Cold and hot water meters: review, rating and selection of models

It would seem that choosing a water meter

does not present any difficulty, because the modern market offers a large and wide range of these metering devices. However, everything is not so simple and easy, since when purchasing you will have to take into account a large number of objective and subjective factors: technical characteristics of devices and their operating principle; purpose of the product - for household or industrial metering, features of the water supply system and water quality. Be sure to also take into account legal regulations, as well as the requirements of the water supply company for these products.

Main types of water meters and principles of their operation

In addition to technical parameters, water meters differ from each other and in design. Therefore, before choosing a water meter for an apartment

, it is necessary to decide which type of device will be optimal for this, taking into account the characteristics of water consumption and the water supply system, as well as taking into account the advantages and features of each of them.

So, according to their design features, water meters are presented:

  • tachometer devices, which are also called mechanical;
  • vortex;
  • electromagnetic;
  • ultrasonic models.

Features of operation of tachometer water meters

This type of meters is most often used for household water consumption metering, and their main advantages can be considered:

  • low price of products;
  • simple and reliable design;
  • fairly high accuracy, although with large water consumption the influence of the inertia effect cannot be excluded, which can affect the reliability of the data obtained. But basically, this problem is typical for single-jet products, so if water consumption is high, you should choose multi-string models that do not have this drawback.

But the main problem when using this type of counter should be identified, namely, the formation of salt deposits on the impeller of the device, which also negatively affects both the operation of the device and the accuracy of the results obtained. Therefore, the use of mechanical water meters for water with a high content of various impurities is impractical. Also, a disadvantage of products can be considered a small operational life, usually amounting to two calibration periods of 4-6 years.

The operating principle of tachometer water meters is quite simple and is based on the rotation of the impeller of the wheel mechanism. Information processing occurs in a computer, which in tachometer instruments can be either mechanical or electronic. An additional option for such devices may be the presence of a pulse output for organizing remote readings.

Despite the general principle of operation, products on the market come in one of the following types:

  • wet running water meters;
  • "ship" meters.

The main difference between them is the presence or absence of contact with the pumped medium. “Wet” meters, due to constant contact with water, have a shorter service life, in contrast to “dry” meters, in which the working mechanism is reliably isolated by a membrane in a sealed compartment.

Vortex water meters

This type of metering devices is highly accurate, however, they are installed extremely rarely in private houses, and in city apartments it is almost impossible to find them. The main reason for this is the impossibility of organizing large sections of direct pipeline to comply with the basic conditions when installing such devices.

Electromagnetic water meters

The operating principle of these water meters is based on the ability of oppositely charged induction coils to create an electromagnetic field in the aquatic environment, which is then generated into a moving force, the speed of which is directly proportional to the speed of water flow. The work of the computer in this case is based on the comparison and comparison of data received by it.

It is important to note that this type of counter is highly accurate, but even despite this, it is extremely rarely used as a household appliance.

Operating principle and advantages of ultrasonic water meters

From an operational point of view, ultrasonic metering devices can be considered the most convenient, although their price is not very attractive for the consumer due to the long payback period. And this, perhaps, is the main obstacle to their mass distribution.

Ultrasonic water meters:

  • are characterized by high accuracy of the data obtained;
  • have the ability to archive and store data for 1 year or more (this parameter depends on the specific device model);
  • reliable;
  • cope well with large volumes of water consumption;
  • equipped with pulse outputs for remote data transmission.

The operating principle of an ultrasonic water meter is based on the ability of sound to propagate in a liquid medium. Therefore, the calculation of flow occurs by comparing the computer with data on the speed of water flow and the propagation of sound, information about which is transmitted to it by special sensors.

Where to buy and what to look for when buying?

You can order products from the official website , where the current price is presented on the date of purchase.

Having chosen the required model, the client sees the cost in euros and rubles. The sale of VSKhN metering devices is carried out through suppliers of control and measuring instruments. The price of products will be 1-5% higher.

When ordering, the client provides information on the product - designation and class. Please remember that the set of connectors is not included in the delivery package. They are purchased separately.

Where can I see the serial number of the meter?

It is not enough to simply install a meter; you also need to register it with the utility service of your area. To do this, you must provide the serial number of the device.

From time to time, meters should be checked

The number itself can be found in the device passport, which also contains such important information as:

  • Water meter type;
  • Initial verification stamp.

When purchasing a device, be sure to compare the number in the passport with the number on the device body and make sure they match. Very often there are situations when the number is indicated incorrectly, and even after registration the meter remains unregistered.

Having a passport when registering a water meter is mandatory, and the sooner the device is registered, the sooner the total cost of payment in the water bill will be reduced. In addition, the fewer apartments in a building are left without meters, the higher their water bills become, so this is only an additional motivation to quickly purchase meters and finally stop overpaying.

Which company makes it?

The production and trade of meters is carried out by JSC Teplovodomer .
The company is located in Mytishchi, Moscow region. In addition to these products, energy consumption metering devices are produced for apartments, private houses and industrial premises.

During the production of flow meters, quality control is carried out for compliance with Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009 , which sets out the rules for installing energy-saving equipment to increase savings efficiency.

