Instructions for use of the drug "Doctor Robik" for cesspools and septic tanks - reviews

Cleaning sewage in autonomous septic tanks and cesspools is a task that the drug “Doctor Robik” will help you cope with.

Septic tanks and cesspools that collect and treat household wastewater in the absence of a central sewer system, for proper functioning, require the use of special means that can speed up waste processing processes.

Under the international brand "Doctor Robik" a line of products based on active biological organisms is produced.

Features of the product

A product designed for cleaning a septic tank and cesspool allows you to remove residual household waste and sludge.

"Doctor Robik" is used in:

  • septic tanks (maximum distance from the house is indicated here),
  • cesspools with overflow,
  • sewer wells made of concrete rings, preventing siltation of pores in the soil and the formation of fossils.

Thanks to special cultures and microorganisms:

  • biological processes are accelerated;
  • the decomposition of sewage waste improves;
  • quickly dispose of feces, paper, fat and starch;
  • proteins and cellulose decompose.

The product is positioned by the manufacturer as a cleaner for cesspools and septic tanks (read about the principle of operation of the Tank on this page).

"Doctor Robik" effectively accelerates the maturation of compost mass.

Do you know how long to wind FUM tape on a thread? For instructions on how to make pipe threaded connections airtight using metal fittings, read this useful article.

Look at this page for a photo of a cabinet for a washing machine without a sink.

Helper Methods

Chemical and biological methods are considered auxiliary. Their main purpose is the decomposition of hard and viscous deposits and trouble-free removal. In case of siltation after their use, a sewage disposal machine will be required to pump out the liquefied substrate.


The following types of chemical compounds are used to clean open storage tanks and septic tanks:

  • Formalin. Liquid formaldehyde was previously used as an affordable and effective disinfectant. It destroys all living bacteria, but is a strong poison for people, so it is used less and less.
  • Bleaching powder. The second drug, the use of which is recommended to be avoided. Lime is a proven disinfectant, but it is very toxic, so work with it in a respirator and gloves. It is stored in a dark place - in the light the substance loses active chlorine, and its effectiveness decreases.

When you can't do without chemistrySource

  • Ammonium salt cleaners. The preparations contain nitrogen in a tetravalent active form. They intensively dissolve organic matter and eliminate unpleasant odors. At the same time, they are very toxic. Therefore, one of the main conditions for the task of how to clean a septic tank with ammonium salts is the remote location of the country toilet from residential buildings (ideally, at least 15-20 m from the house). To clean the waste pit, only vacuum pumping is suitable.
  • Nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen fertilizers). Compared to other chemicals, this is the most gentle option. Nitrate compounds decompose any organic matter, eliminate odor, and the result of their work can be used as fertilizer. The disadvantage of oxidizing agents is their high cost. When communications and the electric pump of a septic tank come into contact with metal, they form salt on the surface, which can lead to overgrowing of pipes and damage to the device.

Ammonium preparations are used away from housingSource

Biological methods

The arsenal of biological preparations has important advantages: they are environmentally friendly, effective and non-hazardous for the septic tank’s electric pump. Biological products reduce the volume of waste matter and remove odor. The result of the work is a harmless substance suitable for fertilizing garden plants. They do not react with metal, concrete and other surfaces. Therefore, they are safely used to clean the Topas septic tank and similar autonomous stations.

The cleaning method is called bacterial-enzymatic. Biological products are in the form of a powder and consist of two types of cultured (laboratory-grown) bacteria:

  • Aerobic. Microorganisms need oxygen, so they decompose waste only on the surface. Septic tanks using a compressor increase the efficiency of aerobes.
  • Anaerobic. They work without access to oxygen (they don’t need it), decompose organic matter throughout the entire volume. Relevant for cesspools, but also used in septic tanks.

Biological sampleSource

About bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools in the following video:

Advantages and disadvantages

The product based on artificially grown microorganisms is characterized by a significant number of advantages:

  • promotes the breakdown of large fractions into smaller particles;
  • prevents uncontrolled proliferation of harmful bacterial flora inside the septic tank;
  • eliminates the evaporation of unpleasant odors;
  • no need to dispose of sewage;
  • sedimentation of silt deposits is reduced;
  • safe product for the environment;
  • improves performance;
  • prevents damage to pipeline walls;
  • extends the life of the structure and equipment;
  • affordable drug.

