Replacing water supply pipes in an apartment: repair instructions

Those who decide to renovate a new building apartment will not have to change communications, because the pipes in new houses are made of polymer materials that meet all modern requirements. But if you live in an old house, then replacing the plumbing in the apartment is a necessity. After many years of use, they have reached a high degree of wear and tear, and their appearance leaves much to be desired. If you prepare well, you can replace the pipes in your apartment yourself.

When do you need to change pipes?

There are two main reasons to replace your home's plumbing system.

  1. Wear and tear of pipes: Steel products rust over time and become unusable. To avoid their complete destruction, it is necessary to replace communications.
  2. Planned repairs: if the apartment owner is renovating the bathroom, then it makes sense to change the pipes at the same time, even if there is no serious damage.

In both cases, it is necessary to completely remove the old pipes, inspect the risers, and, if necessary, cut them off. The new system is installed according to a pre-developed scheme.

Worn steel pipes

Types of pipes for an apartment

Modern materials from which water pipes are made are divided into three groups.

Table 1. Types of pipe materials

MetalSteel (galvanized or uncoated), copper
PlasticPolypropylene, PVC
CompositeConsist of metal and plastic

Steel pipes are installed quite rarely, although their service life reaches 50 years. Firstly, there are problems with installation: it is difficult to do without special equipment (welding, pipe bender). Secondly, steel (even with a zinc coating) rusts quite quickly and requires painting.

Steel pipes

Copper pipes are more durable, but they are also the most expensive. Collecting them on your own is also not easy.

Copper pipes have a beautiful appearance and can be an excellent decorative element.

Most often, metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes are installed. The reasons for their popularity: simple installation, durability, favorable appearance without additional processing. Plastic pipes during assembly will require the use of a special device - a soldering iron. But its cost is quite low, and if necessary, you can rent the device.

Plastic pipes

Prices for water pipes

Water pipes

Metal-plastic is also durable (pipes can last up to 40-50 years). But due to the use of different materials (their coefficients of thermal expansion are different), threaded connections are weakened during temperature changes, and during water hammer, the seal may also be damaged.


Small-diameter pipes have to be replaced on the street only by owners of private houses. Everything is simple: take a shovel, dig a trench, cut off a piece of old rusty pipe with a turbine and install a new one in its place. What about apartment buildings, neighborhoods and neighborhoods?

Typically, the replacement of communications in these cases is carried out not by private individuals, but by organizations armed with heavy equipment. There are two main ways to repair pipelines:

Digging a trench

Does it make sense to describe what makes us happy in our hometown many times a year? Traffic is blocked, an excavator and a team of intellectuals of unknown age with shovels are brought in, after which a flowering lawn or smooth asphalt turns into a sinkhole with a dirty puddle at the bottom.

Occasionally, the landscape is decorated with a car flying into a hole due to lack of lighting and its happy owner, who is in a hurry to share his knowledge in the field of folklore with others.

Familiar to everyone

HDD and other bloodless methods

Recently, especially in large cities, trenches have begun to be replaced by special horizontal drilling units.

Trenchless pipe replacement also requires heavy equipment, but there is no need to block traffic and dig up the street: the soil is pierced with a special drill under the surface, after which the pipe is pulled through a horizontal channel.

There are two ways to replace an old water supply:

  • The injected air powers a pneumatic, self-contained breaker that breaks up the old pipe, widens the channel around it, and compacts the surrounding soil. A pipe of the same or larger diameter is then pulled through such a channel. This method can replace a pipeline made of concrete, asbestos cement or cast iron.
  • Overgrown old steel pipes are cleaned of accumulated deposits, after which a plastic pipe of smaller diameter is pulled through the gap. Considering the lower resistance to water flow of smooth plastic and the lack of overgrowing, this is often more than enough.

And no holes in the middle of the road

Selection of pipe diameter

For installation in apartments and houses, two types of pipelines are used: metal (3/4 and 1/2 inches) and plastic (25 and 20 mm).

