Characteristics of septic tanks Microbe and installation instructions

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High-tech septic tank from the manufacturer of the legendary septic tank TANK®!

The most compact model! High performance! Ideal for a summer residence!

SHOCK price, self-removal, easy installation!

Classic 2-chamber septic tank

Description and purpose

Attention! Super discounts on products up to 50% Discounts on installation up to 30% FREE storage! Advance payment for the promotion with storage of only 50%

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HURRY! Prices valid ONLY until October 9


Installation of a septic tank is carried out in several stages. First, holes are dug under it and under the infiltrator. Since they are usually not too deep, you most likely won’t have to use special equipment. At the next stage, a layer of sand at least 10 cm thick is poured into the bottom of the hole under the septic tank.

Next, you need to install a Microbe-450 septic tank and connect it to the sewer system of the house. The top of the tank should be insulated with isolon or any other similar material. The thickness of the insulating layer must be at least 150 mm.

The infiltrator is installed on a forty-centimeter layer of crushed stone and covered with geofabric on top. Then it is covered with sand. The layer of the latter should also be 40 cm. Before backfilling, the infiltrator is connected to the septic tank.

A ventilation pipe is installed on its reverse side. The final stage of installation of the Microbe-450 model should be a procedure such as refining the land above it. You can plant a flower bed or sow a lawn above the septic tank.

Price list for non-volatile septic tank MICROB®

From October 9th price increase!!!

ModelDimensions (LxWxH), mm.Volume, l.Production, l./dayWeight, kg.price, rub. PROMOTION! Only until October 9!

MICROB 450810x810x14304501503516 50012 400

MICROB 600910x910x14306002004219 50014 600

MICROB 7501010x1010x14307502504822 10016 600

MICROB 9001110x1110x14309003005424 00018 000

MICROB 1200 NEW 20211380x1170x184012004508025 00022 000
only 30 pcs.

MICROB 1800 NEW 20211980x1170x1840180080011032 00029 900
only 30 pcs.
Infiltrator®1850x700x430400187 000

Prices are valid for Moscow and the Moscow region.

For details, please contact our specialists by phone: 8 and 8

Installation is carried out all year round.


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Operating principle

The purchased “Microbe-450” is buried in the ground and connected to the home’s internal sewage system via a plastic pipe. Since the equipment of this modification is small in size, an infiltrator is usually used in combination with it. Actually, the cleaning procedure in the Microbe septic tank itself consists of several stages:

  • When the wastewater flows from the toilet or kitchen into the septic tank, it is pre-clarified. This process occurs in the first settling chamber of the tank. Heavy solid particles settle to its bottom, while liquid enters the second chamber;
  • Microbes of this type of septic tank, which do not require oxygen, continue to clean the wastewater in the second chamber;
  • After the bacterial purification process is completed, fairly clean water enters the tertiary separator with a hydrocyclone action.

At the final stage, the wastewater is discharged into an infiltrator, where its final purification occurs. The operating efficiency of the Microbe-450 model is about 85-90%. For a small septic tank, this is actually a very good indicator.

Additional components for the MICROB® septic tank

For details, please contact our specialists by phone: 8 and 8


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Features of operation

The purification of wastewater inside the Microbe-450 model occurs largely as a result of the active “work” of anaerobic bacteria. Septic tank microbes of this variety live without oxygen. Therefore, this equipment does not require any maintenance.

There is no need to connect any pumps or compressors to it. The only thing that cottage owners will have to do is clean the tank before storing it for the winter. This unpleasant procedure can be entrusted to specialist sanitation specialists. It is allowed to use a simple fecal pump for pumping out septic tanks of this brand.

In the summer, during active use of this equipment, it is worth carrying out a preventive inspection a couple of times. To perform this operation, the owners of the site simply need to remove the lid from the neck of the tank and, looking inside, make sure that the wastewater treatment process is proceeding correctly.

Description of the MICROB® septic tank

Septic tank MICROB is a completely new series of miniseptic tanks for comfortable living in small spaces, for example, country houses and guest houses, for baths, as well as temporary residence during construction, and as a storm sewer.

The body of the MICROB septic tank and the infiltrator (which serves as a receiver of wastewater from the septic tank and distributes it to the filtration field) is quite durable, made of low-density polyethylene, temperature range up to -30C.

MICROB is produced in a model range consisting of 4 septic tanks of various sizes. Moreover, even the smallest MICROB model is capable of ensuring the normal operation of an autonomous sewage system for a country house or other structure with constant operation of the mini-septic tank by one person and rare increases in the waste load (for example, in the case of guests arriving for the weekend).

Moreover, calculating the performance of a septic tank is quite simple. 1 person permanently residing in a dacha per day (or 15 large galvanized buckets). This volume is enough to fully use the toilet, sink and dishwasher. Accordingly, provided that guests arrive on weekends, the norm per person in dacha conditions can be reduced to 30 liters. knock (3 buckets of water), and you can safely calculate the number of guests.

An important factor that plays in favor of purchasing a MICROB septic tank is its micro-price (from 12,000 rubles), which is comparable to the purchase of an imported dry closet.

