Septic tanks “Triton”: principle of operation, model range + advantages and disadvantages

Permanent residence in a country house or temporary seasonal stay in a country house requires a certain set of amenities, including the organization of an autonomous sewage system. A mandatory device for collecting wastewater is a storage tank or septic tank.

A wide range of such products is offered by the Triton Plastic company - its arsenal includes Triton septic tanks of various modifications. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is necessary to study the characteristics, features of operation and installation of different treatment facilities, don’t you agree?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a detailed review, advantages and disadvantages of Triton models. The information provided will help you make a decision on purchasing the optimal septic tank and how to arrange a local sewage system on the site.

Brand “Triton”: distinctive features of devices

]septic tanks Tank[/anchor] and Triton, focusing on the characteristics of consumer demand, has created a full line of structures, from small-sized storage tanks to powerful treatment stations designed to serve apartment buildings.

The models have a horizontal and vertical shape, differ in size, weight, number of chambers, cleaning efficiency, productivity, completeness and, taking into account all of the above, cost

In private households, Triton brand treatment devices that operate on the principle of settling tanks are predominantly used.

When choosing the size and performance of a septic tank, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • soil type;
  • location of groundwater;
  • number of residents;
  • permanent or temporary type of residence;
  • daily waste volumes;
  • temperature indicators, etc.

For example, for a family of 2 people who come to the dacha only in the warm season, the smallest device - a Triton Micro with a volume of 180 liters - is sufficient. The unit not only accumulates and sediments waste water, but also purifies it in the infiltrator.

For a family of 3 people who regularly visit the dacha, the Triton Mini , the volume of which is much larger - 750 liters. The local treatment device operates on the same principle as the Micro model - with subsequent post-treatment in the infiltrator.

Despite the name, the building can easily serve a company of 5 people visiting for the weekend.

Triton N is a storage tank that regularly requires sewerage services. Specialists are called as the tank fills.

The need to install a storage tank arises if the groundwater level is high enough and it is not possible to install an infiltrator or there is simply no need to install a more serious device due to seasonal visits to the estate.

The volume of the tank is selected depending on the amount of wastewater. Household models include products with a capacity of 1000...5000 liters, but there are also larger devices that can hold up to 40 thousand liters. The table shows the characteristics of the model range of devices with elliptical ends (+)

For a family living outside the city permanently, the best option is Triton T - a three-chamber structure with additional infiltration. The performance of the septic tank was calculated empirically; as a result, when purchasing, you do not need to provide data on the expected volumes; it is enough to name the number of people living in the house.

If you need to save money, you can purchase Triton ED - a two-chamber septic tank with an infiltrator. The quality of cleaning will be slightly lower, but maintenance will also be easier.

It is important to remember that all types of Triton septic tanks contain VOCs that can purify wastewater by a maximum of 75%. The exception is the Triton N , which does not have a cleaning function.

Regular cleaning is required for all types of septic tanks. The difference is that storage tanks are emptied completely and frequently, while in septic tanks only solid sediment must be removed so that volumetric compactions are not created at the bottom.

You should also remove excess activated sludge, a breeding ground for microorganisms. Sludge is effectively used as fertilizer.


The Microbe treatment facility is a mini septic tank that produces. This is a compact cylindrical container that has a wide and high neck. The container is equipped with a screw cap.

The plastic housing is divided inside into separate compartments, in which wastewater is treated. The Microbe septic tank consists of the following structural units:

  • The unit body is made of high-quality, strong and durable plastic (HDPE). This material is resistant to moisture. However, since this is a fairly light material, during installation it is recommended to place the housing in a special protective casing, which will protect the product from floating when the groundwater level rises.
  • Inside the tank there is a receiving compartment where wastewater flows directly from the sewer. To remove purified waste from this chamber, a special pipe with a special filter is installed.
  • Ventilation of the second chamber. Its use in this septic tank design is simply necessary, since the cleaning processes are carried out due to the activity of anaerobic bacteria, as in Tank septic tanks. These microorganisms do not require oxygen to function, but during their life they produce gas, methane, which must be removed.
  • To maintain a certain pressure inside the housing and remove gases formed inside the chamber, a ventilation outlet is used, which opens into a sewer pipe.
  • Infiltrator. This product is not included as standard with the septic tank. It is necessary for post-treatment of wastewater before discharging it into the ground. After passing through the septic tank and infiltrator, the degree of wastewater treatment reaches 80-100%.

