Product for cesspools and toilets - review of popular brands

To choose a product for cesspools or toilets, you must first familiarize yourself with the list of available products in this category. Such drugs differ from each other in composition, rules of use, duration of action, and effectiveness.

Some medications may contain harmful chemicals that will not help prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria in toilets and cesspools and may pose a health hazard.

We strongly recommend that you read the instructions and consult with the seller before use. You can get preliminary information by reading this article.

Principle of operation

These are tools that help process waste in order to further obtain fertilizer from it. They consist of bacteria that process feces - find out more about bacteria for septic tanks.

The composition contains one or more types of bacteria. The combination of several types has a more powerful effect, speeding up the processing process.

Microorganisms entering the septic tank begin to engage in active activity, during which gases, chemicals and other waste are released. Basically, the waste generated in this way is safe to meet technical needs or be disposed of on your site.

The cleaning process can last from 3-4 days to a month, depending on the type of drug and the quantitative content of bacteria in it.

Smart technology

Modern industry offers technical means of air purification from various odors, for example the following:

  • Ionizer. With the help of an ionizer, small particles of tobacco smoke settle on the floor. Thanks to this, harmful substances from tobacco smoke do not enter the human respiratory system.
  • Hood. The hood is installed in smoking areas. Exhaust fans, which are installed in a window or in a ventilation hole, are often used as exhaust hoods.
  • Air conditioner. The latest expensive models have an air purification function. This device eliminates the problem of tobacco odor very quickly.
  • Humidifier. The device not only creates optimal humidity in the room, but also purifies and aromatizes the air.

To improve the air quality in your apartment, just buy one of the devices and turn it on.

Types of microorganisms used in pits and toilets

Several types of bacteria are used in the manufacturing process:

  • anaerobic - reproduce and act in the absence of oxygen;
  • aerobic – microorganisms require oxygen for activity.

Sometimes drugs combine two types of bacteria at once, which greatly increases their effectiveness and cleaning time. Such products help to recycle even solid (paper) particles.

For septic tanks, the most suitable option would be substances containing cultures of anaerobic bacteria.

Special cases

Let's look at how to get rid of some characteristic odors that are unpleasant for the person himself and his environment.


The best way to get rid of tobacco smell on clothes is to smoke only outside the apartment, otherwise the smoke will gradually permeate all things. The following remedies will help free things from the spirit of tobacco.

Vacuum cleaner

The smell of tobacco accumulates on dust in clothes. Things are knocked out, covered with a damp cloth and vacuumed at high power.

Tip: It is useful to keep clothes near steam - hang things near a hot shower, over a basin of hot water, then dry them. The smell of tobacco also quickly disappears in the cold.


The coffee beans are ground and placed in a fabric bag. The smelly items are loosely placed in plastic bags for several hours, with coffee sachets placed between them. Outerwear is dried near the radiator, on which a bowl of ground coffee is placed.

Citrus peels

The peels, packed in fabric bags, are placed directly with the items in the drum. The same bags are placed in clothing closets so that the smell of freshness permeates the clothes.

New things

If airing does not get rid of the smell of dyes or synthetic fabrics from new things, ammonia will help. Take 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia per liter of cold water and soak the new item for an hour, then wash it in the recommended mode.


Special sprays help get rid of the smell of cats, dogs, birds and other pets on clothes. A home remedy is to soak the item in a vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water).

Rotten aroma

The smell of rotten meat can be easily removed using citrus fruits. Squeeze lemon juice (dissolve citric acid) and add to water when washing, soaking or rinsing. Let us remind you that the product has a whitening effect.


The smell of sweat ingrained into clothes sometimes remains even after washing in an automatic machine. Often the item cannot be washed, and the sweaty smell needs to be gotten rid of.

Oxygen stain removers

Oxygen bleaches dissolve all contaminants in fabrics, so they can also eliminate odors. Use only on items that can be bleached.

Laundry soap

72% laundry soap kills most bacteria and helps get rid of fatty particles. Rub soap onto dirty areas, leave for 5-10 minutes, wash the item and rinse well.