It is possible to manufacture meters in different diameters with different functional characteristics, accuracy classes, and water protection.

Why install water meters in an apartment?

Water meters have a number of advantages that will not only help you, but also the environment. Water meters will measure how many cubic meters of hot and cold water you have used. This means that you will only pay for actual consumption. At the same time, the cost of water disposal will also decrease, because it directly depends on water consumption. There will also be no problems when leaving, because the counters will have nothing to record. You won't have to pay for the service.

In turn, this approach is also better because it helps to be more careful with natural resources on a conscious level due to the possibility of monitoring water consumption. Thus, fresh water supplies are depleted much more slowly.

Conditions for replacing metering devices

It is necessary to remember that the management company, district public service centers and any district “housing providers” cannot in any way demand a change in a specific meter. Therefore, if notifications come in, calls come in, or a letter suddenly appears in your inbox asking you to change the meter, then you shouldn’t even pay attention to it, since the person simply has no obligations in this situation. Most likely, these are simply attempts by commercial companies to get people to buy a meter and make a profit. Often such messages are also accompanied by a threat that if the replacement is not replaced, the rent will be charged at an increased rate. You don’t need to pay the slightest attention to this either.

To avoid problems with the law, you do not need to hang a magnet on the meter


  1. The only real reason why the meter will need to be replaced is if it breaks.
  2. The meter can be considered unsuitable for operation if it does not show any numbers at all, the measurement error limit is exceeded, there are mechanical damages, or control seals are broken.
  3. The user must replace the device at his own expense, but maintenance is free.

Sometimes it happens that a clause such as “meter maintenance” appears on the rent check. This is possible only if the person independently entered into a specific agreement with the service company. In the absence of such an agreement, the payment clause is unacceptable and needs to be appealed.

You should also not forget about the need to regularly check your water meter. The deadlines for each subsequent verification are in the documentation. If verification is not carried out in the first three months, the water bill will depend on the average calculated indicator of a particular apartment, and from the fourth month - according to the approved standards. The verification itself, as a rule, occurs on site without the procedure of removing the meter from the pipeline. In rare cases, it has to be removed in order to carry out verification in a laboratory specially designed for this purpose.

A meter is an irreplaceable thing that will pay for itself in one quarter, and its presence will certainly save money. However, in order to avoid all sorts of problems, you must first choose a good and high-quality device, install it correctly, and do not forget to take readings and perform verification. It is better to entrust the installation of a water device to a specialist.

How to use?

Let's consider the basic rules for installing, using and maintaining meters.


Most devices are produced with threaded connecting pipes.

To connect, you must use union nuts with adapters so that problems do not arise later during dismantling.

Typically, the meter input is connected to the output of the ball valve, and the output to the gearbox or directly to the apartment outlet. The connection is not difficult, the main thing is not to confuse the inlet and outlet pipes. All the most important information about installing water meters is here.


This is a procedure whose purpose is to prevent opening or unauthorized replacement of the device . Sealing can only be carried out by specially authorized organizations (usually employees of the Management Company or representatives of the Gorvodokanal).

The procedure is performed after installing or replacing the device. You will find everything you need to know about sealing water meters in this section.


These are periodic tests of the accuracy and performance of meters. Verification is carried out by specialized organizations that have the appropriate authority.

Each meter has a calibration interval, which is counted from the date of manufacture of the device (not sale). Modern methods allow you to perform verification at home, without removing the device.

All the necessary information about checking water meters is presented here.


The installation of the meter itself is not officially considered the start of its operation.

Documentary confirmation of its performance, sealing and other procedures are required.

They are carried out after installation, for which employees of management companies , homeowners associations or resource supply organizations are invited.

Commissioning must be carried out no later than 1 month from the date of installation in the line.

Terms of use

There are no specific requirements in this regard. Only the usual conditions - keeping it clean, taking readings in a timely manner, no interference with the structure or external influences.

Attempts to stop using magnets are not allowed - this is an offense for which you will have to be held accountable.

Frequent breakdowns

As a rule, breakdowns occur due to poor water quality . Lime deposits make it difficult for the impeller to rotate, and solid particles accumulate.

Sometimes it happens that the meter leaks - leaks require urgent repair or replacement of devices.

These tasks are solved in specialized workshops, although most users prefer to purchase a new device. This section will tell you about breakdowns and their elimination.

When and how to change?

The water meter is replaced for several reasons:

  • failure;
  • errors in testimony;
  • violation of tightness;
  • end of service life.

If the condition of the device has deteriorated, it is replaced. It must be sealed and put into operation within a month, otherwise payment will be charged according to the standards. Read more about replacing water meters here.

Technical characteristics of water meters

One of the first technical parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a water meter is the nominal diameter (DN). For household appliances, its values ​​are 15 or 20 mm; products with DN 20-32 mm are intended for installation in private homes with increased water consumption, although they can also be used in small municipal or industrial facilities.

An important parameter of the meter that you also need to pay attention to is the installation length, which is:

  • 110, 130 mm for products intended for installation in apartments;
  • 190, 260 mm - for devices used to organize water consumption metering in apartment buildings or country cottages.

