Step-by-step instructions for properly drilling water wells

An artesian well on the site completely solves the problem of water supply: I drilled it and that’s it; use clean, and, what’s especially nice, free drinking water. Many citizens do this without thinking about the legal aspects of this issue.

In this article we will look at:

  • Does a private person have the right to organize the drilling of a well?
  • Is it legal to drill a well in sand?
  • In what cases is a license required?
  • How to drill an artesian well without breaking the law

Brief plan for creating a well

First, we’ll talk in general about what needs to be done for water to appear on the site. The action plan is:

  1. Determine the location for the future well.
  2. Determine its parameters: drilling method, depth.
  3. Perform drilling.
  4. Casing the well.
  5. Pump water.
  6. Check water quality.
  7. Conduct well construction.
  8. Pipe water into the house and install a filter.

It would seem that the plan is simple, but each stage includes different nuances, which we will now consider.

Requirements for the location of the well

When choosing a place for drilling, many factors are taken into account: the geological features of the site, its topography, the influence of hydrological factors, the location of other economic activities.

In addition, the convenience of the location of the future water supply source is important, which will allow it to be used in the future without problems.

The selected location for the well must meet the following requirements:

  • presence of an aquifer;
  • convenient location for water intake;
  • possibility of installing a water supply system;
  • ensuring access for a drilling machine and other equipment to service the well;
  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • lack of power lines and underground communications.

Also, at the stage of choosing a location for a well, it is worth thinking about how the pumping equipment will be connected, i.e. take into account the presence of power lines. If in the future you plan to lay a surface water supply from a well, then it is advisable that the slope of the site does not exceed 35º.

When choosing a location for a well, not only the characteristics of your own site are taken into account, but also the surrounding areas to ensure compliance with the specified requirements.

What are the types of aquifers?

Obviously, you need to drill where there is an aquifer (horizon). It is important to understand that these layers are distributed at different depths, not evenly, based on the properties of the rock.

Based on their depth, there are the following types of groundwater:

  • Soil - located almost near the surface. Precipitation adheres to solid parts of the soil and forms underground soil layers. They do not have a waterproof layer
  • Perchal water is basically sediment that accumulates on top of the aquitard.
  • Groundwater is found almost everywhere; it is formed by precipitation, water from lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. This permanent aquifer lies on an aquitard.

Important! These three layers do not have their own pressure. If you make a well up to them, the water will not flow. That is why they drill to other interlayer horizons. In rare cases, drilling to groundwater is enough, but this is rather an exception.

  • Interstratal is an aquifer that is sandwiched between two aquifers. There is pressure here and you can install a well - they are often called artesian. The water from it will rise and flow even without the help of a pump.

Unsuitable places for a well

The main condition for constructing a well on a site is the presence of an aquifer. However, even if this is observed, in some cases drilling a well is impossible.

Signs of unsuitability for a well location are:

  • the presence of sources of groundwater pollution in the immediate vicinity;
  • a place near sewerage systems and wastewater;
  • location near environmentally unfavorable natural reservoirs;
  • close proximity of power lines and laying of underground communications along the site;
  • trees with a branched root system.

Particular attention should be paid to compliance with sanitary standards; if they are violated, drilling a well cannot be done. Also, you should not place a well next to the fence of a neighbor’s property, because you cannot predict what a neighbor will build on his land in close proximity to your water source.

Where to look for water on the site

Specialists from companies that drill wells usually know at what depth the water is in a particular region. But this does not mean that the waterproof layer extends to the entire region! It may be that on your site the water lies at 25-30 meters, but your neighbors have none at all or it is much deeper.

