Why does the toilet tank sweat: causes of fogging and how to eliminate them

Modern toilets are comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, and the inside smells pleasantly of scented products. To make it comfortable to be in the bathroom, it requires special care. Do you agree? The room must be constantly cleaned and problems, including the formation of condensation, must be eliminated in a timely manner.

If water constantly flows down the outer surface of the tank, an unpleasant odor appears in the apartment over time, and the plumbing fixture loses its attractive appearance. To get rid of condensation and avoid negative consequences, you need to find out why the toilet tank in the bathroom is sweating.

We will tell you how to independently figure out and eliminate the cause of tank leakage. Useful recommendations and expert advice are presented in our material. For clarity, it is accompanied by thematic photographs and videos. This will help you get to the root of the problem faster.

Causes of condensation

If drops of water are constantly forming on the tank of your toilet, the first thing you need to do is identify the cause of their appearance.

A common cause of condensation in the toilet is high humidity in the room. To normalize this indicator, it is necessary to identify the cause of the increase in humidity.

Dry indoor air has a negative effect on human health, but high humidity also leads to bad consequences. This may cause fogging of the tank, walls and floor.

Increased humidity in the bathroom can be caused by various reasons:

  • The apartment or house contains a large aquarium or a lot of vegetation that requires constant watering. In these cases, the problem can be solved by installing dehumidifiers.
  • Washing and drying clothes is carried out in significant volumes, which is more often observed in large families. It is recommended to hang washed laundry on the balcony or in the yard.
  • Moisture can settle on the cistern and bathroom wall surfaces due to leaking sewer pipes or connections. It is urgent to identify and fix the plumbing problem.
  • Insufficient ventilation does not fulfill its functions, as a result of which the room cannot dry quickly.
  • Due to a breakdown of the shut-off valves, cold water may constantly flow in the tank, which does not have time to reach room temperature and causes condensation to appear on the walls of the plumbing.

Condensation forms on the tank of plumbing equipment due to the fact that the air temperature in the room differs from the temperature of the water in the toilet by about 15 degrees. Therefore, the outer surface of the tank begins to fog up.

Since water enters the toilet from a water supply system located underground or outdoors, its temperature depends on external weather conditions.

In winter, the heating season begins, during which the room heats up. During this period, the greatest difference in temperature between the air in the bathroom and the water in the toilet is observed.

The laws of physics will help identify the original source of the malfunction. As you know, warm air currents, in contact with cold water (in the drain tank), are converted into droplets of moisture. The process of condensation formation on the tank can be stopped by studying in more detail the possible causes of this phenomenon and ways to eliminate them.


First of all, you need to check how well the tank itself is functioning. The technology for performing such work is not particularly difficult. To do this, you need to observe a little how the mechanism carries out its functional tasks.

When the toilet is not in use, but water still flows from the tank, even if it flows in a small stream, the drainage system needs to be repaired. Such a leak can be determined by the formation of a trace of water, which appears inside over time.

To eliminate the malfunction, you will need to check every part of the device, paying special attention to the connecting elements and inlet fittings. If it is not possible to cope with the task yourself, it is better to use the help of a specialist who can perform both diagnostics and troubleshooting. Calling a plumber is an ideal solution for users who do not have enough knowledge and practical experience to get rid of a plumbing problem

The repair will fix the problem and solve the issue with the wet surface of the tank

Calling a plumber is an ideal solution for users who do not have enough knowledge and practical experience to get rid of a plumbing problem. The repair will eliminate the problem and solve the issue with the wet surface of the tank.

If the problem is that the toilet is used too often, then installing a two-stage button on the mechanism can help. The latest models of plumbing fixtures are initially sold in this configuration. The button can be easily purchased at any construction supermarket; the cost of the product is quite affordable for most consumers.