Table 2. Pipe sizes for different types of wiring

Type of wiring (diagram)What diameters are used?
TeeThe mains are assembled from 3/4-inch (25 mm) pipes, and the bends to the consumer devices are 1/2-inch (20 mm)
CollectorThe line from the riser to the distributor is 25 mm, and after it - 20 mm

Installation of water pipes

Installation of a water supply system begins with opening the wall (if the pipes are behind it), removing old elements, planning what the new connection diagram will look like (it’s better to make a plan). At this time you will have to decide what types of pipes should be used. You can use different ones: for example, replace the steel riser with the same one, and replace the remaining elements with metal-plastic ones.

Assembly is the most labor-intensive process. It is important to connect the pipes carefully to prevent leaks. After installation is completed, a check should be performed. Water pressure is gradually supplied to the risers. Inspection and troubleshooting are carried out.

System check

The last step is sealing the meters and painting (if necessary).

Sealing hot and cold water meters

Pipe routing: diagrams

Before design begins, you should determine:

  • how many plumbing fixtures will be installed in the apartment and where;
  • location of the main node with meters;
  • installation points for shut-off valves.

It should be taken into account that a number of sanitary installations will require special equipment to reduce pressure (reducers).

Water reducer

At the same time, you need to choose the type of materials that you plan to use. It is important to accurately calculate their number by drawing up an estimate. This is necessary so that during the process you do not need to be distracted by frequent trips to the store.

Pipe routing can be done according to one of three schemes:

  • tee (or series). This is the simplest method. A pipe is connected to each riser of the apartment, from which all water consumers will be supplied. Pros: Doesn't require a lot of pipes. Cons: in a large apartment at the end of the main line, the water pressure will be much lower than near the riser, and any plumbing work will require completely shutting off the water;
  • collector This is a universal scheme, suitable for both large and small-sized housing. Water from the risers goes first to the distribution unit - the collector, and from it is supplied to each of the consumer devices. The supply is more uniform in terms of pressure in each circuit. But assembly will require more material (pipes);
  • combined. This is a combination of the two mentioned assembly methods. Example: one common line is sent from the collector to the kitchen. All consumers in the room are connected to it: sink, dishwasher and other devices.

Main types of wiring

Additional elements in the water supply system are required to improve its performance or to ensure adequate operation of devices. These are reducers for increasing/decreasing pressure, shut-off valves, filters, various sensors and couplings for connecting pipes without welding. There are entire separate systems that can shut off the water supply in the event of a water leak.

Decorative apple tree

This tree can rightfully be called Russian sakura - it is magnificent during the flowering period, as it is dotted with a huge number of pink flowers, and when the time comes for the fruits to ripen and they acquire a red tint, perfectly combining with the color of the foliage, this small tree looks very impressive.

A decorative apple tree will help to place the necessary accents on the garden plot and even highlight a shaded corner.

It should be noted that this species stands out for its unpretentiousness, as well as resistance to adverse weather conditions. This tree is not afraid of severe frosts, so it can be grown even in very harsh climates.

Today, there are many varieties of ornamental apple trees that can rightfully occupy a central place in your garden plot. The color of the petals and leaves can be different, as well as the shape of the crown, therefore, before choosing one or another, you should carefully study all the varieties and characteristics of this tree.

Among the many varieties of ornamental apple trees, the following can be distinguished:

  • Riverside, or weeping;
  • Royal Beauty;
  • Royalty;
  • Nedzvetsky;
  • Pioneer.

Copper pipes: installation

Installation will be expensive, but the system will be more aesthetically pleasing, even when assembled externally, and will also be durable.

What will you need?

  1. Materials: fittings, angles, ball valves.
  2. Tool:
  • equipment and consumables for soldering (torches, fluxes and solders);
  • tool for crimping fittings;
  • cutter for copper pipes;
  • a set of wrenches for tightening nuts (plus a gas one).

    Soldering torch

Prices for various types of gas burners and blowtorches

Gas burners and blowtorches

How to assemble a copper pipeline with your own hands?

