TOP 10 bacteria for septic tanks. How to choose bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools?

Aerobic or anaerobic bacteria, mixed – even a bacteria specialist can get confused in the varieties of modern biologically active preparations. However, there is no reason to worry - products for maintaining septic tanks from different manufacturers are based on almost identical crops.

Therefore, when choosing which bacteria to buy for a TANK, TOPAS, ASTRA or UNILOS septic tank, you should pay attention not to the type of culture in the preparation or the brand name, but to the volume and number of settling chambers.

Bacteria for septic tanks TANK, UNILOS, ASTRA

What are bacteria for septic tanks?

Bacteria for a septic tank are special living microorganisms that naturally process the contents of an autonomous sewage system. The bacterial-enzyme method of processing sewage waste has been used abroad for more than half a century; in our country this method has been used for about a decade. The effect of a biological agent for septic tanks is that the contents of toilet cesspools are a breeding ground for bacteria. Cleaning occurs as follows.

  1. Bacteria placed in a septic tank break down the organic components of the wastewater into water, minerals and carbon dioxide.
  2. Carbon dioxide evaporates, and treated wastewater is absorbed into the soil - in open pits.
  3. A small amount of mineral sediment may form at the bottom, which under some conditions is used to fertilize the soil.
  4. If a closed-type septic tank cleaning product was used, the purified water is pumped out using a drainage pump, then it goes for additional processing into filtration wells and after that it is drained into the ground.

The use of live bacteria for septic tanks during cleaning has significant advantages, which owners of private houses pay attention to.

  • Absolute safety for the environment and human health.
  • After cleaning the sewer with the help of live bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, in some cases, filtered wastewater can be used to water the garden, and fertilize the soil with mineral deposits.
  • They have a disinfecting effect, destroying pathogenic microbes. Cleaning occurs quickly, the unpleasant odor disappears after a few hours.
  • Unlike chemicals, they do not have a destructive effect on the walls of septic tanks - concrete, plastic.
  • They have a wide range of applications - from cesspools to industrial wastewater treatment plants.
  • The use of biological products will reduce the cost of calling vacuum cleaners. The cost of these effective septic tank products is not comparable to the benefits that live bacteria bring.

In order for bacteria to work, several conditions must be met: a temperature range of action from 3 to 40⁰C (at other indicators, microorganisms die), an abundant nutrient medium (if you rarely use a septic tank, you need to add a drug), a humid environment (for the effective use of a biological product for summer cottages). Septic tanks need liquid to cover the bottom by at least 3 cm).

Types of live bacteria for septic tanks

Depending on the conditions under which live bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools can multiply and be active, there are three types of biological products:

  • anaerobic bacteria;
  • aerobic microorganisms;
  • bioactivators.

Anaerobic bacteria

The advantages of anaerobic treatment are the rapid activation and effective mineralization of organic substances. In addition, small volumes of biomass are required for operation. Disadvantages: when decomposing, anaerobes emit methane, which emits an unpleasant odor; their life requires strict adherence to certain conditions, and also the need to periodically resort to sewerage services. In addition, the activity of bacteria is negatively affected by detergents and chemicals that get into drains.

As the name suggests, anaerobic bacteria are microorganisms that do not require oxygen to live and function, which can lead to the death of some. The processing of wastewater under the influence of such bacteria is called rotting. As a result of the vital activity of anaerobes, heavy residues of processed organic substances sink to the bottom, and the waters become clearer. After processing using sewage disposal equipment, the fractions are removed.

Aerobic bacteria

The main condition for the life of aerobic bacteria is the presence of oxygen. To do this, air is supplied to the working container using a compressor or aerators. The process of decomposition of organic matter by aerobes is accompanied by the release of thermal energy and carbon dioxide.

The main advantage of these bacteria is deep cleaning, up to 98%. As a result of their activity, solid impurities that remain after anaerobic and mechanical treatment are dissolved. No solid sediment is formed during the process, and small deposits can be removed using available means. In addition, during cleaning, the unpleasant odor significantly weakens or completely disappears - carbon dioxide is released outside. The disadvantage is the need to constantly pump oxygen into the septic tank and sensitivity to household chemicals.


Bioactivators are combined preparations, which may include bacteria of various groups and enzymes that activate the process of wastewater purification from organic waste. Sometimes catalysts are added to the composition. Thanks to their universal composition, these drugs are most effective. Depending on the purpose and strength of the effect, they are divided into starter drugs, enhanced action drugs and products for special conditions.