Popular models from other manufacturers

Finally, I will give a description of the cost and characteristics of other septic tanks of this class, which will certainly help you with choosing a wastewater treatment system:

ParameterSprout miniDKS miniLeopard mini
volume, m310005001000
Productivity, l300120330
Efficiency, %8080-90Up to 80
Energy dependenceNoYesNo
Cost in rubles268002130030000

DKS mini - a more efficient, but energy-dependent wastewater treatment system

Advantages of the MICROB® septic tank

Ease of transportation

Light weight and small dimensions allow the MICROB to be transported even in passenger cars.

Basic maintenance

The MICROB septic tank needs to be cleaned once a year, before storing it for the winter.

Affordable price

The low cost of a septic tank of this series allows it to be used for various small buildings, such as country houses, bathhouses, temporary buildings, etc.


Despite its small size, MICROB can provide high performance for permanent residence of 1 person, and when a large number of guests arrive for the weekend.

Easy installation

Installation of a mini-septic tank is carried out independently, according to the attached instructions, as it does not require special skills and knowledge.

Energy independence

The MICROB septic tank operates autonomously (anaerobic operating principle, when bacteria do not need a constant supply of oxygen or pumping water from one chamber to another), i.e. does not depend on the power supply.

Important: persons installing a septic tank must know the rules for laying external sewer pipelines in accordance with the set of rules SP 32.13330.2012!

A few words about the company

The septic tank we are considering is represented by a well-known Russian one. On the market, it became famous primarily for its Tank septic tank, which became popular among owners of private houses.

“Tank” is a powerful and volumetric wastewater treatment system

Over time, Triton mini septic tanks also began to be in demand. True, you will no longer find them on sale, since they were later renamed into the “Microbe” line, which will be discussed further.

As for the Triton company itself, it has been on the market since 1993. During this time, the manufacturer managed to establish itself well and become one of the leaders in the production of all kinds of plastic equipment.

Construction of a septic tank “Microbe 750”

MICROB® septic tank installation diagrams

Standard installation diagram for absorbent soilsSubject to absorbent soils and low groundwater levelsSubject to low groundwater levels

Subject to sandy soil and low groundwater levelsAt high groundwater levels

Installation diagram with filter field for low groundwater levelInstallation diagram for absorbent soilsInstallation diagram with a filtration well


Regular maintenance of the treatment device for country sewerage consists of cleaning filters and replenishing colonies of microorganisms. Timely maintenance will allow the unit to operate efficiently and extend its service life. When operating and servicing the device, follow the recommendations of specialists:

  1. To increase the lifespan of bacteria, it is necessary to use special biological products. These compositions help eliminate excessive gas formation in the chambers.
  2. It is recommended to install a special additional filter on the inlet pipe. This device will help protect the septic tank from aggressive household chemicals, which can cause destruction of the plastic casing.
  3. It is better to clean the container manually, since a sewer truck is not able to pump out sludge from such a small structure.
  4. No vehicles should be driven in the area where the treatment plant is installed, as the housing may not be able to withstand the load.
  5. In areas with high groundwater levels, it is necessary to use a special casing for the housing. It can be made of concrete, brick or steel mesh. This will prevent the unit from floating to the surface.
  6. Compaction of the soil at the site where the septic tank is installed must be done only manually without the use of special construction equipment.

Video instructions for installing Microbe septic tanks:


After installing a septic tank, it is prohibited:

  • Go deep into the ground to a depth of more than 1 m from the top edge of the product to the ground level;
  • Use of construction equipment when backfilling a container;
  • Compacting soil using construction equipment;
  • Causing any mechanical damage;
  • Passage of vehicles over an operating septic tank. If traffic is expected, it is necessary to pour a reinforced concrete platform 25 cm thick on top of the septic tank;
  • Planting trees closer than 3 meters from the location of the septic tank or storage tank;
  • Installation of a filter platform at a distance of less than 15 meters from wells and boreholes.

How do they work?

Nowadays, different methods are used to clean wastewater. In Microbe brand treatment facilities, cleaning proceeds as follows:

  • Once in the settling tank, the wastewater remains there in a state of rest for some time. During this time, settling occurs under the influence of gravity. Particles with impressive weight sink to the bottom, and those that are lighter than water float to the top;
  • when settling in the middle of the “water column”, water is concentrated, freed from impurities, and it is sent to the next stage of purification;
  • the sediment at the bottom undergoes a natural fermentation process, the process is initiated by bacteria that are part of the wastewater. As a result of this, organic matter decomposes with the formation of simple substances. In addition, during the fermentation process, gases (including methane) are formed.

Thus, septic tanks of this brand work like regular sedimentation tanks. Their efficiency does not exceed 70%, so the water must be sent for additional treatment. Organization of post-treatment is possible using the following methods:

  • installation of filter wells;
  • arrangement of filtration sites or installation of infiltrators;
  • installation of additional biological filters.

Advice! The choice of post-treatment method depends on the location of construction. So, if at a construction site the groundwater is located deeper than 3 meters, then a suitable solution is to install a filter well.

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