Important! As a rule, water wells are drilled to a depth of 30 meters. If you need it deeper, it costs more and you need to obtain a license to use the aquifer, which is on the state. accounting (See Article 19 of the Russian Federation Law “On Subsoil”)

There are three nuances here:

  • the deep aquifer cannot be used without a license;
  • only a legal entity can receive it;
  • The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources issues licenses;

What to do if you are offered to drill expensively and deeply? In this case, it is better to additionally check that there are no other aquifers on the site that do not lie so deep. You can clarify this like this:

  1. Collect information from several companies. If several specialists insist on deep drilling, then most likely it is so.
  2. There are paid and free databases that indicate the depth of the upper aquifer in different regions. You can get information there. Another option is to make a request to Rosgeolfond, where data is available for different regions, or search for information on the Rosgeology website
  3. It’s definitely worth talking to your neighbors, especially if they already have an operating well. Neighbors can provide other information about groundwater and its quality.

How to drill a well

There are several drilling methods, which are chosen taking into account the terrain, the depth of the aquifer, and the geostructure of the soil. The most popular methods:

  1. Shock-rope. It is carried out without heavy equipment, is budget-friendly and environmentally friendly. A special metal cylinder (the so-called “glass”), which has a beveled edge, is driven into the ground on the site. Then it is pulled out with a winch, the soil is removed from the inside and immersed again. No rinsing solutions are required. But this method also has disadvantages: it is not applicable on some soils (fluid loam, weak sandy loam), and is also slow.
  2. Rotary drilling. The method is universal, suitable for any soil, and is often used. Its essence is that a special tool with an attachment is screwed into the soil, which destroys the earthen rock.

There are different types of nozzles, based on this they distinguish:

  • auger drilling. A metal auger is used, like in a meat grinder. He winds the rock around himself and lifts it up;
  • core drilling. Using a drill core, a core pipe is inserted into the ground, through which air or solution is then supplied. Drilled earth (so-called core) is collected in the pipe, which is lifted up;
  • roller drilling. For it, a special chisel is used (the so-called cutter), which is driven into the soil. The bit is secured to the drilling rig with rods, through which solution or air is then supplied. Drill cuttings—fine soil—rise to the top.

As a rule, to make a water well, the last option is used - roller-cone. It is suitable for various soil types. But again, this choice is individual and selected by a specialist for a specific area.

Features of mechanical drilling

The services of a hired team are not cheap, but the work is usually completed quite quickly and professionally. In order for the process to proceed as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for the operation of drilling equipment.

First you need to choose a place:

  • for a well;
  • for placing a drilling rig;
  • for auxiliary equipment;
  • for draining waste water;
  • for storing tools and materials.

It is recommended to carry out all work on a flat area, its optimal dimensions are 4x12 m. In addition, care should be taken to ensure the free passage of equipment: a drilling rig, a water carrier, etc.

It is desirable that the width of such an entrance be about three meters. If an electrical wire is stretched above the work site at a height of less than two meters, it will have to be removed or relocated.

The location of the drilling rig depends on its type and dimensions. For drilling with a UGB machine stationary located on the machine, entry to the site to the drilling point and free exit must be provided. It should be remembered that when moving on cultivated land, freight transport can “sit” in the ground and get stuck for a long time.

For industrial drilling of water wells, both permanently installed installations on machines and lightweight mobile machines are used, the frames of which can be located anywhere

A portable prefabricated drilling rig, which can be made or rented, is placed in any place convenient for work. She usually does not have a high drilling rig.

However, it is worth considering that the water intake structure itself should not be located next to the foundation, because In the process of many years of pumping out water, soil particles will be washed out along with it. As a result, the mineral base under the foundation will be weakened due to erosion.

The secrets and subtleties of finding a place for a water intake well are given here. We recommend reading the article dedicated to this issue.

Overview of Basic Methods

Drilling methods vary depending on the type of soil, but they operate on the same principle. The rock must be destroyed, removed to the surface, and then the walls of the resulting hole must be strengthened. To destroy rock, many drilling tools have been invented that allow cohesive, non-cohesive and rocky soils to be drilled and brought to the surface.

Drilling a water well with an auger is a common method that allows you to successfully penetrate various layers of soil and build a hydraulic structure in a relatively short time

There are other ways to destroy soil: using explosions, heat treatment, electrical discharges, but they are usually not suitable for wells.

The following drilling technologies are used to extract destroyed rock:

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic;
  • combined.