Model range overview

A more detailed analysis of the technical characteristics of septic tanks will allow you to get a complete picture of each Triton model separately. Pay attention to the variety of designs, volume, performance and installation features.

Triton Micro for limited volumes

Don’t be surprised if you don’t find devices with that name in the price lists of some companies selling products under the Triton brand. The fact is that Triton Micro has been renamed Tank Micro - in fact, these are the same product.

It is made of low-density polyethylene and is intended for use in regions with frosts down to -30ºС. Capacity – 150 l/day, maximum load – 180 l/day.

The reservoir has the shape of a barrel with a narrowed upper part - the neck. After installing the device, the cover through which the ventilation pipe is discharged must be above ground level

The purpose of the Triton Micro septic tank can be different:

  • replacement of a cesspool during the construction of a country house;
  • compact permanent septic tank for a summer house or guest house;
  • separate tank for bath waste;
  • part of a storm drain.

A distinctive feature is the small volume of the container. For houses with a large number of residents, this property is a disadvantage; for a small country house with periodic visits, it is an advantage.

Triton Micro is supplied paired with an infiltrator, as well as installation equipment - a neck and a lid, that is, the outer part.

To install a septic tank, you need a small pit with a stable, leveled bottom (the size of the septic tank is 1.5 m x 0.76 m + 0.3 m on each side), if there is an infiltrator, an additional pit (+)

Thus, the kit includes:

  • cleaning device with a volume of 450 l and a weight of 40 kg;
  • infiltrator with a volume of 400 l and a weight of 20 kg;
  • neck;
  • lid.

The cost of Triton Micro in the kit will be cheaper - 11,900 rubles. The option without an infiltrator costs 8,990 rubles, the infiltrator separately costs 3,500 rubles. This is the most economical of all models presented by the manufacturer.

Due to its small volume and weight, the device is easy to transport and install.

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Photo from

Development of a trench for installing infiltrators

Sequential installation of infiltrators

Filling the trench with crushed stone and quarry sand

Exterior view of the sewer system

Triton Mini - analogue of a septic tank Microbe

The traditional name of the septic tank - Triton Mini - can be found in articles, but products with this name no longer exist. Initially it was renamed Tank Mini , and later completely discontinued.

It was replaced by a classic two-chamber septic tank Microbe , which has two varieties that differ in design:

  • Micro - vertical version (volume from 450 l to 900 l);
  • Standard - horizontal version (volume 1200 l and 1800 l).

Like Tank Micro, Microbe is designed to serve small country houses with intermittent occupancy or additional buildings: guest houses, bathhouses.

Material for the production of tanks and infiltrators - low-density polyethylene - prevents premature wear and increases service life up to 50 years

There is a limited model range represented by four devices. However, the manufacturer guarantees that even the smallest tank can provide a comfortable life for one person and bear additional load in the event of the arrival of relatives or guests.

One Microbe 450 can simultaneously serve one toilet and one sink with faucet. The advantages of the compact model are light weight, similar dimensions, easy maintenance (+)

If you follow the rules of use, it is enough to clean the tank once a year, on the eve of storage for the winter.

The advantage of the entire line is its low cost:

  • tanks – from RUB 9,900. up to 23,000 rubles;
  • infiltrator Triton – 4500 rub.;
  • neck – 2,100 rub.

Additionally, you can purchase a cover (RUB 2,100) and a drainage pump (from RUB 3,500). The pump is immersed in a well, which is installed after the infiltrator. The cost of the well is 9,800 rubles.

There are many options for installing a Microbe septic tank: for high and low groundwater levels, with a filter field or absorption well

Installation is carried out independently, according to the attached instructions. After installation, do not use backfilling techniques to avoid damaging the device body.

