Distance between sewer wells for pipes SNiP Standards Photo and Video

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Michel July 21, 2016Specialization: plumber with 10 years of experience, computer repair specialist, powerlifting coach. I have extensive experience in construction, interior decoration, and making homemade furniture. Hobbies: sports

Surely at least once in your life you have wondered why so many sewer manholes come across your way. Looking ahead, I will say that this is not someone’s whim, but a necessity dictated by technical requirements when laying a sewage system. To clarify these points, I have summarized all current regulations and will gladly share my knowledge with you. So, let's hit the road.

Now we will find out what distance between sewer inspection wells should be the norm.

Correct location

The necessary conditions that are taken into account when placing wells are often very difficult to fulfill for owners of narrow or small plots. Often, owners with funds try to save meters by constructing a shaft on the site of the house, and then digging a pit for the foundation there. In this case, for a potential source of drinking water, the distance from the house does not matter if the house itself is laid out in accordance with the requirements.

Village house and well

Being located inside a building has many advantages, but there are also tangible obstacles. The undoubted convenience for residents in equipping an indoor toilet and supplying water to the bathroom and kitchen (this will require pipes and a special pump) sometimes does not outweigh other possible circumstances in common sense.

For example, the need for repairs in the event of a breakdown or failure of the shaft. In this case, the water will stop flowing, and repairs will require special equipment. And it will be extremely difficult to use it in the basement of a house.

Layout of structures

In SNT, where the construction of residential buildings is now permitted, in the private sector of urban areas and on individual housing construction sites, the developer resembles a tightrope walker balancing on a rope stretched between abysses and peaks. He has to take into account too many conditions in his choice when it comes to sanitary facilities. The same well should:

  • comply with distance standards so as not to cause erosion of the foundation and destruction of a residential building;
  • not be located at a significant distance, as this will create inconvenience for residents or force the creation of a local network of an intricate design, fraught with constant blockages;
  • do not cause inconvenience to neighbors;
  • do not interfere with the passage, driveway, beds or trees, fences, and also do not be close to the road;
  • be located at the required distance from potential sources of pollution;
  • be located on an elevated site not only in relation to your own septic tank and cesspool, but also to the neighboring one;
  • the distance between all buildings and structures required by sanitary standards and building regulations must be maintained.

On the individual housing construction site


SNiP 30-02-97, which after repeated editing became SP 53.13330.2011, and then SNiP 30-02-97 with amendments for 2021, states that a well can be built at a distance of 3 m from the house foundation. But experienced builders, especially if a residential building with a shallow strip foundation is being built, advise increasing it to five meters.

However, in the process of developing the site, you will have to take into account other rules that also have their own specifics. It is also necessary to study special standards before installing a septic tank, local sewage system, bathhouse or toilet, taking into account the presence of nearby pipelines, power lines and other main structures.

StructureSet of rulesSNiP
Septic tankSP 31.13330.2012SNiP 2.04.03-85
ToiletSP 53.13330.2011SNiP 30-02-97

Subtleties in the rules for septic tank location

You can start digging a hole and installing a septic tank after permission has been received. By law, a minimum distance is maintained to all sources of water, your own and your neighbors. The rules for the location of the septic tank must be strictly observed.

Construction at the dacha

When receiving permission to develop a site, the architecture department and sanitary supervisory authorities check the layout of the house and utility rooms on all adjacent plots.

They double-check the availability of water sources. If the minimum setback from the required points is observed, a building permit is issued.

If there is nothing nearby or construction behind the fence has not begun, or more precisely, permission has not yet been issued, you can maintain a distance in compliance with sanitary standards only from your house and well. It is enough to retreat 1 m from the side border of the site, the fence.

The garage belongs to the category of ancillary buildings. Sanitary standards allow the installation of a septic tank at a distance of 1 m from it. Unlike sheds, a permanent strip foundation is made for the garage. If there is an inspection pit, experts recommend retreating at least 2 m so that wastewater does not wash away the base of the building and penetrate into the pit and basement.

Is it possible to make a smaller indentation from the fence and, in agreement with the neighbor, symmetrically place sedimentation tanks at a distance of 1 m on both sides of the fence? A building permit will have to be issued at the same time. Both owners of the site indicate in a statement of joint agreement and their consent to such deviations from the norms.

What are the requirements for the location of underground communications?

The main regulatory document that guides construction is SNiP 2.07.01-89, indicating the distances when laying communications relative to each other and other objects from the point of view of safety and reliability.