By installing a button, it becomes possible to drain only a certain part of the water contained in the toilet tank. The button is a system that consists of two drain modes - full and partial. This feature makes it possible to save water, which is important today for most owners of apartments and houses, and also allows the incoming liquid to warm up over time. This will reduce the likelihood of moisture forming on the surface of the toilet.

The consequences of condensation on the drain tank

If you do not take immediate action when water droplets appear on the toilet cistern, then a puddle with an unpleasant odor will appear under the plumbing equipment.

In the future this will lead to the following consequences:

  • increasing humidity in the bathroom;
  • the occurrence of mold and fungi;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant damp smell;
  • plumbing will be subject to corrosion, causing it to rust and lose its attractive appearance;
  • formation of rust and corrosion, gradual destruction of the sewer pipeline;
  • the tank and its bolts will begin to rust, become unusable and require replacement;
  • rotting of floor and ceiling materials, which can cause partial destruction of the ceilings.

The problem of condensation in the bathroom, at first glance, may seem insignificant, but if this phenomenon is ignored for a long time, serious consequences can occur.

Dampness, black mold, unpleasant odor, discomfort and complaints from neighbors living below about the appearance of stains on the ceiling are the results of continuous condensation on the surface of your toilet cistern.

Due to constant condensation in the bathroom, pipes corrode and rust, which subsequently leads to their destruction and leakage

In addition to pipe corrosion, there is a more serious problem. If you ignore the formation of puddles on the floor for a long time, then under the influence of moisture a gradual process of rotting of the floor materials occurs.

As a result, water seeps below, provoking processes of rotting of materials on the ceiling of neighbors living below. At first, damp stains will appear on the ceiling. In the future, the destruction of the ceiling between apartments is possible.

If your toilet cistern is sweating, you need to take drastic measures immediately. Methods for dealing with unaesthetic condensation depend on the reasons for its formation.

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Negative effects on coating and recoating

Black mold on the bathroom floor

Damp walls in the toilet

Metal plumbing parts and fittings

To leave it or to leave it - that is the question

Option #1. The toilet tank began to fog up a little, but everything managed to dry in the intervals between visits to the toilet and bathroom. Here you can do without radical measures. A slight fogging of the surface cannot lead to irreparable consequences and seriously damage the external finish.

Option #2. If the drain tank is constantly wet, and streams of water constantly flow onto the floor and nothing dries on its own, then the solution is clear - the problem should be fixed. Drops that flow down the outer surface of the container create puddles that constantly have to be wiped off. Sometimes the situation is completely deplorable - in a day you get a huge lake in the toilet. This is not only inconvenient, but also unnerving.

  1. Condensation droplets can stay in small crevices and areas that are difficult to reach. Over time, the water begins to stagnate and smell unpleasant.
  2. The constant appearance of condensation increases the level of humidity, and especially if the bathroom is combined. This situation can provoke the growth and reproduction of fungus and mold. Mold will spoil the appearance of any room. It also negatively affects the human body, causing allergies, headaches and other health problems.
  3. The outer surface of the tank, being under the influence of drops of water around the clock, can not last long - in the next few years a network of small cracks appears in which mold and mildew appear.
  4. Due to the high level of humidity, all wood interior items in the room begin to rot. Especially if it is a table, parquet made of solid oak/beech or other species.
  5. Metal parts of furniture, water pipes and other objects will begin to suffer from corrosion. Even a mirror can be damaged - a huge colony of black mold will begin to grow on its inside.

And the mold that has appeared on the mirror will no longer make it possible to use it in the future. You will need to buy a new one, and this is an additional expense. As a result, constant condensation will not only result in a worse microclimate, but also the working condition and appearance of almost all interior items will be lost. At this rate, after 4 years you can do a major overhaul.

Excessive water consumption in the bathroom

Sometimes the toilet tank fogs up due to excessive water consumption. In bathrooms where the toilet is flushed frequently, more cold liquid enters the tank, which increases the likelihood of condensation forming.

