Septic tank Poplar. Models, technical specifications, operating principle and installation

Poplar and Topas are one of the most famous septic tanks for country houses. Our customers often confuse these two treatment plants. When we say that these are different septic tanks, people ask how they differ and which is better. In our article we will try to answer this question.

Let's start with the similarities. Both Topol and Topas are aeration septic tanks (biological treatment stations, SBT). In both septic tanks, deep wastewater treatment occurs in the presence of oxygen. Aerobic bacteria process organic matter. In addition, ammonia (ammonium), nitrates and nitrogen are removed. As a result, household wastewater is purified up to 98%. Clarified water does not smell; it can be drained onto open ground without further purification.

Now about the differences. Topol and Topas have different hull designs, weight, salvo discharge, price, and electrical design. Differences affect price, reliability, and ease of use. This is exactly what is important to customers and what influences their choice.

To determine which septic tank is better, we will find out:

Treatment buildings Topol and Topas

The Topol septic tank has a body made of monolithic polypropylene. It has a cylindrical shape, takes pressure evenly over the entire area and is more resistant to compression. Poplar also has stiffening ribs in the form of a frame. This is additional reinforcement of the body and protection against deformation.

Exterior view of the Poplar septic tank

The Topas body is made of integrally foamed polypropylene. The middle layer is porous and retains heat. The body shape is rectangular. Topas are produced using a special technology: two sheets of polypropylene are bent and welded at the joints. Welds are made on the walls of the body, and not on the ribs. The function of stiffeners is performed by rigging strips.

Appearance of the treatment plant Topas


The Poplar body is cylindrical, with lugs. It is not subject to deformation. Topas has a rectangular body. Stress is concentrated at the corners; such a body is less resistant to compression. To increase strength, Topas is made from thicker plastic, which increases the weight and price of the cleaning material.

Advantages and disadvantages

"Topol" is an autonomous sewage system from a Russian manufacturer. Therefore, it is cheaper than many foreign options. In addition, it has a lot of positive reviews from owners.

The design belongs to the Eco Grand class products. After all, such a device very effectively and quickly purifies wastewater almost to drinkable condition.

Such devices have a large number of advantages:

  1. They clean the wastewater very well. They do not need soil purification. Therefore, such products are considered as environmentally friendly as possible.
  2. An important advantage is compactness. For the device you need to allocate only one to three meters.
  3. Such products are very easy to install.
  4. Economical buildings. In addition, they are made of high-quality polymer materials, which significantly extend their service life.
  5. Septic tanks from this manufacturer can be installed in any type of soil. They are presented in the form of several models with different characteristics.
  6. They do not require calling vacuum cleaners. You can clean them yourself.

To install a septic tank, you need several people.
Despite a number of existing advantages, there are also some disadvantages:

  1. The structures depend on the availability of electricity. Without it they simply won't work. Therefore, when purchasing Topol, prepare in advance for increased utility bills.
  2. Quite a high price. They are more expensive than conventional septic tanks. However, if we compare them with products of the same class, it is worth noting that their price will be lower than many other options.
  3. Maintenance should be carried out fairly frequently. However, it is not difficult to do it yourself.

The main disadvantage is the high cost. However, the advantages of this device more than pay for it.


Topol Plus models with an extended body have lugs. These are bottom protrusions welded to the body. Essentially, these are anchors. The soil presses on them from above and soil waters cannot push the septic tank out. The upper overlap between the neck and the body also takes on the weight of the soil. The poplar is reliably protected from floating.

Poplar with lugs and stiffeners

Topas has no lugs. This is not a critical drawback, but it is important not to leave the septic tank empty after pumping so that it does not float up.


Poplar has lugs and is more suitable for high groundwater levels (GWL). Topas without lugs can also be installed at high groundwater levels, but you need to make sure that there is water in it at all times. When servicing, do not pump out completely and after pumping out you must immediately fill with water.

Advantages of the TOPOL station


There is no need to call a sewage disposal truck, purchase special bacteria, etc., and the output is pure process water, colorless and odorless


Lightweight and durable compact body made of high quality polypropylene and equipped with reinforcement ribs. Service life - more than 100 years


We are constantly increasing production volumes and improving equipment in order to meet market demands on time and in full.


