The best means for clearing clogged sewer pipes; rating for 2021

The sewage system in the house performs a very important function. While the system is functioning properly, few people think about its operation. But the resulting blockage, which slows down the drainage of water or makes it impossible, makes us urgently remember about possible methods of cleaning pipes. To clean them, you need to have some special product that allows you to quickly get rid of the blockage. Only the right choice will allow you to achieve maximum effect. To make your search easier, we have compiled a rating of pipe cleaners.

In what form are cleaning products available?

The industry produces pipe cleaners in two forms:

  • powder or granules . The contents of one package are intended for one use. The dry composition consists of a mixture of strong and aggressive chemical compounds that are activated upon contact with water. Some of these powders can generate large amounts of heat during operation and are therefore not recommended for use in plastic pipes;
  • liquid or gel . A ready-made product that can be poured into the drain hole directly from the package without adding it to water. These products contain acids, alkalis or chlorine bleaches. In addition to the function of eliminating blockages, liquid products have a disinfecting effect and are good at eliminating unpleasant odors.

"Tiret Turbo"

Tiret Turbo gel is another popular remedy for blockages in pipes. It removes clogs much better than similar advertised products. The thick composition easily penetrates deep into the pipe, even if the sink is completely filled with water. This chemical removes all unpleasant odors and destroys microorganisms. The product can be used to clean metal and plastic pipelines.

Instructions for use : “Tiret Turbo” is poured into the sink drain. For simple blockages, you need to wait 5 minutes. If the blockage has not disappeared after 5 minutes, you will have to wait more than half an hour. Then rinse the drain hole with hot water under strong pressure.

Customer reviews about this drug and its effectiveness do not have a clear answer. Some people were very pleased with this drug, while others did not like its work at all.

In some cases, the Tiret pipe cleaner is left in the pipes for 10 hours. The drug remains in the pipe all night. They start washing it only in the morning. In this case, the manufacturer does not provide any guarantee for failure of sewer pipes. Everyone takes this method of cleaning at their own peril and risk.

Composition of "Tiret":

  • Chlorine bleach – 5-15%;
  • Anions and nonionic surfactants – less than 5%.

To effectively clean the pipe, the product must contain sodium hydroxide. This was the case in previous years. Today this component is not included in Tiret. It is unknown why the manufacturer removed it from the composition. This has led to the fact that now the drug is simply not able to clean the pipes.

How to choose the right drain cleaner

The first thing you should pay attention to is the form of release of the drug. Gels have the lowest consumption and the greatest efficiency.

They do a good job of removing grease plugs and removing plaque on the inner surface of the pipe; their thick texture helps them penetrate through the water column, even when the bathtub or sink is full, and reach the spot in the shortest possible time.

If you suspect that the clog consists of clumps of hair or pet hair, then it is better to give preference to powders or granules. The exposure time in this case may be a little longer, but the cork will completely dissolve.

When choosing a chemical, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. The packaging may contain a note for which pipes this composition is best suited for: in the kitchen or in the bathroom. In the first case, inside the pipe, for the most part, there are fat deposits that are effectively dissolved by alkali.

For use in the bathroom, it is better to give preference to products based on acids and chlorine.



How to remove a blockage in the bathroom using improvised means if the siphon is clogged with sand. Use a regular plunger. The photo shows a very ordinary plunger, the cost of which in a hardware store is about 200 rubles.

  1. Fill some water in the bath.
  2. Plug the overflow as tightly as possible using a wet rag. If this is not done, the plunger will waste air between overflow and release.
  3. Cover the outlet with a plunger, and then pump it with several movements.
  4. Drain as much water as possible to remove any remaining clog.

But what to do if the bathtub is clogged and you don’t have a plunger at home? To do this, you will need to open the siphon of the piping to clean it. In new trims, this will simply be done by unscrewing one plastic cap, but in older models, remove the union nut, which helps connect the tubular siphon and the outlet. How to break through a blockage in a bathroom that is equipped with old-style cast iron piping? Naturally, it cannot be disassembled for cleaning - after operation for 50 years, it is not always possible to unscrew the outlet from a siphon made of cast iron, even with the help of annealing with a blowtorch. All you have to do is attach the hose of your washing machine to the faucet and direct a strong stream of water into the outlet. The flow will be able to easily pass through a grate made of metal and will wash away the sand that has clogged the siphon.


How can you remove hair that has clogged the outlet grille?

Method No. 1

  1. pump the outlet with a plunger;
  2. cut off any hair that sticks out from under the bars;
  3. repeat the first two steps if necessary.

Method No. 2

  1. During continuous rotation, begin feeding a thin cable (special plumbing cable) through the outlet grille.

  2. Take out the cable and clean it of any hair that will be wrapped around it.
  3. Repeat several times if necessary.

Method No. 3

  1. Place a low container or vessel that is suitable in size under the bathtub siphon.
  2. Unscrew the release. To unscrew the plastic grille, you need to unscrew the pliers inserted into it, and the metal grille can be removed after unscrewing the fixing screw located in the center.
  3. Clear the outlet grill of any clogged hair, threads, or pet fur.
  4. Place the outlet in its original place and check that everything is tight.

