Types and characteristics of sewer tanks for a private home: design, application, installation instructions

What are the advantages of storage capacity?

  • The most economical solution for external sewerage in construction.
  • Energy independence: wastewater moves by gravity.
  • A very simple design, which determines the durability of such a structure.
  • The storage tank can be used for both permanent and temporary or seasonal residence.
  • Using a storage tank, you can dispose of almost any waste from the inhabitants of the house, including the remains of vegetables, fruits, spoiled food, pet hair, etc.
  • Wastewater in a sealed container does not come into contact with the ground in any way, and therefore is guaranteed not to harm the environment.

Features of the storage container

The water tank is designed to maintain the required pressure level (the same as an expansion tank). The optimal solution for these purposes is a storage tank with a closed type membrane. Such models are produced with a membrane base located inside. A mesh membrane divides the internal area into two halves. One section is occupied by air, the second by liquid.

Water storage tanks are used in individual systems. Their use is relevant in case of systematic interruptions in the supply of water to the home. The storage tank replenishes it from accumulated reserves. Water storage tanks are produced by manufacturers in a wide range of sizes and volumetric characteristics. Drainage and water supply adapters, filter elements, and ventilation outlets are located on the surface of the housing. There are also models equipped with pumping stations. They already belong to the category of expensive products.

The storage tank simultaneously performs a number of functions:

  • stabilizes the pressure level when the supercharger is inactive;
  • protects against water hammer occurring due to the penetration of air masses into the water supply system or power surges;
  • maintains the set volume of liquid;
  • ensures wear resistance of pumps.

What are the disadvantages of storage tanks?

  • Only the initial costs of installing the tank will be small. You must be prepared for the constant costs of disposing of sewage using a sewage disposal machine. The cost of calling such a car in the Moscow region ranges from 1500-2000 rubles. depending on the area.
  • Storage tanks made of plastic must be anchored to a reinforced concrete slab in an area with a high groundwater level (GWL).

Using the Water Tank

To use the reserve supply of H2O at any time, the storage tank must be connected to the water supply. The connection must be carried out taking into account the supply of an aqueous solution in automatic mode (if there is not enough external pressure) or the activation moment must be set using a conventional valve. There are many ways to install water storage devices. To decide on a specific option, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • source type;
  • probable location;
  • living space layout, etc.

In addition, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the design of different storage tanks for water supply and consider their connection diagrams. Once all the important nuances have been taken into account and the available information has been studied, you can choose the most suitable configuration.

How often will the contents of the container need to be pumped out?

This depends on its volume, living conditions in the house and, accordingly, water consumption. SP 30.13330.2012 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” specifies the standard for water consumption - about 200 liters per day per person. It is easy to calculate that a family of three permanently living in the house will drain about 4.2 m³ of wastewater per week into the sewer. Moreover, the volume of the tank of sewage disposal machines is, as a rule, 4-5 m³. Thus, if a family of three people permanently lives in a house and actively consumes water, it is advisable to provide a storage tank with a volume of at least 8 m³ (as an option, combine several tanks into one network). But even in this case, sewage will have to be pumped out quite often, and this will be expensive. If the container overfills, it will be impossible to use the sewer.

In addition, such a “volumetric” factory-made container costs the same or even more than an aeration unit of a smaller volume, but designed for the same number of people living in the house.

It is important to consider the location of the storage tank. It is necessary to provide the ability to extend the intake hose from the sewage disposal machine to the tank. The standard length of such a hose is 10-15 m, but with the help of couplings it can be extended to 40 m or more. However, the cost of pumping with an extended hose will be higher.

Types of autonomous sewerage

There are three types of domestic autonomous sewerage.


In its modern design, it is a storage sealed container into which all types of household waste can be collected. Sometimes it is called a storage septic tank, although this is not correct. By definition, a septic tank is a local underground sewerage system consisting of several chambers in which, when wastewater overflows, partial or complete disinfection of feces occurs. The advantage of this type lies in the simple design of the sewerage system. The only drawback is the need for pumping, the frequency of which depends on the intensity of use.


Installing a large capacity container, more than 10 m³, does not particularly affect the cost of calling a sewage disposal truck. As a reference, the barrels of most cars, with rare exceptions, are less than 10 cubic meters. Therefore, before choosing a container, you need to find out which machines serve the site.

Anaerobic septic tank

In the factory version, visually this is one container, although inside it is usually divided into 2 or 3 chambers. When installing a prefabricated septic tank, each chamber is made in the form of an independent container. The purity of purification by anaerobic bacteria usually lies in the range of 65-75%, so additional purification by aerobic bacteria is needed, which occurs in the soil - in a filter well or field.

Anaerobic septic tank

Aerobic septic tank

The difference between this type and the previous version lies in the last chamber (or chambers) - in it, with artificial air injection, almost complete wastewater treatment by aerobic bacteria occurs. In the first chamber, wastewater is separated into fractions and pre-cleaned with anaerobic bacteria. In some models, biological treatment occurs in the penultimate chamber, and in the last, the treated wastewater is settled - separated into safe or almost clean water. The disadvantage of this type is the need for a constant supply of fresh air and dependence on the electrical network. With prolonged downtime of the sewer system, aerobic bacteria die.