Dish soap or hair shampoo

Sweat contains fatty particles, so dishwashing detergents and shampoo dissolve them well. Contaminated areas are moistened, left for an hour, then washed.

Cold environment

If you don’t have time to tinker with clothes, you can take things out into the extreme cold or place them in the freezer for several hours. The smell of sweat will die along with the bacteria.

Vinegar essence

The essence is diluted to a concentration of 6-9% (table vinegar). Place it in a spray bottle and spray individual areas or the entire item. Allow to dry well and ventilate.


To remove fishy smell, soak clothes in solutions:

  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • light - in bleach;
  • shampoo, dish soap.

After washing, items are rinsed in cold water.

Traces of gasoline or diesel fuel are first removed with a stain remover. Then they fight the smell by soaking the clothes in a solution of ammonia, soda, lemon juice, laundry soap or hydrogen peroxide.

Selection principles

When purchasing a product for septic tanks, take into account the composition, the number of bacteria, and the processing period. To choose the right type, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. A type of bacteria. The drug is selected based on the area that needs cleaning. Not all types of microorganisms cope, for example, with feces containing harmful chemicals. Therefore, each package indicates for which cases it is best to use it.
  2. Level of microorganisms. This quality determines the speed at which feces are processed and how often it will have to be used.
  3. Volume. Calculated based on the volume of the latrine. If there is not enough bacteria, they will die because they will not be able to organize into a colony. If there is an excess, microorganisms will begin to eat each other.
  4. Dry residue. Indicated on the packaging, it is a product of the vital activity of microorganisms. The lower it is, the more effective the product.
  5. Best before date. It is prohibited to use a drug that has expired.

For the first use of the product, it is recommended to use starter preparations. They will help prepare waste for processing by creating primary colonies of bacteria in it.

About the dangers of flies

Flies are annoying and very unpleasant. In addition, they can carry various diseases, including dysentery and even cholera. They fly everywhere, land on excrement, garbage, and various dirty surfaces. The legs of flies are covered with small hairs, onto which dirt, parasite eggs, and bacteria cling. And the fly flies everywhere into the premises, lands on food, people, dishes, leaving everything that has stuck to it.

Appearing in early spring, they lay eggs in moist organic matter: manure, rot, excrement. Then these eggs hatch into larvae called maggots. And flies hatch from the cocoons of maggots.

Flies live for only a month, but during this time each of them manages to lay about 2000 eggs. This is their reproduction rate. All summer these insects buzz around, spreading diseases.

Impact effects

Recycling the contents of a cesspool is aimed at eliminating harmful substances and organisms that are formed from human waste products. This can be either feces or other compounds - acids, paper, starch, soap suds, fats.

Remedies help prevent:

  • development of pathogenic microbes;
  • release of toxic fumes;
  • destruction of dry closets;
  • clogging and deposition of masses on sewer pipes;
  • the appearance of odors;
  • development of allergic reactions in humans.

Most drugs, after treating septic tanks and cesspools, convert all harmful substances into liquid, which can subsequently be disposed of without fear of causing damage to the environment, or used for technical needs.

Bioactivators help to liquefy hardened feces on the walls or bottom of the cesspool and eliminate all pathogenic microorganisms in them.

Under the influence of the active activity of beneficial bacteria, toilets are completely cleansed of toxic fumes that affect human health and well-being. The death of all pathogenic microorganisms that are responsible for the development of unpleasant odors occurs.

How to make a flavor using improvised materials

An air freshener made by yourself at home is no worse than a store-bought one. The use of folk methods and improvised means is a significant saving on the family budget.

  1. Combine water and vodka (ratio 3:1), place 10-20 drops of essential oil (lemon, lavender, sandalwood). Mix the solution.
  2. Mix water and white vinegar (ratio 2:1), add 1 tsp. baking soda and 10 drops of any essential oil. Mix the solution.
  3. To prepare the flavoring you will need gelatin, salt, essential oil (any), food coloring. Place gelatin in a glass container and steam. In another bowl, combine salt, essential oil, food coloring. The components from both containers are kneaded, the pulp is placed in the refrigerator. After freezing, the finished product is cut and added to the drain tank. After rinsing, the room will be filled with a pleasant smell.
  4. Rice will help eliminate the stench of tobacco and cigarettes. If you leave the cereal in the living room, where there is a smell of smoking, you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant aroma. Cigarette smell can be removed from furniture with apple cider vinegar diluted in water (ratio 1:2).
  5. Dried orange peel placed in a fabric bag will help remove the smell in the toilet or apartment.
  6. A jar of coffee beans will combat the smell of urine.