These three simple ways will help get rid of hair clogs in the bathroom.

Food waste

What should you do if your kitchen sink is clogged, but all other plumbing fixtures are working perfectly?

Siphon cleaning

As a rule, all small food waste remains in the siphon sump. How to remove them from there?

  1. First, you need to place a basin or bucket under the siphon so that bad-smelling waste does not flood the cabinet or floor.
  2. Next, unscrew the bottom of the siphon and very carefully, so that the O-ring is not lost, shake out the entire contents of the elbow.
  3. Wash the bottom of the siphon with dishwashing detergent and wipe.
  4. Reassemble the siphon and check for leaks.

What to do if the gasket is no longer elastic and after assembly the siphon begins to leak? It will be enough to simply rewind the threads on the siphon body. For winding, the best option would be to use FUM tape, standard insulating tape, and even a strip of polyethylene, which is cut from a regular bag.

Using household chemicals

In case of severe blockage, when water does not flow at all, it is often necessary to clean the pipes using specialized sewage products. The most popular of them is the domestically produced Mole, which was created on the basis of sodium hypochlorite. How to use such a tool?

Please note that any chemical-type products will help you if the blockages are organic. They are not capable of dissolving sand and construction waste inside sewer pipes. “Mole” and other similar products will simply be useless if there is a large fat plug in the pipes.

Chemicals at hand

Together with special preparations to combat blockages, you can use a large number of improvised means, the main thing is that they contain alkali or acid in high concentration. There are several options for such products that will help remove blockages in the sink from food waste:

  • Standard or caustic soda.
  • Specialized preparations that are used to descale sinks (Sillit, Domestos and others).
  • Oxalic and hydrochloric acid.
  • Electrolyte for batteries.
  • Citric acid (packaged).

As you can see, the clog remover can even be in your refrigerator. How to use such folk remedies? The same as with special household chemicals - pour them into the sink drain, and then leave for several hours so that the organic plug has time to dissolve. Preparations that are available in dry form should be diluted with water in advance, and preferably with boiling water, because this is what will help dissolve the blockage as quickly as possible.


What is better to use to remove fat? If the water flows out at least to a minimum, then you can get rid of fat using simple steps - open the hot water tap and gradually begin to increase its pressure. But keep in mind that the water must be hot - at least 60 degrees. In summer, when the temperature of the hot water supply barely reaches 40 degrees, the method will not work. If the sewer comb is tightly clogged with grease, then you should first clean it using a plumbing cable, and then the remaining grease should be washed off with a stream of hot water.

How to clear a clog with your own hands using a plumbing cable? This work will be easier to do with an assistant. So, one person will pull the rope so that it does not fold into loops, and also rotate the handle, and the second will feed the rope into the sewer through the nearest socket to the place of the blockage. Although with noticeable resistance, the cable still breaks through the fat plugs. And in the end, we offer the most popular and universal way to deal with fat plugs for those who have plastic sewerage at home - disassemble everything and shake out the fat. In a similar way, you can eliminate blockages in the elbow, which is located under the washing bowl.

Classification of chemicals

The choice of product depends on the type of contamination. The nature of the blockage in the bathroom, in the kitchen sink and in the toilet is different, so one drug may not be effective.

Types of chemicals:

  1. Alkaline - powerful reagents for combating grease and soap scum. Sediments gradually linger on the inner walls of the pipes, forming dense build-ups and a sticky film that impede the normal drainage of water and the movement of large debris and food waste. Alkali completely corrodes plaque and slippery sediment.
  2. Acidic ones are the best means for cleaning sewer drains. To remove severe blockages, chemicals are used together with a mechanical method. The acidic solution breaks down debris in less contaminated areas, clearing the passage for plumbing cables.


The market is replete with a variety of colors and names

Household chemicals for wastewater treatment come in different consistencies:

  • liquid
  • powdery
  • gel-like

All of them contain caustic soda - an active substance. This is a strong reagent that quickly dissolves organic contaminants and soap scum.

Each type has a different effect on human health (upon contact), the condition of the pipes and the cause of the blockage. Powders are the most active, although gels are safer for the person himself and communication.

Causes of blockage

To quickly clear the blockage, it is necessary to determine what caused the blockage. It is important to note that most homes used cast iron to construct their sewer systems. A distinctive feature of the material is its rough surface. Over time, food debris and large and small debris accumulate on it. Among the main causes of blockages in the pipe are the following aspects:

  1. Rust formation.
  2. Calcium sediment in large quantities.
  3. Accumulation of fat and small debris.
  4. Hair, threads.

An alternative name is operational blockages. Over time, the functioning of the sewer system deteriorates if timely measures are not taken and preventive cleaning is not carried out, regardless of the material the pipes are made of (plastic or metal).


To avoid blockages, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner.

To increase comfort, apartments and private houses are equipped with a system of channels for removing sewage. The process of active operation leads to the fact that various contaminants settle on the surface of the pipes from the inside:

  • rust (inside)
  • calcium deposit
  • sand
  • body fat
  • soap waste
  • hair, animal fur
  • other human waste

Unpleasant odor when clogged

The cause of the blockage may also be pipe installation that does not comply with standards, for example, incorrect slope, multiple turns and connection elements. Such difficult situations usually lead to a complete replacement of the entire system.