When operating sewer, heating and water supply engineering networks, the negative impact of the transferred environment on the foundation of structures when pipes break must be taken into account. The leaking liquid can wash away the soil foundation and penetrate into the lower and basement rooms, causing significant damage to buildings.

If water-bearing communications are laid near the foundation during the operation of structures, measures should be taken to ensure their safe location relative to the building. When it is not possible to maintain a safe distance from pipelines to a structure for technical reasons, casings are used to protect underground communications. After agreement with the supervisory authorities, it is allowed to lay water pipes in a casing next to the foundations, which provides insulation of the pipes in case of settlement and protects the foundation itself from destruction if the water pipe is damaged.

Typically, on a site with a built house, networks of various types are located; water, sewer, heating, and gas pipes are laid in the ground, and power cables are pulled. For the safe location of different types of highways relative to each other, it is necessary to know the norms of distances between communications in parallel and perpendicular locations.

Also, knowledge of the standards will help save money, because some types of communications can be laid in a single trench without significant negative consequences in the event of a pipe break.

Fig.2 Site plan - example

Types of sewer mines

Sewer wells can be inspection, differential, rotary, storage.
Sewer well structures are classified depending on their purpose.

  • Observations. They are installed to control the operation of system elements and to clean when congestion occurs.
  • Rotary. They allow you to control the areas through which waste liquids change the direction of movement, making the places of turns and kinks more accessible, where blockages often form.
  • Drops. They are constructed to compensate for the slope of the pipeline, since its increase or decrease leads to the settling of solid impurities in the pipes.
  • Nodal. Provides access to connecting pipes.

Reinforced concrete is usually used as a material for constructing inspection wells, but recently plastic tanks have been gaining popularity. Any sewerage shafts are installed underground. They act as connecting elements of the sewer main.

Distance from underground utilities to foundations

SNiP 2.07.01-89 allows for the laying of underground communications within the boundaries of support foundations and pipeline overpasses, subject to the provision of protective measures in the event of settlement of the foundation base and accidents in the line.

Construction acts SNiP 2.07.01-89 establish the following distance limits to the supporting foundations of houses:

  • water supply – 5 m;
  • individual and storm (rain) gravity sewerage – 3 m;
  • pressure sewer – 5 m;
  • drainage pipeline – 3 m, accompanying drainage – 0.4 m;
  • gas pipelines of low, medium and high pressure - 2, 4, 7 or 10 m, respectively;
  • heating networks - from the tunnel wall 2 m, from the protective shell of pipes for channelless installation - 5 m;
  • electrical cable lines and communication cables – 0.6 m;
  • switching channels and tunnels – 2 m.

Fig. 4 Construction standards for distances between communications and underground networks

Standards for placement of storm sewer elements

The specifics of storm drainage differ markedly from the design of household systems. The main difference is the seasonal operating mode, which significantly changes the standards, requirements for the depth of laying underground networks, and the predominant use of external trays and gutters. As a rule, underground storm sewer pipelines are not installed in the immediate vicinity of the foundation. An external receiving gutter is installed around the entire perimeter of the house, through which wastewater flows into storm water inlets and goes to the nearest reservoir.

A feature of storm sewers is their large volume, designed to receive large quantities of rainwater during heavy rainfalls. SNiP does not regulate the distance between storm sewer wells, since they are the final elements of the system. The minimum standard diameter of stormwater pipes is 200 mm, which is due to the need to ensure throughput at the time of peak load.

There is rarely more than one tank on the site of a private house. If it fails, they organize the passage of wastewater into reservoirs, ravines or other discharge points. To do this, they either build additional gutters on the surface or lay underground channels. The second option is used if the line needs to be drawn under a dirt road or landscaping elements. The depth of external channels is calculated based on the volumes of wastewater characteristic of a given area. It is important to take into account the heaviest, most prolonged rains, otherwise the efficiency of the entire system will be zero.

Passage of pipes through the foundations of buildings

The external water supply and sewerage network is introduced into the house through the foundation using steel sleeves of larger diameter; their standard size for HDPE pipes is 75 mm; for PVC sewerage 110 mm, a pipe with a diameter of 160 mm is used.

