How to increase water pressure in an apartment: how to raise and increase the pressure of cold and hot liquid in the tap

Water flow power is a parameter that plays a serious role in the water supply system. Insufficient indicators cause discomfort for the home owner. Moreover, many modern devices are designed for certain values ​​and cannot function correctly if they fail. For example, hydromassage or showers. Therefore, a decrease in the flow force brings negative consequences for the homeowner. It is not always possible to call a plumber - a specialist who can solve the problem. You have to act on your own. This material will discuss how to increase the pressure and pressure of water in an apartment.

What indicators are considered normal?

The numbers that a device for measuring pressure in pipes should show are strictly regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. They depend on the type of water supply, as well as the type of building within which the communications are located.

If the height of the house does not exceed 10 meters, then according to accepted standards, the value should be at least 1 atmosphere. If the structure is lower, at least 2 atm.

In addition, standards are established for temperature. Cold water must be supplied with values ​​in the range of 0.3-6.5 atm. Hot - in the range from 0.3 to 0.45.

Where to contact?

The cause of low water pressure may be a clog.
Many owners do not know where to turn if problems arise with their water supply. According to current legislation, the owner of the property is responsible for the condition of the pipes in the premises. Control over the main pipeline, water supply network and risers is entrusted to the housing office or management organization.

Cold water is supplied to homes by the Vodokanal utility company, and hot water by SUE TEK. A complaint about poor water distribution is sent to the institution with which the agreement is concluded.

In a new building

If low pressure is detected in the water supply network of new buildings, the claim is accepted by the developer if the house is under warranty. He is obliged to fulfill warranty obligations, carry out routine maintenance and repair of the transferred property.

When concluding an agreement for the provision of services with housing and communal services, the management company resolves issues together with the enterprise.

In a privatized apartment

If a pressure deviating from the normal parameter is detected in a privatized apartment, an application to eliminate the causes is submitted to the HOA or management company. The issue is reviewed within 10 working days, repair work is carried out within a month.

If the complaint is not accepted for consideration, you can send an appeal to the housing inspectorate; for this you will need to collect a complete package of documents. If there are no positive results, contact Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

Why is there low pressure in the tap?

To effectively solve a problem, you must first find out the root cause of its occurrence. The first step is to visit several apartments nearby. This is necessary in order to find out the situation from the neighbors. Subsequent actions depend on the results of the check.

It is possible that other people have a similar problem. If this is the case, then the problem is related to the riser in a multi-story building. Another option is a faulty line. The best way out is to ask a management company for help.

Normal pressure in the tap of the surrounding residents may indicate that the water supply inside the apartment is broken. Its joints also come under suspicion.

The causes of insufficient pressure are influenced by temperature. If we are talking about cold water supply, then the following problems are possible:

  • Faucet failure. The part contains a large number of nodes. This design feature often prevents free flow. In addition, lime deposits and blockages occur periodically. The gasket is susceptible to failure.
  • Clogged aerator. This is a small sieve that serves to trap small particles of dirt and rust. Poor quality water contains many harmful components, which collect in the holes. Accordingly, passing through them is very difficult.
  • Pipe blockage. It occurs due to settling sand, plaque and other obstacles formed on their walls. As a result, the internal lumen narrows. Often its diameter is exactly what the water pressure in the tap depends on.
  • Accidents at the pumping station. They are located on the upper floors of a high-rise building. The purpose of the equipment is to increase pressure if several residents use the water supply at the same time. The process starts automatically. Its failure creates a problem.

There are several typical reasons for hot water supply. The first is a broken heater. For example, a gas water heater. A slight change in indicators is often associated precisely with its malfunction.

The second probable factor is equipment malfunctions. It is installed to control heating. Failure in some situations leads to a decrease in pressure values.

Installation of a pumping station

What to do if there is poor water pressure in a private house?

If the system periodically has no water at all, then the pump will be an ineffective solution. In this case, a pumping station will help get out of the situation. In addition to an ordinary pump to increase pressure, it also includes a hydraulic accumulator. It is a cylindrical tank that accumulates water while it is in the system. There is a rubber membrane inside it. Pressure expands it, and when there is no pressure, it is compressed as a result of natural elasticity and squeezes out the accumulated water.

