Eurobion septic tank: operating principle, installation and maintenance

The Eurobion septic tank was developed in 2005 by engineer-inventor Yu. O. Bobylev. In 2011-2014, the station was produced under license in St. Petersburg by the company Deka. In 2021, the design was changed and the septic tank was named Eurobion Art. Today Eurobion is produced by Moscow (NEP). The production is located in the Istra district of the Moscow region.

Eurobion is a full-fledged aeration station in which the wastewater is saturated with oxygen and purified by aerobic microorganisms. Compared to similar stations, it has a larger salvo discharge, a lower probability of blockages, and a simple electrical circuit with one compressor. But there are also disadvantages - the lack of averaging of flows and a long time to reach the regime.

Important questions that we will address in the article:

  • Septic tank body.
  • Models offered by the manufacturer.
  • Septic tanks Eurobion and Round, main differences.
  • Design and principle of operation of the Eurobion septic tank. Changes in Eurobion Art from 2021.
  • Complete set and additional equipment.
  • Turnkey installation of Eurobion septic tank.
  • Maintenance of Eurobion wastewater treatment plant.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Eurobion.
  • Frequently asked questions from customers.

Manufacturer information

Eurobion appeared on the Russian market in 2001. The first serial production model was the station, produced under the YuBAS brand. Its operation is based on the principle of rhythmic aeration.

According to information from the official website of the manufacturer, Eurobion is part of the National Environmental Project. NEP is engaged in research work, which allows the use of innovative technologies in septic tanks.

Modern Eurobion models belong to the 4th generation septic tanks, which indicates their ease of operation - maintenance is performed once every six months and does not require the involvement of specialists.


This septic tank is quite easy to maintain; it can easily be done with your own hands without any skills.

To maintain high-quality operation of the treatment plant, you need to do the following:

  • Once a month, check whether the cleaning process is going well, how clear the water is and whether there is a smell;
  • It is also necessary to monitor the drainage for the content of silt deposits;
  • Twice a year it is necessary to pump out the sediment with a drainage pump;
  • Once every few years it is necessary to replace the membrane in the compressor.

But if any problems arise during the operation of the septic tank, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist. If you regularly check the operation of the device and take the necessary measures, the station will serve you for a very long time.

Note: It is not advisable for chemicals used to clean kitchens and bathrooms to get into the drainage device. If any waste, medicines, or paints get into the septic tank, it fails.

On the advice of friends, we built a Eurobion septic tank on a summer cottage. It's been working great for over half a year now. There is no odor that usually accompanies septic tanks. And we fertilize the garden with the sediment that forms in it. Very comfortably.

Construction and design of septic tanks

According to the principle of operation, Eurobion biological treatment stations are classified as aeration units. The wastewater does not accumulate in settling tanks, but is processed naturally, without the use of chemicals that can cause damage to the environment.

The heart of the station is a compressor that pumps air into the chambers, which promotes the active proliferation of aerobic bacteria that process waste.

The use of aeration units allows us to achieve a high degree of purification - up to 98%. Such an indicator is unattainable for septic tanks built by yourself.

The Eurobion design is a cylindrical container made of polypropylene, divided into three chambers. Stiffening ribs strengthen the body, increasing resistance to external pressure.

The model range also includes large rectangular stations, which are designed for a capacity of 6000 l/day.

Expected quality of cleaning

The quality of wastewater treatment directly depends on the state of the microflora. Immediately after connecting the septic system, the water coming out has a cloudy appearance. The installation needs to be operated for several weeks to reach full capacity. During this period, the percentage of purification does not exceed 70%.

To prevent environmental pollution, the active microbiological mass can be colonized immediately after installation. The system does not provide for the use of aeration fields, so the final quality of the effluent can be checked by taking a sample from the tertiary settling tank.

If the number of people living is less than the septic system is designed for, reaching full capacity will take much longer. The process can last from 6 to 12 months.

Cloudy residue in samples taken from the tertiary settling tank indicates problems with the system. Typically, this can be caused by leaching of activated sludge or low concentrations of it. Most often, such consequences occur during salvo discharges.

Sometimes this is a consequence of a clogged one of the system pipes. After the installation reaches full capacity, the water should not contain fine suspended matter.

But even clear drains contain large amounts of phosphates and other surfactants found in detergents. The design of a standard septic system does not provide a mechanism for neutralizing chemical impurities.

