Soldering technology for polypropylene pipes: preparation and process

The price of pipes and fittings made of polypropylene (abbreviated as PPR) is noticeably lower than other polymers - metal-plastic, cross-linked polyethylene. But you can save twice - buy an inexpensive soldering iron and solder plumbing or heating from PPR with your own hands.

The essence of the problem: many instructions and videos on connecting pipelines have been published on the Internet, in isolation from actual installation conditions. The homeowner learns how to properly weld shaped elements on a table, but does not know the intricacies of laying and joining finished sections. We propose to change the approach - soldering of polypropylene pipes and installation work should be mastered simultaneously.

Soldering technology

When heated, polypropylene becomes soft, resembling plasticine in consistency. Particles of liquid material mutually penetrate into the adjacent part. After cooling, it hardens and becomes resistant to tearing. The cooled seam is not inferior to the base material in technical parameters. To ensure a quality connection, it is recommended to meet the following conditions:

  • polypropylene is heated with the device to a state of viscous fluidity, following the instructions in the instructions for the equipment;
  • solder products from the same material, you should not connect polypropylene parts with different markings, the strength of the connection will be impaired;
  • the ends and fittings are joined tightly, avoiding gaps and distortions; a tight fit is ensured by sanding the cut edge of the pipes with sandpaper;
  • polypropylene hardens quickly, leveling is possible within a few seconds, after hardening it will be impossible to correct the defect.

Iron for welding pipes Source
Thanks to the thermoplastic characteristics of polypropylene, reliable joining of elements is ensured. A strong seam is obtained only if welding technology is followed and quality materials are selected. Let's look at how to solder polypropylene pipes below. On devices that support the installation of several nozzles, the sleeve can be installed in a convenient position. The location of the heating cartridge does not affect the quality of heating.

Which polypropylene products to choose

For low-pressure cold water supply networks, PN16 products are the most practical. They can easily withstand pressure up to 2 atmospheres at temperatures up to +40 degrees. This is quite enough to withstand the loads of a water supply system in a private home or a watering system in a greenhouse or garden.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings: types, markings, installation

Polypropylene products of the PN20 brand are more resistant to various influences, which are considered universal and can be used, among other things, for heating with a coolant temperature of up to 95 degrees.

But the most reliable pipes in any water supply system are PN25 pipes reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass.

Difficulty of welding

Test installation and connection of the first link of the system can be performed on a table or on the floor in a convenient place. Further welding on site is carried out under various technical conditions. Some areas of the system are difficult to access with an iron.

Before soldering pipes in hard-to-reach areas, it is recommended to choose a comfortable position. An inconvenient location causes delays in work and the appearance of various defects, for example:

  • overheating of parts with melting of polypropylene and its spreading;
  • the connection is deeper or smaller than required by the standard;
  • installation with bending or rotating the element.

Installation of equipment on the platform Source
When heating and connecting, synchronous actions should be observed: both parts are heated and removed from the nozzle at the same time. There is no delay before assembling heated parts. The pause occurs due to the need to place the device on the platform. Technical downtime directly depends on the experience of the technician and his speed of work. Errors in work lead to sagging, seam mixing, cracking and damage to the joint.

Procedure for performing diffuse soldering

The ends are joined directly by socket soldering or using couplings. The coupling is a shaped part that is used as a connecting link. It is suitable for pipes with a diameter of up to 63 mm. Instead of a coupling, cuttings of pipes with a larger diameter than the section being welded are suitable. The section of pipe and coupling at the junction melts, providing reliable fastening.

Pipe cutting Source

A socket connection requires precise joining of pipe elements. The edges must be perfectly protected. Irregularities and burrs after trimming are not allowed. After the ends are melted by the apparatus, their diffuse connection occurs. If errors occur during trimming, a leak or rupture of the joint will form when water is supplied.

PPR connection without welding

There are situations in life when the use of traditional soldering of polypropylene parts is excluded. For example, the joint is located in a hard-to-reach recess, or during installation the power suddenly turned off, and you only have to weld the last connection. There are 3 one-time methods:

  • heating with a gas burner and subsequent docking;
  • use of Gebo type compression coupling;
  • planting elements on anaerobic glue.

Why are these options considered one-time use? Gluing and heating with a torch cannot provide the required reliability of the joint and are used only as a last resort on cold water supply lines. It is highly undesirable to connect heating and hot water pipes in this way. Gebo couplings are reliable, but too expensive.

The connection technology without a soldering iron is simple - the parts are degreased, gently heated with a burner flame, joined and fixed for 6-10 seconds. The technique is demonstrated in the video below.

Bonding is carried out according to the instructions on the packaging of the anaerobic sealant. The end of the pipe and the fitting socket should be cleaned, degreased and glue applied with a small brush. The elements are then fastened together using compression.