The rules for laying external water pipelines are regulated by the set of rules SP 31.13330.2012 and includes the following points:

  • Communications are introduced into the house through pieces of metal pipes (sleeves) with a minimum diameter of 50 mm.
  • To eliminate the consequences of linear expansion due to temperature changes, compensatory bushings are used.
  • The distance between the entrance to the foundation of the water and waste pipes should be from 1.5 m, when entering vertically, the gap between the sleeves is from 0.4 m.
  • The diameter of the hole in the supporting structures increases the space for inserted sleeves by at least 2 mm.
  • To ensure gravity flow, the sewer pipe liner is inserted with a slope of 4 - 7 degrees.
  • The depth of the pipelines approaching the house is taken to be more than 0.7 m from the blind area.

Rice. 9 Scheme of laying the pipe entry into the building

When laying water mains, it is necessary to comply with the norms of distances to the foundation - this will avoid negative consequences in the event of a pipeline break or building subsidence

In domestic housing construction, it is important to adhere to the standards when laying communications, which should be placed in different trenches, then bursting sewer pipes under any circumstances will not lead to contamination of drinking water

Sewage systems of private houses

In the development of suburban areas, autonomous sewage systems are often used, which are distinguished by the presence of a large number of positive qualities. Some systems turn out to be more economically advantageous compared to using a central collector, while others turn out to be the only possible solution to the sewerage problem. For the normal functioning of the external sewerage system and to ensure quality service, the design of the system must be arranged in accordance with the norms and regulations reflected in the relevant documents. Sewage installation diagram the system and its operation largely depend on factors, which include:

  • topographic indicators of the selected territory;
  • types of soils located on the site;
  • availability of water supply sources near the site;
  • layout diagram of underground engineering networks that are already present on the territory.

The sewage system can be quite simple: the simplest design consists of a single section of pipeline that transports wastewater to a pit or septic tank located outside the building. You need to know at what distance from the house to install a septic tank. The simplest septic tank can be made from car tires stacked vertically on top of each other: the wastewater will still be filtered, and the solid fractions will be periodically pumped out by a sewer truck. This design is well suited for installation in suburban or small urban areas. For the sewer system to work normally, it is enough to provide a constant slope and periodically pump out.

Septic tank options

When planning to create a sewer system in a house, it is necessary to immediately design a local treatment system. It is important to position the septic tank correctly so that all standards are met and met. It is necessary to calculate the volume of wastewater and select the appropriate VOC design.

Layout at the dacha

For a summer house with temporary accommodation for up to 4 people and a shower in the bathroom, a single-chamber sump tank with a bulk bottom is suitable. Filtration will be carried out through it and some of the water will come out. It will be enough to pump out the contents from it once a season.

On soils with groundwater close to the surface, a tank with a solid bottom or concrete rings stacked on top of each other with a cushion at the bottom will be optimal. Under them you need to dig a hole 4 m deep with a layer of clay below. You will have to pump out water from such a waste collector more often, once every 3–5 months, but there will be a guarantee that the water in the well will not become contaminated.

For a house with a bathroom and several sinks, a kitchen sink and other equipment, a model with an overflow and biological water purification or disposal through an aeration field is required. The water at the output of such a device can be used as technical water: to water the garden, wash the car, paths and the facade of the house. Maintenance frequency – sludge cleaning 1–2 times a year.

The common village latrine and cesspool belong to another category of disposal devices. The distance to it from the fence according to SNIP (SP) is much greater.

What should be the distance from well to well

To construct a well on the site, there is not enough space with an accessible level of the aquifer. The fact is that there are a number of other requirements for the location of the water supply source, and if they are not met, then the water will easily become unsuitable for food use.

Then we will consider these requirements, by fulfilling which you can avoid troubles associated with poor water quality.

What specific sources of pollution are there?

Sources of pollution include a number of objects:

  • Cesspools and pits;
  • Burial places for animals and people;
  • Warehouses for pesticides and fertilizers;
  • Industry enterprises;
  • Sewage facilities
  • Landfills, etc.

It follows from this that when choosing a location, you need to focus on the distance from the well to the toilet, and the distance from other objects of pollution in your own and neighboring areas. This is due to the fact that unwanted elements will get into the water, as a result it can cause damage to health.

Rotary wells for sewerage

This type of wells in its purpose and design is absolutely identical to inspection wells, with the only difference being that rotary wells are installed in places where the direction of the pipeline changes. Sharp bends with large turning angles are usually the areas most likely to become clogged and require special attention. This is precisely the function that rotary wells perform.