Tips for choosing and using a bacterial agent

The first thing to follow when purchasing biological products is the instructions and special instructions on the product label.

It is worth paying attention to the amount of dry residue, which is indicated on the packaging of the product.

The smaller this value, the better. This is especially important when choosing bacteria for a septic tank. The wide variety of types of microorganisms included in the product is a positive feature, as this will allow the processing of various types of waste. You also need to look at the concentration of microbes, since the required frequency of adding the drug with bacteria directly depends on this indicator. The label also indicates how much waste the product is designed for. If the amount of waste exceeds the “power” of the biomass, the microbes may die. A particularly high-quality product can process not only purely fecal waste, but also toilet paper and plant waste.

When choosing bacteria for the toilet and cesspool, it is better to give preference to the tablet form if the sludge is planned to be used in compost.

When using bacteria to clean wastewater, it is necessary to take into account several more nuances.

  1. The use of aggressive detergents in households, as well as the discharge of fuels and lubricants, solvents, antibiotics, rinsing waters from water treatment plants, etc. into sewers will lead to the death of microbes.
  2. Long breaks in the use of a septic tank deprive bacteria of food. As a result, the microbes die. Therefore, the use of special biological products for preservation is required.
  3. Microbes can carry out normal life activities at temperatures not lower than + 4, but not higher than +30 degrees.
  4. There should be a layer of liquid of at least 20-30 mm above the solid waste fraction.

Knowing these simple rules, you can buy and use bacteria for sewage and get the maximum effect from them.

Which bacteria are suitable for what?

Based on the living conditions and functional characteristics of biological agents for septic tanks, the scope of their use is determined.

  • Anaerobic bacteria are easy to work with, do not require special conditions for activity, and work well in different environments. They are easy to use: just add the biological product to the plumbing drain. It is best to use such products as a product for closed septic tanks, since they do not require air. Treated wastewater can be used for subsequent watering of vegetable gardens. If a country house or cottage is not used for regular living, this type of bacteria is best suited, since methane is released during the work of bacteria; in addition, to remove the sediment you will have to resort to the services of a vacuum cleaner.
  • Aerobic bacteria are used as a means for septic tanks for private homes with permanent residence, as a biological agent for cesspools of country toilets, as well as in closed septic tanks. However, when using bacteria for concrete septic tanks, one should not forget that their use requires certain conditions - regular air supply with a compressor or aerator. The result of the activity of aerobic bacteria - activated sludge - can be used to fertilize vegetable gardens, and purified water - for irrigation and as technical water.
  • Bioactivators are universal means. The principle of their action is this: first, aerobes begin to work, triggering an acidic reaction. After aerobes die, having used up oxygen, anaerobic microorganisms take over. Thus, bioactivators are suitable for all types of septic tanks - from open drainage pits to closed industrial septic tanks.

Treatment device

Section A – receiving chamber;
compartments B and C are connected - an aeration tank and a secondary settling tank, respectively; CU – control unit (the unit itself, the compressor and the magnetic valve are located here); chamber G – sludge stabilizer (excess stabilized sludge is pumped out from here during service). Also, in tank stations with a forced outlet of clean water using a pump, a small container for the pump is located in the receiving chamber above the drains. Data sheet and operating instructions for Unilos Astra

Which bacteria to choose for a septic tank?

If we talk about the advantages of choice, then these are, of course, bioactivators. Their universal properties allow them to be used in cesspools and septic tanks without restrictions. The advantages of drugs that distinguish them favorably from others include:

  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • ability to recycle certain fibers, such as cardboard and paper;
  • fast waste processing times;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • reduction of solid sediment by 70-80%;
  • special types of bioactivators fight pathogenic bacteria;
  • low consumption - one tablet of the product is enough for a cubic meter of fecal matter.

It is worth noting that the minimum amount of solid sediment that accumulates over time allows you to delay cleaning the septic tank - remove waste every 2 years. When choosing a biological product for a cesspool and septic tank, you need to pay attention to its type. The drugs have a certain classification. Starting varieties - used when putting a new or long-unused facility into operation. Enhanced action preparations are used for severely contaminated sewers where it is necessary to activate the work of bacteria. You can use such products for a short time - up to 3 weeks. Bioactivators for special conditions are used to combat certain types of contaminants - for example, soap residue or fatty deposits.

Application benefits

An innovative product for septic tanks is usually a concentrate containing strains of natural microbacteria. They need organic matter to live.