It is strictly forbidden to build transport routes over the septic tank. The nearest tree planting should be done at a distance of 3 m. According to sanitary standards, filtering devices should be located no closer than 15 m to wells and wells.

Triton N – storage capacity

Unlike two-chamber septic tanks, Triton N does not have a drain outlet, therefore, it is a regular storage tank. However, the demand for structures of this type is great, so the manufacturer has developed a fairly extensive line of models differing in volume - from 1000 liters to 60,000 liters.

The design of the Triton N septic tank is practically no different from analogues of other brands: it is a voluminous barrel-shaped container located horizontally and having a neck with a lid in the upper part

To prevent waste from overfilling the tank, it must be cleaned using vacuum cleaners. To do this, an access area for special equipment is built next to the storage tank.

It is not recommended to carry out cleaning work on your own, since only powerful drainage equipment and timely removal can ensure cleanliness and safety in a suburban area.

Low-density polyethylene, from which the containers are made, ensures tightness for a long time. With increased volumes, there is a risk of deformation of the body, so large models have thicker walls. For example, Triton N 2 has walls 14 mm thick, and Triton N 55 – 60 mm.

Advantages of the drive:

  • perfect tightness for a guaranteed 50 years;
  • light weight , which is convenient for installation and transportation;
  • Easy installation according to instructions and easy maintenance.

One of the advantages is its affordable cost. Model Triton N 1 (1000 l) costs 24,900 rubles, Triton N (2000 l) – 30,000 rubles. A larger device for 10,000 liters will cost 160 thousand rubles.

Installation diagram for the Triton N storage tank. Prerequisites: a flat concrete base, sprinkling on all sides and insulation that prevents freezing in the cold season (+)

For storage containers manufactured by Tank, as well as similar analogues of other brands, it is recommended to use biologically active preparations. They improve the process of processing biological waste, as a result of which visits to sewer trucks become less frequent.

Triton ED – two-chamber septic tank

More effective waste water treatment can be done using a two-chamber septic tank Triton Ed . It is more powerful than Microbe or Triton Mini and usually comes complete with a filter field or well.

Like previous models, this device has a guaranteed 50-year service life, withstands frosts down to -30 ºС and, thanks to the molded polyethylene design, is ideally sealed.

Scheme of a two-chamber vertical type tank: the first compartment is intended for separating waste into fractions, the second is for purifying partially clarified liquid and then sending it to the ground or to a filter device

The first chamber should be periodically cleaned of solid sediment and greasy film, the second – from an increased amount of activated sludge.

It should be remembered that chemicals (for example, chlorine) kill beneficial microorganisms, so it is advisable to reduce the use of aggressive cleaning agents to a minimum or replace them with more gentle analogues.

The model range is presented in three options, one of which has a vertical shape and two – horizontal. The Triton infiltrator is a universal device and is used with all models of the manufacturer (+)

The cost increases along with the dimensions of the structures: ED-1800 costs about 30 thousand rubles, and ED-3500 – 43.5 thousand rubles. Together with the minimum kit, you can purchase wells for the pump (height from 0.6 m to 1.6 m), a neck and a cover.

Installation diagram of a vertical-type Triton ED septic tank: from a two-chamber tank, liquid enters the infiltrator, and from there into the ground. When installing a well with a pump, the treated wastewater can be used for irrigation

If one of the ED models is used in a country house for seasonal residence, before leaving it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures: completely pump out the solid sediment using vacuum trucks, rinse the containers and leave them filled to no more than 50-70% of the usual volume.

Triton T - three-chamber septic tank

Triton T septic tank models are the most productive of the entire line of this brand. Unlike previous options, they have three chambers, therefore, the wastewater treatment process is as efficient as possible.

In the first chamber, wastewater is separated into solid and liquid; in the second and third chambers, the liquid continues to be purified with the help of anaerobic bacteria

If the number of active microorganisms decreases, it is necessary to replenish it with biological preparations for septic tanks: Tamir, Doctor Robik or Sanex. In the reverse process, the excess mass should be removed and used as fertilizer for garden and vegetable crops.