For ease of use, substances in the form of solutions can be poured into bottles with a spray bottle.

If you have tried all means and the smell remains, think about repairs. Replacing the pipes and toilet will help solve the problem. The installation of plumbing products should be trusted to specialists with experience and a license to operate.

Popular preparations for cleaning cesspools and toilets

The popularity of drugs for cesspools depends on the place of their use. Below we will take a detailed look at some of the cleaning products for toilets and cesspools that are leaders in this area, give them characteristics and figure out which ones are best used where.

Doctor Robik (Robik)

For example, this product is used in industrial organizations, and it contains 6 types of bacteria. It is effective and helps to get rid of waste and human waste products, chemicals, paper, fabric. The product is also suitable for country toilets and dry closets.

Waste Treat

Another effective remedy is Waste Treat. Suitable for indoor and outdoor toilets. Used in everyday life, home or country latrine.

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Toilet cesspool cleaner

Contains hybrid biocultures that help combat chemicals from detergents, soaps and chlorinated water. The drug is also used to clean septic tanks containing nitrates.


It is used in everyday life and closed toilets. Available in the form of granules. Helps eliminate unpleasant odors, remove sediment on the bottom and walls in the form of hard, frozen masses. The product is not used in chlorinated water.


Used to clean household toilets and sewer pipes. Not used in industry, as it is not effective in conditions with a high content of acids and fats.


A whole series of different impurities from one company Alfa Smart Ago. Suitable for closed cesspools. Eliminates hardened feces, cleans walls and bottom of silt, eliminates odors. Able to fight soap scum and chlorinated water.

Happy summer resident

Happy summer resident - used for cleaning cesspools and drainage systems. The microorganisms included in the composition process waste into carbon dioxide.

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Cleans biotoilets from paper, waste products, and fats.

Available in powder form. Helps maintain the condition of sewer pipes.


Processes waste in small toilets, septic tanks and latrines. It quickly copes with the processing of simple products of everyday human activity. Removes unpleasant odors. You can buy it in tablet form, granules or liquid form.

Finding out the cause of unpleasant odors

The first and most important reason for an unpleasant odor in a country toilet is the lack of a ventilation system or its improper functioning. Therefore, in order to get rid of stench, the first thing to do is to equip the country toilet with good ventilation.

It can be either a hood or a small built-in window, there is not much difference. In addition, if you arrange high-quality ventilation in the toilet, plus use the tips suggested below, you can get rid of odors once and for all.

In addition to ventilation in the country toilet, we recommend doing additional things to get rid of the unpleasant odor and ensure the comfort of visiting the toilet in the summer.

First of all, this is:

  • Use additional chemical reagents. You can also use the folk remedies presented in this article;
  • Actively use bioactivators and peat mixtures.

Now let's talk about all this in order.


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Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools My unusual method

Preparations for toilets and cesspools are produced in several forms: tablets, liquid and powder. Sometimes you can find a granular form. One type or another is used depending on the place of application. This could be a septic tank or a cesspool.

For example, it is not recommended to use tablets for sealed septic tanks. For this, it is best to use a powder or liquid mixture. Tablet or liquid forms of biological products are best suited for cesspools.

More details about the varieties:

  1. In powder form. Packing: bags of different weights. Its composition is dormant saprophytic anaerobic microorganisms. To use according to the instructions, the powder is diluted with warm water. Then they let it brew for 20 minutes, after which everything is poured into the sewer pipe.
  2. Products in liquid form. They are highly concentrated solutions that, when released into the toilet, convert waste into water and carbon dioxide. To treat cesspools, a relatively small amount of product is required - 1 liter per 2000 liters of sewage.
  3. Pills. The number of tablets used depends on the volume of the cesspool or drainage system. This is usually indicated on the packaging of the product. The tablets do not require preliminary dissolution, but are dropped into the latrine in their original form.