To solve this problem, you need to adjust the fittings, reducing the amount of water supplied to the tank. In a large family, the toilet is used frequently, so it is better to buy a toilet with an adjustable or stepped flush.

Purchasing plumbing equipment with an adjustable drain will reduce fluid consumption, save money and save the tank from condensation.

Minimizing flushing can be done using toilets equipped with a cistern with a two-button flush mechanism. If one button is used, 5 liters of water flows out of the cistern, and if the other button is used, approximately 7 liters.

Some models have tanks with aquastop drain. The lid has one control button: the first time you press it, the water begins to drain, and the second time this process stops.

What can we expect?

Condensation on the toilet - this initially minor nuisance can result in a number of non-critical, but rather troublesome consequences, such as:

  • Pools of water accumulate on the toilet pedestal and then on the floor.
  • The appearance of dampness, and then, as a consequence, mold, mildew and unpleasant odors.
  • Rusting of metal elements of plumbing fixtures, for example, parts that attach the toilet to the floor.

You, of course, can endlessly wipe away the condensation and place containers to collect the drips, but who needs this hectic housekeeping, it’s easier to get rid of this “disease” once and for all.

Many owners completely insulate pipes to avoid temperature changes and, as a result, the formation of condensation

In this article, we will try to understand why the toilet tank is sweating and we will tell you what to do if there is condensation on the toilet.

Insufficient toilet ventilation

Sometimes installing a ventilation device or an additional fresh air supply is enough to say goodbye to the problem forever.

How to check the ventilation system?

If your toilet cistern is sweating, you urgently need to check the integrity and serviceability of the ventilation system in the bathroom. You need to bring paper, a candle or a lighter to the ventilation grille.

The system works fine as long as the paper sticks and the flame burns evenly. If paper falls or the flame goes out, then urgent measures must be taken to restore ventilation.

The process of diagnosing the operation of ventilation can be carried out independently by the home owner in a simple but effective way using improvised means.

You can solve the problem of constant condensation in the following ways:

  • Cleaning ventilation ducts.
  • Installing an additional fan on the exhaust duct.

An effective option for getting rid of exhaust air and obtaining a clean influx is to leave a gap 2 cm high.

An excellent solution is to install a multifunctional door valve that allows air from outside and at the same time blocks unpleasant odors, preventing them from spreading throughout the living space.

Any room with high humidity (toilet, kitchen, bathroom) has ventilation windows that ensure optimal air circulation in the room

A malfunctioning ventilation system may cause the tank to sweat. But most owners of living space, trying to make the room look better, simply cover the ventilation holes with finishing. There is no need to do this; a good option is to buy beautiful decorative grilles designed specifically for this purpose.

Installing a fan in the bathroom

In order to stop the process of fogging of the tank, walls and floor in the bathroom, try installing forced ventilation in the room.

Sometimes a simple fan, which is mounted in the vent and starts to function when the light in the toilet is turned on, can eliminate the formation of condensation on surfaces. If this does not solve the problem, you should call specialists to install more effective ventilation systems.

You can improve the quality and circulation of air flow in the bathroom by installing additional modules in the room - fans and hoods

If the toilet cistern is sweating, you should first check the ventilation. Some owners, in order to “cultivate” the bathroom, completely seal up the existing ventilation holes.

Consumers should pay attention to the decorative grille, which will save you from problems with ventilation and will look aesthetically pleasing. One way to solve the problem is to leave the door to the toilet ajar.

The most effective way to combat condensation is to install a professional ventilation system that maintains an optimal level of humidity in the room

Installation of forced ventilation is often used in combined bathrooms, which are characterized by the appearance of condensation on the toilet, tiles, ceiling, mirrors and other surfaces. In this case, it is better to install a professional ventilation system.

The power of the equipment must correspond to the operating conditions, then droplets of condensation will stop appearing.

