Description of the product for cesspools and septic tanks Doctor Robik

Have you ever fought with your neighbors over sewerage? And we fought. And more than once. Once it almost came to a fight, and the promise of dunking each other’s faces into a stinking puddle is what we have instead of hello :). Isn't that right for you? And I just didn’t know what to do. The worst thing is that formally the problem was on my side. Groundwater, of which there was an abundance this winter and spring, constantly overflowed the well. And then - over the top, downhill, straight onto the neighbor’s property. Believe it or not, it was awkward for me. I wanted to solve the problem, but no one agreed to dig in the winter. But a solution was found. Would you like me to tell you how to use it correctly? product for cesspools and septic tanks Doctor Robik?

How does the drug work?

The most important thing that consumers need to know is that the product is safe for nature. The main active component is bacteria, or more precisely, their spores, which are sown in conditions convenient for them and begin to process solid organic substances.

Important! The type of bacteria that will grow from spores is anaerobic, that is, they work without access to air and react normally to temperature changes.

How the tool works:

  • Once in favorable conditions, spores begin to multiply. Entire colonies develop in a septic tank, cesspool, or compost. They absorb solid particles and, digesting them, make them liquid.
  • On the first day, a fermentation process is observed, which sometimes causes the formation of gas plugs. After 32 hours, the cesspool/septic tank will work normally.
  • 4 days after introducing bacteria into the sump, the unpleasant odor will disappear. By this point, most of the wastewater has already been recycled.
  • The life cycle of bacteria is completely completed 14 days after they are started. It is at this time that the manufacturer recommends pumping out liquid waste.

Important! If the pit or septic tank is too silted, then 6 days after the first use the stock of bacteria should be renewed.

Additional feedback on usage features

"Doctor Robik 509" will be able to restore the system if used according to the instructions. For example, the temperature readings when pouring the cleaning agent must be positive. If there is a need to clean the collector, then the reagent must be poured into the drain hole, and then washed off with water several times.

If you are treating bathrooms that are used far from residential buildings, it is recommended to pour the composition into a cesspool. Consumers are advised to follow the manufacturer's recommendations when the cesspool has not been used for a long time. When the waste mass dries out, it is necessary to pour 2 buckets of warm water into the tank.

Advantages and disadvantages

The biological drug, as its instructions say, is absolutely safe, and it has other advantages, but it is not without its disadvantages.


  • Breaks down large solid particles.
  • Eliminates uncontrolled growth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Removes unpleasant odors.
  • The amount of wastewater is reduced, which means there is no need to call the vacuum cleaners too often.
  • The drug improves the performance of the septic tank.
  • Does not damage the pipeline.
  • Availability.

Among the negative qualities:

  • Bacteria work best at temperatures above +4; if it is lower, the microorganisms may die, which means they will have to be reintroduced into the septic tank/cesspool.
  • Costs more than chemicals.

Important! When choosing a product from the Doctor Robik series, you should pay attention to its type. There are different compositions for a septic tank, a cesspool with overflow, a sewer well, and compost. In conditions other than those for which they are intended, bacteria will not work efficiently.

Instructions for using the regular care product

"Doctor Robik 509", the instructions for use of which you must read, can be used for regular use in treatment tanks and drains. This way you can ensure uninterrupted operation of the sewage system and eliminate the unpleasant odor of the local treatment plant.

Using this product you can remove blockages. One bottle will be enough to clean a tank with a volume of 2000 liters for a year. There are no hazardous substances or caustic compounds in the composition. Before use, the product must be shaken and then poured into the toilet or inside the septic tank. The bottle of Doctor Robik 509, which has only positive reviews, is designed for single use per 2000 liters. The first day it is necessary to reduce water discharge.

Biological product options

You can use Doctor Robik in the following types:

  • 109 – intended for cesspools and septic tanks with organic matter.
  • 309 – purifies large volumes of water in conditions of limited oxygen.
  • 409 – suitable for closed sewer systems.
  • 509 - designed for systems with a volume of 2000 liters, if there is fossilized silt, severe blockages and hardened organic matter.
  • 609 - can be used in settling tanks with a volume of 3 m³, if the waste includes urea, fats, proteins, starch and even paper.
  • 809 – decomposes synthetic substances.

