Toilet lid with microlift: fastening, replacement and repair

Plumbing is an integral part of any apartment and private house, because it makes the life of the inhabitants comfortable. One of the most important plumbing fixtures is the toilet. Moreover, it is necessary not only for convenience, but also for maintaining hygiene.

If previously the choice of product was limited by the material of manufacture or size, now the market offers a wide variety of models equipped with additional functions. Particularly popular are devices with the Anti-Splash system and a lid with a built-in microlift. And if “Anti-splash” has been used for quite a long time, then the microlift is a modern invention.

Therefore, when choosing a suitable model, many are faced with a difficult question: “What is this function, and is it really needed?”

In this article we will look at the microlift device, talk about its advantages and disadvantages, because knowing these nuances, making the right choice is much easier.

What is a microlift in a toilet?

A microlift is a device that provides silent, smooth raising and lowering of the toilet lid. The operating principle of a microlift is similar to a conventional door closer. Difference in size of structures. A toilet with a microlift is also called a “smooth lowering device”.

The installed device solves several problems at once:

  • Prevents the lid from suddenly falling off;
  • Makes the lowering of the toilet seat silent;
  • Prevents the formation of cracks and chips on the lid itself and plumbing fixtures.

Particularly attractive are mechanisms with a presence sensor. Their feature is to automatically raise the lid when a person approaches the toilet and lower it after he leaves.

How to choose the right one

  1. Know the size of the toilet. Width, depth of outer circle and bolt spacing.
  2. Material of manufacture.
  3. Cover color. There is a large selection, choose the best design option.
  4. Pay special attention to quality. Possible damage, scratches, chips. Check the mechanism itself.
  5. Try to avoid buying a cheap product. The quality will disappoint.
  6. Decide on functionality. Certain models are equipped with a flavoring filler, a self-cleaning system, and a motion sensor (smart lid).

A good option is to purchase a toilet with a lid equipped with a microlift. They fit together, which stops problems from arising.

Microlift design

The microlift most often comes complete with a cover, and not many are interested in its design. Subsequently, in case of breakdowns, questions arise as to whether it is possible to replace the parts and elements of the mechanism yourself and what they are.

The product itself is not exactly plastic, but a more modern polymer material – duroplast. Although it looks like plastic, its characteristics are more similar to ceramics.

It is not difficult to understand the internal structure of the lid microlift. It consists of the following elements:

  • a rod on which the seat and cover are securely fixed;
  • a spring that provides braking (smooth lowering) of the lid;
  • articulated micro-lift mechanism, thanks to which the device can change position;
  • The lubricant is transparent, viscous, and has a very unpleasant odor.

It is believed that this mechanism is non-separable and cannot be repaired. However, after repair and making some changes, the device can work again.

In more expensive models, the structural elements are slightly different, more reliable - pistons instead of springs and cylinders instead of rods. It is impossible to restore the operation of such a functional system, since the structure is non-demountable.


There are a huge number of models of toilet lids on the plumbing market. All these products are manufactured using various technologies using the most modern equipment. Some models are equipped with a touch panel, others have a heating or odor removal function. You should understand the advantages and disadvantages of each material.


Plastic lids are considered one of the most popular options among users. Such models have a low price, have a lot of useful functions, look organic, and fit well into any interior.

The main raw materials for the manufacture of plastic lids are:

  • polyethylene (the most common option);
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polypropylene.

During the manufacturing process, the saddle is poured so that the product has rounded edges. The plastic cover has additional stiffening ribs, which allows it to withstand the weight of a small child, as well as an adult. To secure the position, special rubber inserts are installed on the cover. Another advantage of plastic models is that they maintain room temperature, which is very convenient for small children who quickly react to cold. A significant advantage is the wide palette of colors and shades, which allows you to choose a product for any bathroom design.

The disadvantages of using plastic products include:

  • low strength indicators;
  • limited durability;
  • inability to use aggressive chemical compounds to clean the surface;
  • the appearance of scratches when exposed to abrasives.

Proper cleaning of the lid and timely care can eliminate all shortcomings. Treat the seat with care and it will last much longer.


Unlike plastic models, Duroplast contains special substances that have an antimicrobial effect. Such designs have high levels of hygiene. The products are distinguished by good strength indicators, their surface does not fade under the influence of direct sunlight, is not deformed and is not damaged under the influence of aggressive chemical compounds.