It will not be possible to avoid clogging if you do not promptly prevent the condition of the sewer system. The use of physical force, simple tools and special cleaning products will keep pipeline networks in working order.

Some tips for using plastic pipe cleaners

Let's consider the main recommendations of specialists for cleaning plastic pipes from operational blockages:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that the operating time of different cleaning agents may be different, so before use you need to read the exact time of use of the reagent. Neglect of this rule leads to destruction of the pipe material.
  • After using the cleaning agent, you need to thoroughly rinse the pipes with water, regardless of the location of the communication. Thus, the reagent will be removed from the system and will not harm it.
  • Pay attention to all notes on the product packaging. If there is a note that this is a prophylactic agent, then it can only be used for minor blockages.
  • In order to cope with a fatty plug, you will need a substance that has an inscription on the packaging that it is capable of eliminating fatty deposits in standing liquid.

After the chemical has expired, the pipes must be rinsed with very hot water.

Note! It is necessary to take care of safety rules. You should purchase special protective gloves made of thick material. It is advisable to wear a medical mask on your face. In addition, the room should be well ventilated.

  • The dosage and time of use of the reagent must be observed exactly as written on the label.
  • The substance for cleaning plastic pipes from blockages is selected depending on the nature of the blockage. Not all products will clear a heavy fatty clog and, on the contrary, you cannot use strong substances in some cases.

Required parameters

Efficiency and safety are the main parameters

When selecting the composition, first find out:

  • degree of clogging
  • localization
  • material from which the pipes are made

The cleaning product must meet the following parameters:

  • safety
  • efficiency
  • optimal combination of cost and quality

Liquid formulations are suitable for any situation. Powders are not always able to get to the problem or cope with a large degree of contamination.

The products presented below are effective and worthy of the buyer’s attention.

Top 5 Powdered and Granular Drain Cleaners

Mr Muscle (5th place)

Universal granules that do an excellent job of removing the fat layer, hair, and food debris in the drain. They have a disinfecting effect and eliminate unpleasant odors; they are intended mainly for the prevention of blockages and the removal of simple blockages.

Mr Muscle for drain cleaning


  • instant effect;
  • individual disposable packaging;
  • low cost;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors.


  • may cause chemical burns.

Average cost: 85 rub.

Chirton “Clean drains” (4th place)

An effective blue powder that contains caustic soda and sodium nitrate. Available in two packages: green and red, designed to remove blockages in both cold and hot water. In addition to eliminating blockages, the powder disinfects and eliminates unpleasant odors. Chirton “Clean Drains” has proven itself on the positive side among consumers.

Chirton "Clean drains"


  • universal, copes with any blockages;
  • quick results;
  • individual disposable packaging;
  • low cost;
  • safe for sewer pipes;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors.


  • pungent chemical smell.

Important! The powder must not be used simultaneously with other cleaning agents.

Average cost: 38 rub.

Unicum "Tornado" (3rd place)

Alkaline granules that instantly remove lime deposits and the densest plugs of hair and fat. Unicum "Tornado" has an aggressive composition, so it is recommended not to allow it to come into contact with the surface of bathtubs, sinks, skin and mucous membranes.

Unicum "Tornado"


  • quickly clears blockages;
  • economical packaging;
  • not high cost, relative to analogues.


  • release of caustic fumes;
  • Strong smell.

Under no circumstances should the granules be pre-mixed with water or other cleaning agents.

Average cost: 260 rub.

Selena anti-clog (2nd place)

Another product aimed at removing blockages, presented in the form of transparent granules. Like other products in this category, the granules are poured into the drain and then filled with a glass of hot water. As a rule, an hour is enough to clear a small blockage. Selena anti-clog is one of the few substances that can be used for the toilet, since its composition is not aggressive and does not affect the toilet bowl coating.

Selena anti-clog is produced by manufacturers in cardboard packaging, inside of which there are four individual sachets. One package is enough for one clogged drain.

Selena anti-clog


  • effective;
  • economical packaging;
  • low price.


  • does not act instantly;
  • toxic.

Average cost: 27 rub.

Bagi "Pothan" (1st place)

A proven, effective and economical product that removes complex, deep blockages. It contains a combination of surfactants and sodium hydroxide, the interaction of which produces a violent reaction that eliminates clogging. To avoid getting burned by reagents and poisoning, the substance must be used exclusively with gloves and safety glasses. Pokhtan granules are not recommended for use to prevent blockages; for this purpose it is better to buy more gentle substances.

Bagi "Pothan"


  • instant results;
  • does not affect plastic;
  • economical consumption;
  • eliminates limescale;
  • There is a protective cover and a special spout.


  • high price;
  • large container;
  • sharp, acrid odor;
  • aggressive influence.

Average cost: 592 rub.


High efficiency of the product is achieved by observing the necessary safety precautions. Granules can have several types. Some can be filled with cold water, and some with hot water.