The advantages of using such bacteria are as follows:

  • Eliminates unpleasant odor from the sewer system;
  • The volume of sewage is reduced;
  • Drains are disinfected;
  • The sediment at the bottom liquefies;
  • With systematic use, the frequency of pumping waste from a septic tank or pit is significantly reduced;
  • The products do not harm the pipeline and septic tank system.

In addition, the products used are absolutely safe for both the human body and nature.

When choosing a special tool for sewage, you need to take into account some points

Before using bacteria, read the instructions on the package

In such a situation, it will be necessary to clean the septic tank chamber less often. It is good to choose special tablets for the toilet in the country. They actively process feces and paper into environmentally friendly liquid and sludge (minerals) that can become the basis for compost. One tablet is suitable for processing 1 m3 of waste.

Forms of biological products for cesspools

Biological products are produced for septic tanks in various commercial forms; the rate of growth and activation of microorganisms and the time during which they spread throughout the container depend on this factor. Each form has its own advantages for certain conditions of use. There are live bacteria on sale for septic tanks and cesspools in the following categories:

  • powdery;
  • liquid;
  • tableted.

What to do with bacteria in powder form

Biological products in powder form most often represent a concentration of adapted anaerobic bacteria. These are saprophytic microorganisms that have very high rates of reproduction, and therefore efficiency. Bacteria that are in a “dormant” state are packaged in bags or other containers. When placed in a nutrient medium, microorganisms begin to actively multiply.

The procedure for using powdered biological products is to dilute them with water and deliver them to a septic tank. The packaging indicates the dosage of the product for a certain volume of liquid. The powder is diluted with warm water at the specified temperature to activate bacteria and the resulting solution is poured into a septic tank - into a cesspool, hatch or toilet, then washed off with water. After a certain time interval specified by the manufacturer (usually 10-14 days), the number of bacteria must be replenished. Powder preparations can be used for any type of septic tank; this form is often used to clean cesspools.

In our store you can purchase a concentrate of microorganisms to improve the performance of septic tanks and cesspools Latrin Bio in powder.

Liquid solution for cesspools

The main advantage of such biological products is the uniform distribution of microorganisms, thanks to their liquid form. Most often, such products contain anaerobic cultures that work in an airless space with large volumes of organic waste, or a complex of various microorganisms. Bioactivators containing a combination of living bacteria are especially convenient.

In our store you can purchase a biologically based septic tank product Latrin Bio

Microorganisms are in concentrated liquid form; before use, the concentrate is diluted with water and added to the septic tank. The product dissolves organic matter, cellulose, eliminates unpleasant odors and destroys pathogenic microbes. Due to the decomposition of solid sediments, the number of wastewater pumpings is significantly reduced. The drug is harmless to health and the environment. Used for cleaning cesspools and multi-section septic tanks.

Toilet tablets

A tablet is a universal form of release of a biological product. The advantage of such means is their ease of transportation and use. They usually have a complex composition that provides comprehensive purification - aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, catalysts, enzymes, nutrients and other components. The tablets do not require pre-treatment and are suitable for almost any septic tank and cesspool.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of biological products does not depend on the initial state. It depends on the composition of the drug and the concentration of microorganisms in it. The more bacteria in the product, the more effectively it will work, and the less often you will have to add the drug to the septic tank. The main thing is to follow the rules for using the products specified in the instructions in order to create conditions for bacteria to live.

Service specifics

In order for the installation to work smoothly, it requires maintenance. You can service the Astra septic tank yourself or use the services of specialists. It is worth remembering that without regular maintenance, any installation of this type will quickly fail.

For professional service, you will have to enter into a contract with specialists; they will control the timing of cleaning and replacement of individual components of the installation. But servicing Unilos cannot be called overly complicated; all you need is to know the correct sequence of the process and frequency.

Maintenance stages

Reviews from users confirm that servicing a Unilos septic tank with your own hands is not such a difficult task. In general, the essence of the process comes down to cleaning and washing tubes, pipes, and compartment walls. You will also need to pump out the sludge from the sump.

Important! Every month you should open the cover and check the condition of the system. There should not be any odors. If they are present, this indicates that the installation is not working correctly, as errors were made during installation.

Every 3 months you need to clean:

  • Mamut pump.
  • Walls of the secondary settling tank.
  • Blower filter.
  • Remove sludge from the sump.
  • Remove all removable elements and rinse thoroughly, after which there will be no problems with installing them in their places.