The vital activity of artificially grown microorganisms is ensured by an optimal temperature, ranging from 4 to 45°C, and constant access to oxygen and wastewater used to feed the bacteria.

The absence of the required conditions can slow down the work or cause complete destruction of biological activators.

Joint activities with other companies

works together with its partners in close cooperation. This allows it to have access to the most modern and high-tech developments in the field of green, biodegradable components.

Collaboration allows the company and its partners to apply leading world achievements, as well as domestic scientific ideas, to create unique products based on them, which are quickly gaining popularity in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

The main activities of the company include the following developments:

  • green technologies and environmental technologies;
  • technologies for the renewal of natural resources;
  • technologies for safe and rapid waste processing;
  • technologies for extracting clean energy.

The company has declared itself open to everyone who shares these principles and contributes to their development.

Types of drug

The product, intended for use in private households in the absence of a centralized sewerage system, is available in several types.

View Application
Marking "109"Septic tanks and cesspools with organic waste
Marking "309"Purification of large volumes of water with limited air access
Marking "409"A closed sewer system containing liquid fragments and large components that are discharged off-site
Marking "509"A system with a volume of two thousand liters, with fossilized silt, layers of hardened organic matter and severe blockage
Marking "609"A tank with a volume of two cubic meters, with starch, fats, urea, proteins and paper
Marking "809"Tanks with synthetic reagents and heavily lathered wastewater

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Find out what tools you need for soldering polypropylene pipes here.

On the page: look at concrete products - sinks and sinks.

Tips for purchasing bioactivators

It is necessary to select a suitable bioactivator based on the type of septic system and the frequency of its use.

There is no point in buying “Doctor Robik 509” if the sewerage system is installed in the country house and is used only in the warm season. In this case, make a choice in favor of a more budget-friendly bioactivator, for example “Doctor Robik 109”.

You definitely need to pay attention to the quality of the packaging. This will protect you from purchasing a low-quality product. Popular products are often counterfeited. It is advisable to buy biological products in trusted specialized stores that comply with the rules for storing microorganisms.

You cannot purchase drugs that are sold by sellers outdoors during the cold season. Also, you should not buy drugs that are exposed to the sun during the warm season. Temperature fluctuations kill bacteria and reduce their numbers. Which inevitably leads to a lack of effect in cleansing the septic system.

Detailed reviews and comparisons of cleaning products for septic tanks and cesspools are given in the articles:

  1. Antiseptic for toilets in the country: a review of chemicals and bioactivators
  2. Which product is better for cesspools: a review of live bacteria, antiseptics and chemistry

The versatility of biologically active substances

Serves all types of sewer systems and is a potent composition of marking 109.

Bioculture quickly utilizes waste in the form of:

  • paper,
  • cellulose,
  • feces (how to choose a fecal pump with a grinder, read here).


  • fats,
  • proteins,
  • urea,
  • starch.

With monthly use, there is no siltation and the biological processes of decomposition are accelerated.

Instructions for use

A 75 g package is designed for a month of operation of a tank (the principle of operation of settling tanks for wastewater treatment is described in this article), with a capacity of one and a half thousand liters:

  • the standard amount is poured into the toilet (about the fecal pump for the toilet is written here), after which the water is flushed a couple of times;
  • the contents of one package are directly poured into the septic tank;
  • the contents of the package are diluted in a bucket of warm water and poured into the cesspool;
  • depending on the intensity of use , treatment with the product is performed every month or month and a half.

Operating principle of Doctor Robica

This biological activator consists of bacterial spores, which in the course of their life processes process solid waste from cesspools. A notable feature of the product is that the bacterial cultures used are resistant to unfavorable environments. Microorganisms do not require the constant presence of oxygen and tolerate temperature changes normally.

The principle of bacterial cleaning

How Dr. Robik works:

  1. After the spores are poured into the cesspool, the bacteria begin to actively multiply. New colonies of microorganisms actively absorb waste from the drain, processing it into a liquid mass;
  2. On the first day, active fermentation processes occur, and therefore gas plugs may form. After 32 hours, the cesspool will function as usual;
  3. On the 4th day, the unpleasant odor from the sump completely disappears. Until this time, most of the fecal matter and fat deposits on the walls of the container have been processed;
  4. If the pit was heavily silted on day 6, it is recommended to update the bacterial composition. This will increase the effectiveness of such cleaning;
  5. The effect of Robik completely ends 14 days after the start of use. Afterwards, liquid waste is pumped out of the pit.

