What should be the correct design of a water well?
It is well known that the main purpose of wells is the extraction of minerals, which are oil, gas and
The plug is tightly connected to the casing pipe
Well head - what is it, why install it, types and features of installation
A properly equipped drinking water well cannot be considered complete without a special unit - the head.
Design of a two-chamber septic tank that does not require pumping
What you need to know to make septic tanks for your home or cottage
Septic tank: advantages and disadvantages Placement of treatment facilities on the site Types of septic tanks for a private home
Eurobion septic tank: operating principle, installation and maintenance
The Eurobion septic tank was developed in 2005 by engineer-inventor Yu. O. Bobylev. In 2011-2014
How to make a homemade, hand drill for a well with your own hands
Do you want to install a water supply system on your property by drilling a well yourself? Agree that the presence of running water
Timely cleaning is the key to obtaining high quality water
How to clean a well at your dacha from silt, clay, dirt, oil with your own hands
Final disinfection Video Over time, bottom sediments, debris, clay and silt accumulate in the well.
How to get a stuck pump out of a well yourself
How to get a pump out of a well How to get a pump out of a well with your own hands One of
Surface pump for a well: what is it, basic parameters for selection
For many owners of private houses, cottages and summer cottages, the issue of water supply is very acute. Somewhere
Reinforced concrete rings for sewerage: classification, dimensions and installation
Reinforced concrete rings are products made from a composite material - reinforced concrete, which contains
Tank depth
Installing a septic tank “Topas”: do-it-yourself installation + maintenance rules
When arranging an autonomous sewage system for a suburban area, many owners decide on the issue of biochemical wastewater treatment
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