Grease traps for sewerage: types, selection rules + installation procedure

Fatty elements contained in wastewater can block the pipe, causing a blockage. Fatty acids tend to cause metal corrosion and destroy pipelines, causing the sewer system to become unusable.

Grease traps for sewers, which are installed in the riser to the point where used water is discharged, will help solve this problem. In this material we will talk about the design features of these devices, their types and features that you need to pay attention to when choosing a grease trap for your home.

Design and principle of operation of the device

The main function of a grease trap is to filter sewage from grease, oil and solids that pollute the environment.

The equipment consists of a number of elements, these are:

  • compartment of the device in which fat and oil are collected;
  • a flask of 2-3 compartments, designed for settling wastewater;
  • outlet pipeline connected to the sewer system;
  • inlet pipe;
  • airtight removable lid that prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odors.

The sewer grease separator consists of a one-piece sealed housing with a lid. The removable cover allows for preventive maintenance or manual cleaning of the tank when necessary.

There are 2 pipes connected to the body - inlet and outlet. The tank is divided into 2 or 3 compartments, which communicate with each other and are designed to separate oil, fat, and solids.

From the last compartment, defatted and treated wastewater is discharged into the sewer pipeline.

The simplest, inexpensive grease trap models have 1 chamber and are installed under the sink

Any model of grease trap for sewerage works on the principle of gravity. Particles of fat and oil accumulate on the surface of the filter, since they are much lighter than water.

Then they fall into a special settling tank, from where they are easily removed manually, using special equipment or special equipment.

Special enzymes are usually added to the device to break down accumulated fat. They allow you to significantly increase the time between cleaning the device.


Only representatives of the water utility, management company or other utility authority can reconnect the drainage pipes to the system.
If the sewer system in the apartment was blocked using one of the devices (“Octopus”, “SOV”), you need to pay the debt, provide the accounting department with a receipt for repayment of the debt, and notify the responsible persons.

Then you should call workers who can remove the blocking device from the pipes. To carry out such work, you will definitely need special equipment; only professionals have it .

ATTENTION! Even if private companies offer to arrange illegal drains, advertising their services, you should not use their services. Improper work will lead to disruption of the sewer system throughout the riser.

In the case where there is no money to pay off debts, and the operation of the apartment requires sewerage, it is still better to use the services of craftsmen from a private company than to carry out the work yourself. Without professional knowledge and tools, it is easy to damage the common riser, which will make it impossible for the entire entrance to use drainage .

Purpose and advantages of grease traps

More complex models of grease traps are used in large enterprises and are designed to effectively purify wastewater from solid particles, fat-containing and oil impurities.

According to sanitary standards in meat and dairy production and in public catering establishments, the installation of grease collection equipment in the sewer system is mandatory.

Industrial devices are installed at the outlet of a treatment structure that performs primary wastewater treatment.

Installing a grease trap will protect the sewer system of any catering establishment or production facility from contamination with fat and oil inclusions

Industrial devices are developed by manufacturers to ensure that clean water, purified from foreign impurities, enters the sewer system by separating and further removing the fatty component of the waste mass.

Installing a grease trap will help prevent sewerage failure due to the effects of grease deposits. It also protects the environment from the release of harmful impurities that can cause irreparable damage to the environment.

Such separators are indispensable not only in production, but also in everyday life. They reliably protect sewer pipes from the occurrence of grease valves or blockages. At the 1st stage, the device receives household water and separates fat and oil accumulations.

At the 2nd stage, the final separation of fat deposits and the removal of effectively purified water into the sewer system is observed. The device traps non-emulsified fats and removes them from wastewater.

A grease trap installed under the sink is often used in home kitchens, cafes, restaurants, pastry shops and fast food establishments.