After pouring heated water, the reaction begins to occur much faster. The granules should be used in the following order:

  • The powder is poured into the drain pipe;
  • After pouring warm water, a characteristic hissing sound is heard;

Wait approximately 3–15 minutes;

  • The pipes are washed under pressure with plenty of hot water.

Flup pipe cleaner effectively removes:

  • Leftover food;
  • Collagen fibers;
  • Fat;
  • Limescale.

When performing work with such a drug, it is necessary to observe maximum care. Rubber gloves must be worn on your hands. The substance should not come into contact with bare skin. It is advisable to wear glasses over your eyes.

Everyone who has used this composition speaks only positively about it. Sewer pipes are washed quickly enough without any problems.

The best gels for cleaning pipes

Our rating presents gels from different manufacturers, volumes and price categories. The gel structure usually has a thicker formula, which helps coat the pipes.

Such products are antibacterial and, in addition to cleaning, get rid of germs and unpleasant odors. Suitable for different types of pipes, incl. and for plastic ones.

In order for the product to work, it must be left for a certain amount of time, after which the pipes should be washed with plenty of water. Can be used as prophylaxis.

4 GraSS Digger-Gel

Our rating opens with the Digger-Gel pipe gel from the Russian company GraSS.
Despite the fact that the brand appeared on the market only in 2003, their products are distributed not only in Russia, but also in more than 64 countries around the world. In their own laboratory they work to create modern and high-quality products. The company produces detergents and household chemicals, auto chemicals and auto cosmetics. Digger-Gel Pipe Gel comes in plastic bottles with an attractive green design on the label.

There are 3 volume options available:

  • 750 ml.
  • 1000 ml.
  • Canister 5 l.

The product not only gets rid of clogs, it also eliminates unpleasant odors and is antibacterial. Before use, shake the composition, then pour 300-500 ml of liquid and leave to work for 2-3 hours. After this, the pipes are washed with large quantities of hot water. The product can be used as a preventive measure.

Buyers note that the gel does not have a strong odor, copes well with small and medium-sized blockages, and does not damage pipes.


  • Eliminates odors.
  • Suitable for metal and plastic pipes.
  • Is antibacterial.
  • Various volume options.


  • Long wait for results.

GraSS gel for pipes Digger-Gel

3 Mr. Muscle gel

In 3rd place is Mr. Muscle gel for cleaning pipes. This company produces various household cleaning products.

The product comes in a 500 ml bottle. It is suitable for pipes made of any material, for sinks in kitchens and bathrooms. Removes blockages and eliminates unpleasant odors. The manufacturer promises a quick solution to the problem. The contents of the bottle must be filled in and left for 5 minutes; in case of severe blockages, this time must be increased. After the product has worked, the pipes are washed with hot water. For prevention, it is suggested to use the gel once a week.

Cleaning the drain using mechanical methods

If a plug has formed in the pipe from paper, polyethylene, rags, stones, construction mixtures, small plastic or metal objects, the system can only be cleaned with a plumbing cable. This tool consists of two main parts - a handle and a long metal wire twisted into a spiral. The length of the “cobra” depends on the model and can be 2.5-50 m.

To remove a traffic jam within an apartment, a cable of up to 3 m is used - this length is enough to destroy the blocking object formed in the sewer system or pull it out.

Cleaning is carried out in several stages:

  1. The siphon is removed. Clogged parts are cleaned with improvised means or washed with hot water. Plumbers do not recommend passing a cable through the drain structure: the metal wire can damage the fragile plastic. In addition, the bends and knots of the siphon will impede the movement of the instrument.
  2. The working end of the cable is placed in the sewer pipe and pushed deep into the main line. While moving, the device must be constantly rotated around its axis by rotating the handle.
  3. Places where garbage accumulates are determined by the difficult movement of the “cobra”. To break through the cork, the rotation of the handle must be increased, making parallel movements forward and backward. Removal of the plug is determined by the free movement of the cable.
  4. The wire is pushed along the entire length of the line. It will eliminate accumulated deposits and make sure that there are no other plugs in the pipe.
  5. The device is pulled out of the pipe, the siphon is put in place. The system is flushed with hot water for 5-10 minutes.

A vacuum cleaner with a blowing function will also help remove blockages in the sewer system. A strong air flow can push out the plug if the end of the pipe is briefly pressed against the drain hole, after having been wrapped with a rag or other sealing material.

Devices for mechanically clearing blockages.

The best drain cleaners

Liquid cleaning products are useful when the plug is very difficult to clean. In addition they:

  • effective in the fight against fat;
  • economical;
  • convenient to use.

But they also have a significant disadvantage - uselessness in standing water.

Deboucher Active – universal liquid for preventing and removing blockages

Deboucher Active

A gentle product that is suitable for:

  • metal and plastic pipes;
  • cleaning plumbing;
  • removing traffic jams;
  • prevention.

It is produced by the Aqualon Company. The basic formula includes:

  • purified water;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sodium hypochlorite.

The product removes various types of blockages:

  • paper;
  • hair;
  • fat;
  • leftover food;
  • organic plugs.

It also neutralizes odors and prevents the growth of bacteria.

It's easy to use:

  • pour ½ liter into the drain;
  • leave for 3 hours;
  • wash off.