Preparation for welding

Before installing new pipes, it is recommended to draw a diagram of the pipeline on the wall. A simplified diagram represents lines drawn in accordance with the location of the future highway. Markings on the wall allow you to control the orientation of the pipeline.

In order not to adjust the pipes to size during soldering, you should measure the exact length of each pipe in advance. If the connection is made using couplings, allowance should be made for their installation. When installing end-to-end, deformation changes are taken into account. When melted, the pipe decreases by 1-2 mm.

Soldering iron attachments Source

For ease of welding pipes with a diameter of over 40 mm, an iron with centering is required. It can be used by craftsmen who know how to solder polypropylene. The tool comes with several different Teflon nozzles measuring 14-63 mm, which act as a heating element. There are nozzles in the form of a sleeve and a mandrel. The first type of heating element is designed to melt the outer part of the pipe, the second - from the inside.

Teflon nozzles must be clean. Do not leave particles of melted material on them. Immediately after soldering, the hot body is wiped with a coarse cloth that is resistant to high temperatures, for example, a tarpaulin. It is not recommended to clean cooled elements, otherwise the Teflon layer will be damaged, which will lead to the adhesion of molten polypropylene in the future.

Equipment preparation

Not all models include a stand. The soldering iron is installed on a level surface in an easily accessible place so that it does not tip over due to carelessness. Nozzles of the required diameter are placed nearby. Some types of irons allow you to simultaneously use replaceable components of different diameters.

Iron components Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in water supply and sewerage.

The heating element is heated evenly along its entire length to a predetermined temperature. The degree of heating is pre-set on the panel. For polypropylene, the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes on the scale is set at 260⁰. Warming up the device lasts 10-15 minutes. A cold room takes longer to warm up than a heated room. At temperatures below 0⁰, welding is prohibited.

Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

YouTube channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

Preparing pipes for welding

The edge of the pipe is cut with special scissors at a right angle. The cut area is sanded and degreased with ethyl alcohol or soap solution. The surface is thoroughly dried. Products marked PN 10-20 are welded immediately, and those with PN 25 are additionally cleaned with a shaver, removing part of the polypropylene and aluminum to the soldering depth. They are oriented according to the size of the nozzle up to the limiter.

Important! For degreasing, it is prohibited to use any solvents, gasoline, vodka, or acetone. Aggressive liquids corrode the surface of polypropylene.

When using a socket connection, it is important to adhere to the stripping depth and chamfer width. The degree of stripping must match the depth of installation of the elements.

Table for stripping pipes of different diameters

What is needed for the job?

First of all, these are the pipes and fittings themselves. You can read in detail about the diameter and dimensions of the sewer pipe in another article; we will only remind you of the obvious fact that you should choose pipes of the same brand. Otherwise, difficulties may arise even when connecting pipes of the same size but from different manufacturers.

In addition, you will need: •A hacksaw or other cutting tool with a fine tooth. •File. •Sanding paper. •Solvent. •Glue. •Brush.

As for glue, there are both specialized brands on sale, intended exclusively for PVC pipes, and universal ones, used for joining various materials that contain PVC or its derivatives. The best option is specialized adhesives, many of which guarantee a reliable joint for 10 years or more.

Warming up polypropylene

Installation of polypropylene pipes includes two stages: heating of the joining areas and connection. The part is put on a nozzle of the appropriate diameter. The pipe is installed in the sleeve up to the limiter for the entire stripped length, and the fitting element is placed on the mandrel until it stops. It is necessary to control the heating depth; the pipe must be located in the sleeve without distortion until it stops at the limiter. Maintain the necessary time to warm up. The holding time and soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes depend on the product parameters; the table displays all the important welding parameters at a room temperature of +20⁰.

The heating time must not be exceeded, otherwise the surface will be deformed, which will lead to distortion of the geometry and the inability to join the parts without gaps. When joining molten sections inside the pipeline, polypropylene swelling appears, which hardens into large ridges. Protruding material reduces the passability of the highway.

Table of welding delay values ​​Source

Important! Temperature measurements on the iron mirror are carried out with a thermal probe.

Welding plastic pipes is impossible without a technical pause of a few seconds after heating, which is necessary to remove parts from the heating element. In a cold room, during this period the heated areas have time to cool down, which deteriorates the quality of the joining. To ensure a strong seam, it is recommended to increase the heating time by a few seconds so that the material melts more strongly. The optimal additional time is calculated by selection, taking into account :

  • ambient temperature;
  • nominal pipeline cross-section;
  • holding time for warming up.

The temperature is set within 255-265⁰. If it exceeds 270⁰, the seam will turn out thin and unable to hold the water pressure. This occurs due to the rapid heating of the outer layer until it melts. At the same time, the material does not have time to warm up deeply, so diffuse penetration of polypropylene into adjacent areas of the parts does not occur.