The appearance of the seat resembles a ceramic product, it looks prestigious. The only disadvantage of Duroplast is its high price, but this is an indicator of quality and durability.

Plywood, wood, chipboard

Wood products, including plywood and chipboard, are considered relics of the past, but they look very interesting. The main advantages of choosing such toilet lids are considered to be low cost, good strength and resistance to various damages. In most cases, wooden products are made from plywood or solid wood, and their surface is coated with a protective layer of transparent varnish.

Special rubber pads are used as additional fastening. Wood is used to make seats; the lid is made of a different material.


From this material you can get light, warm and practical seat models. You can buy them for a minimal price; they have good heat-retaining properties, so they can be used for installation in country toilets. The main disadvantages of foam seats are considered to be their unpresentable appearance and insufficient resistance to mechanical stress.

Note! It is not necessary to go to a hardware store to purchase a plastic product. It is enough to measure the bowl and cut the part from the workpiece to the required dimensions.

Main causes of breakdowns

There are few reasons why the microlift on the toilet lid does not work:

  • Incorrect operation: when a person, out of habit, tries to lower or raise the toilet lid with his hands, using unacceptable force on the mechanism;
  • Natural wear and tear of elements.

To save money, you can try to repair the microlift yourself, replacing only the failed parts.

Toilet closer repair

If the lid, instead of lowering smoothly, falls sharply and with a loud knock, if it opens and closes jerkily or creaks, then the closer in the device is broken . You can try to repair the toilet lid microlift yourself:

  1. Remove the toilet lid.
  2. We dismantle the structure.
  3. We disassemble the right and left microlifts.
  4. We inspect the condition of the structural elements.

The malfunction of the closer consists of problems with lubrication and its uneven distribution in the cylinder. You just need to distribute it evenly in the system and put the entire structure back together, repeating all the steps in reverse order.

The cause of the squeak may be a change in structure or lack of lubricant. In such cases, it is necessary to add or replace it, thereby extending the life of the cover for several more years. But only the right lubricant will eliminate the squeak and restore the operation of the mechanism.

Replacing bolts

If the base on which the closer is installed lags behind the bowl shelf and it rotates, the problem is a broken fastener. Replacing the fastening of a toilet lid with a microlift occurs in several stages:

  1. Dismantling the device by unscrewing or sawing off the fasteners holding the mechanism to the seat or cover;
  2. Replacing broken bolts that connect the lift and the back of the cover. Screwing them back with nuts;
  3. Assembly of the structure;
  4. Screwing the nuts onto the bolts at the bottom of the shelf.

Replacing bolts is a simple procedure, but plastic products must be screwed in carefully so as not to break them.

Tightening up loose supports

If the cause of the malfunction of the smooth lowering device is loose supports , repairs are carried out as follows:

  • Caps specially designed for hexagons are removed from all mounting legs. But such caps are not available on all models;
  • The entire structure, when open, is lifted up and carefully removed;
  • The fasteners, freely moving in the holes, move forward or backward to adjust the position of the lid relative to the tank;
  • The fastening nuts are tightened tightly but neatly.

The best manufacturers

Recommended manufacturers of seats equipped with microlifts:

  • Ifo Orsa (Sweden). The soft closing device itself is made of high quality Duroplast. White color. The seat is hard. The design is suitable for Kolo Primo and Keramag Flow toilets;
  • Gustavsberg Nordic. The mount is made of high quality metal. The seat is hard. It is clearly fixed on the bowl. The model type doesn't matter. Suitable series - Nordic Duo / Nordic 2300 series / Nordic 2200. The set includes 4 pillows that act as supports for the bowl;
  • Suntek Consul. Designed for both toilet and bidet. Seat material – duroplast (hard plastic). Fastener material – metal alloy. Model - any;
  • Roca Mateo. The color of the product is silver, the material is metal. Suitable for mounting on any device.

Judging by the reviews, the quality of Roca's products is worse than that of other manufacturers. Seat seats often fail, and leaks are observed against the background of liquid leakage from the microlift. The main advantage of this manufacturer's products is their low price. But, given its unreliability, much more money is spent on repairing or replacing the structure.

The average cost of the system on the Aquasan company website is 1500-2200 rubles. You can also find seats with more advanced microlifts on sale, the price of which ranges from 3,000 to 6,500 rubles. More detailed information can be found on the website

Other faults

Mechanism repair is also required if:

  • Cracks have formed on the seat or cover;
  • The spring is broken;
  • There are faults in the rod.

the crack on the seat with dichloroethane or acetone: drop a little liquid on the cracked edges and join them, fixing the lid in a stationary position for several minutes. A badly cracked or broken lid is glued together with liquid nails.