Installation of an axial fan in the exhaust hole located in the bathroom is carried out in the following order:

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Step 1: Prepare the exhaust vent for fan installation

Step 2: Marking the fan mounting points on the wall

Step 3: Connecting the Fan Wires to the Wiring

Step 4: Attaching the external axial fan panel

To check whether the ventilation in a plumbing unit is working properly, you need to do a second check: light a lighter (candle, match), bring it to the hole and look at the light.

If it goes out or is drawn into the ventilation duct, then the ventilation system is functioning well. If the position of the flame remains the same or the deviation is small, you need to consider another method.

Normalization of air circulation

First of all, check how effectively natural ventilation works. Ventilation windows should be covered with bars and under no circumstances clogged with dirt and dust.

Natural ventilation is the key to protection against high humidity and mold

Many users prefer to leave the bathroom door open, but a better option is to make a gap at the bottom.

To improve air circulation, you should install a ventilation grill in the bathroom door

Before installing decorative mesh, the channel should be cleared of debris; if this has not been done, then there is a possibility that there is no draft in the system. In this case, it needs to be cleaned. In a private house, this responsibility falls directly on the owner, in multi-storey residential buildings - on the housing office, where you should contact.

Natural ventilation is not always ensured by ventilation. In this case, an artificial one should be installed. It is difficult to do this on your own, since you need to take into account the power of the equipment and the state of the microclimate of the room, so we recommend contacting special centers.

If natural ventilation is of poor quality, it is necessary to organize forced ventilation

There are also systems that dry air, which are aimed at shared bathrooms. They provide a reduction in humidity by recycling water vapor.

Ways to deal with condensation

The reasons for excessive moisture on the toilet cistern were described a little higher. Now let's look at the simplest ways to eliminate them.

If condensation on the walls of the flush tank occurs only in the summer, take the following measures:

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Step 1: Using Tank Cover

Step 2: Increase room ventilation

Step 3: Reducing the temperature inside the bathroom

Step 4: Installing the Mixing Valve

Method #1. Repair of shut-off valves

A common cause of the formation of wet condensation on the outer surface of the tank is the breakdown of shut-off valves and float mechanisms. Due to a faulty mechanism, cold water from the sewer pipes flows continuously into the tank without having time to settle.

As a result of the movement of cold water flows, condensation appears. If there is a meter, the owner of the apartment will have to pay for the leakage.

If your plumbing drain tank is broken, it will constantly leak water. Because of this, the surface of the tank will be colder than the air in the room, so it will fog up.

Most modern plumbing models do not require “local” repairs, so manufacturers do not produce small spare parts for them. In the event of a breakdown, you will have to purchase a set of shut-off valves.

If you can identify faulty structural elements and make repairs at the site of the breakdown, you will be able to reduce excessive cold water consumption, which is important for housing with a meter.

You can solve the problem without plumbing skills with the help of a specialist. If you are familiar with the principle of operation of the drainage system, then you can carry out the repair yourself, while saving on calling specialists.

Depending on the toilet model, there are two ways to solve the problem - replacing the shut-off valves or local repairs of failed structural parts.

Method #2. Repairing water leaks

Condensation can appear due to various factors, one of which is water leakage. More often, the breakdown is caused by malfunctions of parts of the fittings and is observed when filling the container with cold water.

Condensation forms at any water pressure, but the degree of fogging of the tank depends on the power of the pressure. To fix the problem, you need to adjust the water drainage system or replace faulty parts.

Due to water leakage, the air in the bathroom becomes more humid, puddles may appear around the toilet and an unpleasant odor may appear.

If water flows freely into the toilet in a thin stream, its volume in the flush tank must be constantly replenished. This explains the appearance of condensation on the surface of the tank, walls and floor, as well as high water consumption.

In some cases, replacing the worn rubber siphon membrane will solve the problem. The replacement process goes like this:

  • All water is drained from the tank;
  • the lever is fixed in such a position that the drain hole is closed with a valve and water does not flow into the device;
  • the siphon is disassembled by separating the part from the lever;
  • take out the worn out membrane and replace it with a new one.