Dr. Robic for cesspools and septic tanks receives feedback from consumers, often positive, especially when used for targeted drains.

Universal drug

This is what Doctor Robik 109 is often called. The bacteria that can be colonized with this drug utilize paper, cellulose, and feces. Helps decompose fats, proteins, urea, starch.

If you use the drug regularly (every month), it will be possible to eliminate siltation, and wastewater treatment processes will proceed quickly.

Dr. Robik is a bacterial composition that will help the septic tank and cesspool, regardless of the initial condition. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the intended use of the composition; if you choose incorrectly, the product will not be able to function properly.

Instructions for use

Before visiting the store, you should definitely read reviews about “Doctor Robik 509” for a septic tank. Which will allow you to use it according to the instructions. By purchasing a package with a volume of 75 g, you ensure normal operation of the system throughout the entire month. This is true for a 1500 liter capacity.

A standard amount of the substance must be poured into the toilet. Then the water is released twice. The contents of the package are poured inside the septic tank. Having diluted the drug from one package in a bucket of warm water, you will need to pour it inside the cesspool. Depending on the intensity with which the system is used, treatment with the product should be performed once every 30 or 45 days.

"Doctor Robik 509", the instruction manual for which is supplied with the drug, is safe for human and animal health. You don’t have to worry about the substance posing a threat to vegetation. The mixture must be stored out of the reach of children.

What determines the effectiveness of bacteria?

Temperature readings during the period of using the “Doctor Robik” product for cleaning a septic tank, cesspool and composting organic matter must be positive.

When cleaning the collectors, the reagent is poured into the drain hole, after which it is washed off several times with water.

When treating bathrooms, away from residential buildings, the solution is poured into a cesspool.

Long-term non-use of the cesspool and drying out of the waste mass requires first pouring a couple of buckets of warm water into the tank.

In winter and severe frosts, cleaning activity slows down or stops, so it is necessary to provide a comfortable temperature regime for the growth and reproduction of biological activators.

Watch the video about the frequency of use of biological products for cesspools and septic tanks.

Bacteria are living creatures that are adapted to certain environmental conditions. Their activity depends on:

  • temperature;
  • the presence of sudden temperature changes;
  • presence of light;
  • amount of oxygen;
  • concentrations of xenobiotics (substances foreign to living organisms).

Septic tanks and cesspools require bacteria that can work in any conditions - aerobic, anaerobic, with aggressive environments with an alkaline or acidic reaction. For cesspools that do not have a sewer drain, microorganisms that are sensitive to household chemicals are suitable. If all the wastewater from the house is drained into a septic tank, then microorganisms with high resistance to alkalis are needed.

The life of bacteria is directly related to waste processing; the more food there is, the faster they multiply, forming colonies. Having multiplied to the required quantity, they are capable of processing up to several kilograms of solid insoluble residues contained in household wastewater per day.

Bacteria and fungi occupy a special niche in the structure of the ecosystem. They support the cycle of substances in nature. Plants synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones. For example, oxygen is obtained from carbon dioxide, and chemical elements are converted into organic ones.

In turn, the resulting organic substances are consumed by higher animals and converted into more complex compounds. Bacteria transform organic residues, decomposing them into simple elements. Thereby closing the cycle of substances.

If food for bacteria and other decomposers runs out, their numbers rapidly decrease. Dying bacteria make room for plants, which in turn receive a nutrient medium for existence.

Read more: Septic tank Leader review reviews advantages and disadvantages

Thus, the sludge from the bottom of the cesspool or tank where the bacteria were used serves as an excellent fertilizer.

Water processed in a septic tank is free of the smell of sewage and can be used to water plants in the garden. However, it is worth noting that the bacteria must be resistant to household chemicals.