Hydraulic accumulator membrane design

Installing a system with a hydraulic accumulator is a little more complicated, but the scheme for apartments with poor pressure is still quite simple. After inserting into the pump pipeline, the tube coming out of it is equipped with a cross. Its second end is connected to the hydraulic accumulator, and the third goes to the apartment. A pressure switch is usually installed on the unplugged part of the cross, which controls the operation of the pump.

Efficient station installation scheme

The water supplied from the pump, with the taps closed, the toilet fittings covered and the absence of intake from household appliances, will accumulate in the tank. As soon as the pump raises the pressure to the limit point, it automatically turns off. If the mixer is opened, water will begin to flow from the accumulator as a result of squeezing out by the membrane. The flow coming out of it will not be able to return to the riser, since this requires passing through a check valve, which is impossible. When the pressure drops, the automation will turn on the pump, and it will again restore the tank's supply.

Choosing such a system requires finding a place to install a hydraulic accumulator. The pump itself is very compact, but the reservoir takes up space. Ideally, choose a container of such a volume that the water in it is enough for a day. This will allow you not to experience discomfort even if the water pump is being repaired when the water is turned off in the entire house.

Other common sources of problems

In addition to the cases described above, there are a number of failures that provoke a drop in pressure in the tap. All of them are listed in this section of the article.

Main pipeline

This communication is a large pipe that is connected to the general network of the entire building. One of its disadvantages is constant loads and periodic breakdowns as a result. At the same time, all the inhabitants of the building feel the situation that has arisen.

Scheduled diagnostics and repairs carried out by utility workers help prevent such force majeure events or solve the problem at an early stage. However, they can arise suddenly. The most common accident is a leak as a result of a violation of the integrity of the walls or joints.

Pipes of an apartment building

Difficulties most often occur there. This is especially true for old high-rise buildings, where communications are made of metal. Sooner or later a replacement will have to be made to prevent similar incidents in the future. Preference should be given to products made of polypropylene. This material is strong and durable.

MBFT-75 Membrane for 75GPD

SF-mix Clack up to 0.8 m3/h

SF-mix Runxin up to 0.8 m3/h

Poor system quality

Proper installation is of great importance for the stable functioning of the water supply. It is most often carried out by qualified craftsmen. However, even this does not guarantee violations. One of the most common problems is poor sealing of joints. This phenomenon leads to the formation of lime plugs. They prevent the free passage of liquid inside. To check, just tighten the valve and disassemble the communication. If the pipes are new and made of polypropylene, the owner is able to cope with the problem on his own; to repair metal products, he will have to call in specialists.

Coarse filter

The device is designed to purify water from unnecessary components: large particles of dirt or rust. It is often installed in houses outside the city. If you do not periodically clean it, blockages will form inside. They prevent fluid from flowing, thereby reducing pressure.

Problems with the mixer

The problem may lie in this mechanism. This version is easy to check - just open two or more taps. If the pressure is low in only one, then it is confirmed. It is important to consider the type of design that is used in the system. If the model has two valves, the source of failure is the head. In the case of units that use a lift regulator, the situation is most likely caused by a broken cartridge.

The solution is to repair or replace the mixer. To repair it, you first need to disassemble and carefully inspect all components for plaque. Next, you should clean them, assemble the mechanism and check its operation. When this does not help, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Incorrect plumbing diagram

Some homeowners develop a plan on their own in order to save money. This happens especially often with country cottages and country houses. This approach is ineffective because there is a high probability of failure. In a similar situation, there is only one solution to increasing the pressure of hot water in the shower in an apartment - completely dismantling the communication and laying it over a new one.

Possible difficulties with hot water supply

In addition to the points listed above, heating equipment may not function well. If you are using an electric boiler, it is worth checking it for blockages. This also applies to speaker owners. If a blockage is detected, the equipment should be cleaned. Timely elimination of all these problems can be effective in increasing the water pressure in the apartment. If the equipment is under warranty, it is better to contact a representative of the manufacturer for help. It is not recommended to do the work yourself.