  1. Work planning: creating a diagram, calculating the number of linear meters required for assembly.

    Plumbing wiring diagram

  2. Connecting lines (or manifold - if you select the appropriate type of assembly) through adapter couplings. Most often, the riser is made of steel, and it is problematic to securely weld copper to it.
  3. Assembling the remaining components of the system. Soldering is used to create permanent connections. But if possible, you should avoid it and use threaded connections with flax and sealant, since without the skills it is difficult to solder tubes with an open flame.

    Soldering process

  4. Checking for leaks. Pressure should be gradually applied to the system to avoid water hammer. At the same time, inspect connections and joints. There should be no leaks.

Video - Soldering copper pipes

Is it possible to refuse to replace risers in an apartment building?

“Is it possible to refuse to replace the riser?” - a pressing question for those residents who have undergone a major renovation of the apartment, because the proposed general house procedure implies some damage to the owner’s property in the bathroom. Is it possible to write a refusal?

Based on the information contained in clause 5 of PP No. 491, risers in apartment buildings are common property. According to the law, none of the residents has the right to prevent representatives of the contractor (MC), as well as emergency services, State control and supervision authorities from inspecting the current condition of communication equipment and carrying out repair work. A control inspection should be carried out no more than once every 90 days, and in case of an emergency - at any time.

Thus, apartment owners do not have the opportunity to refuse to replace common communication systems in an apartment building. In response to the refusal, the management company or HOA has the right to sue.

Metal-plastic: installation

One of the simplest ways to arrange a home water supply. Composite tubes hold pressure well, bend easily during assembly, and are reliably connected if the installation rules have not been violated. The most popular diameters are 16 and 20 mm. Both open and closed wiring will look good. It is recommended to use a collector circuit.

What will you need?

  1. Materials: special fittings, pipe fasteners (clamps, ties), flax and sealant.
  2. Tool:
  • pipe cutter and pipe bender for metal-plastic products;
  • special press jaws;
  • adjustable and Swedish (gas) keys.

How to assemble a pipeline with your own hands?

  1. Assembly (as in other cases) begins with the creation of a circuit. When planning, it is recommended to provide as few tees and adapters as possible. They reduce water pressure.
  2. It is important to carefully calculate the lengths of all elements (pipe sections). Cut them and prepare them for installation: bending and cleaning the ends. Using a gauge, trim the ends of the workpieces.
  3. Using collet or compression fittings, connect the systems into a single whole.

This is what the connection looks like

Installation differences:

  • using collets: first a threaded union nut is put on the tube, and then a split ring. All this is inserted into the fitting and tightened tightly;
  • using compression fittings: here the role of the ring is played by a wider split sleeve. It is also placed after the nut. When fixing it in the fitting, it is necessary to apply force;
  • Push fittings: no tools are needed to create the connection. The tube is inserted into the element and it is fixed. Preventing leaks is achieved thanks to water pressure, which acts on the wedge and reliably presses the edges of the tube;
  • Press fittings are used to create permanent connections (without the possibility of disassembly). The pipe must be cut evenly and calibrated. A special sleeve is put on it, and a fitting is inserted inside. Using pliers they press everything together.

    Assembling press fittings

When assembling threaded connections, you need to use fum tape or flax.

Video - Metal-plastic assembly process

How to replace the coil?

Even a beginner can do this. To replace a worn-out water heater, you need to follow a number of steps:

  1. Shut off the water - turn off the valves on the stopcocks of the risers or use the manifold to turn off the coil.

    Shut off water

  2. Using an adjustable wrench, disconnect the union nuts securing the product to the system and carefully remove the coil.

    Unscrewing the heated towel rail

  3. Install the new product in the same place using adapters (if necessary). Seal the threads with fulente or flax.
  4. Gradually increase the pressure to the nominal pressure and check for leaks.

Tip: it is recommended to purchase products with a minimum of welds. They are considered more durable.

