which septic tank is better for a dacha?
Septic tanks for a summer residence - what is it and how to choose the right model
What are septic tanks and what types they are? Some people mistakenly call a septic tank a complete treatment complex
What is flotation: advantages and disadvantages of this cleaning method
Flotation is a purification method. Effluent undergoing treatment passes through a settling tank, in which large fragments
Properly prepared compost
Compost pit is a place for storing waste and a source of fertilizers
In summer cottages and household plots, the problem of disposing of organic waste - leaves, weeds,
Septic tank without pumping for home and garden: operating principle, popular models, do-it-yourself installation
Septic tanks for toilets, depending on the principle of operation, come in three types of designs: sealed tank,
Step-by-step guide on how to make a septic tank without pumping out of rings, barrels, Eurocubes, brick or concrete with your own hands
The problem of hygiene and comfort always faces a person who decides to move to a permanent place of residence
Turnkey repair and maintenance of septic tanks and sewerage systems
The septic tank is a very important element of the overall design, which is a local sewer system, and is intended
How to make a cesspool yourself without pumping
A drain pit without pumping is a structure consisting of several containers. It involves cleaning
Casing pipe for a water well - which one to choose: steel, plastic, asbestos-cement, pros and cons
The casing pipe is part of a hydraulic structure. It should be characterized by high strength, which will allow it to operate
Pump internals
Pump Rucheek – vibrating electric pump for wells and wells
Vibrating pump units will perform a colossal amount of heavy, often
Review of Unilos Astra septic tanks and principles for choosing models
Comfortable living in a country house or country house is impossible without the organization of individual sewerage. Far
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