Top 60 foods that burn fat and regulate metabolism

Clogged sewer pipes are a problematic situation that often occurs in many apartments. Pipes can become clogged both in the kitchen and in the bathrooms. Paper, hair, waste, and garbage constantly get into the pipes of the bathrooms after cleaning the apartment. The drainage system in the kitchen is mostly clogged with greasy waste after washing dishes or pouring leftover oil into the sink after cooking. A sticky film forms on the walls of the pipes, the thickness of which increases over time, the clearance in the pipes decreases and gradually becomes clogged. In addition, small particles of food waste stick to the sticky surface, which, during the process of rotting, create a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria. An unpleasant odor begins to emerge from the drain hole.

To prevent this from happening, the pipes must be cleaned in a timely manner. Special means for cleaning sewer pipes will help with this.


The Israeli product “Bagi Pothan” is a powerful alkaline product designed for cleaning thick-walled plastic sewer pipes. After cleaning with Pothan, it is recommended to immediately rinse plastic pipes with running water. The cleanser contains:

  • sodium hydroxide (lye);
  • surfactants;
  • disinfection additives.

The drug Pothan is available in granules. Effectively dissolves grease, hair, rust, limescale and other small debris. The maximum concentration of active substances does not exceed the permissible limit. The reaction lasts from 3 to 15 minutes.

When using the product, the following rules must be observed:

  • before use, do not turn on the water, wait until the water level is below the drain hole;
  • Pour 100 g of granular product into the drain;
  • let stand for 3 minutes and rinse the drain with 1 liter of hot water.

Pothan should be used with caution; if the product gets on the skin or eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

The disadvantage of the product is that it is not advisable to use it for corrugated plastic pipes, since if the product is deposited in the folds of the corrugation, the pipe may be damaged.


Do you urgently need to clean a burnt baking sheet or a dirty frying pan when you don’t have a suitable product at hand? Need a more natural method for cleaning dirty surfaces?

  1. Take a tube of toothpaste and apply the contents to the greasy stains on the walls.
  2. Brush or use a regular rag and rinse the surface with water.


You can use toothpaste to make porcelain dishes shine. This product exclusively removes tea stains from mugs and cups. In general, almost any stain can be eliminated using a paste. Another advantage of using a dental product is the absorption of unpleasant odors.

Experienced housewives who love to pamper their family with culinary masterpieces in the form of baked goods know very well what pharmaceutical products can be used to clean the oven. Ammonia is an exceptional liquid for tiled, mirror and glass surfaces, it does not leave streaks and gives the structure a chic shine.


The pipe cleaner “Clean Drains” from the Chiston brand (Greece) is also an alkaline product. Available in gel, liquid and granular form.

The active component of the product is caustic alkali, which allows you to quickly and effectively dissolve debris and organic matter in sewer pipes. The product also contains sodium nitrate and aluminum granules. The combination of these components allows the drug to cope perfectly with grease film, rust and dirt in pipes, and eliminates unpleasant odors.

Before using “clean gutters” you need to dry the drain hole. Then carefully pour the product into the drain. Immediately pour a glass of cold water. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse the drain hole with plenty of water. The product is applicable for all types of plastic pipes. Chirton cleans the drain even from old contaminants.

The cleaner is also recommended for preventing blockages. The downside is that when the granules come into contact with water, a reaction occurs, resulting in the release of a very caustic gas. Therefore, you need to ventilate the room. If granules come into contact with the skin or eyes, immediately rinse the area of ​​skin with plenty of water to prevent burns.

Prevention - how to prevent the formation of fat deposits?

It is completely impossible to prevent fatty deposits. But with the help of prevention, you can reduce the frequency of general cleaning. Pollution will become less intense. It will be easier to remove them. What are the preventive measures:

  1. Frequent ventilation of the kitchen and dining room. Turning on the hood while cooking. The hood prevents dirt from sticking to surfaces. You will have to use the grease cleaner in the kitchen less often.
  2. Place film on the shelves of the refrigerator and cabinets. Contamination will settle on the film, but the coating itself will remain clean.
  3. Careful handling of ingredients during cooking. Small particles scattered to the sides are the basis for contamination.
  4. When frying food in a frying pan, it should be covered with a lid or sieve to prevent splashing. Remove unused dishes from the stove so that drops of oil do not settle on them.
  5. Regularly wipe furniture and fittings with a damp sponge or rag. Superficially cleaning the kitchen once a week is enough to delay the time for general cleaning.
  6. Maintain hand hygiene. Do not touch surfaces with fingers contaminated with oil or flour. Soon a dirty stain will form around the handprint.