Sometimes a longer stay of the composition in the pipes is allowed - up to 5-6 hours.

A liter bottle costs from 600-700 rubles .

Mole - a cheap liquid anti-clog agent


One of the most popular options offered by the Russian. It is effective against all types of blockages and has no chemical odors.

The product included:

  • caustic alkali;
  • purified water;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sodium hypochlorite.

It is very convenient to use:

  • pour ¼ liter of cleaning liquid into the pipe;
  • wait half an hour;
  • rinse the drain under a strong stream from the tap.

A liter bottle in stores costs no more than one hundred rubles .

Deboucher (Brawler) - the best liquid assistant, according to reviews, to break through a blockage in a pipe

I like it I don't like it

Liquid cleaning products are useful when the plug is very difficult to clean. In addition they:

  • effective in neutralizing fat;
  • economical;
  • easy to operate.

But they also have a significant disadvantage - uselessness in stagnant water.

Deboucher Active – universal liquid for preventing and removing blockages

DeboucherI like it Dislike

Gentle product, suitable for:

  • plastic and metal pipes;
  • cleaning plumbing;
  • removing traffic jams;
  • prevention.

The product is produced by Firm Aqualon. It includes:

  • purified water;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sodium hypochlorite.

It eliminates various types of congestion:

  • paper;
  • hair;
  • fat;
  • food;
  • organic.

At the same time, it neutralizes unpleasant odors and prevents the growth of bacteria.

The product is easy to use:

  • pour ½ liter into the drain;
  • leave for 180 minutes;
  • wash off.

Sometimes a longer stay of the composition in the sewer is allowed - up to 5-6 hours.

A liter bottle costs on average 200 rubles .

"Mister Muscle"

This is the most advertised sewer pipe cleaner. It is mainly used as prevention and removal of small blockages. It can be used to clean pipes, dissolve hair and food residues. In addition, harmful bacteria located in the pipes are destroyed. As a result, the unpleasant odor coming from the sewer pipes disappears.

"Mr. Muscle" is made in the form of a gel or granulated.

Granulated, 70 gr. "Mister Muscle"

This is a one-time use solution for removing blockages that occur in the drain pipe. In half an hour it destroys harmful microorganisms and removes unpleasant odors. This product can be used to clean pipes made of any material. Available in disposable packaging.

Weight -70 g.

Made in Turkey.


When my drain pipes were clogged, I found two identical products in the store:

"Mr. Muscle", weighing 70 g. which includes:

  • Special filler;
  • Sodium hydroxide.

The cost of the package is 46 rubles.

“Mole-Cinderella” is intended for cleaning pipes, weighing 90 g. The composition is completely similar to the product described above. However, the cost of the drug is only 10 rubles 50 kopecks.

Of course, 50 rubles is not very much money, but why pay four times more when the volume is much less.

The bag contained exactly the same granules, white in color. "Cinderella" has a slightly smaller granule size. After cleaning two completely different drain pipes, the effect was the same.

If you use a plunger at the same time as the product, it works well. However, the efficiency of the cable is much higher.

Perhaps Cinderella is in the cheap category. I decided to look at the cost of other similar products:

  • "Tik Tak", 90 gr. – 10.3 rubles;
  • "Selena Anticlogging" 90 gr. – 6.90 rubles;
  • "Chirton" 60 gr. – 23.5 rubles.

The question immediately arose, why do you have to pay so much for “Mr. Muscle”? Maybe this is the most common surcharge for a brand.

"Mr. Muscle" 500 ml. – gel

Using this gel you can dissolve:

  • Hair;
  • Fat;
  • Food leftovers.

Can be used in any pipes, regardless of the material of manufacture. A very thick, highly concentrated gel is able to quickly penetrate the pipe, and even standing water will not interfere with it. It will take him approximately 15 minutes to remove complex blockages. At the same time, it will destroy harmful microbes and remove unpleasant odors.

How to use: Pour half the container into standing water. Wait 15 minutes. Rinse the drain pipe with boiling water. The contents of the bottle are designed for two uses.

To remove severely clogged pipes, you need to pour in more than half a bottle and increase the waiting time. It is very important to follow safety precautions. After contact with skin, a burn may occur. Work only with gloves.

Mister Muscle includes:

  • Water;
  • Sodium hypochlorite – less than 5%;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Amphoteric surfactant – less than 5%;
  • Soap – less than 5%;
  • Sodium silicate;
  • Sodium polystyrene sulfonate.

Helpful advice! It is very important that the holding time complies with the manufacturer's recommendations. Active substances provide benefits only for a specified period of time. In the future, they become useless and even harmful.

Gel solutions

In this form it can be used for pipes made of all materials. Gel-like preparations have their advantages. The viscous substance envelops parts of the sewer system with a slimy film, which has a caustic effect on any accumulations that impede outflow, saves from plaque, and prevents the appearance of new deposits. Small debris and grease slide along it and pass further into the pipeline. The gels contain active substances that dissolve fat, soap, and hair. They are selected taking into account the properties of modern materials and do not corrode them. Therefore, gels can be used to clean plastic pipes. Many gels are more suitable for preventing sewer contamination.