We suggest you use or, all work is carried out by highly qualified specialists

Working volume

This is the volume from the bottom of the septic tank to the lower edge of the inlet pipe (working level). Why is it important to consider displacement? The quality of cleaning, productivity, and salvo discharge directly depend on it.

For a cylindrical septic tank, the volume can be calculated using the formula V=πr2h, where h is the height from the bottom to the working level. For the Poplar 6 model h=3.14x0.55x0.55x1.8=1.7 cubic meters. Since the water level in the receiving chamber is lower, ¼ of the volume (25%) must be subtracted from this value. We get V=1.3 cubic meters.

For a Topas 6 septic tank, the working volume is V=hхlхb, where h is the height from the bottom to the lower edge of the supply pipe, l is the length, b is the width. We get V=1.15x1.17x1.8=2.42. Subtract ¼ of the volume (0.6 cubic meters). We get V approximately 1.8 cubic meters.


The working volume of Topas is almost 1.5 times larger. At the same time, the salvo discharge is greater at Topol. This may be due to the higher productivity of the main airlift (pumps wastewater from the first chamber to the aeration tank). But with increasing airlift productivity, the quality of cleaning decreases.

Mechanism of action

Such systems use biotechnologies that make it possible to repeatedly reproduce the purification cycle and obtain ordinary water at the output. The drained biomass contains aerobic bacteria that absorb contaminants. The Topol Eco Grand septic tank enriches wastewater with oxygen, under the influence of which beneficial microorganisms multiply to the amount necessary for complete purification. The work cycle looks like this:

  1. Household water goes into the receiving chamber of the septic tank. The built-in compressor pumps air into it through the valve in the lid, saturates the liquid with oxygen and creates a favorable environment for the life of bacteria. This is how grinding and primary biological treatment of wastewater occurs.
  2. The aerial pump pumps them into a second chamber arranged in the same way - an aeration tank. A separate air compressor is designed for it, which increases the efficiency of the system. Here, bacteria that are heavier than water molecules sink to the bottom and form a muddy sediment.
  3. The secondary purified liquid is poured into a funnel-shaped compartment, where the remaining excess microelements naturally settle and enter the previous chamber through the hole at the bottom.
  4. Clean water is drained from the funnel into the outlet pipe, and the settled suspension is pumped from the aeration tank into another special compartment - the sludge settling tank. There it is divided into active bacteria and waste matter. The former are again poured into the receiving chamber when the compartment is filled.

Volley discharge of septic tanks Topol and Topas

The Topas 6 model for 6 people has a salvo discharge of 250 liters. A toilet (10 l), a sink (10 l), a washing machine (50 l), a dishwasher (20 l), a shower (90 l), a total of 210 l, are connected to this sewer system. You can use a 200 liter bath, but be careful not to flood the treatment plant.

The Topol 6 model has a salvo release of 270 liters. This is 50 liters more than Topas. You can install another toilet (10 l), sink (10 l), sink (30 l) in the house. A 200 liter bathtub can be installed without any worries.


Topol has an advantage in salvo release. This makes it possible to install more plumbing without the risk of overflowing the treatment plant.

Poplar 5. Characteristics and modifications

Model Topol 5

This model is the most common, although it has low power. This station has a simple and convenient design - a rectangular plastic tank with holes for connecting a waste pipe and discharging recycled liquid.

This model is perfect for a cottage or small summer cottage.

The compact design and uncomplicated design allow you to quickly connect the station to the sewer.

Technical specifications:

  • the number of people using the septic tank is a maximum of 5;
  • the volume of treated wastewater per day is 1 m?/day;
  • one-time liquid discharge – 250 l;
  • maximum fluid intake per day – 1.1 m?/day;
  • electricity consumption – 1.2 kW/day.

The Topol septic tank is equipped with two superchargers that create the required degree of oxygen saturation of the liquid.

The dimensions of this installation are 1030x1000x2485 mm.

Nowadays, there are two modifications of this design - Topol 5 PR and Topol 5 Long PR.

5 PR

This version of the Topol septic tank is equipped with a pump. It is used to drain recycled liquid into the ground or into a special reservoir structure.

5 Long PR

This cleaning plant differs from its relatives in the model range - it is half a meter higher. The station is ideal for regions where the soil freezes deeper than one meter. The modified system provides the ability to connect a pipe at a depth of up to 1.4 m. In some cases, the station is equipped with a pump.

