What crushed stone is used for drainage - choice of material fraction
Crushed stone is an important element of the drainage system. It filters dirt, prevents soil shrinkage and destruction
Diameters of steel pipes. Size chart in inches and mm.
One of the most important characteristics of a steel pipe is its diameter (D). Based on this parameter
Construction and calculation of a cesspool in a private house, how to make it yourself
It is impossible to organize the correct operation of the local sewer system of a country cottage without installing a drain tank. One
How to choose good pipes for storm drainage: secrets of choosing diameters + size table with prices
Residents of multi-storey buildings most often do not pay attention to where the water goes after
Drainage well for septic tank - installation instructions
For many owners of suburban real estate, the problem of removing excess moisture from areas is urgent, to solve
Tees for overflows
Do-it-yourself sewerage from concrete rings - all stages step by step
Collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater from a site is one of the most important tasks for
Review of the Topas septic tank - operating principle, types of designs and operating features
If you equip the necessary urban amenities outside the city, you can create comfortable conditions in a country house
How to make a septic tank for a bathhouse: from concrete rings, tires, barrels and Eurocubes
For the most part, owners of suburban areas set up a bathhouse on the territory, it doesn’t matter the house
Design features of a plastic inspection well
The sewer system is a combination of a large number of different elements, external sewerage is part of this
How to deepen a well from concrete rings; methods and recommendations
Sequence of stages So, how to deepen a well in a country house or in a private house on your own
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