Which toilet lid is better, made of duroplast or polypropylene?

The need to replace the toilet lid may take a person by surprise, because few people imagine the variety of choices provided by the modern market. Nowadays, everyone can choose plumbing fixtures and accessories to match their most incredible desires and regardless of their financial capabilities.

Nowadays, most toilet lids are made of plastic, plywood, or wood ; but plastic is more popular due to its convenience. The only advantages of plywood are low price and strength aesthetics are sacrificed . If we talk about wooden lids, they come in different qualities, which vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. One of the main disadvantages of wooden lids is their price and size. There are often cases when a wooden lid accidentally fell and broke a toilet.

Plastic options are considered the most comfortable : made of polypropylene (and other modern plastic materials) and a more modern type of plastic - duroplast, which is a little more outstanding in technical terms.

It is these two materials that we will focus on, trying to figure out which one is best suited for your toilet.

Advantages and disadvantages of a duroplastic lid

Duroplast is considered a more modern and technically advanced type of plastic. Less susceptible to technical damage and withstanding much more aggressive acids, duroplast is similar in appearance to ceramics . At the same time, if the manufacturer does not skimp on his product and applies hygienic impurities to its surface, then a seat made of Duroplast will be perfect for a child, because it will always be perfectly disinfected.

Advantages of a duroplast lid:

  1. Protection from physical and chemical damage.
  2. Antibacterial protection, depending on the manufacturer.
  3. More pleasant appearance compared to plastic counterparts.
  4. Sun protection.
  5. Durability.

Disadvantages of a duroplast lid:

  • High price.

Recommendations for selection

Recommendations for selection:

Where to buy a Duroplast toilet seat?

  1. Buy at Maxidom - go to product page =>>
  2. Buy in Petrovich - go to product page =>>
  3. Buy at Obi - go to product page =>>
  4. Buy at Maxidom - go to product page =>>
  5. Buy in All Tools - go to product page =>>

  1. Know the size of the toilet.
  2. The shape of the lid should follow the shape of the toilet

  3. Select colors in accordance with the color scheme of the bathroom or toilet.

  4. When purchasing, carefully check the entire set. Availability and integrity of all parts
  5. It is ideal to buy covers with high rigidity - this will protect against deformation with a large human body weight.
  6. The antibacterial surface of the seat will help keep the toilet clean.


The toilet seat is selected for the person, taking into account his needs. It should not cause discomfort during use. Inconvenience and irritation are signs of poor quality. The manufacturer moved away from the anatomical shape of the product.

Seats with a different shape (square, triangular, round) are made not as an accessory, but as a continuation of the toilet. Design work looks beautiful, but does not provide comfort.


The toilet seat is chosen in accordance with the style direction so that it fits harmoniously into the design. It is advisable to exclude bright colors with lapis patterns, as well as ruffles, bows, rhinestones and sequins.


The cover is subjected to daily stress, which leads to frequent breakdowns. To save your budget, special attention should be paid to the material from which the product is made. The higher the strength, the longer the service life.


Most often, the toilet seat is cleaned. Strong preparations with acid and chlorine are often used to treat toilet bowls and seats.

It is important to consider the material’s resistance to various chemicals contained in cleaning products.


The simpler the shape of the seat, the easier and better its cleaning will be. Various crevices, corners and internal cavities lead to dirt that is difficult to clean. Which leads not only to the accumulation of microbes and a breeding ground for infection, but also to an unpleasant odor.

It’s not only hard-to-reach places that cause problems when caring for the product. Complex terrain with large cracks and pores leads to the fact that over time all the recesses become dirty.

It’s great if the surface contains water-repellent components

It doesn’t matter which product you choose, the main thing is that it meets the main requirements. Comfort, practicality, hygiene, aesthetics. The purchase should satisfy you and leave a good impression, whether it is a seat with a bidet function, a smart lid, a microlift or a classic.

Advantages and disadvantages of a polypropylene cover

Polypropylene belongs to modern subtypes of plastic , along with polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene. Lids made from polypropylene are the most popular on the market today; Inexpensive in price and relatively easy to use, they have an equal number of pros and cons.

Advantages of a polypropylene cover:

  1. Comfortable shape with soft edges.
  2. Stiffening ribs that allow the lid to hold both a child and an adult.
  3. The ability to firmly secure the seat to the toilet using rubber inserts.
  4. Variety of designs.
  5. Price.

Disadvantages of a polypropylene cover:

  • Fragility of the material.
  • Fragility, which does not allow the use of strong chemical cleaning agents.
  • Quick appearance of scratches on the cover.
  • Most polypropylene covers do not retain heat, which can cause discomfort to owners of such seats.
  • Repairing an old coating is more expensive than buying a new one

A polypropylene cover is a simple and budget option with its pros and cons, which, with proper care and care of its owners, can serve them for a long time, and practically not remind them of its potential shortcomings.

How does a toilet seat work?

Structurally, a stationary toilet seat has space for fixing different shapes. It can be round, oval or angular (square, rectangle). Rubber supports are attached to the bottom of the toilet seat to prevent slipping and the risk of damaging the ceramic base.

Most models are additionally equipped with a lid. It may also have attachments to reduce noise. In size, the upper part of the toilet seat is slightly larger than the lower part or overlaps it.

There is also a quick-release, non-stationary toilet seat. Such models do not have mounting space. As a rule, they are intended for children and people with disabilities.

