:

  1. dry the pipeline with a rag or vacuum cleaner;
  2. fill the channel with a solution or powder and then add hot water;
  3. pause according to the instructions set out in the instructions;
  4. pour up to 1000 ml of boiling water into the neck.

Folk remedies

Let's look at some time-tested ways to get rid of sewer blockages.

  • Salt and soda. You need to use one of these substances. The powder is poured into the drained drain, after which a glass of hot water is poured into it.
  • Boiling water. Under the influence of high temperature, fat deposits dissolve and the pipe deforms. This leads to peeling and destruction of hard deposits.
  • Vinegar. In large quantities, acid dissolves all organic matter. Using vinegar you can get rid of fur and hair.

Siphon cleaning

Disassembling the siphon

The siphon is located directly under the drain hole of the sink or sink. It is a curved pipe filled with water. Its main function is to isolate odors from the sewer. The siphon becomes clogged, as a rule, due to the formation of a plug of solid particles at the very bottom.

Before you clean your bathroom or kitchen sink, you should place a bucket under the sink to prevent water from spilling onto the floor. Then proceed to disassemble the siphon:

  1. Using a wrench, you need to unscrew the cover of the siphon cleaning hatch (usually all products have a standard principle).
  2. For a bottle siphon, you need to unscrew the large sump cup by hand.
  3. If access to the inside is not provided by the structure itself, then you should unscrew the fastening nuts and remove the entire siphon.
  4. You must wait until all the contents of the siphon drain into the bucket.
  5. After this, bend the hook at the end of the wire piece and use it to check the pipe outlet area, which is located behind the siphon.
  6. It is also necessary to check the other end of this pipe, as it may be blocked by fallen leaves.
  7. If, after all, the siphon has been removed, then before installation it is necessary to wash it with detergent.

Instructions for cleaning the siphon

Using a drill

Quite often, the vertical pipe coming from the siphon is connected to the horizontal section of the sewer branch. That is why it is necessary to install a cleaning plug in this connection to be able to clean the horizontal pipe. The cleaning process itself looks like this:

  1. You need to place a bucket under the sink.
  2. Unscrew by hand and remove the plug.
  3. Check the horizontal pipe for contamination with a wire that has a hook at the end.
  4. If there is a plug in the pipe that is tightly seated, then you need to use a special drill designed for cleaning pipes.
  5. If there is no cleaning plug, then to be able to use the drill, the siphon must be removed.

Drill application diagram

Comments from professionals

Some tips from “experienced” people will help improve the efficiency of working with a plunger.

Alexey, master plumber: It happens that the rubber suction cup of a plunger cannot be firmly held on the handle. This is especially unpleasant if, during too intense work, it suddenly ends up in the hole of the toilet... To prevent this from happening, you can additionally strengthen the nozzle on the handle with a very ordinary nail or self-tapping screw.

Dmitry, plumber: If you cannot press the suction cup tightly to the surface of the toilet or sink, then you can lubricate the edges of the rubber nozzle with any cream or Vaseline.

Tips from experienced plumbers

  1. Before you choose a method for unclogging a clogged toilet, you need to figure out why the blockage occurred.
  2. If the toilet is clogged due to an object getting into the drain, for example, a floor rag or a bag, then it is better to use a special plumbing cable. The tip of the cable is inserted into the toilet and pushed forward, rotating in a circle strictly in one direction. If compaction is felt, a push is made. Most likely, this is where a foreign object is stuck. When the blockage is cleared, you need to pour boiling water into the toilet.
  3. To remove organic waste from the toilet, it is enough to use chemicals that will dissolve the resulting blockage. This method will be effective if the toilet is clogged with food debris.
  4. Well, the most popular and effective way, which in most cases helps to break through a clogged toilet, is to use a plunger or a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off.

Video: How to clear a clog

Video: Plunger-syringe. Pneumatic or hydraulic?

Advantages and disadvantages of using a plunger

You can consider the obvious advantages that a plunger provides in comparison with many other methods of clearing clogs:

  • Its exceptional low cost;
  • Extreme simplicity of design - thanks to which the plunger can fail after a very long time, even under intensive use;
  • Easy to use;
  • Effective for most types of blockages;
  • In this case, there is practically no risk of damaging the toilet bowl or sink, as well as the surface of the pipe.

However, the plunger also has some disadvantages:

  • Sometimes it is necessary to make a noticeable effort in order to clear too “stubborn” blockages;
  • There is a possibility of spilling the contents of the toilet or sink if used too intensively;
  • Although it works with most blockages, it does not work with all;
  • Most effective for blockages located near the drain hole. The farther the blockage is located from it, the lower the efficiency.