The use of grease removal equipment has a number of advantages:

  • Equipment tightness . Due to the tightness of the housing, the possibility of foreign liquid entering the filter is excluded.
  • Practicality and versatility . Installation of various additional devices is possible. The sensor for the accumulation of harmful substances is in particular demand.
  • No unpleasant odors . Due to the tightness of the housing, odors that usually arise during the breakdown of fats do not penetrate into the room.
  • Easy to install . Installing indoor grease traps does not require any special skills and is carried out in 4 stages.
  • Ease of maintenance. Cleaning most models of grease traps does not require much effort; it can be done manually using available tools.
  • Reasonable price . The devices have a low price compared to other types of filters.

In addition to these advantages, the device that collects fat also has a long service life. All equipment is made of high-quality and wear-resistant materials, which guarantees its durability.

An important advantage of using a grease trap is the preservation of the environment, which is especially important in modern times.

Gravity pipe angle

In order for the free-flow sewer system to work in the house without problems, it is important to know which sewer pipe slope is most effective for internal sewerage:

  • the minimum sewerage slope according to SP 30.13330.2016 “SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” should be taken for pipes with a diameter of 150 mm – 0.008; 200 mm – 0.007;
  • It is not recommended to set the slope too high, since solid masses will not have time to pass at the speed of the water flow.

Table of pipe slopes from 50 mm to 200 mm

Important! The document “Sanitary Norms and Rules” provides the minimum slopes of drainage pipes from sewer risers. A correctly set angle of inclination of the sewer pipe per 1 linear meter is extremely important for the proper operation of the sewer system. Properly laid drain pipes allow liquids to flow smoothly, which helps transport solids without clogging or clogging.

Types of grease traps by purpose

Equipment for household purposes is installed under the sink in residential buildings, apartments and small catering establishments - bars, restaurants, cafes, confectionery shops and canteens.

There are 2 main types of fat traps:

  • household appliance;
  • industrial.

They are mandatory elements of the sewerage systems of restaurant-type establishments. The devices filter the grease that forms after washing dirty dishes.

Household grease traps are cleaned manually and used with a liquid flow rate of up to 1.5 cubic meters per hour. Industrial grease traps are installed in industries whose wastewater contains a significant amount of fat, oil and other foreign impurities.

The use of an industrial device for catching grease is mandatory in large enterprises if the water flow is more than 2 cubic meters per hour. Their cleaning is carried out automatically - using special mechanisms.

Installation of a sewer trap

When connecting the sewer system, former debtors can agree with the craftsmen to install a special trap for blockages from the upper floors. A drain trap prevents your toilet from becoming clogged and causing problems associated with it .

Unfortunately, residents of apartments in a multi-story building often throw large garbage down the drain. On the lower floors, this debris clogs the sewer pipes. To prevent this from happening, you should use such a great invention as a sewer trap.

How to choose the right grease trap?

Each buyer independently chooses a grease trap model depending on the requirements for the device and financial capabilities. Regardless of the model you like, it will be possible to solve the current problem of the accumulation of fat and oil impurities, which can lead to clogging of the sewer system.

Grease traps by installation type

There are several criteria for choosing a special grease trap.

According to the installation method, separators are divided into 2 types:

  • installed outdoors;
  • used indoors.

There are separate models for each installation method. It is rare to find “mixed” solutions that are installed both outdoors and indoors.

Grease traps of any type are installed in the sewer system. In catering establishments and in the meat, dairy and fish processing industries, the use of separators for separating fat is a prerequisite.

Devices intended for indoor use are easy to install and affordable

Household grease separators can be installed in various ways:

  • in a separate room;
  • under plumbing fixtures;
  • in the basement.

The choice of the optimal option depends on several criteria: the dimensions of the equipment and the ease of use.

Outdoor grease traps are made from more durable materials, as they must effectively resist external soil pressure.

Installation of such a fat separator is a complex and multi-step process. At the first stage, earthworks are carried out, then the site is concreted, and only then can we proceed to installation.

Therefore, to install grease traps, they usually turn to specialized companies.

The throughput capacity of outdoor grease separators is much greater than that of grease separators installed indoors

What material is the equipment made from?

The body of grease traps can be made of plastic, fiberglass or stainless steel.

Plastic grease traps are characterized by the following properties: attractive appearance and low throughput. They are mainly intended for domestic use, so they are installed indoors.