Replacing a broken spring is more difficult to deal with. It is almost impossible to select a similar part in diameter and length. But you won’t be able to find a single element on sale, because the device is considered non-separable.

The same problem arises when it comes to replacing rods. They can only be found in already used, broken similar structures. But this happens extremely rarely. It is much easier and more correct to purchase a new product that has a lift mechanism.

The right approach to purchasing

Where can you buy such a new product? This type of toilet is now sold in almost all plumbing stores. Try to choose large stores, there will be more choice there. This means that you will definitely be able to choose what you wanted. Pay attention to plumbing supply retailers. They should be able to answer any of your questions, give specific information about the product: manufacturer, advantages, etc.

Any good store should have its own website. This site contains a product catalog, terms of purchase, delivery (if any), reviews and other information. This is convenient; you don’t need to go around several retail outlets, which will take a lot of time. You just need to go to their websites and select the product you need. As a rule, such sites have store phone numbers where you can contact the seller and find out about the availability of a particular product. Some stores offer a service for delivering toilets directly to your home. In this case, you will not need to go to this store at all.

There are also online stores. It should be noted right away that the goods there are somewhat cheaper than in regular stores. This is because they do not have to pay rent for the sales area. They simply don't have it. All goods are shipped directly from the warehouse. Today, online stores are very popular precisely because of their prices and ease of purchase. Every online store has delivery, some even have it free.

Creative toilet or what the toilet says

In addition, each site should have reviews where you can find a description not only of the store itself, but also of an individual product. Reviews are very convenient; they can help you not only in choosing a store, but also the toilet itself. Thanks to them, choosing this or that product has become much easier. This is exactly what they were invented for.

How to properly install a toilet lid with a microlift

Installing a cover with a smooth lowering mechanism takes place in several steps:

  1. Compare the types of fastenings on the toilet and the selected product to make sure they match each other.
  2. Insert two rubber inserts into the recesses at the bottom of the seat.
  3. Connect the seat to the toilet body using a bolt and bushing.
  4. Adjust height.
  5. Secure the rubber gasket.
  6. Insert the mounting bolts and tighten them with nuts from the bottom.

Mounting features

Seats with a microlift have a similar design to standard models, and therefore they can be installed on any toilet, be it floor-mounted, wall-mounted, wall-hung, or corner. The main thing is that the size fits . However, there are exceptions: you won’t be able to install such devices yourself on some toilets of older models, so be sure to consult with the seller first.

Seats with microlift are divided into:

  • removable;
  • non-removable.

The former are attached to the toilet using special stainless steel hinges, which are not only responsible for their adjustment, but also securely fasten the mechanism. If necessary, it can be easily removed, for example, for cleaning.

To install the latter, more steps will be required, which we will discuss below.

Replacing the seat cover

Having decided to replace a broken structure, you must first take correct measurements of the plumbing.

To remove the microlift cover, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • pliers;
  • rags/cardboard;
  • hacksaw/knife;
  • socket wrench;
  • silicone (oil, grease), treat dried elements.

Dismantling begins by lowering the cover and then unscrewing the pins. To avoid damage to the plumbing, it is recommended to cover it on top with cardboard or rags.

The next step is to unscrew the clamp and bolts using pliers. If, due to the long service life, the fastening points are covered with plaque, the bolts have grown together with the body or are clogged, you can use a hacksaw instead of pliers or use a knife after heating the blade on fire. The remaining hot plastic on the surface of the toilet bowl can be easily cleaned off after hardening.

The new cover must be installed in the same sequence as during initial installation:

  1. insert rubber inserts (2 pcs) into the cover, ensuring a soft fit of the device to the seat;
  2. insert into the mounting holes;
  3. screw the fasteners, and additionally use rubberized seals;
  4. secure the cover with metal or plastic bolts;
  5. adjust the device;
  6. check how firmly the structure is secured.

Important to remember!

The seats of the toilet seats based on the microlift for the toilet are secured with adjustable hinges. They are made from high-strength steels, which ensure reliability and strength of the connection. They not only fix the equipment, but also regulate the operation of the structure. The adjustment is made by rotating them.

If the system is incorrectly adjusted, as well as if additional force is applied to accelerate the lid rebate, the service life of the entire product is significantly reduced.