Removal of old structures

Replacing the old water supply pipes in an apartment or house with plastic ones begins with dismantling the previously installed pipeline. Structures with a long shelf life are usually assembled from metal parts. Accordingly, for work you will need an angle grinder. If there is a need to change the riser or taps, you will have to shut off the water supply. To do this you will need to:

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  • Coordinate the implementation of work with the service organization that is responsible for intra-house communications.
  • Notify residents from neighboring apartments connected to the common system with you about the upcoming closure.
  • Do not delay implementation, but do everything as quickly as possible. In this regard, it would be advisable to turn to professional specialists who will quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary manipulations.

After you change the riser, you can take your time and continue dismantling the pipeline calmly. First of all, you need to drain the liquid and only then start working with the grinder. Some owners who dismantle communications themselves unscrew the existing fittings using a wrench without cutting them. However, this takes up too much time, which could be used to do more important things. Of course, the use of special equipment is not always appropriate (if you are only changing pipes, but not touching the plumbing and tiles). After all, sparks from a saw wheel can cause serious damage to them.

Possible problems and solutions

Most common mistakes relate to incorrect assembly of the plumbing system:

  • errors in calculations. The assembler forgets to add to the length of the pipe blank the length of the section that will be inside the fitting (or adapter), and this is up to 15-20 mm per side;
  • low quality of permanent (welded) connections. There are defects in the seams through which water leaks out. Eliminated by forming a new seam on top. In some cases, it is necessary to completely digest the pipe. It is important to understand that even a small leak will eventually turn into a larger one;
  • Water drips/oozes from threaded connections. It might need a little tightening. If the defect cannot be eliminated, you will have to disassemble the assembly and carefully examine the condition of the threads - if the damage is severe, the element will have to be replaced completely. If everything is in order. then you need to wind more flax, apply another layer of sealant and try to properly tighten the connection again;
  • improper soldering of polypropylene. As a result, the pipe connections are not very strong and can break when pressure is applied. During operation, you should follow the recommendations of the manufacturers of the soldering iron and the plastic products themselves. This applies to both the depth of edge penetration and the temperature of the device;
  • choosing unreliable plumbing fixtures. Buying cheap devices on the market can lead to difficulties: constant breakdowns, broken fittings and flooding, and incorrect operation. It is recommended to use products from trusted Russian, Belarusian or European manufacturers;
  • ignoring the requirement for the slope of the sewer line. Craftsmen do not maintain the required parameter (3 cm/m for a pipe diameter of 50 mm), this leads to difficulties in moving wastewater. To eliminate it, it is easier to redo the connecting point with the riser, otherwise the apartment owner will constantly encounter blockages;
  • the features of the pipe materials used are not taken into account - linear expansion, different behavior under temperature changes, reaction to water hammer;
  • Mistakes made when installing the system are often due to the lack of experience of the apartment owner. There must be ball valves on each riser - for shutting off the water, points for connecting meters. It is important to check the system before it is shut down.

Important: care should be taken when assembling pipelines in areas where stationary electrical appliances are located: meters, lighting lamps, junction boxes. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of water leaks and contact with exposed wires.

Pipe burst in an apartment

Is it possible to replace pipes yourself?

If the owner of the property has registered it as property, then he (by law) is responsible for the condition of communications inside the premises. But it should be understood that since the pipes are under pressure, replacing them with your own hands without the appropriate experience is highly not recommended. Utility services have the right to prohibit the operation of systems assembled by amateur plumbers, because most likely at least one of the rules of SNiP (building codes and regulations) will be violated and there is a danger of a water breakthrough at any moment. It is almost impossible to visually determine the quality with which the assembly was carried out, with the exception of some cases.

Poor quality welding

Replacement of risers is carried out only with the knowledge of the engineering and operating company that controls the entire house. In some cases, the work will be carried out not only by plumbers, but also by welders. The same applies to the installation of meters. They are placed under the supervision of certified masters and sealed.


Independent replacement of water supply pipes in an apartment or house with plastic is only available to those who have the appropriate knowledge and experience. Without professional training, it is impossible to achieve high-quality work. Any mistake, even a minor one, can result in serious problems for the homeowner (in the worst case scenario, you will flood several floors down). Faced with the need to pay for repairs to your neighbor's living space, you will spend much more money than you would pay for the services of a master.

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