Advantages of plastic fat separators:

  • Environmental friendliness of the material . Plastic is considered safe for the environment and people.
  • Practicality . The material allows manufacturers to produce devices of standard sizes and tailored to individual customer requirements.
  • Easy to maintain . Equipment can be cleaned manually using available tools.
  • Durability . Plastic has a long service life; the device can last up to 30 years.

For the correct operation of grease traps, it is recommended to use a fat and oil deposit level sensor or other additional devices

Plastic fat separators are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance and compactness. They can be installed in premises of any purpose

Fiberglass is made from glass fiber and a polymer binder. Fiberglass grease traps have excellent strength characteristics. Due to this, they can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

The main advantages of a fat separator made of reliable fiberglass:

  • Resistance to aggressive environments . The devices are resistant to extreme weather conditions and harmful chemicals.
  • Increased strength . Grease traps made of fiberglass have proven themselves to be durable and reliable equipment.
  • Light weight and easy to care for. Fiberglass grease separators are easy to clean.

The design of fiberglass grease traps can be horizontal or vertical

The fat layer accumulates inside the device to a certain level and is easily pumped out through the hatch

Fat separation equipment made of durable stainless steel is the most expensive among different models. It can be installed outdoors and indoors.

Some manufacturers make separators for fat impurities from galvanized steel. The quality characteristics of such devices are lower than those of stainless steel devices.

A stainless steel fat separator installed indoors looks aesthetically pleasing. The equipment not only effectively performs its direct functions, but also stylishly decorates the interior

Grease traps made of stainless steel are distinguished by high hygienic properties, excellent performance characteristics, and a long service life. It is also worth noting the high anti-corrosion qualities of stainless steel separators.

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Plastic grease trap for sink

Industrial grease trap made of fiberglass

Stainless steel separator

Homemade bucket separator

How are sewers blocked by law?

Housing and communal services workers do not have the right to use homemade plugs, which can easily damage communications and also cause damage to the debtor’s property . The industry produces several types of professional locking systems; the most commonly used device is the Octopus; the Kit device is also popular.

  • The peculiarity of the "Octopus" is in its design and operation. It can take video of the device used to shut off the sewer system for non-payment, since a camera is inserted into the design. Such closure equipment can plug the pipe completely or partially. If the service is partially limited, specialists configure Octopus accordingly.
  • The equipment must be installed through the ventilation hole; there is no need to disturb the geometry of the sewer pipes.
  • The “Kit” system also has its own characteristics, the design of which includes LED bulbs and a compact control panel.
  • For a long time, it has been manufacturing sewerage restriction equipment; its devices meet modern requirements for equipment of this type and are safe for installation in drainage pipes.

ATTENTION! If utility companies installed Sprut or other equipment without warning, you need to contact the management company or other responsible organization. But you shouldn’t fight with the water utility if you have debts for several months.

When installing plugs on a sewer pipe, the cost of the system, the material used to make the pipes, and other data are important. Each device has its own price; it can be found in a special equipment store. The fight against defaulters led to the release of such devices as SOV, GLOT, and TerminatorProfi.

Performance properties of separators

Grease traps vary significantly in power and performance. Devices with a capacity of 0.1 to 2 l/s are considered household equipment.

All devices with a capacity of more than 2 l/s belong to industrial devices. Fat separators provide effective wastewater treatment from fats up to 20 mg/l.

Full operation of the fat separator is possible if the performance of the device corresponds to the amount of wastewater coming from the sewage system

The performance of the equipment must correspond to the amount of sewage entering the device or be higher than this value.

Grease traps also differ in how they are cleaned. There is equipment:

  • manual cleaning;
  • mechanized cleaning.

In most cases, grease separators are manually cleaned with low throughput, intended by the manufacturer for indoor installation.

They are under constant control; filters are cleaned manually using available means.

Grease traps for mechanized cleaning are, most often, industrial fat separators, characterized by high productivity. Typically, devices are equipped with sensors that signal the need for cleaning.

The cleaning procedure is carried out using pumps or specialized vehicles.