A plunger is a suction cup attached to a wooden or plastic handle. It removes blockages by hydraulic shock against the blockage, pushing it through and destroying it.

Why do CLOGS form in pipes?

The first sign that a blockage has accumulated in the pipes is the slow drainage of water. The second “symptom” is an unpleasant odor that comes from the drain hole. The problem of clogged pipes arises for several reasons:

Fat blockages

Approximately 70-80% of cases are associated with this factor. Grease enters the pipes from dishwashers, washing machines and the kitchen sink. It is deposited on the pipes and forms a fatty plug over the years.

The fat accumulation is heterogeneous in texture. It is soft in inner diameter and resembles a jelly-like substance in consistency. The outer diameter of the plaque adjacent directly to the pipe is very hard. The texture becomes hard due to the reinforcement of the fat layer with various fibrous particles that end up in the drain: hair, threads after washing clothes. In addition, accumulations on pipes actively absorb mineral salts of wastewater, which makes them more compacted.

Fat clog in the pipe

Fat accumulations are the most difficult to remove. They are characterized by increased durability, and a draft in the pipes dries them and makes them even stronger.

Mechanical blockages

They occur much less frequently, in only 10-20% of cases. Mechanical blockages form if objects that should not be there get into the sewer: scraps of toilet paper, cotton pads, ear cleaning sticks, remnants of solutions used during repairs, and more.

Mechanical blockages in pipes

Kitchen waste is no less dangerous. For example, coffee grounds poured down a drain can cause clogs. The same “effect” will be had by onion peels, peels of vegetables and fruits, and leftover food that gets into the pipe. Another risk factor is small parts of children's toys and construction sets, which, due to parental oversight, may end up in the sewer pipe and form a blockage there.

Incorrect pipe installation

If the pipes are installed incorrectly, after a while, accumulations will begin to form in them.

Mechanical blockages in pipes

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • the pipes are connected at too sharp an angle;
  • installation is made with an excessively small slope;
  • pipes with a cross-section that are too small have been selected;
  • vent pipes and valves are not installed;
  • At the junction, the ends were not cleaned and burrs remained, which trap wastewater particles.

Pipes connected at right angles can also cause blockages. The same consequences will appear if the drains have too many turns and bends in a small area.

Old pipes

Another cause of blockage is pipes whose service life has expired. Even if the wiring is done correctly, but the pipes are outdated, traffic jams may appear.

Old pipes

This is especially true for cast iron pipes. Their inner surface is susceptible to corrosion. A layer of metal “eaten” by rust is ideal conditions for the accumulation of grease and dirt. PVC pipes do not have this disadvantage, therefore, practically no deposits of fatty deposits form on their surface.

Knowing what exactly caused the pollution of the drain pipes will make it much easier to get rid of the problem.

What cleaning products are there?

Remedies and methods for toilet blockages can be divided into the following groups:

  • 1. Chemicals and rinsing.
  • 2. Mechanical means without pipe examination
  • 3. Deep mechanical means (plumbing cables)
  • 4. Technical. Dismantling of corrugations, a section of pipe, complete or partial replacement of the pipeline. In such cases, it is better to call emergency services.

The common goal of all methods is to clean the clogged section of the pipe and remove contamination.

What does a regular plunger consist of?

Regardless of the type, a plunger, as a rule, consists of only two elements:

  • Handles for a comfortable grip;
  • And from a special cup-shaped nozzle, which is most often made of rubber.

A plunger is a technical device, a valve for automatically removing air that accumulates at the highest points of plumbing, heating and similar systems.

How to prevent problems in the future?

Regular preventive maintenance will help you avoid trouble in the future. To protect the pipeline system from the accumulation of dirt lumps, the drain hole must be equipped with a simple device - a protective grill.

A large mesh metal or plastic mesh will trap hairs and animal fur without holding back the flow of waste water.

It is also worth pouring small portions of hot water into the drain every week. It will melt fat deposits, facilitating their further movement along the highway.

The use of chemicals has a good preventive effect. To achieve the desired result, they should be used at least once every six months. But to minimize the risk of pipe damage, they should be used in accordance with the instructions.

Any manufacturer’s line of “emergency” chemical preparations necessarily contains less concentrated preventive agents.

To minimize the risk of dirt seals forming, it is recommended to periodically disassemble and wash the siphon elements.

How much does it cost to call a specialist?

When it is not possible to eliminate the problem of blockages in the bathroom on your own, a professional master comes to the rescue. How to find it?