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Topas 5 weighs 280 kg. All companies install this model without special equipment, but for models from Topas 8 (280 kg) and above they already use an excavator and a manipulator. These are additional costs. The Zagorod company can also install a Topas 8 septic tank without special equipment. That is, we manually install almost all models that are intended for country houses.

Septic tank Topol 6 weighs a little less - 230 kg. With such a weight, installation can definitely be done without special equipment. The weight of the next model Topol 9 is 290 kg. Our company can also install this septic tank manually.


Poplar is lighter than Topas. Models up to Topas 8 and Topol 9 are installed by Zagorod manually, the landscape of the site is not disturbed. Loading, unloading and lowering from the pit is performed by a team of 5-6 people.

Model range of the Topol brand

When choosing a septic tank for your own dacha, you need to decide on the model. This is very easy, since the labeling of products correlates with the number of people served. The most popular model is Topol 5, as it is designed to serve 5 people (average family standard). This model will clean drains from 2 toilets, 2 sinks and 1 shower. Connection of household appliances is not provided.

Before installing a septic tank, it is necessary to make calculations and select the appropriate model

For comparison, let’s take the following model – Topol 8, designed, respectively, to serve 8 people.

The volume of wastewater is also increasing. 1 bathtub and 1 washing machine are added to the listed drainage points.

The Topol 150 station has the largest volume, ready to serve several cottages, country villas or a multi-storey building (for example, a sanatorium or hotel).

The Topol-150 model is capable of withstanding a salvo discharge of up to 4600 liters, can process about 24 m³ of wastewater per day and weighs 3 tons, but also consumes 24 kW of electricity per day

Factory equipment VOC Topol and Topas

Cleaning Topol and Topas are supplied to the customer in the following configuration:

Septic tank Topas:

  • Housing and technological devices (air distributor, aerators, airlifts).
  • AirMac or Thomas compressors, 2 pcs., power 60, 80, 120, 150 W, depending on the model.
  • Polypropylene pipe insertion pipe, diameter 110 mm, wall thickness 2.7 mm, length 10 cm.
  • Polypropylene rod for soldering the pipe, thickness 7 mm, length 1 m.
  • Drainage float pump with a set of fittings and couplings for its connection (only for forced modifications).
  • Septic tank Poplar:

  • Housing and technological equipment (air distributor, airlifts, aerators).
  • Hailea 60 compressor for Topol 4-9 models, Hailea 80 compressor for Topol 12 model.
  • Polypropylene pipe 110 mm for supplying pipes from the house to the treatment plant.
  • Polypropylene rod for sealing the inlet pipe. HDPE coupling 20 mm for entering the electrical cable into the septic tank.
  • DAB drain pump plus outlet pipe, couplings and fittings (forced modifications only).
  • To protect electrics from flooding, an alarm is needed.
    This is a lamp on the lid and a float sensor in the receiving chamber. If the water in the first chamber rises to a critical level, the sensor will trigger and the warning light will light up. The hazard warning system is not included in the basic package. It can be purchased additionally, but this is not necessary at Zagorod. From us you will receive an emergency alarm as a gift. Installation is paid separately, according to the estimate. Conclusions.
    Topol and Topas are supplied in the same configuration. Each septic tank comes with compressors, a supply pipe, and a welding rod from the factory. Forced modifications also come with a drain pump and everything needed to connect it. You don't need to buy anything.

    How to choose the right option

    Installing such a structure will cost you a pretty penny, but will pay off in just a few years

    On sale are models for home use and autonomous sewage systems for small businesses, if necessary. The range allows you to choose an Eco Grand septic tank, taking into account specific conditions:

    1. The number of people living in a private house is up to 10. The number in the name, for example, Topol 5 septic tank, indicates the performance - a maximum of 5 people can use this system regularly based on an average daily water consumption of 200 l/person. Devices for 15-150 users are used less frequently, in particular, in cafes, mini-hotels, and other organizations that are geographically cut off from the central sewer system.
    2. The reserve volume of a one-time discharge is from 170 to 790 liters for home use, up to 4600 liters for commercial use. This characteristic gives an idea of ​​the capacity of the receiving chamber and the amount of wastewater that the Topol station can process at maximum load, for example, simultaneous short-term drainage of water in the bathroom, kitchen, or washing machine.
    3. The depth of burial of sewer pipes is up to 80 cm, up to 140 cm or over 140 cm. The required value is determined taking into account the type of soil, its level of freezing, the strength of the materials used, and the planned vertical load. The Topol model with the abbreviation LONG is higher than usual and makes it possible to increase the distance from the surface to the point of connection of the pipeline.
    4. A device for discharging purified water ─ spontaneously or forcibly. If there is a sufficient difference in levels, it is possible to install a gravity drain to a drain, absorption or storage well. When soil characteristics or insufficient slope prevent this, a Topol septic tank with a built-in drainage pump is installed. Such models contain in the name the abbreviation PR ─ forced drainage.

