Cleaning gel Tiret Turbo for removing complex blockages: instructions for use and precautions

Since a small amount of food particles, grease, dirt, hair and other substances enter the drain pipes along with the water every day, sooner or later the sewer can become clogged.

The blockage prevents the pipe from draining waste into the sewer riser.

Accordingly, plumbing fixtures such as bathtubs, sinks, and shower stalls partially lose their functionality. Fortunately, this situation can be resolved within an hour and with minimal effort.

All this is possible thanks to modern special chemicals, a wonderful example of which is Tiret Turbo gel. This product is exported from Poland and is positioned as an effective means for cleaning clogged pipes on your own.

Tiret is available in three versions: professional (approved for use only for iron pipes), antibacterial (designated primarily for the prevention of blockages) and turbo.

Tiret Turbo, due to the possibility of use in plastic pipes, both for thorough cleaning and for prevention, is the most popular in the entire Tiret line.

  • 2 How to use

Methods for clearing blockages

You can remove the blockage in 2 ways:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical


Clearing clogs is done using a plunger or a plumbing cable. The plunger is effective for simple sewer contamination. If it turns out to be ineffective, use a cable with a diameter of about 8 mm. First, the siphon is disassembled, then a metal cable is inserted into the hole until it hits the dirt plug and carefully scrolls clockwise. Then you need to pour a large amount of boiling water into the pipe to clear the blockage.


Cleaning is carried out using household chemicals, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The products come in the form of powder, granules or liquid. According to the active composition - acidic and alkaline. Their choice is determined by the degree of blockage and the material of the pipes.

Chemical compositions are:

  • liquid;
  • powder;
  • acidic;
  • alkaline.

The choice of one or another product is determined by the characteristics of the material from which the pipes are made, as well as the type of blockage. More often they use universal compounds that can cope with any blockage.

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Types of chemicals for cleaning pipes

Different types of garbage get into the sink, toilet, bathtub and shower stall , which means that the blockages in all these rooms are different. A product that works well on one type of clog will not necessarily help remove another. Although now more and more manufacturers are trying to make universal preparations that are suitable for any type of blockage, this is quite difficult.

Chemical preparations can be divided into types depending on two characteristics: the type of active substance and consistency.

The active substance is an alkali or an acid .

Alkali-based products

Alkali is a powerful reagent that effectively fights grease and soap stains, which are the most common cause of clogs in the kitchen.

Grease and soap gradually accumulate on the walls of the pipes, forming a sticky film . Soon the water begins to drain slowly, and immediately after larger debris gets inside the pipes, a blockage .

Alkali fights plaque . It completely dissolves it, allowing large debris to move further down the drain without obstacles.

Many people believe that lye is very harmful to pipes. Of course, it affects their work, but even its influence is much safer than, for example, mechanical cleaning . The cable may scratch the inner layer of the pipe. This is especially dangerous for metal products, because rust may appear on them.

PVC pipes are resistant to alkalis and acids, so such products can be used to clean them without fear. Therefore, for cleaning plastic sewer pipes, alkali-based chemistry is the most popular option .

Acid based products

Acid works best on clogs made up of organic debris . It dissolves hair, paper, and human waste products. It immediately becomes clear that such products are more common for cleaning baths, showers, and toilets.

alkali is still more effective in this matter .

Acid preparations are often used in conjunction with mechanical cleaning. If the blockage is very severe, in some cases neither one nor the second method can help, but if you combine them, the result will exceed all expectations. First, the pipe is cleaned using chemicals. It will remove the most vulnerable areas of the blockage and make it less resistant to the plumbing cable. Then the blockage can be easily removed using conventional mechanical methods. After such preparation, even a plunger will be effective.

Bulk products

Most alkali-based preparations are made in bulk (granular) form. The fact is that alkali reacts with water, so it is quite difficult to make such a preparation in liquid form.

Most manufacturers produce granular products in small packages, the entire volume of which can be used at a time . This packaging is very convenient, because you don’t need to take up space on the shelf with a product that you will most likely need only in six months, and sometimes more.

In addition, storing such drugs, especially if there are children in the house, always poses a danger.

And one more advantage of the packaging: a person cannot make a mistake with the volume of product used. There is exactly enough in the package for one cleaning. Using more or less than you should simply won’t work.

Bulk products themselves are not the most convenient way to clean a pipe. If water has accumulated in the sink or bathtub, before starting work, it is necessary to remove all excess moisture from the container, including from the drain. Otherwise, the product will begin to act earlier than necessary, and its effect will not even reach the blockage itself.

Liquid products

acid- based , which means they are most often used to remove blockages in the bathroom or toilet. In addition to the main ingredient, the composition often includes various bleaching and antiseptic substances. So, they can not only remove the blockage, but also clean and disinfect the pipe.

Liquid chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes are very convenient to use. To clean, it is not necessary to empty the drain of accumulated water; you can pour the product directly into it.

In addition, most of these drugs act much faster than bulk ones. There are even gels that deal with blockages within 5-10 minutes . At the same time, such chemistry is most dangerous for pipes. The big disadvantage of such products is their relatively high price, which in many cases is completely unjustified by their quality.

Having studied the types of chemicals for cleaning pipes, it remains to understand what type the famous brands belong to.

Comparison of pipe cleaning chemicals from different manufacturers

We often fall victim to advertising and purchase those pipe cleaners that are most often displayed on TV screens. Still, a good advertising campaign and a proven brand do not mean that the product is truly effective. In addition, most likely, you will have to overpay for the brand, but on store shelves there are no less effective products, the price of which is slightly lower.

In our country, the four most popular brands under which different types of similar products are produced are: Mister Muscle, Pothan, Tiret and Mole. Now we will analyze each of them and decide which remedy is most effective .