The most common is the mechanical method, which uses equipment such as glasses, spoons, chisels, bailers, augers, etc. Hydraulic methods involve washing out rock using a large volume of water, which is pumped under pressure into the excavation.

Pneumatic methods, which use compressed air to remove loose rock, are used much less frequently. Mechanical and hydraulic methods are most often combined. The solution that is fed into the well during mechanical drilling facilitates the movement of the drill string and cools it.

You will be introduced to the methods and tools used in manual drilling of wells in an article that examines this very interesting issue in detail.

Principle of hydraulic drilling technology

Hydrodrilling is a fairly common method. The working fluid is pumped into the face under pressure using a pump. It comes out, carrying with it particles of destroyed rock. The spent solution is collected in a separate container for settling.

Hydrodrilling is a common method of constructing wells. It is used separately or in combination with the use of another tool: drill, auger, chisel

The water is then reused. In this case, you should constantly study the characteristics of the soil in order to understand which layer the drill is passing through at this moment. When there is extraneous water in the well, you can skip the aquifer and continue unnecessary drilling.

A mixture of water and clay is needed as a hydraulic solution on non-cohesive soils. Clay particles will additionally bind the rock and strengthen the walls of the well. But if during the drilling process you have to go through a clay layer, there is no need to make a solution. The clay particles will dissolve in the water naturally as the water moves inside the trunk.

On calcareous soils, hydrodrilling with clean water is considered effective. This breed has the ability to absorb water. If the solution is consumed at an accelerated pace, we can talk about reaching the aquifer and begin the final stage of drilling.

Strengthening the walls of the well

As the well deepens, the casing pipe is lowered into the hole and its length is increased. Steel alloy structures are considered the most suitable for this.

Both seamless and welded pipes are considered suitable. Threads are usually used to connect individual elements, but high-quality welding is also acceptable. To extend the life of the well and provide it with a filter, a plastic liner with a perforated first link is placed in the casing pipe.

There is an opinion that on cohesive soils with a relatively shallow drilling depth, you can first go through all the layers of rock to the aquifer, and then lower the pipe immediately along the entire length of the well. But experienced drillers believe that it is better not to take risks even if the probability of collapse is low.

Pumping and arrangement of the structure

After reaching the aquifer, drilling is continued to go deeper into the ground by about a meter. After this, a plastic column with a filter is installed in the excavation and the well is pumped, i.e. pump out a large amount of water from it until it becomes clean.

Pumping out contaminated water can take several days. If a solution was used during drilling, more effort will be required to clean the structure. Sometimes it is recommended to use another cleaning method. Water is supplied into the finished well from above under pressure to clean the space around the lower end of the pipe.

A submersible pump is lowered into the pumped well, a head is installed, etc. The owner is issued a passport for the hydraulic structure. It reflects a number of important indicators, such as depth, well flow rate, its statistical and dynamic levels.

What equipment is used for drilling

These are different types of installations with an attachment (crown, chisel) that destroys rock. Typically, a URB drilling rig is used, made on a ZIL, Ural, Kamaz chassis. This unit is capable of drilling a well to a depth of up to 350 m, and does it quickly and efficiently.

But there is a nuance - this large machine needs room to turn and maneuver on the site. Therefore, it is usually used if the site is still empty of buildings and large trees with beds and bushes.

The second version of the technology is a self-propelled small-sized unit. Works on any site, even planted ones. Can drill a well near a house or outbuildings. It is less powerful than UBR, so it will take longer to drill. Among self-propelled drilling rigs, Albatross, Alligator, and Zhuravl with augers are popular.

In our company, well drilling is carried out using UBR units, which do it in a day or two. Their big advantage is that the system drills both clay and rocky layers. When the drill reaches the aquifer, a column of water gradually rises from the well. Next, the water is sent for analysis, and the well begins to be lined and landscaped.

Negative nuances of self-drilling

After watching videos from the Internet, many may think that drilling a well with your own hands is a fairly simple task.