The distance between rotary sewer wells is usually calculated based on the length of the straight sections between the bends of the pipeline. If the pipeline section is longer than specified by the regulatory document, then it must be equipped with inspection wells in order to ensure a sufficient level of control over the operation of the system.

Methods for laying underground networks

Collectors, tunnels and channels are used to extend underground utilities in civil engineering; in households, ditches dug in the soil are used to lay pipelines. If digging trenches in an open manner is not possible, trenchless pipe laying is carried out by drilling, piercing or pushing the soil with hydraulic jacks. Abroad (in Germany), an effective method of laying pipes is widely used using special equipment that cuts a trench and simultaneously immerses a polymer pipeline into it.

Based on the method of arrangement of communications in trenches, the following are considered:

Separate method. During installation, each highway is installed in its own channel; the method is expensive when laying a large number of nearby communications.

Collaborative method. According to SNiP 2.07.01-89, in common trenches it is allowed to lay heating mains measuring from 50 to 90 cm, water supply up to 50 cm, more than 10 communication lines or power electrical cables with a voltage of up to 10,000 volts, if there is not enough space for laying lines in individual trenches plot.

It is allowed to lay water pipelines in tunnels with other communications (SNiP 2.04.02-84) except for pipelines carrying combustible and flammable media.

When laying pipeline fittings in the ground, they are placed in technical wells.

If wells or boreholes are used on the site, from which an underground pipeline is laid to transport water to the house, the minimum depth of the water supply system is taken equal to the lowest freezing point of the soil in the given area with the addition of 0.5 m. A layer of soil on top to avoid unwanted heating of water in the pipes in summer leave at least 50 cm.

Rice. 3 Drilling underground utilities with a German pipelayer

What should be the distance from the septic tank to various objects

  • If you are positioning a tank assembled from concrete or polymer-composite rings, you must take into account the distance from the well to the septic tank (house, outbuildings). According to the rules prescribed in SNIP, there must be at least 20 meters from the source to the drainage tank (this is the minimum distance allowed when installing a settling tank). The optimal and desirable distance from the septic tank to the well (septic tank-well) is 50 meters. At the same time, the more meters you retreat from all vital objects (houses, wells, utility buildings), the better it will be for everyone.
  • Another point that needs to be taken into account when installing the tank is the level of its location relative to the terrain and other objects on the site. The most correct point for installing a septic tank is the lowest point on the site. In this way, it will be possible to insure against accidental ingress of waste (albeit filtered) water into the receiver with clean liquid.

Drop tanks

Quite often there are areas located on the slopes of the area, where elevation changes range from one to 10 meters. In such cases, for proper installation of the sewer system, differential wells are installed in the areas. The maximum angle of inclination of the pipe should be no more than three meters; otherwise, it is better to make a stepped structure with a gradual drop of no more than one and a half or two meters.

The distance in this case will be considered the same as with turning ones. In both cases, installation will take place in places where the angle of the pipe changes. Accordingly, when making calculations, one should proceed from the bends of the sewer line and install mechanisms that level out the strong slope of the terrain.

Location of treatment wells relative to other structures

The choice of the optimal location depends not only on the nature of the internal buildings, but also on the type of sewerage structure

It is especially important to correctly position objects intended for wastewater treatment, which can be divided into storage (with a sealed bottom) and filtration (without a bottom)

The position of sewerage facilities on the site is regulated by SNiP

The minimum distance from the house to the storage well is 3 m. This is the necessary distance at which the construction of a treatment plant will not have a destructive effect on the foundation of the building. In this case, the maximum distance to the first well should not exceed 12 m. A more distant location can lead to frequent blockages and complicate pipeline maintenance.

When choosing a location for a treatment plant, you should also take into account its volume. If the capacity does not exceed 1 m³, then the object can be placed at the minimum possible distance from the house. As the volume increases, it is advisable to proportionally increase the distance.

Location of storage septic tanks relative to a residential building

As for the roadway and the neighbor's fence, in this case the same requirements are imposed as for a residential building - a distance of at least 3 m. But the location relative to outbuildings has not such strict criteria. The main thing here is to maintain a distance of 1 m.

If the treatment plant does not have a sealed bottom, that is, the wastewater is discharged into the ground after preliminary filtration, then the distance between the sewer well and the building must be increased to 10-12 m. This arrangement will not allow the destruction of the foundation from increased soil moisture.

In the case of domestic wastewater treatment, in addition to protecting the foundations of buildings, sanitary standards must be adhered to. To prevent contamination of the drinking water source, the filtration well is located 50 m from it. The minimum possible distance to the nearest reservoir is 30 m.