Advantages of Tiret Turbo

The product is produced in the form of a gel with a dense consistency. Thanks to this, Tiret Turbo drains slowly and works more efficiently. The composition is able to remove complex blockages even in the presence of water in the sink. And not all means can do this.

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Advantages of Tiret Turbo:

  • kills bacteria;
  • fights bad odors;
  • when used correctly, it is not harmful to health;
  • There is a childproof cap available;
  • Helps prevent mold growth.

Tiret Turbo contains substances that are practically safe for humans. And clearing blockages occurs quickly, without the use of physical effort.


Main components of the gel:

  • Chlorine;
  • Surfactant

Active chlorine, interacting with dirt, releases CO2. Small air bubbles appear and come out of the sink. Thanks to this reaction, the destruction of dirt occurs.

Chlorine is also a powerful antiseptic. It disinfects the sewer system, kills germs and fungi. In addition, chlorine evaporates quickly, and after a few hours there will be no odor left.

Surfactants (surfactants) in Tiret Turbo gel actively interact with fatty deposits. They break down fat molecules, so it can be quickly removed from the sewer.

Instructions for use

Before working with Tiret Turbo, you need to protect your hands with rubber gloves to avoid damaging them. Open the cap carefully, do not press on the bottle. Measure out the required dosage of gel and pour into the hole in the sink.

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If there is water there, it's not a big deal. Pour in the product and leave for 5 minutes to let it do its job. If the case is very advanced, then leave the gel for another 20 minutes. At the end, pour at least 1.5-2 liters of hot water (about 80 degrees) into the sink to wash away the blockage. If the water flows slowly, repeat the procedure.


Tiret has been on the market for quite a long time, so many people have used it. Reviews are mostly positive.

Reviews of Tiret Turbo, a remedy for pipe blockages, are only positive. But we must not forget that if you want to get a good result and not harm your health, then be sure to follow the instructions for this gel.

  • Valentina :
    “I buy Tiret all the time and use it for preventive purposes. I pour it into the sinks in the bathroom and kitchen once a month according to the instructions. There have been no blockages for several years, all thanks to Tiret.”
  • Marina :
    “A blockage appeared in the kitchen the day before yesterday; water began to slowly drain. The plunger didn’t help, so I had to buy Tiret on the advice of a neighbor. He was pleasantly pleased with the price. I left the gel in the sink for 15 minutes, but it didn’t help at all. After refilling, the blockage cleared. There was a smell of chlorine in the kitchen, which quickly disappeared after airing. I recommend this product to everyone."
  • Natalya :
    “The drain hole in the shower stall recently became clogged. The water stays at the same level and flows away very slowly. I had to call a plumber, who promised to come only in the evening. I decided to go to the store, where the saleswoman recommended Tiret to me. I did everything as it was written in the instructions, the water went away literally immediately. I really liked the product, despite the affordable price, the effectiveness is high.”

Precautionary measures

Although Tiret Turbo is considered a harmless product compared to other household chemicals, safety precautions must be observed when using it.

Need to:

  • Use rubber gloves.
  • Protect your eyes, wear safety glasses.
  • Turn on ventilation in the room where the gel is used, and open windows and doors.
  • Do not lean low over the sink or inhale gases released during a chemical reaction.
  • When pouring the gel into the hole, keep it at arm's length.
  • Do not use Tiret Turbo simultaneously with bleaches.
  • Rinse off the product with water in a thin stream to avoid splashing.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

How often should an automatic machine be cleaned?

There is no need to use Tiret weekly; the effect after its use will last for a longer period. The optimal solution is to perform such a procedure once every six months, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from the owners of household machines. By the way, the powder can be used more often - the frequency of its use depends on the degree of contamination of the machine.

Periodic cleaning of automatic machines helps extend their service life and prevents the formation of fungal mold and dirt deposits on the internal elements of the equipment. A device for washing clothes is characterized by its ability to gradually accumulate small debris, residues of washing powder, and impurities contained in the water supply system. Using Tiret powder, scale is removed from the water heater, the powder and conditioner remaining in the tray are removed, the internal walls of the hoses are washed, dirt is washed out from the walls of the drum, and the rubber seal is cleaned.


In addition to Tiret Turbo, other strong means are used to clear pipes from complex blockages. They show their effectiveness in removing grease, food residues, limescale, hair and other contaminants. Any product, regardless of release form and composition, must be used in compliance with all safety measures.

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Analogues of Tiret Turbo:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Bagi Pothan;
  • Floop;
  • Deboucher;
  • Mole.

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Types of contamination of washing equipment

Let's figure out what problems occur in the washing machine:

  1. Scale gradually appearing on the water heating element complicates heating of the liquid, reducing the efficiency of washing. Its layer of scale prolongs the heating process, which affects the consumption of electrical energy. If you do not clean the heating element in a timely manner, it becomes covered with a thick layer of scale, causing serious malfunctions in the machine mechanism;
  2. dirt, hair and dust that end up in the drum along with things are poorly washed out, settling inside the hoses and on parts. If such contamination is not removed in a timely manner, a characteristic odor will appear from the drum;
  3. Fungal mold also forms in the car. Once it enters the human body through things, it contributes to the appearance of allergies.

Preventing blockages

It is better not to allow complex blockages to form in the sewer system, but to spend time on prevention in advance.

You should follow simple rules:

  • Install a special mesh in the sink to prevent food residues and other objects from falling into the drain.
  • It is advisable to install a food waste shredder.
  • From time to time, clean the sink with Tiret Turbo or other means so that it does not become clogged with debris.

Video - review of products for clearing blockages in pipes and characteristics of Tiret Turbo:

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