It’s worth asking your acquaintances and friends if anyone can recommend an already proven professional . If you cannot find a plumbing specialist based on reviews, there are a sufficient number of Internet sites of service centers that provide complete information about the availability of specialists, types and costs of repair work.

On average, eliminating a blockage in a bathroom will cost 3,000 rubles. The master will be able to announce the full cost of the work only after inspecting the problem area.

for “What is a plunger”

  1. Valerik S


    I wonder who invented the plunger?


  2. Admin



    The plunger was invented back in 1615 by the plumber Plunger De La Marcier Farte, who worked at the count's court. He noticed that the compressed air was pushing waste in the toilet further down the drain. A smart toilet cleaner came up with an invention that was later named after him - a plunger :)


  3. Fedya Senya



    The word plunger comes from the Latin ventosu, meaning “windy.” In ancient times, this name was given to air holes in a stove or chimney. It was only at the end of the 19th century that they began to call devices similar to modern ones and designed to mechanically eliminate an air lock in a water supply system.


  4. Olga M



    I am delighted! I couldn’t cope with the drain in the bathtub by any means, not even with this metal cord. And with a vacuum plunger, without much effort and oops!


  5. Alexa



    I didn’t understand how to use it. That’s why it turned out to be a useless thing for me! I don’t share the enthusiastic reviews





    It works on the principle of a syringe to suck out the blockage.


  • Valya



    The size shocked me - I thought it was smaller. When assembled, length = 45 cm! The rest is as they say. Those. works good.


  • Julya



    Where did you buy it?


  • Valya



    I bought it on Aliexpress here


  • Admin



    Register here and buy this product at a discount !


  • Lera Korableva



    Thank you very much for the plunger, it’s really a very good and irreplaceable thing of all that I had, this is the most effective and easy to use, thank you very much again


  • Natadya Ivanovna



    This is an amazing thing sent for sufferers from the other world.

    After NG there was such a strong blockage. Nothing helped. The old plunger even broke. I'm so happy I bought this one to replace it.

    There is almost no effort required. Works like a pump. FIRE! Take it and you won't regret it.


  • Fyli



    A universal item with attachments, suitable for different sinks... It works like a charm! I haven't noticed any drawbacks yet.


  • Retrograde



    A good thing in the household will be useful


  • Besonov Den



    If a stick and an unnecessary rag are not nearby, you can build a kind of plunger with your own hands from a plastic bottle.

    Take a two-liter container and cut off the bottom completely. Then insert the bottle into the toilet flush hole with the cut bottom down. Wait until the water fills the bottle and screw the cap on the neck. Now sharply squeeze the plastic and pull the container out of the drain. The water that comes out of it forms the same water hammer that pushes the blockage deeper into the sewer.


  • If the toilet is clogged. What to do?

    When a bathtub or sink gets clogged, it is still tolerable because the dirty water can be flushed down the toilet. But when this “last resort” fails, the situation becomes critical. The situation is especially sad for those who live in apartments. After all, in this case there is no saving cabin at the end of the garden.

    Poor patency can be “cured” with chemicals like “Mole”. A plunger can come to the rescue when there is a device in the house that matches the diameter of your white friend. If the situation cannot be resolved by these means, you need to resort to a cable. When the water has drained, it is advisable to treat the drain with a chemical that dissolves the remains of the plug. Hot water will help wash away dissolved sludge and clean the pipes.

    However, a clogged toilet can also be caused by rough objects such as a sponge or a rag accidentally spilled with water. In this case, you need to try to catch the annoying obstacle. This can be done by using a wire bent with a hook. If these manipulations are not successful, you will have to summon all your self-control, swallow more air and reach for that very foreign object with your hands.

    Chemical and biological cleaning agents

    Of course, the composition of chemical drain cleaners is aggressive and pollutes the environment. But sometimes you simply can’t cope without these tools. How to choose the right product from a huge number of household chemical manufacturers? A quick tip: Almost all cleaners contain sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloride. It is this component that breaks down fats and separates organic particles from each other. Therefore, do not look at the price, look at the composition. Sometimes, in order to remove the blockage, plumbing treatment with ordinary “White” is sufficient, which, like expensive products, contains this same hydrochloride.

    And if you are against aggressive chemistry, pay attention to biological products that guarantee purity without harming health and the environment. Biological products use microorganisms or natural enzymes, so they are much more environmentally friendly and harmless than chemical cleaners. If your sink is clogged, pour the prescribed dose down the drain and let the product last as long as directed on the package. Duration can range from 30 minutes to several hours. Then rinse thoroughly.