Stages of pipeline welding Source

Soldering Features

Welding of polypropylene pipes is carried out with quick movements by applying heated sections to each other so that the pipe section enters the fitting cup to the required depth. It is necessary to monitor the edge ratio to avoid distortion at the seam. Cleaning and length adjustment must be performed before welding, otherwise the system will depressurize due to static stress.

To prevent the seam from cooling down during a technical pause, the equipment is positioned so that the distance from the installation site to the installation of the device is minimal. This nuance should be provided for in advance. Time spent moving equipment and components results in heat loss. The seam is weak due to partial diffusion between the layers of polypropylene.

Welding technology for polypropylene pipes Source

It takes 2-4 seconds to adjust the position. During this period, the elements cannot be rotated, bent or disconnected. If the seam fails, the area is cut off and the procedure is repeated. It should be remembered that such mistakes lead to a decrease in the length of the pipe and waste of material. If you have no experience or knowledge of the theory of how to properly solder polypropylene pipes, it is better to entrust welding to a professional.

Draw a pipeline diagram

YouTube channel “Do-it-yourself repairs” Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram before starting work.
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Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

Cooling and leak testing

The seam cannot be cooled forcibly. Due to temperature changes, cracking and deformation in the melting zone is possible. The pipeline must be given time to cool naturally. You can control the temperature by touch. The cooled area is first checked for leaks by blowing. At the end of soldering, water is passed through the pipeline, gradually increasing the pressure, and the seams are inspected for leaks and permeability.

Pipeline installation Source

Errors during soldering

Most often, errors occur among craftsmen who do not have practical experience in soldering, even when they know how to weld polypropylene pipes. Many people neglect the step of measuring the length of pipes, performing installation by eye with trimming after the fact, or they measure without taking into account tolerances. If the length of the pipe is incorrectly calculated, it is very difficult to install the iron for joining the elements.

Many craftsmen try to bend the pipe in place to increase the distance between the parts. This leads to an increase in static voltage in the network links and a decrease in tightness. Such errors worsen the appearance of the highway. Attention is paid to the aesthetics of the system when laying communications externally.

Sequential heating is a mistake that leads to rapid cooling of the joined areas and the impossibility of connection. While the second element is heating up, the first has time to cool down. Partial diffusion leads to rupture of the connection when pressure increases and water hammer. This is a gross violation of technology. It is absolutely impossible to operate such a highway.

Warming up parts Source

Let's understand the types


Such communications are divided into subtypes:

  1. Polyethylene - used for laying wiring inside buildings and external routes. They can be used on high-pressure pipe connections and at low ambient temperatures.
  2. PVC is used to reduce the cost of repairs.
  3. Metal-plastic ones are the most practical products, with a useful life of more than 50 years. Ideal option for replacing hot water supply.

The widespread use of this material is due to a number of reasons. Positive properties of such structures, in contrast to metal ones:

  1. Long service life.
  2. Low corrosivity.
  3. Easy to install.
  4. Does not require special skills.
  5. Environmentally friendly material.
  6. Economical and easy to use.
  7. Lightweight and easy to transport.
  8. Resistant to the harmful effects of microorganisms.

How to reduce the likelihood of marriage?

It is recommended that two people work together to solder elements in difficult-to-access conditions. The second specialist helps remove the second element from the nozzle and puts the soldering iron on the platform. The first master carefully joins the parts with both hands with a minimum pause. Sometimes assistance from a third party is required. His services are used when a pipe needs to be fixed in a wall in an adjacent room. Attempts to perform all operations independently in difficult areas always lead to defects and the need to perform welding again.

Planting depth marking Source

During soldering, precise movements must be observed. The correct inclination of the fitting element relative to the second part, its axial angle of rotation on the pipe, and the depth of entry into the fitting cup must be maintained. To control the depth of entry and the angle of rotation of the fitting, marks are made on the surface of both parts. In order not to measure the allowance each time on sections of the same cross-section, use a template.

The iron does not need to be turned off during the entire welding period. The technician will lose time warming up the equipment. The soldering iron is ready for use after the heating indicator goes out. A lit indicator shows that the mirror is heated to the desired temperature. If you start welding during this period, the pipe will not warm up properly. In order to comply with the technological process and holding time, it is recommended to check the parameters according to the table, which is recommended to be kept at hand.

If combined pipes are purchased, they are connected only after mandatory stripping. The chamfering depth should be 2 mm greater than the depth of the sleeve into which the element is inserted. Reinforcement reduces deformation expansion by 10 times. On products with external reinforcement, before soldering, a part of the surface is removed with a shaver to the required depth for joining. Pipes with internal reinforcement do not require stripping. Their installation is faster.

Degrease the parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

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Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

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