What do Duroplast and polypropylene have in common?

As you can already understand from the information presented above, both polypropylene and duroplast are subtypes of the same material - plastic , just polypropylene is an older and simpler version of it, and duroplast is modern and strong . Therefore, in the first or second case, you buy a plastic cover.

All this allows you to take your mind off the choice of material for a second and focus on equally important things : shape, size, color, lid hardness, qualities that are no less important for convenience. The modern market is ready to provide you with all their variety, both from polypropylene and duroplast, so you can choose the model that is right for you.

Also, some modern lid models are equipped with are absolutely useless from a practical point of view, which, however, can add individuality to your toilet - for example, there are manufacturers who equip the lid with lighting or even a special step for the toilet seat. All this affects both the price of the product and its quality, so we advise you to choose wisely between quality, practicality and price.

More types

With heating function

The name speaks for itself. Perfect for cool rooms or those where there is no heating at all. There are different models - in which heating is carried out constantly or is switched on periodically on a special unit.


The device is useful when traveling because it can be installed in public toilets without any problems.

Such models are divided into 3 types:

  • consisting of several parts;
  • soft overhead with Velcro for fixation;
  • overhead with removable handles.

The main differences between Duroplast and polypropylene

To make it easier for you to understand which material suits you best, we decided to compile a table that will help you understand why polypropylene is better than duroplast.

Sturdy plasticFragile plastic
High price.Low price.
Withstands chemical attack.Chemical sensitivity.
Not affected by sunlight.Not UV protected.
Keeps you warm.Doesn't retain heat.
An antimicrobial coating is present in most cases.Antimicrobial coating is most often absent.
Beautiful appearance, similar to ceramic material.Appearance depends on the manufacturer.

Mounting types

Not only the material, but also the toilet seat mounts supplied in the kit must be chosen correctly.

  • In retail outlets you can find options: from nylon, plastic, metal.
  • The fastening kit contains: a screw and a nut.
  • Occasionally, manufacturers provide a decorative cap for it.

Important advice on fastening. The parts must be very durable, because the long-term operation of the entire product depends on them. It is worth giving preference to metal rather than plastic, which in this case is not reliable.

Also, the fasteners must be long enough to be adjustable.

Which option is right for you?

As you can already understand, the main difference between Duroplast and polypropylene is its resistance to damage and price ; Therefore, you have to start from these two points. If at the moment you have a very limited budget and are willing to handle the seat carefully, then you can opt for a polypropylene cover. But don’t forget that repairing it will cost you more than buying a new one, so in the end your costs will most likely be equal to the costs of a person who bought a duroplast lid.

Duroplast is perfect for people who are ready to invest in an expensive but durable purchase.

Repair and constructionComment

Product installation

The toilet lid with microlift is mounted like a regular toilet seat. It should be placed on the nozzles in the toilet, having previously put on special rubber holders that ensure careful connection of the device to the toilet. After installation, the seat must be secured with nuts from below.

The product will require some leveling to ensure even contact with the surface of the toilet. If this is not done, distortion and improper fit will result in damage to the device. The position of the cover can be adjusted using rotating adjustment cups located on the mounting bolts. You should achieve tight and even contact between the seat and the surface of the toilet. The adjustment is made before final fixing the device with nuts.

Criterias of choice

Plumbing manufacturers produce this product, focusing on the toilet models they produce. They are usually sold as a set and match each other perfectly in shape and color. But a toilet seat with a microlift can also be purchased separately, choosing a suitable option for an existing toilet.

What details should you pay attention to when choosing:

  1. The lid must match the shape and size of the toilet being used. You cannot place a square seat on a round toilet. Dimensions that do not match will result in product failure. Yes, and aesthetically it looks ugly.
  2. Different models of toilet seats differ from each other not only in shape, but also in color. Manufacturers produce products in various colors, so you can choose the option that best suits your existing interior.
  3. More expensive products are equipped with a variety of additional functions - built-in heating, automatic lifting of the lid when a person approaches, and a self-cleaning function. The buyer should decide how useful and in demand all these additional innovations will be for him.
  4. You should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer. Before buying a product, it is advisable to read reviews about it on the Internet or talk to those who have already purchased such a seat and have experience in using it.

Along with the obvious advantages of seats with a microlift, there are also their disadvantages:

  • the mechanism does not allow you to quickly close the lid if such a need arises;
  • if force is used to quickly close the lid, the product may break;
  • If a microlift breaks down, it is difficult to repair.

Let's go to the store

So, we decided to buy.

In the store we see, to put it mildly, more than one toilet seat - how to choose the right one?

  1. Decide in advance how much you are willing to part with. Decide whether you need the notorious goodies and whether you are willing to pay for them. Many high-quality seats with a microlift alone exceed 10 thousand rubles.
  2. How to choose a toilet seat of the right shape? It's as simple as that: look at your toilet. On an angular toilet, an oval seat will look strange and be used without any convenience. The opposite is also true.
  3. In advance, looking at the walls and plumbing, decide on the color. It is much more difficult to imagine a combination of flowers on a seat with grass on the wallpaper in a store.

Tip: it is believed that if there are more than three colors in a room, it is perceived as overly colorful.

At the same time, white and black colors are universal: they fit into any design without visually overloading it. This is why, by the way, plumbing fixtures and household appliances are most often white.

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