Problems with the geyser


Let's consider several main reasons for the decrease in pressure indicators in the column:

  • Weak power. In order for the water pressure in the geyser to be good enough, its power must be high enough. If the power of the device is less than 8 kV, the pressure in the system may be too low. It is preferable to buy a water heater with a power rating in the range of 8-10 kW.
  • The appearance of blockages. A variety of pipes are susceptible to blockages. In installed speakers, faulty strainers often occur. When water passes through this filter too poorly, the pressure will drop.
  • Scale. Scale often forms in mechanical containers specially equipped for boiling liquids. In a geyser, a heat exchanger is responsible for similar functions. A layer of scale accumulates on the walls of this device if the water in the water supply is too hard. After a certain period, scale may accumulate in the heat exchanger, which regularly makes its way into the tubes. For this reason, the pressure of hot water weakens significantly.
  • Poor quality maintenance. This factor is due to scale settling in the inside of the heat exchanger. Water hammer occurs in a situation when water in the pipes is shut off, and then its flow into the system is abruptly resumed. As a result, a blockage may form in some areas of the mixer.
  • The dispenser requires mandatory care and various preventive measures.

Reasons for low pressure of cold water supply

In this case, several main factors can be identified. The first is the clogging of pipes with particles of dirt, rust or small debris. Because of this, the diameter of the internal lumen narrows. This results in fluid not being able to flow freely.

In addition, the mixer or filter may be faulty. When it comes to apartment buildings, the source of the problem may be the pumping station on the roof. Its job is to increase pressure if several people use communications at the same time. Automation that doesn't work creates problems.

Increased pressure

A large number of owners, who often face water supply problems and do not want to change anything, solve such difficulties by installing a pumping station. This design is installed at the beginning of the water supply system of a multi-story building. Installation of a pumping station ensures sufficient water pressure on all floors and in all apartments of the house.

In order to install such equipment, all owners need to unite, purchase the equipment, call specialists who will install and launch the structure, and pay for their work. This is a costly solution to the problem. However, after installing the pumping station, there are no difficulties or interruptions in fluid pressure.

Ways to detect a malfunction

First of all, it is necessary to establish the nature and scale of the problem. To do this, just visit a few apartments and talk to the owners. If other residents have encountered a similar problem, this indicates possible damage to the main line. Such situations are a serious enough reason to immediately contact the utility service.

You can also interview your riser neighbors separately. If they are the only ones with a problem, it means it is broken or improperly installed.

SF-mix manual up to 0.8 m3/h

AMETHYST - 02 M up to 2 cubic meters/day.

Aeration unit AS-1054 VO-90

In the case when only you have low pressure in the tap, the source of the difficulty is local and is located directly inside the apartment. The first thing you should do is check the mixer and pipes for clogging. If this does not help, you need to call a specialist.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video No. 1. How to choose an electrical station. In the video you can learn about the features of choosing an electric station with a hydraulic accumulator:

Video No. 2. The video describes the main points when installing a pressure pump:

As you can see, it is not difficult to increase the pressure in the water supply. To solve the problem, a pressure pump or a special pumping station is used. If it is possible to install the pump yourself, then you should entrust the installation of the station to professionals.

Do you have personal experience in improving water pressure? Do you want to share effective methods or ask questions on the topic? Please leave comments - the feedback form is located below.

General recommendations on how to increase water pressure in an apartment and improve pressure

Once the cause of the difficulties becomes clear, you can begin to eliminate them. There are two main ways to do this yourself.

The first is pipe replacement. You can reduce their diameter. In this way, the owner of the living space will solve the problem that has arisen. Before replacing, it is worth clarifying all the features of the system used in the building.

The second way is to install another valve. A good solution is to install a faucet, the design of which includes a lever. This will slightly increase the required indicators.

Famous models

Some units are used more often than others, due to their low energy consumption and sufficient performance. These include:

  • Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N) – booster pump, available in a stainless steel housing. The advantage is the low noise level, it is possible to change modes: manual, automatic. The unit is recommended for installation at the inlet of household appliances: water heater, washing machine, etc. The power is small - 0.11 kW. The pump can operate with liquids whose temperature does not exceed +60°C. Positive qualities include the ability to provide strong pressure with minimal pressure.
  • Wilo PB-201EA. This is a surface centrifugal pump. Designed for pumping clean water. The power of the device is 0.34 kW. In this case, the unit can raise water 15 m in height. The productivity is significant - 3300 l/h. The disadvantage is the fragile body - made of plastic. In terms of noise level, this model is somewhat inferior to the analogue discussed above.
  • Jeelex Jambo 70/50 N-50 N. This is a pumping station. Equipped with a 24 liter hydraulic accumulator. It operates in automatic mode: it is activated when the pressure in the system decreases and turns off when the indicator has returned to normal. Productivity – 70 l per minute. The advantage is the ability to lift water from a height of up to 50 m. The pump body is made of stainless steel, the storage tank is made of carbon steel.