Material for making the storage tank

The most popular are structures made from reinforced concrete (well) rings and finished products from one or another plastic - low-density polyethylene, fiberglass, polypropylene. Note that among plastic containers, polyethylene ones are the most affordable. But they have less rigidity compared to polypropylene or fiberglass. Therefore, experts recommend purchasing polyethylene containers with a streamlined shape and thick walls (at least 10 mm) with stiffening ribs. Such products better resist pushing and deformation under groundwater pressure and frost heaving of clay soils. As already mentioned, if installation work is carried out in an area with a high groundwater level, then the plastic container must be anchored to the reinforced concrete slab with nylon or steel cables. Otherwise, during pumping out sewage, an empty container may be squeezed to the surface due to the action of Archimedes’ law.

The disadvantage of storage tanks is often called the unpleasant odor emanating from them. This is only true if such structures are constructed incorrectly. The problem with storage tanks is not only the smell as such, but also the fact that they produce gases that are explosive and poisonous to humans, which must be removed. In this connection, it is recommended to provide ventilation to the sewerage system. The inflow is carried out through a riser built into the storage tank. Exhaust - through a vent pipe leading through the roof, preferably in the area of ​​the ridge (as an option - leading to the roof along the outer wall of the building). With constant ventilation, there will be no unpleasant odor in the storage tank area.

An equally important function of sewer system ventilation is the creation of air rarefaction when toilets are flushed. This prevents water seals from breaking: if the seals break, unpleasant odors will enter the house. The diameter of the riser and waste pipe must be equal to the diameter of the pipes of the main sewer main, that is, 110 mm, if pipes of this diameter are used in the main. The height of the riser above ground level should be such that its head is above the snow cover in winter. That is, approximately 70 cm for central Russia.

Biological products can be added to storage containers, which accelerate the decomposition of sewage and thereby reduce its volume, and also prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors in the sewer. If you decide that a storage tank is not suitable for your family’s living conditions, then you should choose a septic tank made of concrete rings, a plastic septic tank or an aeration unit, which we will discuss in the following articles.

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Purpose of the water storage tank

The needs of a modern person are not limited to simply the supply of drink to the home. Every consumer of this resource wants H2O to flow from the tap under good pressure and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of household appliances. However, in a number of situations this is only possible if there is a water storage tank.

Installation is usually done:

  • If there are no alternative water sources on the homestead territory or nearby. In this situation, a tank that is systematically filled from a tanker truck will be a real salvation.
  • When liquid is supplied to residential premises through a centralized water supply system irregularly or in accordance with an established schedule.
  • If you have your own well or well with low productivity. In this case, limited resources simply cannot meet all the needs of residents.
  • During frequent power outages, without which pumping units are unable to function.

Types of reserve tanks (water storage tanks) for cold water

In accordance with the technical characteristics and configuration features, water storage tanks are divided into several classes according to:

  • Form. They are produced in round, rectangular, cylindrical, and in the form of non-standard models.
  • Design differences: closed or open.
  • The material from which the tanks are made. The most common are metal, polypropylene, stainless steel, and plastic.
  • Volume. Water storage tanks have a capacity from 7 to 500 liters.
  • Purpose: for hot water supply, hot water supply, heating systems and irrigation.
  • Installation method. Possible vertical or horizontal placement, underground or wall mounting.


When the storage tank for the sewage system is installed at the dacha, the sewer and water supply systems are installed.

Basic installation rules:

  • the pit for installing the tank should be larger - in the area where the pipes are supplied by 50 cm, in other areas - by 10 cm. This will simplify installation and further compaction of the soil;
  • the tank is installed at the lowest point so that drainage is carried out by gravity;
  • if the area is flat, then the pipes are laid in a straight line, with a slope of 1-2 mm for each meter of pipe.

It is advisable to lay the sewer system from PVC pipes with a diameter of 10 cm or more in one piece, without unnecessary connections. You also need to find out the depth of soil freezing; if the depth of the pipeline is higher than the freezing of the soil, then you need to think about additional thermal insulation.

It is better to entrust the installation of the pipeline to specialists who know how to properly lay communications.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to make a cesspool with your own hands:

Installing a plastic cesspool allows you to solve the problem of drainage in the shortest possible time. Thanks to the construction of a simple-to-execute structure, you will ensure comfortable living in a suburban area, enjoying the usual benefits of civilization.

Looking for a plastic waste container? Or do you already have experience in using similar structures? Please leave comments on the article, share the nuances of using plastic cesspools, and ask questions.

Device and diagram for connecting a water storage tank to a water supply system

The liquid level in the storage tank is regulated by built-in level gauges, which are divided into float and electronic versions. The supercharger pumps H2O from the source to the backup storage. The aquatic environment fills the water storage tank to the set value, after which the float valve is activated and the water intake process stops.

When activated, the electric motor of the pump begins to fill the collection compartment of the reservoir. The air space compartment at this moment decreases. A decrease in air volume leads to an increase in pressure. As soon as a certain norm is reached, the injection unit is switched off automatically. It will work again when the atmosphere indicator drops to the minimum level.

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SF-mix Runxin up to 0.8 m3/h

Where are water tanks installed?

The choice of location for storage tanks depends on many factors that must be taken into account when planning installation work.

  • You can provide backup water supply to a private home through a storage tank by installing the tank in a utility room under the ceiling.
  • Install a water tank in the attic or loft. If necessary, the structure will have to be insulated.
  • Place it directly on the floor surface or in the basement. Without a pumping station, of course, such a scheme will not work.
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