In fact, drillers may encounter the following problems:

Large boulders in the trunk. When carrying out hydraulic drilling with your own hands, a large boulder or stone at almost any depth will stop the work. Due to the small diameter of the trunk, it cannot be destroyed in any way.

If the well at the dacha has a large diameter, options for breaking large boulders using auger, spoon or using a bailer are possible. To do this, a heavy load is dropped into the mine in the form of a chisel on a cable, which, under successful circumstances, can split the stone. Nobody knows how long this procedure will take; in the worst case, the well construction will have to be stopped.

Pebbles or crushed stone. The presence of large and small stones will make penetration impossible when using hydraulic methods, bailer and percussion-rope drilling. In the first case, the drill will rest against stones that prevent it from deepening, and the leaching of soil to the surface will stop due to the absence of small sand-clay fractions. The bailer will also not be able to pick up stones, and when the pipe is lowered by shock-rope, they will simply begin to spill out and the deepening will stop.

Rice. 14 Installations and components for hydraulic drilling

High groundwater level. If groundwater enters the borehole channel, you can forget about further drilling. To isolate the shaft, excavation is continued for some time to deepen the shaft, and then a steel casing is placed into it. Metal pipes are connected by welding so that they can be driven in later, and the penetration is completed inside the pipeline with a tool of a smaller diameter.

This method is suitable for situations where the well was drilled using the mechanized percussion-rope method. In this case, a casing made of welded steel pipes is driven with a heavy load (blank) weighing approximately 200 kg. When using other excavation methods, you will have to look for a welder and build a device for driving the steel casing into the ground.

Also, after installing the steel casing, a polymer pipeline made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) or low-density polyethylene (HDPE) will have to be placed in the shaft several meters below the metal column. This is necessary in order to install a filter with a plug in the well, which is placed at the end of the polymer column.

Rice. 15 A well in the country and its reverse pumping with a vibration pump

How is water from a well analyzed?

When drilling is completed, it is very important to take a water sample for analysis. The sample is submitted to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, a special company or a hydrogeology laboratory. You can first learn about the quality of water from a well from your neighbors.

In Moscow, you can submit water for analysis in the following laboratories:

  • "Ekodar" - analysis of water from any source;
  • Moscow City Sanitary Service;
  • Testing center of Moscow State University - conducts examination of any water.

Important! The sample must be taken in a clean flask/bottle, which must be clean and free of traces of food or detergent. The bottle must be rinsed completely with the water that is then taken for analysis.

What type of analysis is performed for water? Usually this is complex, when many parameters are checked at once, namely:

  • The reaction of the environment is pH.
  • Main indicators: color/turbidity.
  • Hardness indicator.
  • Iron content.
  • Permanganate oxidation.
  • Ammonium.
  • Sulfate ions/Sulfide ions.
  • Content of manganese, hydrogen sulfide.
  • Nitrite ions/Nitrate ions.
  • Total salt content.

A report from the laboratory usually contains not only figures for your water, but also an indication of the maximum permissible concentrations.

Check that your numbers are not higher than the maximum permissible, but much lower. There is also a bacterial analysis of water, which is useful to do if neighbors do not use this water and there is no one to get feedback from.

Important! If there was an ore deposit near your site (lead, nickel, arsenic, etc.), then it is useful to test the water for the content of these elements.
If there is a cattle farm near you, be sure to conduct a bacteriological analysis of the water.

Casing and pumping

If a well in a country house has a depth of up to 60 m, it is more practical to use casing columns made of unplasticized PVC-U polyvinyl chloride. PVC-U casing pipes are produced in different lengths; they are mainly designed for socket connection to each other using threads.

Also, a PVC-U pipeline is placed inside metal columns, giving preference to a socketless threaded connection. Inside the steel casing, you can also use short threaded pipes or a solid column of low-pressure polyethylene HDPE in coils, which has lower strength characteristics than uPVC.

At the end of the polymer casing, a slotted or perforated filter with a corrosion-resistant metal mesh must be placed. Its distance from the end of the pipe is taken to be at least 300 mm, the length can be from one to three meters. A cone-shaped cap must be screwed onto the threads of the lower pipe with the filter to prevent dirty water from entering the shaft.