One of the advantages of this cleaning product is its versatility. created several types of cleaning products, each of which is designed to remove specific contaminants. Depending on the type of waste, you can buy a product to dissolve paper, starch, feces or fat deposits. Another significant advantage is the effectiveness of the product. This bioactivator provides a long-lasting odor removal and sludge removal effect.

But there are also some disadvantages. During frosts, Doctor Robik works much slower

Please note that when the pit freezes, it is generally not recommended to use biological cleaning agents. Its price is significantly higher than universal chemical destructors, but this is compensated by the safety of using the product

For cesspool

The accelerator for compost heaps and pits, based on compositional formula 209, is saturated with special soil microorganisms.

It affects any organic matter, accelerates the ripening of compost mass and forms humus in the shortest possible time.

The result of decomposition is the production of a balanced compost mass, useful for any type of soil.

Rules of application

Monthly use involves first flushing the compost pit or pile with warm water:

  • the contents of the package are scattered on top of the wet compost;
  • powder, on the surface of the compost, is sprinkled with a layer of garden soil;
  • The soil backfill and powder are mixed thoroughly.

The contents of one package are enough for one-time use on an area of ​​one and a half square meters.

The drug is safe for humans, animals and vegetation. Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

Products from the series are produced in liquid and powder form. The first option is a ready-to-use activator; it only needs to be diluted with water in the required proportion (indicated on the package).

When dry, spores can be stored for quite a long time, which is convenient. In order to activate dry spores, they are filled with water. It is not recommended to use the drug in dry form, since the activity of the spores is greatly reduced and they act slowly.

Doctor Robik products are produced:

  • in powder form. Typically, the addition of water is required to activate powdered bacteria;
  • in the form of a liquid concentrate.

A series of biological products, depending on the area of ​​application and active ingredients, is divided into digital designations 109, 209, ..., 809. Let us analyze each product separately.

Remedy 109

Powder product intended for seasonal cleaning of cesspools and septic tanks.

Biological product for seasonal cleaning

Cesspool cleaner Doctor Robik series 109 copes well with both solid waste and fatty deposits. One package of product weighs 75 g. sufficient for a septic tank or pits with a volume of no more than 1500 liters. The bacteria successfully perform their function for 35 - 40 days, provided that the ambient temperature does not fall below 10ºC.

Instructions for using product number 109:

  1. if the powder is used to clean septic tanks, then the contents of the package are simply poured into a treatment facility or toilet, after which the water is flushed repeatedly;
  2. if the product is used to clean a cesspool, then the contents of the sachet are first diluted in 5 liters - 7 liters of water.

When using treatment facilities seasonally (that is, only in the warm season), it is recommended to combine product 109 with other, more active drugs, especially at the beginning of the season.

Remedy 209

Doctor Robik bacteria labeled 209 are not intended for cleaning septic tanks, but to accelerate the maturation of compost in a special pit. The drug is actively used by farmers and owners of summer cottages with a large number of plantings of fruit and vegetable crops.

Compost accelerator

The bag, which weighs 60 grams, successfully copes with the formation of natural fertilizer in a pit of 1.5 - 2 m². On average, it takes 30 days to obtain fertilizer from grass, leaves and other natural materials, which is 2–3 times less than the process under normal conditions.

Read more: Batch switch, what is it and why do you need a connection diagram?

The use of the substance Dr. Robik 209 does not cause any difficulties. The drug is added to the compost pit in dry form and, if possible, mixed with the contents of the sump.

Accelerate compost prevents rotting in the pit and enriches its contents with additional nutrients beneficial to plants.

Remedy 309

Dr. Robik for septic tanks and autonomous sewer systems is marked with the numbers 309. The contents of the bottle (approximately 800 ml) are enough to service a treatment plant with a volume of less than 2000 liters for 1 year.

Septic tank cleaner

Mode of application:

  1. the contents of the bottle are shaken until a uniform mixture is formed;
  2. after shaking, the substance is poured directly into a septic tank or into a toilet connected to a treatment facility;
  3. within 24 hours after administration of the substance, the use of the drainage system is minimized if possible.

When the septic tank is heavily contaminated, the drug Doctor Robik 309 can be combined with other, stronger substances of the same series.