Thus, when comparing different models of booster units, it is recommended to pay attention to the main parameters: performance, power. However, it is necessary to find out whether dry-running protection is provided

It is better to purchase models with a flow sensor. This will allow the unit to operate in automatic mode and also prevent it from going dry.


How to make the water pressure in the apartment stronger and troubleshoot problems

In order for difficulties to disappear completely and not arise again, it is necessary to approach their elimination with all seriousness.

There is liquid in the pipes, but there is no pressure

In this case, a flow pump will come to the aid of the house owner. This is a small design, the main purpose of which is to increase the value to the desired level. The device crashes into the area behind the valve. The advantage is that the structure weighs no more than a few kilograms. The installation process is simple. You can deal with it on your own or turn to the experts. The system automatically turns on when the readings are insufficient. If the need disappears, it can be completely turned off until the next need.

How to increase water pressure in an apartment if there is no pressure and flow at the same time

Unfortunately, a problem can arise not only with the operation of the equipment, but also with the fluid supply. This is true even for regional centers, not to mention urban settlements and villages. In some places, supplies are provided by the hour. An effective way out of this situation is to create a reserve so that you can use it during the shutdown period. Plastic tanks are used for this.

The volume of the container depends on the number of residents in the house. For a family of three people, 500-600 liters will be enough. This size is enough for comfortable use, even if outages last more than 10 hours. At the moment of delivery, the tank is automatically filled, so the owner does not need to worry about it. To control the liquid level, a special part is used - a float. When it is reached, the filling is switched off. It is recommended to install the structure in the kitchen or bathroom.

How to make water pressure stronger in a private house

In one-story buildings, autonomous water supply systems are often used. For example, a well or borehole. However, they often have problems with insufficient indicators.

One of the most common is a breakdown of the pressure regulator. Most often it happens due to contamination of the membrane with a layer of calcium, which leads to inaccurate readings. In addition, the device may begin to malfunction due to oxidized contacts. A broken device leads to sudden changes or complete shutdown of the system. The solution is to repair or replace the equipment.

A non-working pump can also cause a problem. This often happens due to failure of other system components. In this case, the number of hours of its continuous operation increases, as a result of which the parts wear out much faster. Another possible cause of problems is a torn accumulator membrane. The situation can be corrected by replacing the part.

A large amount of sand or fine dirt may enter the compensation tank. This is also one of the common causes of water supply failure. Then a thorough cleaning is required.

Preventive measures

To prevent the problem of insufficient water pressure from arising, it is necessary to apply preventive measures.

A good practice would be to install pressure gauges along the entire length of the pipeline - near the pipeline entrance to the house, near branches and near consumer appliances.

This will allow you to promptly detect a decrease in pressure and quickly find out the cause of the problem. Also, filters should be regularly checked for contamination and, if necessary, cleaned.

What types of pumps are there to increase the pressure and pressure of water in an apartment?

The modern market offers a large number of equipment for any need. Before you start purchasing and installing, you need to carefully select the right device. This is done according to several main criteria. Among them:

Main table dispenser AquaPro 919H/RO (hot and cold water)

Main table dispenser AquaPro 929CH/RO (cooling/heating)

Floor dispenser AquaPro 311 (empty, without cooling)

  • length of water main;
  • diameter of pipes in the diagram;
  • liquid supply height;
  • the daily volume that the owner needs.

It is worth considering the performance of the unit and its cost. It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of additional functions.

Glandless Rotor Pumps

When solving the problem of how to increase the water pressure in the tap, many homeowners opt for this type of equipment. She has many strengths. These are compactness, lack of noise during operation, and a simple installation process. They crash in front of the water intake point. The owner does not need to lubricate the mechanisms himself. There are also disadvantages. Due to its small size, power is severely limited. In addition, the axis must be placed exclusively in a horizontal position. This reduces installation options.

Dry rotor pumps

Another way to increase water pressure in an apartment is to use devices placed to the side. They require additional fastening. Its advantages are power and multitasking. With its help you can serve several consumers at once. Cons: More complicated installation. The system also implies the allocation of more space.