The sand or abyssinian well is pumped immediately after drilling. In the first, turbid water is sucked to the surface using a submersible or external electric pump (station).

When working with cloudy water, it is better to use inexpensive vibration pump models - the working units of expensive submersible units or centrifugal pumping stations can be damaged by large sand fractions.

Dirty water is pumped out until clean water flows from the source. You can combine water pumping with an effective reverse pumping method. To do this, collect water from the well into a large container, allow it to settle, and direct the water masses back into the mine through a pressure pipeline using a submersible or surface pump to the area where the filters are located.

Thanks to this method, the mesh cells of the well filter are effectively freed by water flow from the inside from small fractional particles from the outside.

Abyssinians with a combined HDPE casing and pressure hose are pumped using reverse flow.

Rice. 16 Scheme of water supply for a dacha with a storage tank

How to casing a well

The casing stage begins immediately after drilling is completed and involves installing a casing pipe into the well. This technique protects water from high water, prevents pollution and slippage, and strengthens the wellbore.

For casing, it is best to use metal pipes rather than plastic (PVC/UPVC). Plastic pipes are not very durable and are suitable for shallow wells. Whereas metal is very strong and durable. The cost of a metal casing pipe depends on its thickness, which is also selected individually.

Important! If you have a deep well, we recommend double casing. For example, the outer one can be made of a metal pipe, and for the inner one you can use plastic or also a metal pipe.

Which filter and where to use

The next step after installing the casing is installing the filter. The filter itself can be mesh, perforated or slotted, which is selected taking into account the properties of the aquifer. It takes into account which layer the water passes through, the size of the particles, and their composition.

Each type of filter has its own nuances. So, synthetic mesh can often become clogged, and perforated metal can add iron. Slotted ones are most often used. The cost of filters varies depending on the wall thickness, diameter, and material from which it is made. Metal ones are more durable, stronger, but also more expensive than PVC.

The filter is installed directly at the level of the aquifer. There is no need to place it deeper - the water will wash out, collapse the rock to the filter and it will be difficult to clean. You should not install the filter above the aquifer, so as not to block and ruin the well. One of the consequences of an incorrectly installed filter is cloudy water, which is then difficult to get rid of.

Advantages and disadvantages

The service of drilling artesian wells is in demand, since such wells:

  • can be obtained in any area of ​​the Moscow region and anywhere on the site where a drilling rig can approach (only the depth will differ);
  • have a long service life (up to 80 years), high productivity and provide a continuous supply of water regardless of the season;
  • provide water supply with low bacteriological contamination.

Among the disadvantages of artesian wells, experts note the relatively high cost due to the fairly large depth and, often, the need to remove calcium and magnesium salts from water and purify water from iron and manganese impurities, but these disadvantages are completely offset by the advantages of using artesian wells.

What is well pumping

One of the key stages that directly affects the efficiency of the well and water quality. The essence of pumping is to form a feeding chamber around the barrel, into which water quickly flows. In addition, during pumping, water carries clay and sandy water into the well, which is then pumped out. Each time the flow will be greater, and the water will be clearer and cleaner as the turbidity decreases.

Important! Don’t worry if during the first pumping, not just muddy water comes out, but soil/soil. This is normal because soil enters the water during the drilling process and remains on the surface. Once pumping begins with a submersible pump, the water will become clearer over and over again.

What pump is used for pumping? There are different ones, the most primitive is vibration, but it is better not to use it. It does not go down into the well because it cannot form a feeding chamber, clogs the filter and raises sludge. It is much more practical to use screw, rotary or vane pumps.