Models designed to serve from 2 to 10 people, that is, most suitable for country houses for permanent residence, can be identified by their elliptical ends. Their cost is from 24,500 rubles. up to 85 thousand rubles. (+)

The remaining tanks (volumes from 6,000 l to 30,000 l) have flat ends and thicker walls. They are used to install sewer systems in hotels, sports clubs, and vacation homes that are located outside the city and do not have a connection to a centralized network.

The largest septic tank Triton T 30, designed to serve 60 people, costs about 622 thousand rubles.

There are several options for installing a three-chamber cleaning device.

Installation diagram of a Triton T septic tank with a filter well into which purified liquid flows. Final purification occurs in the drainage layer of the well and the soil. This is the best option for loose sandy soils with groundwater lying below 4-5 m (+)

Scheme of a multi-stage installation using a well and an infiltrator. The well is equipped with a pump for pumping out purified liquid for subsequent domestic use. Between the conditional bottom of the infiltrator and the groundwater table there must be a soil layer of more than 1 m (+)

Scheme of a standard installation of a septic tank with an infiltrator with post-treatment in a specially equipped gravel bed. The solution for areas with low groundwater levels is more economical than a scheme with a filter well (+)

Before installing a polyethylene tank, it is necessary to prepare the base - place a concrete slab on the bottom of the pit or make a reinforced cement fill. The backfill should be compacted evenly to prevent the container from deforming.

The principle of cleaning household waste with a Triton mini septic tank

Biofilter with floating loading

The cleaning process takes place sequentially in two chambers. In the first, heavy fractions from wastewater are deposited at the bottom of the container, and insoluble ones float to the surface along with gases. In the second chamber, the clarified liquid passes through a filter with a floating bioload, where it is partially purified mechanically, and partially through anaerobic microorganisms. The further purification process up to 98% occurs in infiltrators of various types.

Pros and cons of VOC Triton

An analysis of the characteristics of septic tanks shows that they are much more efficient than cesspools, but are inferior in the quality of wastewater treatment to energy-dependent biological treatment stations.

Residents of country houses who have experience in using Triton septic tanks highlighted the following advantages:

  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • strength and long service life without repair;
  • wide selection of models with the required performance;
  • tightness and reliability of the polymer structure.

However, one of the main advantages is the relatively low cost of the kits and the possibility of purchasing septic tanks in parts - with or without an infiltrator.

To install the device, you need to dig a pit, equip a concrete base, connect communications and backfill correctly - all actions can be done independently, using the instructions from the manufacturer

The disadvantages include an insufficient level of wastewater treatment (this applies to simple models), which entails the need to install additional filter wells and filtration fields, the need for regular cleaning, and the impossibility of installation in conditions of low soil freezing in the northern regions.

Most of the advantages and disadvantages of Triton septic tanks are subjective and relate to specific models, often incorrectly chosen.


Installation of a Triton septic tank can be easily done with your own hands. The difference between installations is only in the size of the trench for a specific model. Before starting work, you will need to draw up a plan and, if necessary (if you live in a private multi-apartment building), obtain an appropriate solution from the utility service.

Photo - installation principle

Instructions on how to install Triton-Mini:

  1. A trench is dug. The dimensions of the pit are 10 centimeters larger than the dimensions of the container itself. This is necessary for further filling and shrinkage. When choosing the depth, take into account the level of freezing of the soil and groundwater;
  2. The pit is not concreted, but its bottom is compacted with a crushed stone cushion. The level of fine crushed stone is up to 20 centimeters;
  3. The system already has ready-made conclusions, to which you just need to connect the sewer pipes. If the existing pipes are not enough for you, then it makes sense to contact the manufacturer with a request to modify the septic tank;
  4. All connections must be sealed with paste;
  5. Afterwards, electrical installation work is carried out to connect the station to the network;
  6. When the entire kit is installed, you need to fill the hole with sand and soil, install decor on the surface or cover the septic tank with a lid and check its operation. Afterwards, adjustment work is carried out. It is not recommended to turn on the drive on the first day, because the sealant hardens on the seams; the station can be put into operation from the second day after installation.