Tire Turbo

Cleans pipes made of metal or plastic. It has a good formula for effective cleaning without damaging the walls of the sewer. With a minimum of pungent odors, the clog problem will be solved in a short time. The thick consistency makes dosing easier. Good penetration deep into the gap ensures the dissolution of all unnecessary accumulations that have closed the pipe. The reaction lasts a little over 5 minutes. If the pipes are clogged in large areas, the exposure time can be increased. The gel will destroy not only organic matter, but also inorganic contaminants such as paper and polyethylene.

Tiret Turbo will get rid of unpleasant odors for a long time.

Tiret Turbo against blockagesAdvantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety of use (not very aggressive).


  • high price.

Mr. Muscle

Excellent for removing any foreign elements that are blocking the flow of fluid. Dissolves organic buildup, hair, inorganics and other debris that ends up in the drain. Acts carefully, without damaging the surfaces being cleaned. Gives excellent results in minutes. The gel can handle complex blockages. Thanks to the formula, it acts safely and gently on pipes, ensuring their integrity.

Mr. Muscle against blockagesAdvantages:

  • quick removal of plugs in pipes.


  • high price.


For those who are looking for a cheap alternative to the above-mentioned expensive gels, Sanfor is offered. It has a similar effect, it is in no way inferior to other more expensive brothers. The composition contains hypochlorites, sodium hydroxides, surfactants, and chlorine salts. A violent reaction with water helps dissolve organic matter and eliminate sources of stench. The gel clears small blockages in 5 minutes. The aggressiveness of the drug requires precautions.

Sanfor against blockagesAdvantages:

  • low cost; fast action;
  • convenient dispenser.


  • The presence of chlorine in the composition causes an odor.


Concentrated gel is used to clean drains. Removes traffic jams, eliminates foul odors, kills bacteria. The solution is safe for all types of pipes; it contains completely natural ingredients. The drug completely dissolves in water without harming the microflora of the drainage system. Composition: A-tensides 5-15% (vegetable origin), soda 5-15%, water > 30%

Synergetic against blockagesAdvantages:

  • efficiency;
  • large volume (1l.);
  • no pungent odor;
  • biodegradable components.


  • high consumption.


Another Israeli representative from the Baghi company. The gel removes complex blockages and unpleasant odors. It is used to prevent and eliminate the causes of blockages; the manufacturer guarantees 100% results. I'm pleased with the economical consumption: 110 ml per use (that's only half a glass of liquid). Dissolves organic and inorganic blockages, breaking through any “plugs” even in standing water. Safe for all types of pipes - plastic and metal, including corrugated siphons.

Noises from blockagesAdvantages:

  • economical consumption;
  • safety.


  • high price.


The product removes blockages, regardless of complexity. The gel contains potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, and various additives that serve to accelerate the chemical reaction. The manufacturer recommends waiting one hour after pouring the gel, but in cases where the problem is minor, the reagent copes with the task much faster. Its cost is much cheaper than many products that are widely advertised. Can be used both to prevent blockages and in emergency situations.

Debocher from blockagesAdvantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • acceptable price;
  • the smell is not very strong;
  • safe use for plastic pipes;
  • there is a lid lock;
  • ease of use.


  • contains chlorine;
  • cannot be used for aluminum pipes.

Call a plumber

In situations where you cannot cope with the blockage on your own, you will have to turn to the help of a plumber.

Also, the intervention of a specialist will be needed when the problem with blockage is related to the drainage system in the apartment or to the riser in the house.

The cost of the service is determined by the complexity of the problem and the necessary cleaning work. If replacement of units or individual parts is required, the customer pays for them separately. On average, in the capital, clearing a clogged sink will cost from 500 rubles.

Rating of the best anti-clog remedies

Drain cleaning products differ in speed and strength of action. Product ratings can help you make the right choice of chemicals. It is compiled based on expert opinions and customer reviews.


The domestically produced granular substance has a dark and transparent color. It is designed to combat various types of pollution. For its packaging, containers with an elongated neck are used. Upon contact with water, the granules trigger an active chemical reaction. Unicom has the ability to break down hair and grease-containing dirt, as well as remove unpleasant odors.

The volume of the container with granules is 600 g. The average consumption of the product is 70-100 g. Time to clear the blockage is 3-5 minutes.


  • Universal use.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Affordable price.
  • Convenient and safe packaging.

The main disadvantage of the reagent is toxicity. When working with granules, you only need to wear protective clothing, gloves and goggles. The room must be ventilated during work.

Ivan G. review:

The granules, when added to the pipes, create a geyser in the sink. The blockage can be cleared in 3 minutes. Cheap, fast, simple.


The granular reagent is produced in Israel. The speed of action of the drug is 3-5 minutes. During this time, it completely copes with the dirt plug in the pipes. The reagent has a white or light gray color and is available in 600 g packages. Can be used to clean bathroom, toilet and kitchen pipes. The average consumption of granules for 1 full cleaning is 70-100 g.

Siphon cleaning

This method almost always helps, but it is better to use it if a plunger or cable does not help.