The drains contain a large amount of not only organic substances, but also residues of detergents that are used in any family. Bacteria for septic tanks "Doctor Robik" are bred taking into account the increased alkali content in wastewater.

This means that they are able to survive and process not only organic matter, but also various foaming additives. This makes the manufacturer a leader in the production of bacterial cleaning products.

Like any other microorganisms, “Doctor Robik” bacteria require special conditions to maintain vital activity and reproduce.

Compliance with a number of rules will improve the efficiency and duration of microorganisms:

  1. The water level in the septic tank or container must be at least one third of the tank’s volume. Otherwise, there will not be the necessary space for development.
  2. The temperature regime must be observed. This means that wastewater should not be allowed to freeze. In the case of shallow cesspools, this is inevitable, and therefore in the winter season there will be no effect from the work of microorganisms.
  3. Do not drain water whose temperature exceeds 60°C. This will lead to the death of microorganisms. The septic tank must be constantly used. Otherwise, the bacteria will not have enough food, which will lead to a reduction in the colony and extinction during prolonged periods of inactivity.
  4. Do not flush any remaining medications into the septic tank, as microorganisms are not resistant to antibiotics and other agents.
  5. Frequent use of bleach and other chlorine-containing products should be avoided.

By following these recommendations, you can significantly increase the lifespan of microorganisms, as well as save on pumping wastewater with a sewer machine.

Purified water enriched with minerals can be used for watering plants in a personal plot, since the amount of harmful impurities does not exceed sanitary and epidemiological standards. If there is a cesspool on the site, then the sludge from its bottom will be suitable as organic fertilizer.

For cesspool

The accelerator for compost heaps and pits, based on compositional formula 209, is saturated with special soil microorganisms.

It affects any organic matter, accelerates the ripening of compost mass and forms humus in the shortest possible time.

The result of decomposition is the production of a balanced compost mass, useful for any type of soil.

Rules of application

Monthly use involves first flushing the compost pit or pile with warm water:

  • the contents of the package are scattered on top of the wet compost;
  • powder, on the surface of the compost, is sprinkled with a layer of garden soil;
  • The soil backfill and powder are mixed thoroughly.

The contents of one package are enough for one-time use on an area of ​​one and a half square meters.

The drug is safe for humans, animals and vegetation. Keep out of the reach of children.

Rules of application

Before using Dr. Robic on your sump pit, you should run warm water over the pile or compost pit. The contents of the package must be scattered over the wet compost. Next, the layer is sprinkled with garden soil. The soil backfill and powder must be mixed. The contents of one package will be sufficient for one-time use on an area of ​​1.5 m2.

Release form

Products from the series are produced in liquid and powder form. The first option is a ready-to-use activator; it only needs to be diluted with water in the required proportion (indicated on the package).

When dry, spores can be stored for quite a long time, which is convenient. In order to activate dry spores, they are filled with water. It is not recommended to use the drug in dry form, since the activity of the spores is greatly reduced and they act slowly.

Doctor Robik products are produced:

  • in powder form. Typically, the addition of water is required to activate powdered bacteria;
  • in the form of a liquid concentrate.

A series of biological products, depending on the area of ​​application and active ingredients, is divided into digital designations 109, 209, ..., 809. Let us analyze each product separately.

Remedy 109

Powder product intended for seasonal cleaning of cesspools and septic tanks.

Biological product for seasonal cleaning

Cesspool cleaner Doctor Robik series 109 copes well with both solid waste and fatty deposits. One package of product weighs 75 g. sufficient for a septic tank or pits with a volume of no more than 1500 liters. The bacteria successfully perform their function for 35 - 40 days, provided that the ambient temperature does not fall below 10ºC.

Instructions for using product number 109:

  1. if the powder is used to clean septic tanks, then the contents of the package are simply poured into a treatment facility or toilet, after which the water is flushed repeatedly;
  2. if the product is used to clean a cesspool, then the contents of the sachet are first diluted in 5 liters - 7 liters of water.