At the end, the siphon is put in place and a test drain is made.

When purchasing a new rubber membrane, you must take into account that the dimensions and material of the part must ideally match the design of your toilet.

If the cause of the toilet leak is a faulty float, you must do the following:

  • remove the float from the drain tank;
  • pour the water out of it and let it dry;
  • glue the hole through which water flows;
  • install the float in place.

The best option is to buy a new float, since a repaired part will not last long. The problem can be easily solved if the water leakage is due to an incorrect placement of the float.

To fix the problem, you need to open the toilet tank and set the lever to its normal operating position.

Method #3. Installing a double wall cistern

Manufacturers of plumbing equipment have developed innovative toilet models equipped with a cistern with a double-wall system. The design of the toilet is distinguished by the presence of double walls in the tank for draining water.

In this case, the additional plastic container located inside does not come into contact with the walls of the main ceramic bowl, forming an air cushion. As a result, the water has a constant room temperature.

On the plumbing market you can find toilet models with an improved flush tank design that eliminates the formation of condensation. Double-walled flush tanks never sweat

A new design solution from plumbing developers makes it easy to solve the problem of fogging in the toilet tank. For most buyers, these models are unaffordable - they are several times higher than the cost of standard toilets. Therefore, some home craftsmen independently make double walls in the drain tank.

It is better to treat the inner walls of the bowl with liquid waterproofing materials, for example, mastic. Bonded materials are less effective and durable.

Method #4. Thermal insulation of the cistern

You can insulate the walls of the drain tank from the action of cold water using heat-insulating materials that are firmly glued inside the tank.

In the process of installing thermal insulation on a tank or pipes, special insulating materials and improvised means are used. Neoprene or expanded polystyrene foam is often used as insulation.

Some homeowners independently struggle with the problem of fogging of the plumbing fixture tank by pasting the inner walls of the container with heat-insulating material

Thermal insulation prevents the walls of the drainage device from coming into contact with cold water.

To obtain the required result, you must perform a number of actions:

  • Turn off the water supply to the plumbing fixture.
  • Disconnect the hose that supplies water to the drainage system.
  • Remove the water drain tank.
  • Disassemble all the elements located in the middle of the drain bowl.
  • Wash and dry the container.
  • Cut out the liner from the heat-insulating material (spread it on a flat surface, place the tank on it, circle the bottom along the perimeter and cut off the workpiece).
  • Place the resulting workpiece inside the container and press tightly.
  • Measure the internal height of the walls (from the liner to the top edge of the tank).
  • Measure the perimeter of the walls, adding an allowance of 100 mm.
  • Place the pattern in the middle of the container. Since the joint will overlap, you need to press the workpiece against the wall and make a through cut.
  • Get the blanks for further assembly.
  • Apply sealant to the bottom near the holes for the fittings.
  • Put the bottom in its place.
  • Apply glue to the sides of the container, then place the inner liner.
  • Use silicone to fill the vertical joint.
  • Seal the joint between the walls and the bottom with sealant.
  • After 24 hours, you can make holes for the reinforcement and apply sealant to the edges.
  • Install all elements in place.

It should be borne in mind that thermal insulation of the toilet cistern is not always able to solve the problem of fogging of the plumbing fixture

Work technology

When you have a cast iron sewer pipe in front of you, the next step is to fix the shut-off valve to the flange outlets of the saddle. The crown will be inserted through the first one. The cast iron pipe is drilled, and it will be necessary to cool the work site and replace broken bits from time to time. In this case, you need to use a special cutting tool that has carbide plates. It will be impossible to cut the material using other equipment. At the final stage, the crown is removed, the water flow is blocked, and the installation of the external branch is carried out according to standard rules.

Other ways to deal with condensation

Another solution to the current problem of high humidity in the bathroom is to purchase a dehumidifier.

