Review of the Rostock septic tank: device, model range, advantages and disadvantages

Modern city dwellers increasingly prefer to spend time at their dachas during the hot summer months. But this does not mean that people are trying to give up all their city habits: a warm toilet, cold and hot water should be in the house. Do you agree?

For those who are planning to install an autonomous sewer system, the Rostock septic tank will be of interest, a review of which we offer you. We'll show you in detail how to choose the model that's perfect for your needs. The article we have proposed also discusses the installation rules in detail.

Design and principle of operation

The problem of autonomous heating and water supply was solved by summer residents long before they became interested in the possibility of installing a local sewerage system on their site.

The solution to the latter problem is responsible for the appearance of septic tanks on sale. These devices allow you to clean domestic wastewater and are a key element of local sewage systems. "Rostok" is one of the most popular septic tank models.

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Septic tank for organizing autonomous sewerage

Two working chambers of the treatment plant

Installation of a Rostock septic tank in a pit

Device for ground wastewater treatment

Like most similar devices, the “Rostock” is designed quite simply. Essentially, this is a single tank divided into two chambers. One of the cameras is equipped with special filters. To better understand the structure of this septic tank, let’s understand the principle of its operation.

Initially, all wastewater through sewer pipes ends up in the first chamber. This happens by gravity. The inlet pipe through which wastewater enters the septic tank is equipped with an absorber. It prevents sediment accumulated at the bottom of the chamber from being agitated.

The first chamber is a settling tank. In it, all wastewater is divided into fractions. Heavy fractions settle to the bottom of the chamber: they will subsequently be pumped out. Light fractions rise upward along with liquid waste. Effluents devoid of heavy fractions are considered clarified.

So, the clarified wastewater, moving from bottom to top, enters the next chamber. It, as we already mentioned, is equipped with filters. A mesh filter is used to retain large contaminants. The second filter is sorption. It is made of a special material – zeolite, the thickness of which reaches 20 cm.

The structure of the Rostock septic tank is simple, but very thoughtful: everything is done in it so that the device can be operated successfully for a long time and be easily maintained

When the wastewater passes through both filters, it is cleaned by 70-80%. Now they can be removed from the septic tank for further treatment. This procedure is performed using multi-layer soil backfill or special biofilters.

The following article will introduce you to the general principles of the design and operation of septic tanks. The video located in the final block of our article will help you visually imagine the work of the Rostock country septic tank.

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This is more of a commercial ploy. There is a request from the market, from the consumer - to receive the goods from the official manufacturer's plant. If there is a request, a proposal is born. Unfortunately, some dealers use not entirely honest means to “process” such buyers and sell them products from the EcoProm plant. Particularly competent dealers even claim that they are the only representatives of the plant for a particular product. Whether it is worth trusting such dealers who mislead customers at the very beginning of communication is up to the buyers to decide.

Operation and care of the device

The key element of the Rostock local treatment plant is easy to operate. Solid fractions accumulated in the first chamber must be removed periodically. This is usually done once a year, provided the device is used year-round.

If operation is limited to the summer period, then the first chamber is cleaned every two years. To solve this problem, a sewage disposal machine should be used.

Heavy fractions (2), settling to the bottom of the first chamber of the Rostock septic tank (1), are removed using a sewage disposal machine, the hose of which penetrates into the device through the hatch (3)

The sorption filter located in the second chamber is also reactivated approximately once a year. The zeolite layer is simply washed with a solution of ordinary table salt. Filters need to be changed at least once every 15 years.

To increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment, you can use special biological products. With their help, the anaerobic processes occurring in this device become more intense. Colonies of bacteria contained in additives process organic matter in wastewater, resulting in an increased degree of purification.

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Comparison of advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a septic tank, we, of course, are interested in its advantages, not forgetting to ask about the disadvantages. After all, before buying, you definitely need to weigh both: the decision depends on what outweighs in each individual case. Therefore, we will talk about both the pros and cons of the Rostock treatment plant.

Let us list the obvious advantages of the device.

  • Strength and durability. The body of the product is made using the one-piece method: the chambers are not separated from one another. If you take into account the presence of stiffeners, you can be sure that this structure will be durable and will last a long time.
  • Unpretentiousness to operating conditions. For the Rostok septic tank to work, it does not need to be connected to power. It turns out that it can be used in areas where there is no need to talk about developed infrastructure yet.
  • Quality of work. This device provides a high degree of wastewater purification. When biologically active drugs are added to Rostok, we can safely say that the wastewater will be purified up to 92%. Oils and fat do not enter the second chamber of the container at all.
  • Easy to install. The device does not require special skills during the installation process and in bringing the septic tank to working condition. For this purpose, it is not at all necessary to involve professionals: you can handle it yourself.
  • Reliability and security. The inlet pipe of the device is equipped with a damper, thanks to which even a sudden discharge of a significant volume of water into the sewer will not lead to water hammer.