A siphon is a device under the sink, as plumbers call it. It is where debris accumulates that has penetrated further through the drain grate. You can proceed as follows:

  • Place a bucket under the sink (so as not to flood the floor with water).
  • Remove the siphon and disassemble it. Plastic siphons are easily removed: unscrew the plastic nuts on the top and side of the siphon, and unscrew the lower part.
  • The siphon is freed from debris and thoroughly cleaned. The water will go down the drain as usual.

If the sink is clogged, the siphon is removed in almost all cases, as this is the surest way.

Disassembling the siphon and then cleaning it is the most proven and reliable way to eliminate blockages of any complexity.

Choosing a drug to suit your needs

The variety of household chemicals often makes it difficult to choose the optimal product. The reagent should be purchased based on the severity and frequency of the blockage, and the speed of the expected effect.

When choosing, you need to take into account the consistency of the drug:

  • liquid;
  • powdered or granular;
  • helium

Liquid products are designed for reusable use. Such chemicals are less concentrated and do not have an aggressive effect on pipes. The container is filled with a ready-made solution; there are no problems with dosage and use.

The disadvantage of liquid reagents is the likelihood of a decrease in the concentration of the active substance in the presence of water in the system. Cleaning efficiency decreases

Gel products are easy to use, are used sparingly and act on contaminants faster than their bulk counterparts. As a rule, gel formulations are more expensive.

Granular or powdered chemicals are packaged in single-use sachets or bulk containers for reusable use.

Features of dry products:

  • high concentration of active substances, toxicity;
  • efficiency and speed;
  • the need to comply with strict safety regulations.

Attention should also be paid to the composition of the reagent. Most preparations involve alkalis, such as sodium hydroxide. The substance perfectly fights sticky fat film, soap scum and food residues.

Alkaline-based products are indispensable for cleaning sewer pipes in the kitchen. Sodium hydroxide eats away fat, allowing solid waste to move down unimpeded

Acidic preparations are good at removing blockages of organic origin: toilet paper, hair, etc. This product will help clear the drain of the toilet, bathtub and washbasin in the bathroom.

Choosing a remedy according to the situation:

  1. To remove old stagnation, caustic Pothan from Bagi or Tornado from Unicom is suitable. The same products will cope with accumulated fat in the kitchen riser.
  2. For periodic cleaning of metal pipes, you can use the proven “Mole”.
  3. For preventive purposes, it is better to use the inexpensive “Clean Stock” gel or the biodegradable Synergetic solution.
  4. If you need to not only break through the sewer, but get rid of rust in the drain system, then Chirton powder will help.

To destroy pathogens, you can use Tiret Turbo or Sanfor gel.

There are several more articles on our website that describe in detail how to clean drains. We recommend reading them too:

  1. Step-by-step instructions for cleaning pipes.
  2. Types of blockages and methods for eliminating them.
  3. Removing blockages using a cable.


This pipe cleaner has its own special feature. It can only be used with cold water.

The composition effectively cleans:

  • Drain siphons;
  • Pipes;
  • Removes rust;
  • Dissolves dirt.

This substance can be used for preventive purposes to prevent blockages. "Chirton" can be used as a disinfectant, as well as to remove various unpleasant odors. This substance is safe for polymer pipelines.

The instructions say that you can clean sinks and bathtubs. However, the next line states that it is not suitable for cleaning the bathroom. Probably the manufacturer meant the presence of good ventilation.

Composition of Chirton drug:

  • Caustic soda;
  • Soda nitrate;
  • Aluminum granules.

Package weight 60 g. The granules are bright green. This volume is enough for one cleaning. You need to work with this drug very carefully. Do not inhale poisonous gas and protect your eyes.

Granules are poured into the drain, then filled with water and left for 15 minutes. The concepts of 15 minutes and instantly are completely different, however, on one side of the package it says “instantly”, and on the back “wait 15 minutes”.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Comparison of expensive and cheap sewer pipe cleaners:

Chemicals for sewer blockages are an effective solution. When choosing a product, you should remember that the price does not always correspond to the quality of the product. Cheap reagents are often more effective than expensive analogues .

To reduce the likelihood of blockages, it is better to periodically carry out preventive cleaning using gentle chemicals.

We've all probably had to deal with clogged sewer pipes. Please tell our website visitors what kind of clog remover you use. Perhaps there are some nuances to using it? Leave your comments in the contact block below the article.

Was the article helpful?Thank you for your feedback!No (4)Thanks for your feedback!Yes (31)Visitor comments

  1. Anna Reply I have bought Mole more than once and used it to clean pipes in the bathroom and kitchen. The result is visible immediately; I pour the powder into the hole and immediately hear a slight noise from the reaction of the reagents. According to the instructions, turn on the water after half an hour and flush the pipes. The effect of Mole is good, the water goes away immediately, but before using it, it stagnated. And the price for it is budget.
  2. Dmitry Reply Maybe it’s good that there are such killer drugs that immediately dissolve all the garbage and blockages in the pipes. But I somehow feel uneasy when I imagine what kind of chemistry this is and how it harms water bodies. I still clean pipes by hand. It’s not difficult for me to unwind the siphon in the bathroom or washbasin once every few months and remove the cesspool that has accumulated in it. It takes 20 minutes.