This is what water samples from a septic tank should look like. The first sample with a small amount of finely dispersed sludge was taken from the primary settling tank. The second sample was taken from the tertiary settling tank. Water quality must be checked periodically

Treated domestic wastewater does not have an unpleasant odor and can be discharged into a drain or swamp. Discharge into rivers or other bodies of water is prohibited, as this leads to phosphate poisoning of local biological flora and fauna.

The company allows you to separately purchase a dispenser for wastewater disinfection, but it cannot be installed in the device’s container itself. Since the water in the station constantly circulates between the compartments. For this you need a drainage well.

The diagram shows an option for installing a filter well for post-treatment of wastewater processed by the station. The clarified and disinfected liquid drains through the soil filter and is disposed of in the underlying layers (+)

An alternative method of purification is the installation of ultraviolet radiation. The plastic from which the body is made is resistant to UV rays. If the station is installed in an environmental zone, then it needs additional modernization. The equipment can be ordered on the manufacturer's website.

Operating principle of a biological treatment plant

Cleaning of household waste in Eurobion aeration units is divided into stages:

  1. The wastewater enters the receiving department, equipped with an aeration tank. Injected air bubbles mix the liquid, crush solid impurities in it, and also serve to maintain the vital activity of microflora. Here, the heavy fractions are separated from the light fractions and settle in a settling tank, and the liquid part of the wastewater is subjected to primary purification by bacteria.
  2. The clarified wastewater is fed into the second chamber, where aerobic treatment continues. An airlift is installed in this chamber, directing excess liquid along with activated sludge back to the receiver.
  3. In the third chamber, final cleaning occurs with the separation of undissolved waste and the removal of purified water to the outside.

A constant liquid level is maintained in the Eurobion septic tank. In the absence of new waste flows, the liquid circulates between the chambers. Only the excess is discarded.

Rules and frequency of care

Since the primary settling tank has a small volume, it must be pumped out using a pump or every 6 months.

Next, it is mixed with vegetation residues and other substances suitable for producing fertilizers. To reduce the frequency of pumping, you can additionally install an overflow well. Then the wastewater will flow into it, and only then into the installation. This will prevent non-degradable debris from entering the septic tank and possible breakdowns.

If you do not pump out the primary settling tank, a clot consisting of dead microflora appears on the surface of the tank. The pumped out sludge must be disposed of. The best way would be to organize a compost pit where the remaining activated sludge is drained

The use of an overflow well in the sewerage system will also reduce the washout of activated sludge with large volumes of simultaneous water entering the installation.

The compressor membranes need to be replaced every two or three years. If a timer is set, then the membranes may need to be replaced sooner.

Replacing membranes is not difficult. Making minor repairs will cost much less than buying a new compressor. You can perform the procedure yourself. Component parts are available in the market as the compressor model is in demand

In addition, it is necessary to reduce the amount of chlorine-containing household chemicals that destroy activated sludge. Remains of rotten vegetables and other food products should not be allowed to enter the septic tank. This has a negative effect on microorganisms.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to owner reviews, Eurobion autonomous cleaning systems have the following advantages:

  1. A high degree of purification allows you to use recycled water for technical needs, for example, watering a site.
  2. A good indicator of the volume of salvo discharge, compared with other domestic manufacturers. Thanks to the three-stage Aerodrain system, even compact models in emergency situations can take up to 600 liters at a time, despite the fact that their nominal salvo discharge is 200 liters.
  3. The case material is resistant to sudden temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  4. Easy to operate and maintain. All work can be done independently.
  5. Thanks to the use of the aeration cleaning method, there are no unpleasant odors.
  6. Compact sizes. The cylindrical body without dead spots allows you to make the most of your workspace.
  7. There is a possibility of downtime after 8 months of continuous operation. If the duration of the interruption in operation does not exceed 90 days, mothballing of the station is not required;
  8. Possibility of remote control.

The main disadvantage of stations, inherent in all aeration installations, is the dependence on electricity, which is necessary for the operation of the compressor and pump.

Some negative reviews about Eurobion septic tanks are related to the difficulty of removing solid sediment.

The disadvantages of the designs also include the poor location of the ventilation hole in some models. It is located on the cover above the compressor, which can lead to moisture penetration with subsequent failure of the electronic components of the station.