The principle of operation of the electrical appliance: a powerful fan directs a flow of moist air into a special cooling chamber, in which the process of condensation of moisture occurs and its separation into a special container. Then the dried air is heated and successfully returned to the bathroom.

If forced ventilation installed in the bathroom cannot cope with excess humidity, you can use a compact portable dehumidifier

In addition to the above methods of combating the formation of condensation on the tank and other surfaces, experts suggest considering the possibility of installing heated towel rails.

Another simple but effective method of eliminating the process of moisture formation in the bathroom is to increase the temperature of the water that constantly enters the home toilet system.

To begin with, it is recommended to try to properly insulate the sewer pipes. If this technique does not help, then you can install a special boiler designed to heat the water in the drain tank to room temperature.

If you are unable to identify why the toilet tank is constantly sweating and remove the condensation yourself, you need to contact professional plumbers.

Temperature increase

If the cause of condensation is cold water that does not have time to warm up to room temperature, then this problem can be solved.

Condensation on the toilet cistern - how to get rid of it:

  1. Install a water heater. The device is placed inside the tank. The water heater will heat the water to such a temperature that condensation will not appear.
  2. Insulate sewer pipes. It is advisable to do this at the time of laying them and place them in this form under the ground. So the water entering the tank will no longer be so cold.
  3. Overlap. First you need to remove everything that will interfere with your work. Then close the pipes halfway. This way you can regulate temperature differences.

In such simple ways, you can get rid of water droplets. The methods are the fastest and the cheapest.

General information

To understand how to deal with condensation, you need to understand the essence of the phenomenon and why it forms.

Condensation is water particles that settle on a surface from the air. Moisture forms because there is a sudden change in temperature.

The formation of condensation on the drain tank can be explained by the fact that inside the drain tank there is cold liquid, which does not have time to heat up from the warm external air. The outer walls of the tank are exposed to a sharp temperature difference, so water droplets form on it.

Condensation on the tank indicates that there is some problem with the operation of the device. It must be identified and then eliminated.

If you constantly drain water from the tank and fill it, then the cold water, not having time to warm up to the temperature in the room, forms condensation. The formation of condensation is also facilitated by impaired ventilation. If the door to the room closes tightly and there is a high threshold at the entrance, and the ventilation hole is located far from the toilet.

This state of ventilation in combined bathtub and toilet rooms is considered the most dangerous; there is a risk of suffocation.

The third main reason for the accumulation of condensation on the tank is considered to be a malfunction of the internal fittings. Leaking gaskets or failure of the float mechanism lead to a high consumption of cold water, so excess moisture forms on the outside of the tank.

Excessive humidity in the toilet can appear when humid air from other rooms in the apartment enters the bathroom.

Or, if the house drys clothes in a combined bathroom or in the kitchen located next to the toilet.

Having identified the cause of the appearance of moisture on the tank, you can begin to eliminate it; when the problem is solved, the formation of condensation will end.

The formation of condensation on the tank does not always require replacing the tank mechanisms or repairing the ventilation.

For example, the drainage container fogs up only when the bathroom or bathtub is actively used. If the tank dries out between uses of the plumbing fixtures, then you should not use radical methods of dealing with moisture.

If condensation flows onto the floor, forming a puddle, then it’s time to identify the cause and fix the problem.

Attention! It is impossible to use a mirror with mold; you will have to buy a new one.

Condensation spoils the microclimate of the bathroom, which leads to damage to the plumbing and furniture in the room. In a maximum of five years, a complete renovation of the toilet or combined room will be required.

Checking the condition of the ventilation holes

To reduce the level of air humidity, you need to adjust the ventilation of the bathroom. Each apartment has special ventilation “windows” that provide air circulation. In pursuit of the beauty of the interior, some residents seal these holes with finishing materials, which, of course, is unacceptable.

To disguise ventilation windows, you need to buy decorative grilles that are specifically designed for this purpose. They can be selected by color, shape, and design. Before installing decorative grilles, clear the ventilation ducts of debris.