Device with flow sensor

As the name implies, the design includes an indicator. Most often it comes included, so there is no need to buy it separately. The peculiarity is that the pressure increases only when the arrow of the device shows an insufficient value.

When thinking about how to increase water pressure in an apartment, you can plan to independently purchase equipment and subsequent installation. Another option is to use the services of professionals. For example, contact . This will ensure fast and high-quality completion of all necessary work.

Pump installation

A compact pressure booster pump used in apartments can increase the pressure by 1.5 atmospheres. This will be more than enough to operate any equipment. Those devices that are sensitive to low pressure are connected directly in front of the pump itself, which eliminates loss of pressure on the taps or toilet tank.

The simplest diagram of installing a pump in the system

The pump installation process is performed in the following order:

Step 1. Shut off the water at the entrance to the apartment.

We turn off the water in the apartment

Step 2. Cutting out a section of pipeline to fit the length of the pump pipe, taking into account fittings.

Cutting out an area for installing the pump

Step 3. Equipping the pipes with ball valves on both sides.

Installing ball valves

Step 4. Connecting the pump to the system using squeegees or American connectors.

Installing the pump

Step 5. Checking the tightness.

Step 6. Electrical installation of the pump through an RCD.

Connecting the pump

Important! There is an arrow on the pump body indicating the direction of water injection. It is necessary to install it towards the apartment so that water is drawn in from the riser.

Installation requires specialized tools. If cold water is supplied using polypropylene pipes, then the insertion is made with special scissors. The steel pipeline is cut with a grinder or a hand saw.

An example of the correct placement of a pump in an apartment

To connect the fitting to a plastic pipe, soldering is carried out. In houses with metal pipelines, you will need a die for cutting threads. Its diameter depends on the type of system, but will usually be 2/4 or 3/4 inches .

How to install a station that increases performance

If there is a goal to solve the problem radically, then a full-fledged system - a station - will come to the aid of the homeowner. Its task is not only to change the numbers on the sensor, but also to provide a fluid reserve. If you are wondering how to increase water pressure in the bathroom, then this device is perfect. Convenience and efficiency are achieved due to the presence of a hydraulic accumulator. A separate container is used for it.

The disadvantage of this solution is the high noise level during operation. Therefore, it needs to be installed away from living rooms. This should be a technical room that is heated during the cold season - this way you will avoid freezing.

A tank with a volume of 50 liters or more is used as a reservoir. If 1-2 people will use it, then a capacity of 30 liters is sufficient. Indicators need to be calculated in accordance with consumption. Approximate figures for different elements are shown in the table.

Types of water collection points Consumption (l/sec)
Bidet 0,08
Bathroom washbasin 0,1
Toilet flush 0,09
Kitchen sink mixer 0,16
Dishwasher 0,21
Mixer shower 0,25
Shower cabin 0,25
Cabin with hydromassage 0,3
Washing machine 0,3
Household tap 0,3

What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing?

First of all, you need to remember that the high-pressure water pump runs on electricity, and it needs to be provided with a normal power supply. Also, in most cases, such equipment is very demanding on voltage. Therefore, if the installed booster pump does not increase the pressure to the required level, then check the voltage in the electrical network. If it is low, then the required power of the unit cannot be achieved.

It is also important to consider the technical characteristics of the device, which determine whether the pump can cope with the task:

  1. Maximum flow - this parameter shows how much water this device can pump per unit of time: liters per minute or cubic meters per hour.
  2. The maximum operating pressure is the value that the booster unit can produce at the output relative to the installation location.
  3. Minimum turn-on speed is a parameter showing when the equipment turns on: at a speed of 0.12 l/min or 0.3 l/min. This indicator determines whether the unit will work when the toilet tank is filled, or whether it will turn on only after opening the faucet in the bathtub.
  4. Maximum and rated power - this value shows the performance of the motor, measured in watts (W). The higher the power, the greater the maximum pressure.
  5. Working environment temperature – indicates the temperature at which the equipment can operate (for hot or cold water). Measured in degrees Celsius.
  6. Cross-section of connecting elements. The pressure booster pump cuts into the pipeline, so it is important that the size of the connecting nuts and fittings matches the diameter of the pipes, otherwise the pressure will be less.
  7. Noise level - measured in decibels (dB), different models have their own noise level.
  8. The size of the equipment is an important parameter that also needs to be taken into account, since this unit can be installed in very small spaces.
  9. The number of operating speeds of the unit.
  10. Reliability and reputation of the manufacturer. The best proven companies are Sprut, Aquatica, Wilo, Katran, Grundfos, Euroaqua, Jemix. Grundafos is the best Danish brand.