Users note the station's sensitivity to the type of waste. The manufacturer recommends using neutral or biodegradable detergents so as not to destroy bacteria in the septic tank.


In reviews, users note that the device operates quite reliably. Disadvantages include the difficulty of carrying out repair work.

Review source –

Source of review –

On the Internet you can even find an expert assessment of the owners of a wastewater treatment plant, which describes in detail control over the quality of wastewater treatment and the operation of the installation at various load levels.

Installation and maintenance of Eurobion

Installation of an autonomous sewer system should be carried out by specialists who have been trained by the manufacturer and are familiar with the rules for installing the station. Due to the high popularity of the company, in almost every major city there are official representatives who can offer an adequate price for a Eurobion septic tank with turnkey installation.

According to the maintenance regulations, for the efficient operation of the Eurobion septic tank it is necessary:

  • If there is an alarm indication, monitor it daily
  • Check purified water for transparency and presence of odor monthly
  • Visually monitor the operation of the station with the lid open (see point No. 8 in the data sheet for the Eurobion septic tank), if necessary, clean the secondary settling tank and receiving aeration tank from floating inorganic debris monthly
  • Pump out excess activated sludge once every 6-7 months
    . To do this, you need to turn off the power to the compressor and wait 15-20 minutes, then use the handle to lower the false bottom in the receiving tank, then lower the drainage pump to the bottom of the secondary settling tank and pump out liquid (about 200 l) in the installation no more than 20 cm! into a compost pit or plot;

Note! Be very careful when pulling the pump back out so as not to touch the sump pipe.

  • Change the membranes in the compressor once every 2-3 years
  • Perform a full service once every 5 years
    : you need to check whether the intermediate bottom opens for the entire stroke using the standard mechanism. If so, then pumping the primary settling tank is not necessary. If there is an accumulation of sand, it is better to call a sewer truck;
  • Replace the aeration element. Done once every 10 years.

Expert opinion

Dmitry Chernov

Design engineer. Experience in designing wastewater treatment plants - 18 years.

Order installation of a septic tank

Note! Waste sludge is an excellent organic fertilizer for garden and indoor plants, which is a source of nitrogen and phosphate compounds.

The manufacturer Eurobion recommends entrusting servicing of autonomous sewer systems only to service specialists.

Advantages of Eurobion treatment plants

Among the large number of different models of septic tanks, the greatest demand is for easy-to-use and effective samples produced by the Yubas company. Their operating principle is based on patented solutions that allow the incubation of a large range of bacteria and microorganisms involved in wastewater treatment.

The advantages of this septic tank model include:

  1. No smell
  2. Strong and durable body material
  3. Possibility of self-service
  4. Purification level reaching 98%.

How does a septic tank model Eurobion 5 work?

Septic tank installation

Unlike other models of treatment plants, Yubas products do not have a chamber for sludge stabilization.

The processing process in it occurs as follows: wastewater enters an aeration tank or receiving chamber, which is equipped with an aerator. Here, the liquid is saturated with oxygen, as well as mechanical grinding of large fractions.

Liquid enriched with sludge from the secondary settling tank also enters here. This feature of the work made it possible to intensify the microbiological treatment of wastewater directly in the receiving chamber. Gradually, the wastewater is separated into fractions, with the heavy ones ending up in the primary settling tank, and the light ones concentrating in the upper part.

The second chamber is equipped with bottom mixers. It is flow-through, and the circulation of wastewater in it is ensured by an airlift.

Watch the video, how it works:

The third chamber is intended for settling. In it, the sediment is partially decomposed by microorganisms, and the floating sludge settles to the bottom. Structurally, it consists of a pipe to which an air drain is connected. This made it possible to ensure a constant rate of discharge of treated wastewater from the structure.

Reviews – not everything is as good as it seems

Experts who have already had the opportunity to work with the products of the Yubas company note that the manufacturer’s statement that the Eurobion septic tank has an innovative device in the environment of autonomous sewers was somewhat deceptive. In practice, many complaints arise against such treatment facilities.

Watch the video and consumer reviews:

Based on the opinions of customers, we can say that Eurobion septic tanks do not have the best reviews. These models take a long time to get into the routine, but very easily get out of it. However, it can be quite difficult to restore them again.