Keeping the kitchen clean is an unspoken hygiene rule. Insect pests will not settle in such a room, the food will not be contaminated with microorganisms, and the mood of the household will be bright. Traditional methods and household chemicals help keep your home clean. And prevention helps maintain order. The dining room is the most comfortable place in the house. A kitchen cleaned of greasy deposits has a good effect on the psychological and physical state of the residents.


Heavy-duty liquid preparation for cleaning sewer pipes. Suitable for cleaning pipelines made of gray PVC, polypropylene and metal. Fights organic, grease, soap and lime deposits, paper debris, cigarette butts, hair and wool.

The product is an alkaline concentrated liquid of a reddish hue. The composition includes two alkalis - potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide, as well as chlorine and active additives. The listed compounds significantly accelerate the chemical reaction, and the rate of deposit resorption increases.

The cleaning agent is poured into the drain and left for 1 hour; if you use the composition for preventive purposes, the cleaning time can be reduced.

It is not allowed to mix this drug with other cleansers or with bleach or soda. When the product gets into the drain, an exothermic reaction occurs, so you need to make sure that the foam does not get on your hands or eyes.

The disadvantage of the drug is that this product is contraindicated for cleaning metal, in particular aluminum pipes, due to the high chlorine content. Another disadvantage of the Deboucher gel is its low cost-effectiveness: you will have to spend at least half a liter of product on one fill.


Mole is a domestic alkaline product for cleaning sewer pipes. It is widely known and popular for many years.

Mole is available in three types:

  • translucent brown liquid;
  • granulated;
  • gel

Chemical composition of the product:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • 4-basic carboxylic acid;
  • surfactants;
  • distilled water.

The mole softens garbage clogs and even dissolves some. But substances such as:

  • fats of vegetable or animal origin;
  • proteins;
  • collagen fibers such as hair, fish scales, animal fur.

The release form of Mole is varied: from disposable sachets weighing 250 g of granules or gel, liter bottles of liquid or bags of powder weighing 1 kg to 5.5 liters of concentrated substance.

To clean the pipes, you need to take a disposable bag or 250 g from a kilogram package, pour it into the drain hole and fill it with a glass of water. After 2 hours, turn on the water for 5 minutes.

The product is also used to prevent blockages.

The disadvantage of "Mole" is the slow speed of action and the impossibility of frequent use to avoid damage to the pipes.

Why does grease appear in the kitchen?

Contamination from various objects is removed with appropriate means so as not to damage furniture or equipment. Before cleaning the kitchen, it is worth superficially assessing what material the set is made of and how dirty it is. To clean, you can turn to household chemicals and traditional methods.

Do not use aggressive chemicals on weak stains. The item will be cleaned, but its finish will fade. Enameled or wooden surfaces are especially sensitive to grease cleaners in the kitchen. But floors and ceramic tiles on walls usually tolerate the effects of any detergent well. Cleaning facades, when the time has come, requires an effective composition. Contaminants are difficult to remove from them and eat deep.

Traditional methods for removing fat deposits are considered gentle. Be careful with them. Acid solutions or undiluted baking soda can cause damage.

The surface of kitchen furniture becomes covered with a sticky, greasy coating over time. This is due to evaporation from hot food and settling condensation. It comes into contact with dust, turning into a sticky, dirty substance. Such contamination covers parts of the slab.

Kitchen parts near the cooking area are susceptible to oil splashes. These surfaces are more difficult to clean. It is easier to clean the kitchen from grease on the cabinets. The farther the object is from the stove, the less fat there is on it.

When plaque remains untouched for a long time, it thickens, constantly mixing with more dust and acquiring new layers. It is possible to clean the kitchen from this kind of grease, but it is painstaking work.


The solution for removing blockages “Sanox Clean Drain” is produced by the closed joint stock company “Aist”. This is an alkaline product that contains:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • nonionic surfactants;
  • amphoteric surfactant.

Sanox removes blockages, dissolves hair, food products and neutralizes unpleasant odors. In addition, it has a low price. It does not contain chlorine or acids. This allows it to be used for all types of pipes. The bottle with the solution is closed with a special cap to protect children (“pressed and opened”).