Regularly every 5 years it is necessary to clean the aeration tank from stabilized sludge and the surge tank. These elements will have to be replaced after 10 years of operation. Other standards for replacing individual parts:

  • The compressor can operate for 5-10 years.
  • The compressor diaphragm must be replaced every 3 years.

Astra septic tank, view on the site

TOP 10 bacteria for septic tanks

1. Bacteria for septic tanks, cesspools, dry toilets Latrin BIO dry (pack of 3 pcs) (Latrin BIO)

Bacteria for septic tank Latrin BIO dry

Latrin BIO improves the functioning of sewer systems and cesspools by converting waste into water and carbon dioxide.
The composition of microorganisms is capable of dissolving proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose, fats, and breaking down solid sediment. Neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms. Details about the composition can be found at the link

  • Dry concentrate, packaged in water-soluble bags.
  • Validity period: 36 months.
  • 1 package for 2.5 m3 – 5 m3.
  • One package is designed for 3 cleanings. During normal operation of the system, monthly application is sufficient.

Buyers about the product:

“Excellent tool. It should be remembered that while bacteria are working, chlorine cleaning agents should not be added to the septic tank.”


  • Natural composition.
  • Convenient use.
  • Safe for people and the environment.


  • No cons.

2.Live bacteria Bioactivator for septic tanks and cesspools Biosept

Biosept quickly decomposes organic waste in septic tanks and dilutes sludge. Used to prevent or remove blockages in the piping system and clean the toilet.

The Biosept formula includes the best, most effective enzymes and microorganisms that reduce the volume of waste in septic tanks, decompose fats, cleaning agents, and solid deposits. In addition, the product eliminates unpleasant odors. Operates in oxygen and oxygen-free environments. Storage temperature not lower than +80C.

  • Release form: dry.
  • Validity period: 12 months.
  • 1 sachet – for a volume of 1 m3-2 m3.
  • 24 sachets per package – for a year of use.

Buyers about the product:

“The product is convenient to use. There is no need to open the package."


  • Quick activation.
  • 98% biodegradable.
  • Harmless to people and animals.


  • Cannot be stored at low temperatures.

ORO bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools, 12 bags of 25g each

ORO bacteria reduce unpleasant odors and clean the surfaces of existing septic tanks. Used for new systems to get them up and running.

  • German septic tank cleaner is a mixture of bacteria that naturally cleans septic systems. Promotes more active biological decomposition of waste.
  • Release form: dry product.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • Per week, 1 bag is used per toilet used by 4 people, 2 bags for 8 people.
  • With minimal consumption, the package lasts for 3 months.

Buyers about the product:

“Natural products inspire confidence among users. The active components of the formula allow you to keep your toilet clean without effort.”


  • Safe for the environment.
  • The powder is biodegradable.
  • Portion sachets.


  • The package must be opened.
  • Frequent use.

Doctor Robik Bioactivator 109 0.075 k

Doctor Robik 109 accelerates the decomposition of organic matter in waste; it is used for cesspools and country toilets.

The bioactivator operates at temperatures of +50C and above. It can be poured from the bag into the system or diluted in water if the cesspool is dehydrated. Breaks down fats, chemicals, waste, eliminates the odor characteristic of decomposing organic waste.

  • Release form: dry powder.
  • Validity period: 36 months.
  • The package is intended for one-time use for 1500 liters.
  • The duration of the result is 30-40 days.

Buyers about the product:

“A lightweight bag with a disposable portion is convenient to transport to the dacha or to another place for treating a septic tank not at home.”


  • Does not contain chemical components.
  • Safe for people.
  • Convenient packaging.


  • Use at temperatures above +50C.

Bacteria for septic tanks, cesspools, dry closets Latrin BIO (Latrin BIO)

Latrin BIO perfectly performs the functions of a septic tank product. Decomposes solid sediment, carbohydrates, proteins, fats.

Bacteria for septic tanks, cesspools, dry toilets Latrin BIO (Latrin BIO) 5 liters

The composition is based on biological components. Waste decomposes naturally under the influence of bacteria, producing water and carbon dioxide. The environmentally friendly product is safe for the environment and humans.

  • Release form: liquid.
  • Validity period: 36 months.
  • Pour 25 ml of the product into the septic tank once a week.
  • 1 liter bottle. designed for 40 times, with regular use - for 10 months.

Buyers about the product:

“Good composition. No pungent smell. Not dangerous to use. One of the best bioactivators."