The installation pleases with its thoroughly thought-out design. The device's pipes (inlet and outlet) are attached to the body using flexible elements, which allows them to remain unharmed even if the tank itself moves during seasonal ground movements.

Still, the Rostok septic tank has much more advantages than disadvantages: it will really serve you for a long time and will fully pay off with your peace of mind and health (+)

This device also has disadvantages:

  • Light weight. The low weight of the device is a significant advantage in the process of its installation, which can also become a disadvantage if we consider the risk of it “floating” from the ground during periods of seasonal rise of groundwater. Although the shape of the Rostock does not facilitate this process, it is better to consider the possibility of installing a concrete base to secure it.
  • Site occupancy . The dimensions of the Rostok dacha septic tank suggest that it will occupy about 4 m2 of site area. This area cannot be planted with anything other than grass and small shrubs. In this area, with the addition of a meter along its perimeter, it is impossible to equip parking for vehicles, since the septic tank can be accidentally pushed through.
  • Waste disposal costs. Unfiltered waste must be pumped out using vacuum trucks. This means that your budget should include this expense item.
  • Device location. “Sprout” cannot be located wherever you please. It is imperative to take into account sanitary standards and the fact that a sewage disposal truck must drive up to it. This means it must be close to the road.

The disadvantages include the design nuances of the device: it does not provide for the possibility of a number of wastes flowing directly into the second chamber.

But drainage from washing machines and dishwashers, which contain various detergents, should flow here. This chemistry can destroy beneficial bacteria that are part of the bioenzyme products used in septic tanks.

As for the price of the device, opinions differ. Therefore, we did not classify this factor as either an advantage or a disadvantage. When you choose a septic tank for your summer cottage, then decide for yourself how much this purchase corresponds to your financial capabilities.


The most modern technologies were used in the design and production of Rostock septic tanks, so the models are efficient and reliable. This is also evidenced by consumer reviews. Here are the main advantages of the models:

  • The one-piece body without seams ensures strength and complete tightness of the installation;
  • The body is made in the form of a cylinder; this shape is optimal because it can withstand maximum loads and is less prone to floating than other forms;
  • The installation is equipped with special overflow devices, which make it possible to separate fats and oils from wastewater;
  • Rostock septic tanks are absolutely safe from an environmental point of view, they fully comply with sanitary standards, of course, provided that the performance is correctly selected and installed correctly;

  • High cleaning efficiency. If an additional biofilter or filtration fields are used, the level of wastewater treatment is 95%;
  • The thoughtfulness of the design protects the septic tank from emergency situations. The models are capable of withstanding volley discharges of wastewater in volumes of up to 200 liters. To prevent flooding, the model is equipped with an emergency overflow. In addition, a special device prevents large particles from entering the filtration chamber;
  • Maintenance is simplified as much as possible. The manufacturer has provided easy access to all technological holes of the models.

Septic tank pumping

Like any other septic tank model, the Rostock installation needs periodic cleaning of accumulated sediment. The operating procedure is as follows:

  • The lid is removed from the septic tank;
  • The hose of the sewage disposal machine is inserted into the hatch of the primary settling chamber;
  • The contents of the chamber are completely pumped out;
  • Then the hose of the cesspool pump is inserted into the hatch of the second (filtration) chamber, after which its contents are pumped out;
  • The septic tank is filled with clean water. First, the filtration chamber is filled, then the receiving chamber.

Standard range

Speaking about “Rostock”, it is impossible not to mention that this name bears not one, but several devices. That is, there is a whole model range, the most popular and sought-after components of which we will now consider.

The Rostock septic tank model range is focused on the needs of families of various compositions: if desired, everyone can find the model that meets their capabilities and needs

Here is a list of Rostock septic tank models that are in high demand among consumers:

  • Mini. The volume of this model is 1000 liters. Within 24 hours, it is capable of purifying approximately 0.3 cubic meters of wastewater. The Mini septic tank is designed for 1-2 users. It weighs 60 kg, dimensions 128x110 cm and depth 170 cm.
  • Dachny. With a device volume of 1500 liters, it purifies 0.45 cubic meters of wastewater per day. The “Dachny” septic tank is designed for 2-3 users. It has a weight of 100 kg, dimensions 170x112 cm and depth - 184 cm.
  • Country. The model has a volume of 2400 liters and is capable of purifying 0.88 cubic meters of wastewater per day. The Zagorodny septic tank is designed for 4-5 users. It has a weight of 150 kg, dimensions 222x130.5 cm and depth - 199.5 cm.
  • Cottage. With a tank volume of 3000 liters, it cleans 1.15 cubic meters of wastewater daily. The Cottage septic tank is designed for 5-6 users. It weighs 190 kg, dimensions 236x144 cm and depth 200 cm.