Installing a fan that turns on when the lights are turned on will help partially solve the problem of condensation.

Air ventilation in the room can be organized even more efficiently if you connect a forced ventilation system. To calculate the power of the ventilation system, you must contact specialists. After assessing the condition of the bathroom and the intensity of its use, professionals will give recommendations on the choice of equipment.

How to eliminate fogging?

Elimination of either high humidity in the room or elimination of temperature differences can mainly help. You can remove condensation from the toilet tank using one or more of the following actions.

Setting up the drain mechanism

First, you can try to repair/adjust the drain system. The accumulation of water on the walls of the tank can be caused by a malfunction of this unit. If the flush valve is not seated tightly, water may constantly leak into the toilet. In this case, the tank will continuously fill and cool. In such a situation, the volume of condensing liquid can reach 1-2 liters per day.

The fight against evaporation will be more effective if you start with repairing the drain and shut-off valves. The functionality of all components should be checked and, if necessary, replaced with a new one. To quickly figure out the repair, we advise you to look at how the toilet works.

Before installing a new mechanism, you need to check for lime deposits on the drain hole. If necessary, remove them and replace the rubber seals. To avoid deformation of the sealing gaskets, it is recommended to tighten the nuts not with wrenches, but with your hands, but with the maximum possible force.

Reducing the volume of drained water

You can try to overcome condensation on the drain tank by reducing the volume of the drain. Of course, with a large number of residents and continuous use of the bathroom, this will be difficult to achieve. However, the amount of water drained should be minimized if possible. To do this, you can use the partial release button. In the absence of such a system, it is recommended to replace the outdated device with a modern one. It will help get rid of condensation and save a certain amount of water.

Elimination of temperature differences

You can combat condensation formations by heating the collecting water. If the supplied water is the same temperature as the air in the room, then drops will not accumulate on the surface of the tank. This can be done by connecting a system with instantaneous water heating that has a thermostat and creating proper thermal insulation of the pipelines. The temperature can be set within 20-25°C.

On the other hand, you can lower the air temperature in the bathroom. But not everyone will like such a plan of action.

Installing a dehumidifier

The device must be selected in accordance with the humidity level, room area and your budget. Based on the principle of operation, two types can be distinguished:

  1. Absorption - a container filled with an absorbent substance that perfectly absorbs moisture. Silica gel is often used.
  2. Condensation – cools the air, and excess moisture condenses and settles inside the device.

Creating high-quality ventilation

Protecting your tank from condensation should start with ensuring good ventilation. It is not uncommon that when renovating a private house/apartment, the ventilation openings are closed or simply not maintained. However, this is a significant mistake, because It is this that can completely eliminate problems with toilet fogging.

Checking the operation of the ventilation can be done very simply: just hold a sheet of paper to the hole or bring a lit match and put it out. If there is sufficient draft, the hood is functioning normally. If there is no draft at all or it is weak, then the ventilation ducts should be cleaned.

One of the simplest ways to solve the problem is to install forced ventilation.

Installation of a special tank

Modern technologies have long begun to solve the problem under consideration. One of them is a double tank toilet. The modification looks like this: a plastic tank inside, and a familiar ceramic casing on the outside. A gap is created between the ceramic and plastic containers, which ensures that the water temperature is maintained at the same values ​​as room temperature. Installation of such a system can clearly solve all issues with condensate deposition.

However, such double tanks have one significant drawback - their high price.

Internal thermal insulation

Buying an expensive cistern/toilet is not always advisable. You can solve the problem yourself. To do this, foamed polyethylene is placed inside the tank. Due to such thermal insulation, it is possible to reduce the temperature difference several times and eliminate changes.

Naturally, the situation with condensation on the tank needs to be corrected. Otherwise, the consequences may be unhappy. If you approach the solution comprehensively, the situation will definitely improve.

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