Remedy 409

The product marked 409 is intended for toilets and cesspools. In rare cases, the cleaner is used for single-chamber septic tanks.

Cesspool cleaner

The contents of the bottle are shaken and poured into a container that requires cleaning. With a cesspool volume of up to 2000 liters, the drug works successfully for 1 year.

Remedy 509

If it is necessary to clean a septic tank (cesspool) with old deposits, use product number 509.

Composition for cleaning heavily polluted septic tanks

Septic tank cleaner 509 cannot be used continuously, as strong substances can lead to a decrease in the period of use of the treatment plant.

The drug is poured into a septic tank (sewer well, drainage system, cesspool, etc.) only to clean out old deposits (for example, after a long period of not using the system).

For permanent protection of septic tanks after a one-time cleaning with 509, it is recommended to use Dr. Robik 109 powder.

Remedy 609

The product marked 609 is intended for cleaning abandoned cesspools, septic tanks and other structures used for wastewater treatment.

Preparation for cleaning abandoned pits

Doctor Robik 609 copes well with fecal waste, sludge, urinary stones and other contaminants for 180 days after administration of the drug. The substance is used, as a rule, exclusively for old deposits until the septic tank is completely cleansed. Next, it is recommended to use the product under the brand 109.

Remedy 809

If powder, soap or other detergents constantly get into the sewer system of a country house or summer cottage, then the substance Doctor Robik 809 is used to clean the septic tank, cesspool and the pipes themselves from soap deposits.

Special composition for removing soap scum

It is recommended to use the drug once a year by introducing the contents of the bottle into the septic tank through a sink, bathtub, etc.

Reviews from consumers of Dr. Robik's drugs are mostly positive. You can see one of them in the video.

Biological products cope well with various types of pollution in both septic tanks and cesspools. When using this or that product, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.

For regular care

Used in septic tanks and drains.

Ensures uninterrupted functioning of the sewer system and eliminates the unpleasant odor of the local treatment plant for a private home, removes blockages due to the compositional formula 309.

The bottle, with a volume of 0.798 liters, is designed for a year of cleaning a tank with a volume of two thousand liters.

caustic or environmentally hazardous components contained in the composition.

Rules of application

Before use, shake the product in the bottle and then pour it into the toilet or directly into the septic tank:

  • the bottle is intended for single use per two thousand liters;
  • when used on the first day, water use should be reduced;
  • an old and silted system requires supplementing the composition with a product labeled 509;
  • lathering up the drain requires supplementing the composition with a product labeled 809.

After pumping out the contents and rinsing with water, a standard “Doctor Robik” fill, marked 309, is performed.

Briefly about the main thing

Siltation develops in all treatment systems; this happens for various reasons. An external sign of sludge accumulation is the rapid filling of the waste tank and increased pumping.

To solve the problem, you need to determine the cause of the blockages. At the first stage, they call the sewer trucks to pump out the septic tank. The remaining sludge is removed from the bottom and walls mechanically. Dense sludge can be broken down using chemical or biological preparations.

To prevent siltation from reoccurring, preventive measures are carried out; the most effective method is biological. If the cause of siltation was the excessive use of chlorine-containing household chemicals, it will be limited in the future.

For simple and storage sewerage

A feature of the compositional formula 409 is:

  • high enzymatic activity,
  • uninterrupted functioning of the sewage system throughout the year,
  • increasing the period between pumpings,
  • preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Rules of application

A single fill of a 0.798 liter bottle per couple of cubic meters of wastewater reduces siltation.

  • shake the contents of the bottle;
  • pour the product into the toilet, then flush the water;
  • pour the product directly into the cesspool;
  • an old and silted system requires supplementing the composition with a product labeled 509;
  • lathering up the drain requires supplementing the composition with a product labeled 809.

Once every twelve months, the contents of the sewer are pumped out and the subsequent filling of the “Doctor Robik” product marked 409 is carried out.

How can you clean a septic tank?

Regardless of the type of septic tank used, it requires care, which will significantly increase the service life of the local treatment plant.
Besides this, there are a number of other problems. One of them is an unpleasant odor that is periodically felt from the container.

The most difficult situation is with septic systems. Cesspools are easier to maintain in this regard.

But for both, the same cleaning methods can be used:

  1. Pumping out waste using sewer equipment.
  2. Pumping using individual pumps.
  3. Biological treatment of wastewater using bacteria with subsequent discharge into the ground or onto the terrain.
  4. Chemical processing using specialized absorbent additives.