Layout of the wastewater discharge point into the ground

Other standards

In addition to the standards described above, which are often a problem for owners of private plots due to their inaccessibility, there are others that also need to be followed in order to avoid problems with the functioning of the sewage system in the future.
For example, the minimum distance from the sewer well to the building should be 3 m, and the maximum - 12 m, regardless of the type of well used. The distance from the house to the sewer well is a rather important indicator that must be observed. It is important to consider the distance from the cesspool to the well. In addition, you must always remember the existence of sanitary standards that determine the removal of elements of sewer systems from reservoirs, water sources, vegetable gardens and orchards. Conclusion

Installing a sewer system on your own property is not a big problem.
All installation work related to laying pipelines and arranging sewer structures is quite simple and can be performed by any homeowner. You can find other articles on this site about all types of work, and then everything will become extremely clear. Compliance with the rules and regulations reflected in the relevant documents is a prerequisite for ensuring the normal functioning of the sewer system. If you do not follow the rules, the structure will regularly fail, become clogged, and its repair and maintenance will become much more complicated. Correct installation of sewer wells will help prevent possible problems and provide high-quality access to all sections of the structure. If the distance between the storm sewer wells is maintained, then monitoring the performance of the system will be much easier (pro

Distance between sewer wells

In addition to storage and filtration structures, there are other types of wells that are used for installation and maintenance of external sewage systems. Among them:

  • examination rooms;
  • rotary;
  • differential.

Since such devices are not designed to accumulate wastewater, they do not pose a danger to the foundations of buildings and natural objects. In this case, these structures must be correctly positioned relative to each other.

Such structures are intended for inspection and maintenance of sewerage systems. They are used in complex external networks with long pipeline lengths. According to SNiP, the distance between sewer inspection wells depends on the size of the pipe. The following standards exist:

  • Ø110 mm – 15 m;
  • Ø150 mm – 35 m;
  • Ø200-450 mm – 50 m;
  • Ø500-600 mm – 75 m.

In domestic systems, pipes with a diameter larger than 150 mm are rarely used. Typically, a diameter of 100-110 mm is sufficient for arranging an external sewer system. Accordingly, in this case, an inspection structure needs to be installed every 15 m. Although for straight sections it is possible to increase the interval by several meters.

Location of observation points

Rotating devices perform the same function as viewing devices. The distance between them is not regulated, since they are located in strictly designated places - at a bend in the pipeline, the angle of which exceeds 45°. These points are most susceptible to blockages, so it is necessary to have access to these places for cleaning activities.

The distance between the rotary wells of domestic and storm sewers depends on the design of the network. However, if there is a long straight section between the turns, an additional observation point is installed at this interval.

Large pipeline bends must be equipped with rotating structures

If it is necessary to install a sewer network on a slope, differential structures are used. Such wells are designed to normalize the flow rate of liquid, since too intense movement of drains can lead to blockages.

The distance between such structures depends on the specifics of the terrain and is individual for each area. Some technical nuances should be taken into account:

  • the height of the difference should not be more than 3 m;
  • to reduce the flow rate, additional damping barriers can be installed;
  • if the difference is less than 0.5 m and the pipeline diameter is 600 mm, it is permissible to replace the differential well with an inspection structure with a drain.

Sewage installation diagram on a slope

If you maintain the correct distances between sewer wells and other objects in accordance with SNiP, you will not have problems with either supervisory authorities or neighbors. At the same time, it is better to plan a complex system together with specialists in order to prevent technical errors and inconsistencies that can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Legal and Legal Responsibilities

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for violations of SNiP requirements for the design and installation of external sewage systems, and also sets out the extent of liability.

The compliance of the sewer network with the requirements of SNiP is checked by specially created commissions.

Those responsible for compliance with rules and regulations include the following:

  1. design organizations - responsibility has been established for the correctness of plans, drawings and all preliminary calculations for the design of an external sewer network;
  2. customers and developers - responsibility for preparing the installed sewer network for operation has been established. This includes: personnel issues, correct selection and operation of equipment, commissioning processes, etc.;
  3. Research Institute - responsibility has been established for the data issued on climatic conditions in the region where the sewer network is being installed;
  4. construction and installation organizations – full responsibility has been established for compliance with all norms and rules during construction and installation work and testing of the completed structure.

The compliance of such differential wells with the requirements of SNiP will be checked by the selection committee.