In addition, sediment removal must also be carried out after a certain period of operation, so there are no differences from other similar models. Another disadvantage is the lack of a sludge stabilizer, which made removing sediment and maintaining the Eurobion septic tank very inconvenient.

We compare the best models, watch the video:

As for cost, there are no advantages here compared to other products. The Eurobion septic tank has the same price as other topaz-shaped treatment systems.

Tips for cleaning a septic tank

In order for the system to work effectively, it is necessary to perform regular maintenance work. These include periodic cleaning of containers from sludge, which is performed once every six months. In addition, you need to regularly inspect the device to check the transparency of the water and the presence of an unpleasant odor, and also monitor the appearance of sediment at the drainage site. The compressor membrane must also be replaced at least once every 3 years. Only if all these requirements are met can you achieve long-term operation of the septic tank.

If you are not ready to carry out maintenance of the Eurobion septic tank, you can turn to specialists. But their services require investing a certain amount of money, which makes many people think.

Related posts:

  1. All the advantages and benefits of an autonomous septic tank
  2. Choose a septic tank or biological treatment station
  3. We select correctly the best products for septic tanks
  4. How to choose the right septic tank for a country house
  5. How and which one to choose a plastic septic tank

Preservation of Eurobion septic tank

Important rule!

During conservation, it is prohibited to pump activated sludge from the station below the minimum operating point (1.4 m from the bottom to the surface of the liquid).

The mothballing of the Eurobion station is carried out in the following order:

  • The supply of wastewater stops;
  • The station and the compressor are de-energized (it is advisable to disconnect it and bring it into the house or a dry room);
  • It is mandatory for a septic tank with forced drainage of wastewater to turn off the drainage pump and bring it into the house;
  • To compensate for the internal stresses of the installation body, when ice forms, place 2-3 2-liter or 5-liter plastic bottles, partially filled with sand and closed with a lid, in the receiving aeration tank and secondary settling tank. They must float standing up, like floats;
  • Insulate the lid of the septic tank with a material that does not absorb moisture and is at least 5 cm thick. Cover everything on top with film and secure it so that it does not blow away with the wind.

After conservation, no waste water should enter the installation (For example, if you come for 1-2 days and use the sewerage system). Eurobion with forced drainage of wastewater will immediately overflow and an accident will occur, and in the case of a gravity-flow septic tank, it will go into anaerobic mode, but this is only if there is no ice in the station.

The depreservation process is carried out in the reverse order as during conservation. Only after this can wastewater be supplied. As a rule, it will take 1-2 weeks for the Eurobion station to reach operating mode.

Options for disposal of treated wastewater

The disposal of treated water depends on the type of soil at the site where the septic tank is installed. The two most common soil types are:

  • with a high degree of filtration – sandy loam, sand;
  • with a low degree of filtration - clay, loam.

Installing a septic tank in soil with good permeability involves draining it into a trench (ravine) or into a resorption well.

If there is a ravine near a suburban area, there will be no problems with installing a drain: it is enough to lay a discharge pipe with an outlet directly onto the slope of the ravine

The manufacturer of septic tanks Eurobion considers the installation of a resorption well not the most reliable option and removes the warranty on the operation of this equipment

Clay soils do not have the necessary filtration coefficient, so a stream, drainage ditch or storage well is required.

When discharging treated water into a drainage ditch, fishery reservoir or storm sewer construction, the pipe counter-slope should be 4-6 cm/m

One of the best options is to drain it into a stream. It involves laying outlet pipes with a counterslope of at least 2-4 cm/m

To use 100% purified wastewater, it is necessary to install a storage tank to collect water for watering beds, lawns or trees

Warranty periods

The manufacturer Eurobion provides a guarantee for:

  • Electrical equipment for a period of 1 year with proper use;
  • The technological equipment of the installation is valid for a period of 3 years, subject to timely maintenance.

The warranty period begins from the date of signing the purchase and sale agreement and does not apply to damage or malfunction of spare parts and components due to improper installation, maintenance or use.

Ask the seller to fill out a warranty card!

Installation work

By purchasing the EUROBION 8 station from us, you can use the station installation services. There are two basic options.

Turnkey installation work

Our installation teams will carry out the full range of work to put your sewer system into operation.

List of works:

1) Development of a pit and digging of trenches2) Insulation of the station and installation in the pit3) Insertion, sealing and installation of inlet/outlet pipeline

4) Laying, connecting electrical cables and installing electrical equipment

5) Filling the station with water, backfilling with sand-cement mixture6) Commissioning work

If agreed in advance, soil will be removed.