In order not to have to choose for a long time, they usually buy a pump that increases low water pressure of the “in-line” design (built-in) with a wet rotor. This is the most optimal model, combining low noise level and ease of installation.

Vertical or horizontal type of installation - depends on the entry point of the water flow. As for speeds, of course, multi-stage equipment is better, but these models are expensive, so not every consumer is ready to pay a tidy sum for them.

In this case, it is better to choose pumps that operate in both manual and automatic modes, since not all water intake points can create the flow required to turn on the device. Then, having a manual mode, the unit can be turned on forcibly.

It is also worth paying attention to the material used to make the housing and impeller. The body can be made of stainless steel or cast iron, with stainless steel being preferable. In the cheapest models of this device, the impeller is made of plastic, while in more expensive pumps it is made of brass or bronze.

Features of installing a pressure device in a water supply system

The installation location of pressure-increasing equipment depends on the specific situation. To ensure normal operation of the mixer and shower head, it is enough to install it at the outlet of the storage tank. For more pressure-demanding devices (washing machine, dishwasher, water heater), it is better to install the pump in front of them.

However, installing several low-power pumps at once is not the best option. In this case, it is worth installing more powerful models that can stabilize the pressure at high flow rates.

Installation of a pump to increase pressure in the water supply of an apartment or private house is carried out in the following sequence:

First, mark the pipe on which the equipment will be installed, taking into account the length of the device and fittings. Then the water supply to the room is cut off. After this, the pipe is cut in the marked places. External threads are cut at the ends of the pipeline. Then adapters with internal threads are mounted on the pipe. The fittings included with the pump are screwed into the installed adapters.

For better sealing, wrap FUM tape around the threads. A booster device is installed, and it is necessary to follow the instructions of the arrow on the device body, indicating the direction of water flow. After this, you need to stretch a three-core cable from the electrical panel to the device and, preferably, make a separate socket, and it is better to connect the device through a separate RCD. Then you need to turn on the pump and check its operation, paying attention to the absence of leaks at the connection points. If necessary, tighten the fittings.

Proper installation of the device will provide water needs for many years. Please adhere to the following recommendations during the installation process:

  • To make the pump work longer, it is better to install a mechanical filter at its inlet. This way you can protect the device from unwanted particles getting into it;
  • It is better to install the unit in a dry and heated room, since low temperatures can freeze the liquid in the device, which will disable it;
  • vibration from the operation of equipment, over time, can loosen the fasteners, causing a leak, so sometimes you need to check the connections for leaks.

A correctly selected and correctly installed device can solve the problem of low pressure in the water supply.

Connection diagram - recommendations

When determining the location for the optimal location of the pump, it is guided by the following considerations:

  1. For the correct operation of household appliances such as a boiler, washing machine or dishwasher, the pump is placed directly in front of them.
  2. If the house has a storage tank located in the attic, pumping is installed at its outlet.
  3. As with the installation of circulation units, if the electric pump fails or is removed for repair and maintenance work, a bypass with a locking ball valve should be placed parallel to it.
  4. When installing a pump in apartment buildings, there is a high probability of leaving residents in the riser without water, sharply increasing the volume of its consumption when pumping is turned on. In this situation, it is necessary to provide for the placement of storage tanks in the apartment, which are more practical to hang from the ceiling.
  5. Many people, when installing more powerful units in a line, do not get the desired result indicated in the passport data. Not knowing the laws of hydrodynamics, they do not take into account the increased hydraulic losses in the pipeline when the volume of pumped liquid increases - to reduce them it is necessary to change the pipes to a larger diameter.

Rice. 14 Installation of booster pumps in the internal water supply

Boost electric pumps are usually installed in apartments or private houses when using public water supply networks, the services of which do not fulfill their obligations to create working pressure in the system. Standard household units with a wet rotor increase pressure by 0.9 atm on average; to obtain a higher figure, it is necessary to install a centrifugal electric pump, pumping station or installation with frequency control of the impeller rotation speed (the best, but too expensive option) in the system.

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