Standing apart are meters with an installation length of only 80 mm. These water meters are intended for installation in apartments whose conditions do not allow the installation of a device with standard parameters.

When choosing a water meter, you must also take into account the pressure limits of the device. For household water meters, the values ​​of this indicator, as a rule, do not exceed 10 atm, but for devices with a DN of 20 mm, it is equal to 16 atm.

Important parameters are the maximum temperature values ​​at which the device can be operated. For water meters intended for the domestic hot water system, these indicators range from 5°C to 90°C, but for some devices the upper limit can reach 130°C. Cold water meters and universal devices are mainly designed to work with temperature environments from 5°C to 40°C.

And finally, you should definitely inquire about the accuracy class of the meter you are purchasing. There are four of them: “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. At the same time, the most accurate products are those that are marked “D”, and, accordingly, the devices with the highest error are products of class “A”. At the same time, most household water meters belong to the lower classes: “A” and “B”, however this is not a big problem for obtaining accurate results, but only if certain installation rules are followed. Class “B” water meters are capable of providing sufficiently high measurement accuracy for both vertical and horizontal installation, while class “A” meters must be installed exclusively vertically.

Water flow parameters and water meter selection

Another factor determining the choice of meter model is the average water flow rate, defined as m3/hour. This value cannot be ignored, since the accuracy of the data obtained largely depends on it. If the limit values ​​are exceeded, the meter may produce an error in both one and the other direction. Next, you need to look at the product data sheet and ask about other flow parameters, such as:

  • minimum flow rate, denoted as Qmin. This indicator indicates the minimum values ​​at which the meter can operate normally and accurately record the amount of water consumed;
  • maximum flow rate – Qmax, defined as the upper limit of the device’s ability to pump water and is also expressed in m3/hour;
  • nominal flow (Qn) indicating the optimal consumption conditions under which the meter is planned to be operated continuously;
  • transient flow (Qt), which is a value that determines the error of the device.


Choosing a manufacturer

Let's consider which water meter is better to choose. It is not recommended to skimp on the quality of a water meter, so you should choose the manufacturer carefully.

And the point here is not only in the accuracy of accounting. Everyone knows the consequences of accidents in water supply systems, so reliability in this matter is paramount.

Among the well-known and well-established manufacturers there are both domestic (Zenner-vodopribor, TeploVodomer, Pulsar, etc.) and foreign (Viterra, Wehrle, ABB) companies.

The latter's products, of course, are much more expensive. However, you need to understand that almost all models entering the Russian market are manufactured either in China or here under license. In neither case, there is no need to talk about European quality, so it is better to buy devices from Russian companies: they cost less, and the quality is in no way inferior to pseudo-imported analogues.

In both meters, the impeller and mechanism are made of plastic; you should not believe sellers’ stories about supposedly brass or fiberglass parts in devices with a foreign name. The design of the support units, on which the service life and reliability of the flow meter depends, is also the same: in both cases, solid ruby ​​watch stones are used as axes.

A device manufactured in Russia must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50601 and GOST R 50193. The minimum service life of the meter provided for by these documents is 12 years. The verification interval can be 4, 5 or 6 years. It is better, of course, to purchase a meter with a longer verification interval, because you have to pay for each verification.

Basic criteria used to classify water meters

Consciously or, most often, unconsciously, the buyer, when choosing a product, focuses his attention on the appearance of the product. This happens, apparently, because a person’s desire for beauty and perfection is quite strong, but such a principle is absolutely unacceptable for metering devices. Therefore, before choosing a water meter,

You should know that they all differ from each other in several ways:

  • the type of material used to make the product body;
  • the type of design that determines the operating principle of the device;
  • purpose;
  • accuracy class;
  • water temperature requirements. According to this parameter, water meters are divided into devices designed for cold and hot water supply systems, as well as universal models that can be installed to service both domestic hot water and hot water supply;
  • reliability;
  • inter-verification period and service life;

according to the degree of autonomy. According to this criterion, water meters can be non-volatile and volatile devices. The former do not require any power source to operate and these are, as a rule, mechanical products. For those who are volatile, it is necessary to provide a connection to an external or autonomous power source in the form of lithium batteries.

Features and advantages of different types of materials used for the manufacture of water meter housings

A variety of materials are used in the manufacture of water meters, which naturally affects the final cost of the product, but, above all, this factor determines the reliability and durability of the devices. For this purpose, a material such as silumin is often used. Products made from it are highly resistant to aggressive environments, although they are susceptible to oxygen corrosion. As a rule, water meters for domestic use are made from silumin, which are intended for operation under conditions of low or medium loads.

Brass and bronze are also often used for the production of water meters. These materials are characterized by fairly high strength (including impact resistance), wear resistance and stability when exposed to various aggressive environments. Products made of stainless steel have excellent characteristics. But such meters have a noticeably higher price compared to their analogues, although they can be considered ideal metering devices for installation on a pipe used to supply drinking water.

In the production of water meters, various polymer materials are increasingly being used, although it should be recognized that individual parts are mainly made from them, which are used for products intended for metering cold water supply.

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