Photo - installation
This scheme is used for all Triton modifications, only the number of outlets and the position of the sump (horizontal or vertical) differ.

Price list for septic tank storage tank Triton-N with flat ends: volume from 30 m3 to 60 m3

ModelWall thickness, mm.Dimensions (ØxD), mm.Volume, l.price, rub. PROMOTION!
Septic tank Triton-N 30402000x960030000520 000
Septic tank Triton-N 40402000x1280040000645 000
Septic tank Triton-N 50602400x1280050000725 000
Septic tank Triton-N 55602400x1220055000835 000
Septic tank Triton-N 60602400x1330060000915 000

For details, please contact our specialists by phone: 8 and 8

Installation is carried out all year round.


The Importance of Infiltration

According to sanitary standards, the wastewater that comes out of the septic tank in question cannot be discharged into the soil. Often those who do not equip an infiltrator, in order to save money, then write angry reviews that Triton emits an odor and has spoiled the soil. If you do not install an additional cleaning system, this is exactly what will happen.

The infiltrator itself is an additional system that helps clean the drains. It consists of:

  • Containers without a bottom, with a pipe running through the dome. It comes out with wastewater that has been treated in a septic tank.
  • The main filter element is a sand-crushed stone bed, and the wastewater is sprayed onto it.

Principle of operation

Any device from Triton is equipped with biological filters with aerobic bacteria. They purify moisture, saturating it with useful substances, which allows the liquid to be used as a fertilizer for the soil. Before water is purified by biofilters, it settles in a storage tank for several days.

When the liquid enters the container, it is immediately cleared of solid particles by gravity. This is called post-purification. In most cases, this stage takes 1 to 2 days. Pre-purified water flows through the infiltrator into the next section, passing through several mechanical filters. The moisture stays here for several hours. Afterwards, it is forcibly pumped into the next compartment with bacteria, and if the level of purification meets the requirements, the installation sends water into the ground. The soil filter stops residual particles that were not eliminated in previous stages.

Advantages of Triton:

  1. Easy to install and maintain;
  2. Availability. The price of the Triton-Micro septic tank is $200 without installation;
  3. Efficiency and high performance. During a day, with intensive work, the simplest system can clean up to 500 liters, more advanced models - up to 1000. These are very high figures, especially if fast work is required;
  4. All models can be used in the harsh conditions of the Russian climate. Production takes into account the deep level of soil freezing, high groundwater and other problems.

Photo - characteristics
But, Triton septic tanks also have certain disadvantages:

  1. The first settling can take up to 3 days, minimum – 2 days in the Mini model;
  2. The minimum distance from the facade should be 6 meters, from the nearest water source - 50. This is a mandatory requirement, but not every yard has the opportunity to install a storage tank at such a distance;
  3. Additional cleaning required once per semester. Sludge, solids and other debris clog filters and reduce efficiency. Therefore, you need to periodically clean the system. Also, the microbiological filter needs additional bacteria.

Video on the topic:

Benefits of use

Using any Triton septic tank model has many advantages, you can verify this by reading consumer reviews. Here are the main advantages of these installations:

  • Affordable price. It is no secret that when arranging a summer cottage, many try to find budget solutions, so buying an expensive septic tank may not fit into the plans of the owners. The low price of Triton septic tanks allows you to solve the problem of organizing local sewerage at minimal cost. And the ability to install low-capacity models on your own will further reduce costs.

  • A wide and varied range of models allows you to choose a septic tank that best suits local conditions. The manufacturer offers models ideal for small summer cottages, as well as for spacious cottages intended for permanent residence.
  • The units are completely self-contained and do not require a power supply to operate;
  • Installation is quite simple, no constant maintenance is required. It is only necessary to periodically remove accumulated sediment
  • The cases of all models are made of polymer materials that are not subject to corrosion. In addition, the design is extremely simple; there are simply no parts that could break. All this ensures the reliability of the installation and its long service life.