After this time, liquid remains in septic tanks or cesspools, which is disposed of without the use of additional means or specialists (vacuum cleaners). To remove fecal residues, a special pump (fecal or drainage) is used.

Features of application:

  • temperature – should not be lower than 5 0C and higher than 30 0C, therefore the products should not be used in winter;
  • for the active work of microorganisms, it is necessary that new feces enter the drain;
  • maintaining the level of humidity in the latrine - in the absence of sufficient moisture, microorganisms die;
  • the cesspool should not contain chemical compounds at the time of use of the drugs.

Preparations for septic tanks and cesspools do not dissolve metal, plastic or other solid objects. However, they can be used if there are detergents in the drainage system.

Chemicals for cesspools

In addition to biological products for septic tanks, there are chemical cleaning agents. There are several groups in total:

  • chlorine (lime);
  • formaldehyde compounds;
  • nitrates;
  • ammonium-based products.

Formaldehyde or formalin is often used to clean toilets and cesspools because it is cheap. The drug prevents the active growth of bacteria and disinfects the latrine. The product has an increased level of carcinogenicity.

Ammonium salts have a pronounced disinfecting effect.

Ammonium salts

The substance destroys pathogenic organisms and eliminates unpleasant odors. At the same time, ammonium fumes negatively affect health. Therefore, it is used in cases where a country toilet or cesspool is located at a distance of at least 20 m from the living space.

Nitrate compounds, unlike previous products, are not hazardous to health. After applying the substances, the remains of the cesspool are used as fertilizers for the soil.

Nitrate is effective on hardened masses, transforming them into a homogeneous substance. They have a high cost and negatively affect metal structures.

Bleach is considered a cheap disinfectant. The substance is highly carcinogenic and toxic. When using, it is recommended to follow the rules for use and storage of the substance.

Bleaching powder

Popular Russian-made chemicals are Atlantis and Reakor. Prices range from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles.

Nitrate oxidizers can be purchased for 1.5 thousand. Chloride of lime costs between 200-250 rubles.

It is recommended to use chemicals in accordance with the instructions indicated on the packaging, as they have an increased level of toxicity.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the toilet

Reasons for appearance

Most apartment residents use a compact toilet. The cause of the unpleasant odor in this case is often incomplete flushing of the water. As a result, the liquid located in the toilet mixes with water from the tank. In this case, part of the fecal matter remains in the water. This will make the restroom smell bad.

Why is the toilet not flushing completely?

Firstly, some area of ​​the drain may become clogged as a result of deposits on the walls, various objects falling into the pipes, or disposal of products containing large quantities of fat.

Secondly, insufficient drainage may be a consequence of improper operation of the tank. It is possible that when you press the key, the drain mechanism does not allow all the water to drain. In this regard, a complete replacement of water does not occur.

An unpleasant odor coming from the toilet may be due to:

  • depressurization of the junction of the toilet and sewer. This usually happens due to the putty drying out or the cuff aging. In this case, to normalize the drain system, it is enough to replace the cuff and treat the joint with silicone,
  • cracking or displacement of the connecting corrugated pipe. If it is displaced, it is enough to “return” the pipe to its place, but if it cracks, it will have to be replaced,
  • malfunction of the water seal due to various reasons. The situation can be corrected by cleaning the fan pipe with boiling water or replacing the valve. If there is a blockage in the water riser, only housing and communal services employees can eliminate it.

How to fix

How to remove “odor” from the toilet? First you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon.

If the urinary smell occurs as a result of a blockage in any part of the sewer system, it is enough to simply clean the pipes by removing the “plug” from them. It is not difficult to identify a blockage: just watch the flushing process. If the toilet bowl fills heavily with water that comes out slowly or incompletely, it means that salts have deposited on the walls of the pipes.

How to get rid of the smell of urine in this case? The easiest way is to use a plunger. With its help, you can create pressure that will help completely eliminate the blockage.