Is it worth buying a toilet seat with a microlift?

Strengths of a microlift for plumbing:

  • silent lowering/raising;
  • absence of scratches, chips, cracks on the installed structure, thanks to the smooth,
  • neat operation of the mechanism;
  • long service life with proper use;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • Some models have a presence sensor.

However, along with the advantages, the microlift mechanism for the toilet lid also has weaknesses:

  • easy to break due to physical impact;
  • cannot close quickly if necessary, since only one mode works - smooth;
  • difficult to repair and restore, and some elements cannot be replaced or repaired at all;
  • During disassembly, damage to internal parts and connections may occur.

Only after assessing the positive and negative qualities of a microlift can you make a choice for or against the purchase.

Anti-splash function

Anti-splash is also a quite necessary and important function. It helps to avoid splashing water. Toilets with this function have a special device, namely, the back wall of the toilet has a certain slope. This tilt helps to avoid splashing water. This function cannot be called new, since such a device has been in practice for quite a long time. But it was only now that we managed to achieve the desired result.

Previously, toilets had a special so-called “shelf”, that is, a slightly recessed place. Not a lot of water accumulated in this place, but cleaning this type of toilet was not very convenient. Gradually, this “shelf” began to be lowered, creating some inclination. It is important that this slope is not too sharp, but also not too small. It is because of this tilt that the creators of this function worked for a long time. And only now we can purchase a toilet with this convenient feature. But not only the slope of the wall gives the desired result. The fact is that the water level in such toilets is slightly lower than in conventional analogues. This adds your percentage of the result to the wall.

Selection of toilets in the store

Choosing a toilet lid with a microlift

Plumbing manufacturers often create micro-lift covers directly for their specific models. However, there are designs that are sold separately from plumbing fixtures. And most often they fit different types of toilets.

To choose a toilet lid with a microlift, it is recommended to pay attention to:

  • Compliance with the size of the toilet bowl shape and the purchased product;
  • The quality of fasteners, the service life of the structure depends on it;
  • The material from which the lid is made;
  • To the manufacturer. The reputation of the product manufacturer says a lot about the reliability of the structures themselves;
  • The presence or absence of additional functions, for example, heating, self-cleaning or something else.

The lids on which the microlift is installed can be matched to any toilet: floor-standing, wall-hung, of different shapes and sizes.

Pros and cons of the device

A toilet seat equipped with a micro-lift function has a number of undeniable advantages, thanks to which it has gained popularity. So, these include:

  1. No noise. The system prevents the lid from falling and lowers the toilet seat almost silently. You don’t have to worry about waking up your household at night with a loud, annoying sound.
  2. Increases the service life of plumbing fixtures. Due to the fact that the lid lowers slowly, the base of the toilet is not subject to constant mechanical stress. This prevents the appearance of cracks, scratches, and chips. Consequently, the service life of the toilet increases.
  3. Child safety. Children often injure their fingers when they carelessly lower the lid. The microlift will help to avoid this by gently closing the toilet on its own.
  4. Additional functions. Some models are additionally equipped with automatic control. The system will independently lift the lid when one of the household members enters the bathroom. She is also guaranteed to put it down, unlike forgetful family members.
  5. Easy installation. The device can be installed independently and removed if necessary, for example, in case of cleaning the room.
  6. Versatility. The product can be installed on any modern toilet model.

Reference! An unusual option is the one with a built-in air freshener. The product scents the room using silicone, the smell from which enters the bathroom through micro-holes located throughout the surface of the toilet seat.

Speaking about the advantages of the device, one cannot fail to mention the existing disadvantages. These are:

  • in the case when you need to quickly lower the lid on the seat, the system will not allow you to do this;
  • breaks easily - when you press hard with your hands, the product literally breaks into several parts;
  • impossibility of restoration - if the microlift fails, you will need to buy a new one, since the device cannot be repaired even in a workshop;
  • Difficult to assemble - the product should be assembled carefully, strictly following the attached instructions.

Despite the existing disadvantages, the number of advantages outweighs, so it is worth purchasing a toilet seat with a microlift.

Working with supports

The structure is mounted on steel supports. To make adjustments, remove the protective caps on the posts. Typically, models for such operations have holes for a hex key. After this, the seat along with the lid can be lifted up. The fasteners rotate well inside, so they need to be tightened to adjust. When the adjustment is completed, the cap must be returned to its place and tightened.

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