What buyers say about the septic tank:

  1. We chose a septic tank for our dacha, it would be inexpensive but effective, since we live there with our whole family all season long. We decided on the Triton T model; we liked that it was inexpensive and had three chambers, meaning that the wastewater would settle efficiently. Installed complete with a filter well. We are very pleased, we carried out pumping at the end of the season, but, in principle, this could not have been done. There was little sediment; it could be pumped out every two years.
  2. I installed the Triton septic tank at the dacha myself. In principle, everything is simple, the biggest difficulty is digging a hole. Now we live in the country like “kings”, with the comforts of home. The septic tank is very good, inexpensive and simple (which means it won’t break), perfect for a dacha!

So, the Triton septic tank is an inexpensive, practical and fairly efficient installation for local sewerage installed in a country house. Thanks to the variety of models, it is always possible to choose the installation that best suits local conditions.

Septic tank for a small volume of wastewater

The units produced differ both in performance and in design. The big advantage of these models is the simplest installation, which you can do yourself, thereby saving on paying for the services of construction crews.

If the volume of water used per day does not exceed 150 liters, then a micro septic tank will be an excellent solution to the problem. This is a compact installation that can be easily delivered to the installation site in a regular passenger car and installed with your own hands.


  • It can be used to equip a summer house with permanent residence of 1-2 people or with periodic residence of 5-6 people.
  • This model is perfect for drainage equipment from a bathhouse.
  • This is an ideal solution for the construction of temporary sewerage, for example, during the construction of a house.
  • A compact installation can be used to service a guest house if it is not possible to run a pipeline to a common wastewater treatment plant.

The model is made of durable polymer material and can be used throughout the year.


The installation work is so simple that even an inexperienced builder can do it.

First you should prepare a pit of appropriate dimensions.

  • A sand cushion is installed at the bottom of the pit. If desired, the bottom can be concreted, but this condition is not mandatory.
  • The septic tank is installed in a pit, and a supply pipeline coming from the house is connected to it. On the reverse side, an outlet pipe leading to the infiltrator is connected.
  • To install the infiltrator, a pit is prepared, at the bottom of which a cushion of crushed stone 40 cm high is made.

  • It is recommended to insulate the septic tank and infiltrator on top by laying a layer of polystyrene foam.
  • The insulation is backfilled with soil.

Expert advice

When purchasing and installing Triton septic tanks, you should strictly follow the advice of experts.

First of all, for stable operation of septic tanks, it is necessary to carry out professional installation and carry out their regular maintenance and cleaning, strictly following the operating rules prescribed by the manufacturer.

Removal of sediment from the septic tank should be carried out at least within the time limits specified in the accompanying documentation issued by the manufacturer. Also, for stable operation of the Triton septic tank, it is advisable to avoid the entry of various chemical impurities into it. This can not only negatively affect the operation of the septic tank, but also damage the plastic of the body.

If the installation of a Triton-Mini septic tank is carried out in a summer cottage where the presence of people is not expected in winter, the liquid should be completely pumped out from the tank and filled ⅓ with water. Instructions for this procedure can be found in the photos and videos provided on the supplier's website.


Once a year, it is necessary to pump out solid particles of accumulated sediment in the receiving chamber of the installation, as they are compressed and make cleaning difficult. The compressor air filter is cleaned twice a year. The membrane is replaced at the same frequency.

The station's mothballing for the winter period takes place in several stages.

  • It is necessary to disconnect the septic tank from the power supply.
  • Afterwards, it is necessary to pump out the wastewater in the reception area using a sewer truck and secondary settling of the chambers. It is prohibited to pump out wastewater from the nutrifier in order to avoid disturbing the biological load.
  • Afterwards, you need to thoroughly rinse the airlift, nozzles, and receiving chamber.
  • Then the station capacity should be filled with clean water to 75%. Loads of sand should float inside.
  • It is necessary to remove the compressor and store it in a warm place.
  • Afterwards it is worth insulating the septic tank lid.

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