Purification of the liquid component of wastewater using microorganisms is a rare case when caring for the ecosystem brings benefits. Bacteria can be used in tanks and septic tanks of any type.

In cases with high-tech autonomous treatment stations such as Tank, these additives can extend the service life, as they significantly reduce the load on the filters.

When using bioactivators, the need for pumping using sewage disposal equipment is significantly reduced.

The market offers a wide range of biological treatment products. One of the popular brands is Doctor Robik. The products are produced by a large American manufacturer, which has a representative office in Russia.

It is capable of cleaning septic systems of varying complexity while eliminating the unpleasant odor of sewage wastewater. Some colonies of microorganisms prevent the formation of blockages in pipes.

Impact drain cleaner

Suitable for septic tanks, cesspools and drainage systems filled with liquefied solids and fossils:

  • a drug with increased power is marked 509 and is specially created for use in old and problematic sewers;
  • cleans pores in the soil,
  • helps normalize the functioning of the sewerage and drainage system.

Rules of application

Used at the rate of 0.798 liters per two thousand liters, immediately after pumping out and flushing the sewer:

  • applied, annually or as needed;
  • before use, shake the liquid in the bottle and then pour it into the toilet;
  • poured directly into a septic tank or cesspool;
  • During the use of the product, during the day, the volume of water used should be reduced.

In restored systems with normal operation, “Doctor Robik” marked 109, 309 or 409 .

What problems does Doctor Robik solve?

Review of products manufactured by the company. Among them are the most popular products that can be found for sale on the Russian market.

Image gallery Photos from Dr. Robik brand powder products are supplied in sealed packages

The weight of the package contents is 75 g. Designed for tanks with a volume of up to 1,500 liters. To maintain a septic tank throughout the year, you need at least 10 packages

Doctor Robik drugs are produced in powder format with the digital designations 109, 209, a product called “Green Package”

It is acceptable to add powdered products in dry, unprepared form, but priority is given to the option diluted with water as the most effective

Powdered products

Estimated processing volume

Marking of dry formulations

Priority form for submission

"Doctor Robik 109" is the most popular product produced by the corporation. It is designed for simple septic systems and cesspools. One sachet contains 5% bacteria and 95% fertilizer. Once a month, you need to pour one packet of the product into the septic tank.

"Doctor Robik 509" - used for complex blockages of organic origin in sewer pipes. As a rule, they are caused by residues of fabric fibers, hair, paper and other organic matter.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. Designed for septic tanks with a volume of up to 2,000 liters. The most expensive product in the series for a private home

In addition, the bioactivator, once in the tank, is capable of destroying old fossilized deposits of sludge at the bottom of the septic tank. It contains anaerobic microorganisms, so its service life is much longer and is one year. It is used in complex systems and autonomous treatment septic tanks of the “Tank” type.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. Designed for containers up to 2,000 liters. The product can be used in case of stagnant plug formation in pipes that are rarely used

"Doctor Robik 409" - used for a closed sewer system, where liquid and larger components of wastewater are merged together. Such a container is pumped out as it is filled. There is no possibility of water draining into the ground. Pumps or sewer trucks are used to remove waste from the site.

Image gallery Photo from Supplied in solution format, Doctor Robik products are produced in convenient plastic containers, inert to the environment contained in it

Liquid products are suitable for treating wastewater up to two tons, which must be taken into account before purchasing

Before using the dissolved product, you should carefully read the manufacturer's instructions. You definitely need to shake it

The drug offered in a dissolved format is valid for 150 - 180 days. The specified period is quite enough for the summer season

Complex product in the form of a solution

Possibilities regarding the volume of processed wastewater

Compliance with manufacturer's recommendations

Liquid action time

The composition of these microbes is involved in the processing of waste into inert compost. Suitable for cesspools or digesters - septic tanks deprived of oxygen.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. Designed for containers up to 2,000 liters. Prevents drain holes in pipes from becoming clogged

"Doctor Robik 309" is a biological preparation containing aerobic bacteria. Anaerobes may optionally be present. Used to purify water with limited access to oxygen and an abundance of liquid. Suitable for septic tanks, overflow wells made of concrete, plastic and other materials.