The inlet and outlet openings in each of the presented models have a diameter of 110 mm. From the top, the inlet hole is located at a distance of 80 cm, and the outlet hole is 85 cm.

For one or two people who permanently live in a country house, the use of this miniature septic tank is the ideal solution

Of course, this list cannot be considered exhaustive. Other models bearing the name “Rostock” are also sold. They can be additionally equipped with biofilters and other systems for post-treatment of sewage water.

A standard Russian family is a mother, father and one child. If such a family will live in the country in the summer, then a Dachny septic tank is best suited to provide them with a comfortable stay.

The prices for these septic tanks depend not only on the amount of treatment equipment they are equipped with, but also on the performance of different models.

As an example of the price range, we can cite recent prices for the simplest septic tank - “Mini”. This model was on sale at a price of 25-26 thousand rubles, while the “Cottage” model in the same time period cost 55 thousand rubles.

The “Cottage” septic tank is designed for year-round use by a large family of 5-6 people: equipped with biofilters, it will preserve the environment in its ideal condition

Features and criteria for choosing a septic tank are given here. We recommend that you read this very useful information.

Installation diagrams for autonomous sewage systems Rostok

AK Rostock Mini

Suitable for a guest house or cottage with a toilet and sink, but without a shower and washing machine. Serves 1-2 people.


  • Septic tank Rostock mini
  • One Rostock biofilter unit

AK Rostok Dachnaya

Suitable for a country house with one toilet and shower room without a washing machine. Serves 2-3 people.


  • Septic tank Rostock country house
  • Two Rostock biofilter units
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Dachnaya plus

Suitable for a private house or cottage with one toilet and shower room without a washing machine. Serves 2-3 people.


  • Septic tank Rostock country house
  • Biofilter Rostock plus
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Country Optima

Suitable for a private home with one toilet, sink, shower and washing machine. Serves 3-4 people.


  • Septic tank Rostock suburban
  • Two Rostock biofilter units
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Country Suite

Suitable for a country house with one bathroom, toilet and washing machine. Serves 4-5 people.


  • Septic tank Rostock suburban
  • Three Rostock biofilter blocks
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Zagorodnaya plus

Suitable for a house with one toilet and a bathroom with a washing machine. Serves 4-5 people.


  • Septic tank Rostock suburban
  • Biofilter Rostock plus
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Cottage Optima

Suitable for a cottage that has a toilet with a sink, a kitchen sink, a bathtub and a washing machine. Serves up to 5 people.


  • Rostock cottage septic tank
  • Three Rostock biofilter blocks
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Cottage Suite

Suitable for a cottage or country house with two toilets, a bathroom and a washing machine. Serves up to 6 people.


  • Rostock cottage septic tank
  • Four Rostock biofilter blocks
  • Accessories

AK Rostock Maxi

Suitable for a country house that is equipped with a toilet, shower and bathroom, hand wash, kitchen sink and washing machine. Serves up to 9 people.


  • Storage capacity U3000
  • Septic tank Rostock suburban
  • Six Rostock biofilter blocks
  • Accessories

A few words about additional filtration of wastewater

Typically, after the Rostok treatment device, biological or soil treatment systems are installed.

When the groundwater level is 1.2 meters or deeper and the soil type is sandy and incohesive, a filtration field is used. This is the name given to a set that includes distribution and irrigation pipelines.

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Group of infiltrators for soil tertiary treatment

Construction of a filter trench

Construction of the filtration field

Filtration sewer well

When the groundwater level is 1.5 meters and deeper, a set of Drainage Tunnels is used. Rostok biofilters can be used on any soil and at any groundwater level. For additional cleaning and drainage of wastewater after the septic tank, you can install an absorption well.

When installing an additional filter, the finished products are placed on a bed of crushed stone 30 cm thick. The gap between the filter and the soil is filled with layers of crushed stone and sand, introduced alternately.

You can build a filtering, or absorption, well yourself. To do this, 2-3 reinforced concrete rings are installed on the same crushed stone cushion. A drain pit made from tires can successfully cope with the function of an absorption well; we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the design of this pit.

Wastewater entering the septic tank through sewer pipes is not 100% purified, which means that their purification must be continued using additional filters or at least a drainage well

It is necessary to waterproof the resulting body, after which it is filled 100 cm in layers, first with sand, then with gravel or crushed stone. The fraction of each lower layer of backfill should be less than that of the overlying one.