Supervision of installation works

Our specialists will connect the supplied communications to the station installed in the pit. They will install electrical equipment, make a hermetically sealed connection and carry out commissioning work.

The lineup

The characteristics of the most popular models for a private home are shown in the table.

Eurobion 4
Eurobion 5
R ART midi (C 900)
Eurobion 8

standard (C 600)

Eurobion 10

standard (C 600)

Eurobion 15

standard (C 600)

Number of persons4581015
Salvo discharge, l2503907009001125
Productivity, m3/day0,80,91,62,03,0
Weight, kg120140230260320
Dimensions L*W*H, m1,0/1,0/2,331,08/1,08/2,641,35/1,35/2,391,75/2,0/2,391,58/1,58/2,39
price, rub.68000,0076000,0095500,00118700,00165600,00

Prices for popular Eurobion models

  • Eurobion
  • Compressor septic tanks

Septic tank Eurobion 4R

82,000 rub.

  • Number of people: 4
  • Salvo discharge: 250 l
  • Pipe depth: 60 cm
  • Dimensions: 950 x 2280 mm
  • Installation price: RUB 21,000


  • Eurobion
  • Compressor septic tanks

Septic tank Eurobion 5R standard

85,000 rub.

  • Number of people: 5
  • Salvo discharge: 390 l
  • Pipe depth: 60 cm
  • Dimensions: 1000 x 2280 mm
  • Installation price: RUB 23,000


  • Eurobion
  • Compressor septic tanks

Septic tank Eurobion 8R Standard

115,000 rub.

  • Number of people: 8
  • Salvo discharge: 630 l
  • Pipe depth: 60 cm
  • Dimensions: 1350 x 2380 mm
  • Installation price: RUB 26,000


  • Eurobion
  • Compressor septic tanks

Septic tank Eurobion 5R standard

85,000 rub.

  • Number of people: 5
  • Salvo discharge: 390 l
  • Pipe depth: 60 cm
  • Dimensions: 1000 x 2280 mm
  • Installation price: RUB 23,000


  • Eurobion
  • Compressor septic tanks

Septic tank Eurobion 10-R Standard

143,000 rub.

  • Number of people: 10
  • Salvo discharge: 800 l
  • Pipe depth: 60 cm
  • Dimensions: 1750 * 2000 * 2380 mm
  • Installation price: RUB 27,000


  • Eurobion
  • Compressor septic tanks

Septic tank Eurobion 15-R

172,000 rub.

  • Number of people: 15
  • Salvo discharge: 1125 l
  • Pipe depth: 60 cm
  • Dimensions: 1930*1930*2390 mm
  • Installation price: RUB 28,000


How to choose

The design is selected depending on the realities on the site and the depth of the pipe supplying wastewater from the house.

Firstly, there are two types of EUROBION stations according to the method of disposing of treated wastewater:

- Gravity - as a rule, it is installed in non-watered soils with fairly good filtering capacity (sandy, sandy loam) and is mounted in combination with a resorption well, as well as if there is a deep ditch (from a meter) or ravine near the intended installation site.

— Forced — installed in poorly filtering soils (clay, loam) and at high groundwater levels. Discharge of treated wastewater is carried out onto the terrain (into a ditch, storm drain, filter trench) using a drainage pump built into the station.

Secondly, EUROBION stations differ in height depending on the depth of the sewer pipe: 2.34 m, 2.60 m, 3.00 m, 3.30 m at a depth of up to 60 cm, up to 90 cm, up to 120 cm, up to 150 cm from the ground surface to the bottom of the pipe, respectively.

Which septic tank to choose from Eurobion

When choosing a suitable model, it is necessary to take into account the number of permanent residents and the average water consumption per day. Also, you should pay attention to the permissible salvo discharge. Although the manufacturer states that it is permissible to exceed it in emergency cases, you should not abuse this opportunity so as not to wash out the microflora.

If you still have questions about choosing a Eurobion septic tank, ask them in the comments below. Also, here you can share your experience of operating stations from this manufacturer.


RUB 97,750

Installment plans and payment by card are possible. Station in stock. Free delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region within the Interbank Credit Center. Delivery to regions of the Russian Federation is provided.

5 year warranty

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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