If there is no visible result after using a plunger, you can use a special cable or pour a special chemical into the pipes.

Household chemicals intended for cleaning pipes can be easily purchased at any specialized point of sale. The product must be used strictly according to the instructions on its packaging.

Problems with the sewer system, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, can be caused by incorrect operation of the drain mechanism. Determining what it is is very simple. You need to remove the lid from the tank, wait until the noise of the water stops and look at the amount of liquid in the tank. If it is incomplete, the float is not adjusted correctly.

How to remove an unpleasant odor from a toilet caused by a malfunctioning tank? Most often you just need to bend the float rod.

If problems with the sewer system are caused by the deposition of salts and dirt in hard-to-reach places, then toilet products will come to the rescue. For example, the well-known “Toilet Duckling” product with its unusual neck can “get into” even those areas of the toilet that are not visible to the eye and clean them.


Have you found out the cause of the unpleasant odor from the toilet in your apartment? Take it away. Although, sometimes it is impossible to do it yourself. Therefore, to avoid many problems, it is better to adhere to simple preventive rules:

  1. Only toilet paper can be thrown into the toilet. Under no circumstances should you throw food waste, newspaper pages, and especially rags there!
  2. It is advisable to attach grates to the drain holes, which will perform a filtering function. With their help, you can prevent foreign objects from entering the sewer.

Do you want your bathroom to get rid of unpleasant odors? You can help her yourself. Purchase a pipe cleaner and use it as needed. And, of course, do not forget about following the rules for preventing sewer clogging.

Choice of drugs

There are several factors to consider when choosing chemical compounds. The first is the need for further use of processed sewage. If the resulting masses are not needed to fertilize gardens or vegetable gardens, then the use of chemicals is allowed. Often they resort to nitrate salts, since they are the least dangerous for the environment.

Another factor that must be taken into account when purchasing chemicals is the material from which the latrine is constructed (made). Metal walls and sewer pipes are often subject to chemical reactions from such substances. The fecal pump suffers no less.

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When detergents enter wastewater, some chemicals are neutralized. Efficiency is reduced to a minimum.

Fighting dirt on the toilet

If the dirt has long been ingrained or they simply forget to wash it out because it is difficult to get to (under the toilet rim, under the seat, in the siphon or in the drain), the following odor absorbers will help us:

Soda and lemon juice

If an unpleasant odor has ingrained itself into the walls and floor, you can get rid of it by mixing these two ingredients in equal quantities:

  • stir until a paste is obtained;
  • spread the paste on the floor near the toilet or wall;
  • leave it like that for a quarter of an hour;
  • pour table vinegar into a spray bottle;
  • spray it on the paste and wait a little until the reaction ends;
  • collect the product with a cloth.

The soda will absorb, the vinegar will break down the aroma particles, and the lemon will add freshness to the toilet room.

Soda and vinegar

You need to mix two cups of water and a teaspoon of soda. Pour in a tablespoon of vinegar. Add about twenty drops of aromatic oil there. Mix all. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. Use it as soon as the need arises.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Below we provide a video that allows you to get to know modern antiseptics better:

Which antiseptic should be chosen depends on a number of factors in each specific case. You should take into account the mode of using the toilet in the country, the features of the sewer system, and personal preferences.

Share with readers your experience of using drugs to maintain country sewerage systems, recommend an effective antiseptic for country toilets. Please leave comments on the article and ask questions that interest you. The feedback block is located below.

How to choose a cleaning method

This work is unpleasant, but it must be done regularly. In this matter, the type of sump and other factors are important, such as:

  1. The presence of a bottom or lack of tightness of the structure.
  2. Existence of access roads for sewage disposal vehicles.
  3. Type of waste.
  4. Overall volume.

Studying these points will help you choose the right actions when cleaning out the drain hole. A small volume can be cleaned on your own, without the involvement of specialized equipment. And to clean the sump with biological means, it is important to take into account the chemical composition of the wastewater in the pit.

Tip: the outdoor toilet does not need to be cleaned. It is simply buried, adding a product that promotes the formation of compost, and a temporary structure is placed in another place.