If the bottom ring of the well is buried in sandy loam soil that does not have good filtering qualities, then lateral drainage is arranged. To do this, either initially use a concrete ring with perforation, or drill holes for drainage flow in the walls of the ring after installation in the pit. The diameter of the holes being formed is 10 mm, the spacing is 5 – 10 cm.

DIY septic tank

In addition to buying a septic tank manufactured at a factory, you can make it yourself. It can be made from any material, having previously calculated the volume of the chambers.

Septic tank calculation

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the first chamber. It should be sufficient to accumulate wastewater from cottage residents for three days. It is generally accepted that the volume of wastewater from one person per day is 200 liters, respectively, the volume of the first chamber of the septic tank is taken to be 600 liters per person. The volume of the second chamber is 1/3 of the first. The calculation is based on the level of wastewater supply. The compartments are connected to each other by sections of U-shaped sewer pipe.

Purified water is discharged into a drainage field or filtration well. They can be made at the same time as the septic tank or purchased ready-made.

Brick septic tank

Septic tank from eurocubes

Eurocube is a plastic container installed in a metal frame. These containers come in different sizes. The containers are lightweight, so the septic tank can be assembled on the surface of the ground, after which they are lowered into a pit, attached to a concrete base and covered with sand or a sand-cement mixture.

Septic tank from eurocubes

Septic tank made of concrete rings

Another design is made of concrete rings. To do this, three wells are needed: the first chamber, the second chamber and the drainage well.

You can assemble a well in a pre-dug hole using a truck crane or by successively undermining the ground under the rings, while they will gradually sink into the ground. All joints between the rings and the bottom in the septic tank chambers are carefully sealed with cement solution.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

They say that it is better to see once than to read or hear. Therefore, as a clear demonstration of the operating principle of the Rostock septic tank, we invite you to watch this video:

The following video will introduce you to the process of installing a septic tank. You will see the stage-by-stage installation of the Rostok autonomous sewerage system of the Zagorodny model with the arrangement of the filtration field:

It is not true that the romance of country life must necessarily be accompanied by a rejection of city amenities. On the contrary, summer holidays at the dacha should be as comfortable as possible. Let you have cold and hot water, warmth on a cool day and, of course, an autonomous sewage system that allows you to dispose of wastewater without harm to the environment.

Have you also installed a Rostock brand septic tank at your summer cottage? Or did your neighbors use this option, but you know exactly all the technological details? Share them in the block below, please leave comments, ask questions, post photos on the topic.

Autonomous sewage system Rostock or biological treatment station - which is better

It is believed that installing a septic tank on a site is more profitable than purchasing a biological treatment station. In addition, the sump tank is a non-volatile system, while the SBO operates from a compressor, and therefore from the network. Sometimes this is true. If your site has sandy soil and low groundwater, then a septic tank is your option. In this case, there is no need to install a biofilter; a cheaper filter well is suitable for post-treatment. There is no need for a pump either, so the energy independence of the system will remain.

However, an autonomous sewage system with a biofilter does not have such advantages as low cost and independence from electricity. Moreover, taking into account turnkey installation, AK is more expensive than installing a biological treatment station. So what should you choose? Let's compare these two options.

Autonomous sewerage Rostock Biological treatment station
pros 1) Non-degradable items can be disposed of in the septic tank.

2) Does not require preservation.

3) Maintenance once every 1-2 years.

1) Greater performance at the same price.

2) Inexpensive installation.

3) The pit for SBO takes up less space on the site.

4) High wastewater treatment.

5) Self-service is possible without calling a vacuum cleaner (applies to Astra, Topas, BioDeca, Genesis, Eurobion models).

6) The number of users of one biological treatment station can exceed 100 people. There are also less productive stations - for 3, 5, 8 or 10 people.

Minuses 1) Lower wastewater treatment compared to SBO.

2) Expensive installation.

3) To install the AK, you need to dig a large pit. This is not always possible, especially in small areas.

4) For service, a call to a sewer truck is required.

5) Every 10-15 years the aftertreatment system needs to be replaced.

6) The maximum number of users of AK Rostock is 9 people. In this case, you will need to dig a pit 10 m long.

1) There are restrictions on the discharge of chemicals into sewers. Also, bacteria do not like non-degradable objects.

2) Maintenance every 6-12 months.

3) In case of seasonal residence, preservation for the winter period is necessary.

4) Every 5 years the compressor needs to be replaced.

As can be seen from the table, in areas with clayey soil or high groundwater level, it is more profitable to install biological treatment stations. It is cheaper, easier to install, and suitable for small areas. We recommend this option.

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