How to clean a sink with a cable

A plumbing cable is a wire that is wound into a spiral. One end of the cable looks like a spiral drill, and the other is a handle. The length of the device can reach three meters. You need to do this:

  1. The end of the cable must be inserted either into the drain or into the sewer outlet pipe, directing the cable in the direction of the potential blockage.
  2. It is easier to work with two pairs of hands: one pushes the cable forward without distraction, and the other, holding the handle, twists the wire around the longitudinal axis. This creates the necessary tension. The cable must be taut at all times.
  3. When the cable is already close to the blockage, you need to make a “back and forth” movement and try to destroy the accumulation of debris.
  4. All that remains is to pull out the cable, wash it and fold it.

At home, it is not difficult to clear the blockage with a cable, although it is unlikely that you will be able to do it alone.

At the end of the sewer cable, instead of a drill, there may be a brush

A sewer cleaning cable can be made from a plastic bottle

What is the best remedy for clogged pipes?

Those who want to save on the consumption of pipe cleaners should use granules, which last quite a long time. If there are allergy sufferers in the family, then it is better to choose gels, since they do not produce fumes that can settle on the mucous membranes and cause irritation. Naturally, such products should not smell very strongly, so that this aroma quickly disappears from the room. If you need to take care of rust removal, then you should buy products that are designed for this in particular. The same goes for killing bacteria.

Here is the best pipe cleaner to choose, depending on the situation:

  • If you need to get rid of an old clog, then Bagi Pothan granules will do the best job.
  • Unicum Tornado granules are ideal for removing large amounts of grease from kitchen drains.
  • The Cinderella Mole product will help clean the sewer pipes well.
  • If you need to not only get rid of the blockage, but also remove rust, you can choose Chirton.
  • Those who also want to destroy bacteria in pipes should pay attention to Genix Nika-Chimney Sweep gel or Tiret gel Turbo.

When choosing the best pipe cleaner, you should not pay special attention to the price. The fact is that popular manufacturers can increase the cost of goods because of this, but their quality is usually not very different from cheaper analogues.

Comparison of the presented funds

The table below contains brief characteristics of the funds discussed above.

ModelViewVolume (l)Manufacturer countryPrice, rub)
Tire Turbogel0.5 – 1Russiafrom 228 to 722
Deboucher "Active"liquid1Russiafrom 84 to 189
Unicum granules Tornadogranules0.6Russiafrom 95 to 511
Mr. Muscle granules0.250Italyfrom 70 to 116
HGliquid1Netherlandsfrom 326 to 538
Moleliquid1Russiafrom 92 to 114
Genix gel Nika-Chimney Sweepgel0.7Russiafrom 20 to 162

What do we have to do

  • Do not throw leftover food and hygiene products (cotton wool, tampons, diapers, napkins and others) into the drain holes - they tend to swell and increase significantly in volume, including harmless bread crumbs or rice. In addition, fat tends to settle on the inner surface of the pipes, attracting other debris, resulting in a narrowing of the passage.
  • Do not flush trash, rags, plastic bags, or other waste down the toilet. The drain hole is designed for water and soft organic matter. The maximum that is allowed is to flush toilet paper.
  • Install protective screens in sinks and sinks to trap debris.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on the drain holes so that no food or other debris remains on the protective mesh. This must be done after each dishwashing.
  • Clean your drain twice a month using baking soda and vinegar. To do this, pour a pack of baking soda into the drain hole, then add a sufficient amount of vinegar there and close the lid. Soda reacts with vinegar and effectively removes fat and organic matter. After half an hour, pour a couple of liters of boiling water into the sink.
  • Enzymes are enzymes that dissolve dirt. They are poured into the drain and left overnight, washed with hot water in the morning.

Opinion of a professional plumber. People! Don't be fooled by advertising! I am an emergency plumber. All advertised products only interfere with our work - they do not dissolve hair and organic matter, but create a caustic slurry that can be very difficult to clean, and also seriously corrodes your hands. The maximum purpose for which this chemistry is needed is prevention. But even here, I recommend using not Mole or Tiret, but a simple folk remedy - dissolve a pack of salt and soda in hot water and pour over all the plums overnight for prevention. All! Don't waste your money on nonsense!

Prohibitions when cleaning

When starting to clear a clogged kitchen sink, you need to remember a number of prohibitions:

  1. Do not begin to break the plug while there are dishes in the sink. It and food must be removed in advance.
  2. You should not get to work without rubber gloves. This is especially important when using purchased chemicals, since such products have an aggressive composition.
  3. Do not use chemicals that are not intended for this purpose to clean pipes. They can emit toxic fumes and even damage pipes.
  4. You should not pour all the products that come to hand down the drain at the same time, as this can harm communications.

The most popular brands and manufacturers

Who is now the leader in the household chemicals market and specializes in the production of cleaning products for clearing pipes from blockages?

  • Reckitt Benckiser. An English company that owns the Tiret brand.
  • Mole. Domestic manufacturer of products with the same name.
  • Bagi. An Israeli company that produces high-quality household chemicals.
  • Chirton. Global manufacturer of household goods. Known on the Russian market for more than a quarter of a century.
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