  • Economical consumption.
  • High efficiency.
  • Does not contain chemicals.
  • Freezing.
  • 6.Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools Doctor Robik 609

    Doctor Robik 609 is an effective means for cleaning cesspools and septic systems. Recycles organic matter and eliminates unpleasant odors.

    Consists of enzymes and microorganisms. The manufacturer recommends use as a preventative measure to prevent system clogging. Dissolves solid sediments, liquefies silt, cleans the soil.

  • Release form: liquid.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • Consumption: 1 canister is designed for 2000 liters.
  • Repeat once a year.

Buyers about the product:

“The duration of the result from treating a septic tank depends on its initial condition.”


  • Easy to use.
  • Use once a year.
  • Safe for people, animals, plants.


  • Single use bottle.

7.Biological product for septic tanks and cesspools EXTRA/BioSide/50g

The EXTRA BioSide biological product helps accelerate the natural biological processes of waste decomposition in septic tanks. Eliminates odors, breaks down solid sediment.

A potent product contains microorganisms in spores. Used for any sewer systems that are actively functioning within 4-5 months after using the biological product. Dry material is dissolved in non-chlorinated warm water (1 l) and poured into a septic tank or cesspool.

  • Release form: dry product.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • The package is designed for one use.
  • Repeat after 5 months.

Buyers about the product:

“An effective solution for non-aggressive treatment of septic tanks without harm to the environment.”


  • Natural composition.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Economical consumption.


  • Requires preparation of the product for use.
  • High price.

8.Bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks Ecobakplus

The Ecobak Plus product activates the functioning of the sewer system, accelerates biological processes and converts organic waste into inorganic products.

Consists of specially selected bacteria placed in a nutrient medium. The volume required for one application is placed in a disposable sachet. To activate microorganisms, you need to dilute its contents in a bucket of water and pour it into a septic tank. If the hole is too dry, add water to it. To clean the toilet, bacteria are poured out of the bag without prior dilution.

  • Release form: dry product.
  • Validity period: 24 months.
  • The package is designed for a volume of 1500 liters.
  • Use once a month.

Buyers about the product:

“It performs the stated functions. A full-fledged domestic analogue of imported products with a similar effect.”


  • Natural composition.
  • It works effectively.
  • Safe.


  • Needs to be diluted with water.

9.Biolatic Septic bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks 80 g

Biolatic Septic bacteria for septic tanks liquefy solid waste before disposal. Eliminates unpleasant odors.

The composition is based on aerobic bacteria, so the concentrated bioactivator remains effective in an oxygen-saturated environment. Must be diluted in water and infuse for 2-3 hours.

  • Release form: dry powder.
  • Validity period: 18 months.
  • 80g of product is consumed for 2m3 of waste.
  • Use once a month on average. The expense is not high.

Buyers about the product:

“Preparing the solution takes time. It is important to remember that you should not pour chlorinated water into the powder.”


  • There are instructions for use in each package.
  • Safe components included.
  • Economical consumption.


  • Cannot be used at low temperature.
  • Does not break down fat.

Bionex "Cottage" bacteria for septic tank

To complete the top ten rating, we offer Bionex “Cottage”, designed for cleaning sewer systems in hard-to-reach places. Recycles detergents, fat, surfactants, reduces odors.

The product combines living microorganisms and adaptation technologies to perform specific tasks. Allows you to achieve maximum concentration of bacteria in clogged areas of the system and clean them. The effect extends to 20 m of water supply.

  • Release form: suspension.
  • Validity period: 12 months.
  • Dilute in warm water in a ratio of 1:9.
  • Use every 3 months.

Buyers about the product:

“Uneconomical packaging. Since the activity of microorganisms in an open bottle decreases after two months, it is better to treat a large septic tank or several toilets at once.”


  • Not harmful to humans and animals.
  • Eco-friendly product.
  • Effective action.


  • Used at ambient temperatures above +12 °C.
  • Once opened, use within 60 days.

Homemade or purchased

Advantages of the finished device:

  • Easy to install - do it yourself or with the help of specialists, install it in a prepared pit.
  • Connection to the sewer system and quick start of the system.
  • No construction required.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

The construction of a homemade septic tank is carried out out of a desire to save money. The cleaning model is built from tires, concrete rings, and bricks. However, such a model is suitable for seasonal living. In addition, putting the structure into operation will require a lot of time. Therefore, the rational option is to purchase a ready-made device.

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