The volume of the bottle is 798 ml. The product cleans pipes from soap deposits that have formed on them, which reduces their permeability

"Doctor Robik 809" - not used for septic system tanks. Its purpose is to clean sewer pipes. Cleansing occurs due to the fact that the product contains anaerobic microorganisms. They breed in soapy drains. Capable of processing synthetic reagents without an environmental threat to the ecosystem.

For breaking down detergents and soaps

Marking 809 can be used in any type of sewer system to convert detergents and soaps into safe compounds.

The product contains lipases and proteases that accelerate the breakdown of deposits, as well as enzymes and bacteria that help destroy:

  • soap accumulations,
  • foam,
  • growths in pipelines, septic tank or cesspool.

Rules of application

Intended for all types of sewerage, the product is poured annually and once at the rate of 0.798 liters per two thousand liters of wastewater:

  • can serve as an addition to products labeled 309 or 409;
  • before use, shaken and poured into the toilet, septic tank or cesspool;
  • During the use of the product, during the day, the volume of water used should be reduced.

that does not contain caustic and harmful components for proper operation in wastewater requires:

  • annual pumping of sewer contents,
  • subsequent rinsing with water.

Instructions for use of bacteria

Any biologically active drug needs to be used correctly. If you do not comply, there is a risk that you will not get the expected effect.

If all actions and preparations are carried out correctly, the unpleasant odor will decrease within a few hours. The effect of using the drug can be assessed after a week.

Sequence of preparation of the product

Preparations based on bacteria are produced in the form of liquids and powder mixtures. Using a liquid product is not difficult and does not require special preparation, unlike mixtures. Simply pour the required amount of liquid into the sink or toilet and rinse with warm water.

Powdered products must be handled differently. If you open the package, you can smell the smell of bread bran. This substance is food for bacteria and contains a variety of nutrients.

While the bacteria are in suspended animation (sleep is sleep), they do not need food. But as soon as this substance gets into the water, they wake up and begin to consume feeding. During this period, their active reproduction occurs.

This is what bacteria look like in a state of suspended animation. Large granules visible to the naked eye - bran supplement. Since the content of microorganisms does not exceed 5% of the volume of the entire package, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them

Before introducing bacterial cultures into a septic tank or reservoir, it must be emptied. Despite their resistance to alkalis, bacteria are sensitive to chlorine and other aggressive disinfectants. These products include chlorine and chlorine-containing cleaning compounds.

If wastewater containing these substances is not pumped out, the introduction of bacteria will not be successful and will lead to the death of microorganisms. The empty tank must be filled with some warm water.

After the bag is unsealed and the septic tank is prepared, the contents must be poured into a bucket of warm water. The volume of the bucket should not exceed ten liters. The density of bacteria should be sufficient for rapid emergence from the dormant state and subsequent use of fertilizing.

The optimal temperature for breeding bacteria is from +5°C to +10°C. At higher temperatures, some types of microorganisms that are sensitive to temperature fluctuations may die.

After use, the container must be washed thoroughly. There is no need to add foreign substances to the water. The contents of one package will be enough

After the microorganisms are placed in an aqueous environment, the container must be placed in a dark place. This is necessary in order to preserve light-sensitive microorganisms.

They are bred to live in conditions where there is no daylight and its presence can negatively affect their life. In addition, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime. Do not keep the container in a room whose temperature is outside the range from +5°C to +20°C. The container must stand for at least 6 hours.

During this time, the release of small gas bubbles should begin. This indicates that the microorganisms were stored in good conditions. In this case, they can be placed in a container or septic tank.

After a few hours, the number of microorganisms will begin to actively multiply. The unpleasant smell of sewage from the sewer will be noticeably reduced. At the same time, the process of cleaning the walls and bottom of the container from grease deposits and other organic residues will begin.

The video shows the process of introducing microorganisms into the drainage pit:

Features and storage methods

To maintain the cleaning effect at the proper level, it is necessary to periodically add bacteria to storage tanks and septic tanks. For powder mixtures, it is necessary to maintain the temperature range from +5°C to +25°C and the integrity of the packaging. It is not recommended to store the product for more than 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Liquid products in plastic canisters must additionally be stored in a dark place, avoiding exposure to sunlight. Since the microorganisms contained in the canister are anaerobic, the lid must be tightly closed.

This will reduce the amount of oxygen and increase shelf life. Just like for bulk mixtures, you need to maintain a temperature range from +5°C to +25°C.

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