But the drug also has disadvantages: for very severe blockages, Sanox is not effective. Since the composition contains caustic alkali, safety precautions must be observed. Do not allow product to come into contact with skin or eyes. If the drug accidentally spills past the drain, it must be washed off with plenty of water. Hands should be wearing rubber gloves.

Mustard powder

This product is great for cleaning forks, spoons and other utensils. To remove grease from the surface of the cabinets, simply sprinkle the product on the surface to be treated.

Old grease remaining on various kitchen surfaces is problem No. 1 for hundreds of housewives. That is why they are constantly looking for effective ways to get rid of unsightly yellowish stains on household appliances, kitchen aprons and furniture. Many women cope with the problem with various folk remedies. Which one is the best? What is the easiest way to wash off old drops of fat? Baking soda, vinegar, soap and other available products are suitable for removing them.

Mister Muscle

Mister Muscle is the most common drain cleaner. It is produced in the form of a gel or foam that dissolves food debris and hair in the pipes. The product eliminates unpleasant odor from the drain hole, as it destroys bacteria in the sewer. Suitable for all types of pipes.

Mister Muscle contains: sodium hydroxide, surfactants and disinfectant additives.

The drug in the form of foam is more often used to clean the walls of drain holes, and in the form of a gel - to dissolve debris.

To clean the drain, a sachet of product is poured or poured into a pre-dried hole and slowly filled with a glass of warm water. After half an hour, the drain is washed with running water. For prevention, the procedure is repeated once a month.

The advantage of the product is its affordable price, cost-effectiveness (1 sachet is enough for 2 uses) and ease of use.

The downside to Mister Muscle is that it is only effective on light stains.


Floop is a well-known universal means for cleaning sewer pipes. The main active ingredients of the product: sodium hydroxide, sodium nitrate.

The product effectively cleans sinks, bathtubs, and sewers from grease, hair, and organic matter. Used for cleaning plastic pipes and does not damage corrugated pipes. Neutralizes unpleasant odors, destroying microbes.

Floop is produced in two types - in green and red packages weighing 60 g each. The product in the green package is poured with cold water, and in the red package - hot. The product is not recommended for cleaning toilets.

The powder is poured directly into the drain and filled with water for 15 minutes. Then rinse with running water. If the water flows poorly, the procedure can be repeated.

When cleaning drains, do not inhale toxic fumes. The room needs to be ventilated.

The advantage of Floop is its high efficiency at a relatively low price.

Disadvantage: toxic fumes, and in some cases, with frequent use, it corrodes plastic siphons.


Nornik pipe cleaner is available in granules. Removes all types of sediment in drains, penetrates hard-to-reach places even in the presence of water. Suitable for all types of sewer pipelines. Dissolves fat, destroys unpleasant odors and bacteria.

20 g of product is poured into the drain, 2 glasses of hot water are poured and left for 10 minutes. Then it is washed with high pressure of water.

Not recommended for use on aluminum.


Of all the above remedies, fatty deposits are best broken down by the following drugs: Pothan, Chirton, Deboucher, Selena, Floop and Nornik.

When choosing the best pipe cleaner, you need to consider its strength. To remove heavy deposits, it is better to purchase Porkhan, Nornik or Floop. But Floop's price is much lower, which allows him to be preferred. The price of Pothan is higher than similar cleansers (from 5 to 8 dollars), but the package is enough for several times, so purchasing it will be profitable. The price of Nornik is low, and it also copes well with fatty deposits. All drugs are easy to use, so the choice of which product to choose is up to the buyer.

Classification of grease solvents and soot removers

There are hundreds of different products on the market for chemical grease solvents, and each of them has its own characteristics. All these substances can be classified according to the following criteria:


There are substances intended for home and industrial use. As a rule, such substances differ in concentration and volume. For catering establishments, there are quite strong fat solvents that can cope even with old stains.


The solution for soot and grease can be bottled in small bottles (from 400 milliliters) and in large canisters (up to 100 liters).

Release form

Grease solvents are commercially available in the form of liquids, gels or powders. Each form of release is in demand and is used based on a specific situation. Suffice it to say that glossy surfaces cannot be treated with powder, as such cleaning will leave scratches and abrasions.

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