We recommend a pump for artesian wells Grundfos SQ 3-105 (or its equivalent Waterstry 3 ST 3-90)

Classification of soils by drillability

An important criterion for determining drilling technology, especially if the work is planned to be carried out manually, is the physical and mechanical parameters of the soil. Based on these properties, they are divided into the following classes:

  • Bulk. They consist of medium and fine-grained sedimentary rocks that do not retain their shape when excavated. These include sand of any size fraction, gravel, pebble and crushed stone soils. Typically, these types of rocks are easily traversed, but when extracted to the surface they can crumble and make excavation difficult.
  • Plastic. These include rocks with a high content of clayey sediments: loams, sandy loams and clays themselves. These soils are more difficult to destroy due to their high density, but are easier to remove to the surface due to sticking to the drilling devices.
  • Solid. These are rocky and semi-rocky rocks, the passage of which requires high physical effort. In addition to the fact that they are difficult to destroy, bringing the debris to the surface is also accompanied by technical difficulties.

Rice. 4 Classification of soils

What to do after casing

The next step after casing the well is to secure the head and casing to the top of the casing. The case is designed for thermal insulation, and the head creates the necessary pressure and closes the well. The head is placed no higher than the freezing level so that the water in the well does not freeze. You can find out the level of freezing from the “Manual for designing foundations of buildings and structures.”

Arrangement is not the end of the work, since for a full water supply you also need a water treatment system and a water supply to the house. An automatic water supply system is also desirable, then the process of use will be the same as in apartments. In addition, it is necessary to improve the well itself on the site.

What is used to supply water to the house

For this, it is best to use galvanized metal pipes - reliable and durable. Polypropylene or polyethylene pipes are used as a budget option, but they are not as reliable.

You also need an expansion tank, automation and filters. The tank is made in the form of a sealed vessel, which can be of different volumes and pressures. It is also possible to provide automatic protection against dry running. It will turn off the pump if the consumption is too high and the water does not have time to flow from the depths.

In addition, based on water tests, a water treatment system and filter are selected. It must be set if, according to the results of the analyses, the water parameters are higher than the maximum permissible concentrations.

Only professionals drill wells correctly

Creating a well on a site and supplying water to a house is a rather complicated procedure that is beyond the capabilities of simple “home craftsmen.” If you want to do everything right and use the plumbing for decades, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists. offers a service such as turnkey drilling, when the owner does not worry about anything and receives a ready-made, equipped well and supply to the house.

View our client well map

Our reputation and professionalism are confirmed by numerous reviews from grateful clients. We have completed dozens of wells in the Moscow region, drilling them at different depths and in different conditions.

Cooperation with us is supported by an agreement signed by two parties: we and the customer. Having a contract in hand, the client is protected from missed deadlines and unfair work.

We have a % promotion: We give a hydraulic tank as a gift when ordering a well!

Typical estimate for drilling a well 105 meters deep and installing an automatic water supply system with a capacity of 3 m3/h

In the example: static water level - 70 m, pump depth - 80 m.

NameQtyUnit change price per oneSum
1Well pump SQE 3-95, 220V, “Grundfos”1PC.45,000 rub.45,000 rub.
2Waterproof cable 3*480m.180 rub.RUB 14,400
3Heat-shrinkable cable sleeve KM-11PC.1,500 rub.1,500 rub.
4PET pipe d 32 mm (Russia)80m.70 rub.RUB 5,600
5Brass connections 32*32 Beulco (Germany)2PC.1,500 rub.3,000 rub.
6Stainless steel cable d 5 mm85m.70 rub.RUB 5,950
7Cable clamp4PC.70 rub.280 rub.
8Insulating tape2PC.80 rub.160 rub.
9Flexible eyeliner3PC.800 rub.RUR 2,400
10Leaky steel head1PC.3,000 rub.3,000 rub.
11Polyethylene hose 1/2″1m.100 rub.100 rub.
12Check valve brass1PC.1,500 rub.1,500 rub.
13Steel caisson d=1 m, h=2 m.1PC.25,000 rub.25,000 rub.
14Ball Valves4PC.600 rub.RUR 2,400
15Pressure gauge and air bleeder1PC.1,500 rub.1,500 rub.
16Pressure switch MDR 5/8 Condor (Germany)1PC.4,500 rub.4,500 rub.
17Reflex membrane tank - 80 l (Germany)1PC.9,000 rub.9,000 rub.
18Hydrant with installation1PC.9,000 rub.9,000 rub.
19Fitting kit and additional materials5,000 rub.
20Fare5,000 rub.
Total for equipment and materials:RUB 144,290
1Installation of caisson (with excavation)10,000 rub.
2Installation of a pump, head, cable and cable made of stainless steel on water-lifting pipes and installation of pumping equipment in a well10,000 rub.
3Trench button and 10 meter pipeline installation0 rub.
4Installation of a hydraulic storage tank6,000 rub.
5Installation of automation, cable connection to4,000 rub.
Total cost of work:30,000 rub.