    Causes and weaknesses of sewage systems

    The sewerage system in a country house and apartment is designed together with the water supply. Two or three rooms with these engineering systems - a separate/combined bathroom and a kitchen - have a common water supply and sanitation system.

    Typical sewerage scheme in an apartment.

    Blockages can form due to improper operation of any of the plumbing fixtures. There are several categories of causes of sewer blockages:

    • design – small diameter of pipes, slope angles of horizontal sections, incorrect relative position of plumbing fixtures;

      Standard slope of internal sewerage.

    • technical – sagging of pipes in horizontal sections, use of metal pipes, burrs on the inside of pipes, rubber/seal sticking out inside;

      Errors in assembling the drainage system.

    • operational – ingress of large fractions of dirt, food, household waste, hair. Most often, such blockages form in siphons, or where the sewer system has installation defects (for example, burrs).

      Errors in sewerage operation.
      Also, over time, pipes become “overgrown” with deposits, especially cast iron ones. But this happens quite slowly. The most likely place for deposits to appear is in horizontal sections of pipes, where water flows at a slower speed.

      "Overgrown" pipes.

    In the kitchen, food waste of small and large fractions inevitably enters the drainage system through the sink. This water intake point is usually farthest from the sewer riser located in the toilet. With small volumes of water and slope angles of horizontal sections of internal sewerage, the liquid does not have time to carry this waste into the riser.

    There is an accumulation of organic matter in the pipes, up to a blockage, which the user will have to clear with improvised means. In addition, organic matter begins to be processed by bacteria. Pipe obstruction can occur in any area between the riser and the kitchen sink connection point. As a result, the functionality of any plumbing fixture in the kitchen, combined bathroom, bath or toilet may be impaired if the kitchen sink is connected to the sewer before the bathroom.

    Mechanical methods of elimination

    It is important to know how to clear a clog in a new bathtub at home. To get rid of it, mechanical cleaning methods are first used. They are quite effective, because everything directly depends on the location of the blockage in the pipe.

    Mechanical means of clearing a clogged pipe include:

    • rubber plunger;
    • plumbing cable.

    Both devices have a very simple design and compact size, making them easy to use. Compared to specialized equipment, such devices are very cheap.

    Using a rubber plunger

    A high-quality plunger should be in any home, because this is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of a blockage without disassembling the siphon.

    The device is a simple design with a comfortable handle made of plastic or wood, at the end of which a rubber hemisphere is attached.

    When you press hard on the handle, the rubber sphere contracts sharply and pushes the air flow into the drain. In other words, due to hydraulic shock, the plug is removed, and then along with the water it is washed away further along the sewer riser.

    If the new bathtub is clogged, you should do the following:

    1. The plunger must be placed directly on the drain and pressed firmly on it several times.
    2. When clearing the blockage for the first time, wait until the liquid drains. The bathroom drain is plugged with a stopper. At the same time, you need to prepare boiling water.
    3. Next, the boiling water is poured into the pipeline. Then a plunger is again installed above the drain, which must be pressed at least 10 times. To ensure a good seal, the overflow hole should be plugged with an old rag wrapped in a plastic bag.
    4. Then the rubber plunger is removed and the permeability of the pipeline is checked. If the liquid does not drain well, it is recommended to repeat the manipulations.

    Removing a clog in a new bathroom using a plunger is the easiest and most affordable way. In hardware stores you can purchase not only the most primitive devices, but also complex mechanisms that act like a hydraulic pump that creates enormous pressure.

    Application of plumbing cable

    This device is the most effective and reliable option for removing a blockage in a bathroom drain. The iron cable has a length of at least 10 m and a diameter of 2-5 mm. For comfortable rotation, it has a handle at the end. A special spiral is located in an iron tube to prevent hand injuries during manipulation. To effectively clear a clogged drain, there is a special thin wire brush at the end of the device.

    In order to effectively clear clogged pipes, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

    1. Unscrew the siphon and wash it from dirt.
    2. Insert the device into the pipeline and, turning, gradually push it further into the sewer.
    3. When the iron cable hits any obstacle, you should pull it out a little and then return it back with some effort.
    4. After reaching the plug, the cable is removed and cleaned of dirt.
    5. The distance traveled is determined by eye or marked on the device using electrical tape.
    6. This procedure must be repeated a couple of times, constantly washing the cable in a soapy solution.

    You should not make sudden or too strong movements, because the plastic pipeline may be damaged, and this will lead to the constant occurrence of dirt plugs.

    If the cable does not help you get out small debris, you can try to remove it with another device. Specialized stores sell short plastic snakes that have small jagged edges. These products easily penetrate the hole of a clogged siphon and even get stuck hair out of it.

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