When checking and identifying violations for these categories of persons, a decision is made to bring them to administrative, disciplinary and, in the case of serious consequences, even criminal liability.

During the investigation of accidents associated with improper operation of the sewer network or its breakdown, specific perpetrators are identified and the degree of guilt of each of them is established.

You should not think that responsibility rests only with those designing and constructing state and municipal external sewerage systems. Any citizen who has engaged in independent design and installation of an autonomous sewer network is also responsible for violating the requirements of SNiP and environmental laws.

Negligence or inaction of the responsible person, failure to comply with current rules and regulations, which led to an accident or breakdown or creates an obstacle to the normal operation of the sewer pipeline, is also classified as a violation with all of the above consequences for the specific culprit.

Distance between sewer wells

Distance between sewerage installations for different types of wells

First you need to find out what types of tanks there are:

  1. Inspection rooms - monitor the operation of sewage drainage areas and facilitate cleaning of the system when blockages form.
  2. Rotary - help change the direction of movement of wastewater. Provide access to bends where blockages can also form.
  3. Variable - compensate for large or small slopes of the device, which affect the quality of the tank and contribute to the accumulation of solid fractions in it.
  4. Nodal - installed in places where the pipes are connected.

For example, according to SNiP, the maximum distance between sewer inspection wells should be:

  • if the pipeline diameter is 150 mm, then the distance is 35 m;
  • diameter 200-450 mm – 50 m;
  • diameter 500-600 mm – 75 m.

The larger the diameter of the pipeline, the further away the inspection structures can be located.

The minimum distance between sewer inspection wells is determined using the size of the pipe that connects the structures. Let's take a closer look at the diameter in the table.

Diameter, mmShortest distance
over 2000250-300

That is, since inspection tanks provide full access to the sewage system, they should have the longest possible length of pipes. The device is located 12 m from the foundation, 15 m between inspection shafts. When installing a straight system, the gap increases to 50 m.

If this is a rotary tank, which is mounted on the bends of the pipeline system, then the following conditions must be met:

  • The gap is determined by the total length of the straight sections between the bends of the pipes.
  • If the length of this section is greater than specified in the regulatory document, then additional wells must be installed.

The required gap between sewerage devices is most often determined by specialists, since they are the ones who calculate the required slope when laying the pipeline, which affects the installation of rotary systems.

In the case of drop tanks, which are installed on soils where there are slopes, and the slope of the laid pipes must be taken into account, the maximum depth of the drops should be no more than 3 m. Structures are installed in places where the pipes bend, so in principle, it is necessary to calculate the required gap between the shafts in in accordance with the formation of pipeline bends

It is important to consider that if you are building a multi-stage drop structure, then you need to reduce the gaps between the places where the height changes. The drop point should be from 1.5 to 2 m in this case

When installing a junction tank, you need to take into account the equipment of the sewer branches; the sections are determined using the pipeline cross-section.

  1. The pipe has a diameter of up to 600 mm - then the distance is 1 m.
  2. 700 mm – 1.25 m;
  3. 800-1000 mm – 1.5 m;
  4. 1200 mm – 2 m.

The device, principle of operation, installation of the Tver septic tank can be found on this page

The design, principle of operation, installation of the Topas septic tank can be found on

The device, principle of operation, installation of the Baikal septic tank can be found on this page

If the depth is more than 3 m, then the smallest diameter is 1.5 m.

The distance between the sewer well and the water well must be at least 30 meters so that sewage waste does not affect the purity of the water. Also, the area where the plumbing system will be installed must be at least 50 m from places of contamination, such as a cesspool with an overflow in a private house.


The sewerage system includes inspection, differential and rotary installations, which perform necessary functions, such as providing access to the sewerage structure and the ability to clear possible blockages

In order for the devices to be installed as conveniently as possible and to always have access to them, it is very important to take into account the required gap between the tanks, which complies with all sanitary standards provided for by law

How to correctly calculate distances for rotary wells

Such a well is installed in places where the pipeline system turns, so some conditions must be taken into account:

  • To determine the distance, you need to proceed from the straight sections of the sewer section between the turns of the pipes.
  • The length of the straight section should not exceed the figures specified in SNiP; in this case, the installation of additional wells will be required.

The easiest way is to call specialists to make all the calculations so that the wells are installed at the correct distance from each other; they will also indicate what slope should be for installing the pipeline, which also affects the installation of rotary systems.

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