When using treatment facilities seasonally (that is, only in the warm season), it is recommended to combine product 109 with other, more active drugs, especially at the beginning of the season.

Remedy 209

Doctor Robik bacteria labeled 209 are not intended for cleaning septic tanks, but to accelerate the maturation of compost in a special pit. The drug is actively used by farmers and owners of summer cottages with a large number of plantings of fruit and vegetable crops.

Compost accelerator

The bag, which weighs 60 grams, successfully copes with the formation of natural fertilizer in a pit of 1.5 - 2 m². On average, it takes 30 days to obtain fertilizer from grass, leaves and other natural materials, which is 2–3 times less than the process under normal conditions.

Read more: Do-it-yourself septic tank from barrels: homemade construction plans

The use of the substance Dr. Robik 209 does not cause any difficulties. The drug is added to the compost pit in dry form and, if possible, mixed with the contents of the sump.

Accelerate compost prevents rotting in the pit and enriches its contents with additional nutrients beneficial to plants.

Remedy 309

Dr. Robik for septic tanks and autonomous sewer systems is marked with the numbers 309. The contents of the bottle (approximately 800 ml) are enough to service a treatment plant with a volume of less than 2000 liters for 1 year.

Septic tank cleaner

Mode of application:

  1. the contents of the bottle are shaken until a uniform mixture is formed;
  2. after shaking, the substance is poured directly into a septic tank or into a toilet connected to a treatment facility;
  3. within 24 hours after administration of the substance, the use of the drainage system is minimized if possible.

When the septic tank is heavily contaminated, the drug Doctor Robik 309 can be combined with other, stronger substances of the same series.

Remedy 409

The product marked 409 is intended for toilets and cesspools. In rare cases, the cleaner is used for single-chamber septic tanks.

Cesspool cleaner

The contents of the bottle are shaken and poured into a container that requires cleaning. With a cesspool volume of up to 2000 liters, the drug works successfully for 1 year.

Remedy 509

If it is necessary to clean a septic tank (cesspool) with old deposits, use product number 509.

Composition for cleaning heavily polluted septic tanks

Septic tank cleaner 509 cannot be used continuously, as strong substances can lead to a decrease in the period of use of the treatment plant.

The drug is poured into a septic tank (sewer well, drainage system, cesspool, etc.) only to clean out old deposits (for example, after a long period of not using the system).

For permanent protection of septic tanks after a one-time cleaning with 509, it is recommended to use Dr. Robik 109 powder.

Remedy 609

The product marked 609 is intended for cleaning abandoned cesspools, septic tanks and other structures used for wastewater treatment.

Preparation for cleaning abandoned pits

Doctor Robik 609 copes well with fecal waste, sludge, urinary stones and other contaminants for 180 days after administration of the drug. The substance is used, as a rule, exclusively for old deposits until the septic tank is completely cleansed. Next, it is recommended to use the product under the brand 109.

Remedy 809

If powder, soap or other detergents constantly get into the sewer system of a country house or summer cottage, then the substance Doctor Robik 809 is used to clean the septic tank, cesspool and the pipes themselves from soap deposits.

Special composition for removing soap scum

It is recommended to use the drug once a year by introducing the contents of the bottle into the septic tank through a sink, bathtub, etc.

Reviews from consumers of Dr. Robik's drugs are mostly positive. You can see one of them in the video.

Biological products cope well with various types of pollution in both septic tanks and cesspools. When using this or that product, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.

What else do you need to know about the product?

The principle of operation of Doctor Robik 509 was described above. This composition refers to specialized products that allow you to process compost and dissolve fossils. In order to enhance the effect of the activator, the cesspool should be cleared of liquid waste. This will help dissolve problematic accumulations and eliminate rotting processes, which quite often occur at the bottom of the storage tank.

After the “Doctor Robik 509” product has been used for the septic tank, and its effect has been completed, it is recommended to pump out the resulting liquid mass, which was formed as a result of the work of the organic destructor. It can be used for watering the soil or fertilizing. This measure is not mandatory for an open cesspool.

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