Sewage slope of 1 meter

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For sewerage repair and construction, it is recommended to adhere to the following minimum calculated values ​​of the sewerage slope per 1 meter from SNIP:

  • sewer pipe slope 110 mm - 2 cm per meter;
  • pipe slope 50 mm - 3 cm per meter;

For example, for a 160 mm pipe, the optimal slope should be at least eight centimeters per meter. That is, there is a pattern: the larger the cross-section of the free-flow pipeline, the smaller the actual difference in levels relative to the clean floor at the beginning and end of the line.

When installing a sewer system, the appropriate slope is achieved using a special meter, which helps to adhere to the recommended level. The rail is placed on the pipeline, while the arrow of the device is directed along the flow of the wastewater, and the blue liquid in the bubble is leveled at a given level. This is how the slope of the sewer pipes is determined.

Measuring pipe slope angles

Important! When laying sewer pipes, the slope is determined not in degrees, but in hundredths. That is, by calculating the slope level of a sewer pipe of 50 mm, the desired digital value of 0.03 is found. The laying of waste pipes must be based on the requirements of the rules and not contradict them.

Equipment installation technology

The installation process of a fat separator can be carried out in various ways. It is necessary to choose the optimal type of installation depending on the type and characteristics of the grease trap. Let's consider several options for installing separators.

Installation of an outdoor grease trap

The installation procedure for an industrial grease trap is complex and time-consuming. Therefore, most trap buyers prefer to entrust the installation of equipment to specialists.

In order to carry out the installation yourself, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  • We select a place for installation . When choosing, you should take into account the layout of the site, as well as the possibility of performing landscaping work in the future.
  • We determine the size of the pit for mounting the device - its depth should be such that the grease trap cover is approximately 4 cm higher than the surface of the ground.
  • We dig a hole . At the very bottom we will equip a solid formwork into which we will pour a mixture of sand and cement. For sandy soils and loams, a solution prepared in a ratio of 1:5 is optimal.
  • We wait until the solution hardens , at least 14 days.

When the preparation of the base for installation is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation of the equipment. To do this, we install the grease trap body on a concrete base and securely fasten the device to the hinges embedded in a homemade concrete slab during the pouring period. If you forgot to install the hinges, they can be secured with anchor bolts.

Now we are constructing unique plywood walls around the equipment installed in the pit. This process is necessary to prevent soil shedding. If you plan to operate the separator in a cold climate, then it must be covered with heat-insulating material. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is suitable for this.

All that remains is to connect the grease trap to the communication networks. To do this, the outlet pipe of the equipment must be connected to the drainage system. The joints must be treated with sealant. And we connect the inlet pipe of the device to the sewer pipe. Coat the joints of the elements with sealant.

We fill all the free space created between around the grease trap body with soil. Usually backfilling is used, during which the soil dug out from this place during the hole digging stage must be filled into the opening.

We must not forget about the need to install a fan riser. It is required to remove excess gases accumulated in the sewer system. If there is a large load on the wastewater disposal system, it is better to install several risers at once. The fat accumulation sensor, which is installed inside the equipment, will warn you about the need for a cleaning procedure.

Outdoor grease traps are often cleaned by specialists from specialized companies using pumps or special equipment

It is recommended that the installation and installation of industrial grease traps be carried out with the assistance of professional installers. They must have permits to carry out the full range of work.

Also, professional specialists have the necessary construction equipment for installation, so they can perform the necessary procedures for stable and long-term operation of the equipment.

Installing a grease trap indoors

Installing a household separator under a sink is a simpler process than installing equipment outside. To do this, you first need to choose the optimal location for installing the equipment.

It should be located on an easily accessible, hard and as level surface as possible, close to plumbing equipment.

It remains to perform a number of sequential actions:

  • We bring the outlet pipe of the equipment into the sewerage system. At the connection point you need to install a rubber gasket, which comes with the device.
  • We connect the inlet pipe of the trap to the outlet pipe of the sanitary equipment or to the pipeline (at the junction of the sink and washing equipment), not forgetting to install a special gasket.
  • We fill the grease trap with the required amount of water to check the device for leaks.