View prices for drilling wells in the Moscow region

Standard passport for a well

Well locationMalakhovka
Absolute wellhead elevationLyubertsy district
Well depth in m76
Tested aquifer
Static level (depth from surface) in m25
Pumping data (at dynamic flow rate3 m3

Price per meter of well drilling

Steel pipe ∅133mm

Manufactured according to GOST 10705-80

2800 rub/m

old price 2990 rub.

About technology

Steel pipe 133 mm with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm: – Steel grade 20. – Manufactured according to GOST 10705-80 – Tapered thread.


uPVC pipe ∅125mm

Manufactured according to GOST R 51613-2000

2400 rub/m

old price 2590 rub.

About technology

uPVC pipe with a wall thickness of 7.5 mm: – Manufactured according to GOST R 51613-2000. – Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride is used in production. – Used when drilling sand wells.

The cost of drilling with large-sized equipment is from 2100 rubles/meter

The cost of drilling a MGBU is from 2300 rubles/meter


Steel pipe ∅133mm and 113 NPVh

Manufactured according to GOST R 18599-2001

3200 rub/m

old price 3300 rub.

About technology

Steel pipe 133 mm with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm and HDPE pipe with a thickness of 7.3 mm: – Steel grade St20. – The steel pipe is manufactured according to GOST 10705-80. – HDPE pipe – according to GOST R 18599-2001.


What happens when a water well is drilled by “self-taught” people

Please note that the process of drilling and constructing wells is not as simple as it might seem! In order not to risk your health, money, or time, read the reviews of those who drilled on their own and what came of it:

1. “A woman bought a dacha and decided to start settling down. Based on an advertisement, I invited “masters” to drill a well for water. After they were drilled, a fountain hit several tens of meters high. The drillers were washed away like a wave, and along with them a house with a plot of land and several neighbors. The fountain could not be stopped for about six months; a third of the village was flooded. By the way, the water turned out to be undrinkable. It turns out that everyone can drill!”

2. “An acquaintance made a well herself, as a result they still can’t stop the fountain of water, the house has already been lost, which has gone underground and a large area around the house and then slowly goes under water...”

3. “DO NOT DRILL A WELL YOURSELF! In our homeowners association in the Moscow region, one friend had a water fountain running for 4 days, they barely stopped it.”

Do you need such problems? It’s worth thinking about before you decide to save money and trust the work to self-taught craftsmen!

What questions need to be clarified before signing a contract?

Before you finally choose a drilling company and sign an agreement, it is advisable to find out a few points that relate to the well and other nuances. Ask these questions to company employees (for example, ours)!

  1. What is your company's drilling experience? Have you performed wells in our region?
  2. What is the probability of finding water in our area? At what depth are you planning to find it?
  3. What borehole diameter do you recommend and why?
  4. What casing pipes are suitable, from what material and thickness?
  5. How is pumping done? How long does it usually take?
  6. What to do with the soil that will be raised after drilling?
  7. What is included in yours: drilling, casing, pump installation, water supply to the house? Will this be done by one team or different ones?
  8. What equipment and tools will you use for drilling?
  9. What drilling method is preferable in our area?
  10. Is there a guarantee and for how long? What exactly is included in the warranty?

In addition, request an estimate of labor and materials. Check to see if there will be additional costs. If you plan to pay in installments, be sure to ask what advance payment is needed immediately and what the monthly payment amount is, whether there will be a commission, and what payment options are available. Find out, clarify everything and when you are sure, sign the contract and make payment!

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