The most common cleaning methods:

  • chemical method;
  • mechanical cleaning;
  • use of biological products.

When choosing one method or another, they are guided by the cost of the work and its availability.


Such substances are quite common in drainage pits. The most popular drugs:

  • bleaching powder;
  • formaldehyde;
  • ammonium compounds.

It is important to consider that they are very aggressive. Nevertheless, they do a good job of cleaning waste, but can damage metal pipes and other communications.


They use a specially equipped sewage disposal truck. The use of technology allows you to effectively and quickly clean drains. During operation, a characteristic odor may be felt in the air, which makes this method not the most pleasant.

For this method, two points are important: the availability of access roads for the machine and the length of the suction hose, which is three meters. At greater depths, additional cleaning methods should be used.


Biological products are increasingly used to work with sedimentation tanks.
This is a set of different bacteria that process wastewater. The processes that occur in this case are safe for the environment and human life. Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria are used. Their operating principle is slightly different. So, the first of them need oxygen to work, while for others this condition is not so important.

Compact toilet: country option

Many city dwellers, who rarely leave their apartments for their dachas, have a question about how to solve the problem with the toilet. The area is often small, and for some reason it may be difficult or impossible to dig a hole. A dry toilet may be a solution, but it also has many disadvantages - high cost, odor, problems with disposal, etc.

Folk remedies come to the rescue. The solution could be to create a peat toilet: a layer of peat briquettes is laid out in a plastic or metal container. After each use, you should pour a small layer of peat filler into the container, which absorbs odor and isolates the contents from the air.

Another feature of a dry peat toilet is that the compost processing process here occurs quickly. As the container is filled, it should be emptied into a compost pit, and the resulting biomass can be used within a year.

Despite the fact that the topic under discussion is somewhat piquant, every summer resident is forced to solve a similar problem. The most environmentally friendly solution to the problem of getting rid of the stench in a country restroom will be the use of folk remedies. Speaking about which folk method is the most effective, it should be noted that success can be achieved only with the integrated use of means tested by time and practice.

Voting by our readers

Which antiseptic would you choose or recommend?

Doctor Robik 509

40.00 % ( 2 )

Bioforce Septic Comfort

20.00 % ( 1 )

Etamine du lys

0.00 % ( 0 )


0.00 % ( 0 )


20.00 % ( 1 )


0.00 % ( 0 )


0.00 % ( 0 )

Goodhim Biodacha

0.00 % ( 0 )


0.00 % ( 0 )

Insufficient ventilation

Users constantly wash themselves in the shower, bath, or draw water from the tap. There is always high humidity in the bathroom. To eliminate dampness, a natural ventilation system is used, but it does not always work effectively. During operation, the ventilation ducts become clogged with debris, which leads to loss of performance.

You can check the operation of the ventilation system in the toilet by holding a burning match to the hole. If the flame is directed towards the hole, everything is fine; if not, forced air exchange is necessary. When selecting fans, choose models with a check valve. Such devices are installed in specially designed holes and turned on as needed.

The efficiency of the hood can be increased by connecting the device to a light switch. In this case, the fan will be forced to turn on by the user when entering the kitchen

Release form

According to the form of release, chemicals for outdoor toilets are divided into:

  • liquid formulations. They are the most effective and cope with various contaminants. They are a ready-to-use solution. Their principle of operation begins immediately after being poured into the tank. The most popular products are: “Deo – Tural”, “Weist – Treat”, “Dachny – Aqua”;
  • powdered products. Dilute with water according to the instructions and leave for 20 minutes, after which it is poured into the sewer. Experts recommend reducing the concentration of products when using them in metal containers;
  • tableted. Convenient to use. The number of tablets used directly depends on the volume of the sewage tank. They destroy even the most persistent odors and dissolve most of the bottom sediments of a solid structure.

The role of antiseptics in sewage systems

The accumulation of wastewater and feces not only produces an unpleasant odor, but can cause soil contamination with toxic substances or become a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of modern antiseptics can effectively solve the problems of maintaining a cesspool or local sewer network of a country house

To get rid of them, various methods of waste disinfection and recycling are used, which can be used in different types of sewer systems.

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