If the test is successful, you can install the lid on the grease trap. Once the cover is installed, the installation of the equipment can be considered complete.

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Step 1 - Disconnecting the Flexible Sewer Hose

Step 2 - connecting the grease trap and drain

Step 3 - connecting the grease trap to a flexible hose

Step 4 - connecting the device to the sewer

For more information on how to choose and install a grease trap under a sink, read this material.

Slope for external sewerage

  1. Almost all external sewerage works on the principle of gravity. The fact that the water flows downhill allows the wastewater to be discharged into a cesspool or street sewer without the use of any mechanical devices. In fact, forced main sewer lines are not permitted unless a special permit is obtained;
  2. To ensure good throughput, 110 mm pipes for external sewage with an internal diameter of 100 mm are used;
  3. The gravity flow trench for external sewerage should be 30 cm above the soil freezing depth; most often, pipes are laid at a level of one meter from the ground surface;
  4. An insufficient slope angle of sewer pipes leads to failure of the sewer system;
  5. In most cases, the material and products removed when dismantling a pipeline are not suitable as a proper material for a new installation.

Plastic pipes in residential heating systems

Slope of external sewerage

Review of popular grease trap manufacturers

The modern market offers a wide range of fat separators made by foreign and domestic manufacturers. It should be noted that there are no significant differences in the equipment of different companies.

Devices of any brand work on the same principle - they function due to the force of gravity. Many manufacturers offer additional equipment in addition to traps, such as a stand.

The stand is designed for use with grease traps that are installed directly under the sink in restaurants, canteens, cafes and cutting shops of large supermarkets

When choosing the optimal model, you should focus on the purpose of the grease trap, as well as the prestige and reputation of the manufacturer.

Grease traps from the following companies are in particular demand:

  • Helyx;
  • Wavin Labko;
  • Evo Stock;
  • flotenk;
  • UE "Polymerkonstruktsiya"

Helyx is a popular manufacturer that produces mainly industrial vertical and horizontal grease traps. The separator is used as the initial treatment system.

It is installed at the site of industrial sewage discharge, which contains contaminated and greasy wastewater.

Wavin Labko is a Finnish developer and manufacturer of innovative electronic fat accumulation meters and traps made of fiberglass and polyethylene.

Wavin-Labko's EuroREK grease traps are used in restaurants, cafes, canteens, gas stations, meat processing plants and slaughterhouses.

The Russian manufacturer Evo Stok produces equipment for various purposes from heat-resistant reinforced plastic that is resistant to corrosion.

The devices are equipped with hermetic seals that effectively prevent unpleasant odors from entering the room.

Flotenk produces industrial and household devices from durable fiberglass reinforced plastic .

The advantages of grease traps from Flotenk are aesthetics, the presence of a level alarm, a degree of purification of up to 50 mg/l, and durability. The manufacturer produces vertical and horizontal grease traps.

The grease catcher from Polymerkonstruktsiya Unitary Enterprise is a container made of a spiral pipe, with inlet and outlet pipes.

The outlet pipe is located at a considerable depth, which prevents fat from leaking through.

Defense in court

Apartment residents have their own rights and responsibilities, one of the main ones is paying for utilities.
You need to pay your bills on time, monthly. In case of debts for more than two months, the Criminal Code has the right to take measures to combat debtors, including blocking the sewer system .

What to do if the blocking was done illegally or the water supply was turned off for debt, which is prohibited to do in any case? To protect your rights, you can file a claim in court. This can be done if the consumer was not notified of the sewerage closure, if the debt exists for only one month, if the shutdown procedure was violated.

After the court proves the illegality of the actions of the utility companies, connecting the apartment to the wastewater system must be completed as soon as possible.

ATTENTION! The connection is carried out, according to housing and communal legislation, free of charge, in addition, the consumer may also demand compensation for moral damage.

Compensation is paid by the utility company if the housing has become unusable as a result of a sewer blockage, or if damage has been caused to other apartments.

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