    Operating principle and cleaning quality

    Both septic tanks undergo deep cleaning with suspended activated sludge (aerobic microorganisms). Organics, nitrates, and nitrogen are removed. In both Topol and Topas, the wastewater is purified up to 98%, odorless, and can be discharged to the ground without soil filtration. The quality of cleaning in both stations is the same.

    Poplar with gravity drainage, top view

    Poplar with forced drainage, top view

    Topas, diagram, top view

    Topas and Topol have two operating modes:

    1. The water level in the receiving chamber is higher than the float. Direct phase is on. Aeration is in progress in the aeration tank. Aerobic bacteria oxidize and decompose organic matter and ammonium (nitrification process). Effluent from the aeration tank enters the secondary settling tank and is discharged from the septic tank.

    2. The water level in the first chamber is below the float. Reverse phase enabled. Coarse-bubble aeration and mixing of wastewater in the receiving chamber takes place. There is no aeration in the aeration tank. Here the process of denitrification occurs - the reduction of nitrates to nitrogen. From the aeration tank, wastewater is pumped into the sludge stabilizer and from there into the receiving chamber. As soon as the first chamber is filled, the float is activated and the direct phase is switched on.

    In dual-mode septic tanks, aerobic and anaerobic conditions are alternately created in the aeration tank.
    In an oxygen environment, organic matter is removed, and in an anaerobic environment, nitrates and nitrogen are removed. As a result, Topol and Topas septic tanks produce clear process water. Clarified wastewater does not smell, it does not need to be further purified, and it is harmless to the environment. Conclusion.
    Poplar and Topas clean wastewater equally well.
    If the priority is odorlessness and environmental friendliness, then any of the septic tanks will do.

    How does the Topas septic tank work?

    “Topas” is a kind of smaller copy of central sewerage treatment plants that serve entire settlements. In this septic tank, water also goes through the stages of mechanical and biological treatment.

    Septic tank Topas - design

    Septic tank Topas at work

    “Topas” is a container divided into compartments, in each of which a certain stage of wastewater treatment takes place.

    1. First, sewage enters a settling tank to settle large particles that accumulate at the bottom.
    2. Partially clarified water is pumped using airlifts to the next compartment. Here, maximum cleaning is carried out thanks to aerobic microorganisms that form activated sludge and decompose contaminants in the presence of oxygen, which is supplied here by a compressor.
    3. The last stage of purification is a pyramid settling tank, in which the water gets rid of activated sludge.

    Autonomous sewage system for the house TOPAS 8

    After this, the purified liquid can be used for irrigation or other technical needs. The sludge accumulated in the second settling chamber enters the stabilizer. The accumulated sludge must be removed and can be used as fertilizer.

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    Effective wastewater treatment is one of several advantages of the Topas septic tank.

    When choosing a specific Topas model, you need to pay attention to how many plumbing fixtures it can serve

    Electrical equipment in Topas and Topol stations

    Poplar is equipped with one Hailea compressor. In the forward phase, the compressor supplies air to the aerator in the aeration tank, in the reverse phase - to the aerator in the receiving chamber. The phases change through the solenoid valve according to a signal from the float sensor.


  • Cheaper scheme.
  • One socket, impossible to mix up.
  • In case of flooding, repairs will cost less.
  • .

  • One compressor wears out faster.
  • It is advisable to connect through a voltage stabilizer.
  • Hair or other debris sometimes gets wrapped around the float. It gets stuck and the septic tank does not work correctly in one mode.
  • With forced Topol models, a DAB float pump is included.

    Compressor at the Topol station

    Topas is equipped with two AirMac or Thomas compressors. One compressor operates in the forward phase, and the other in the reverse phase. Switching phases based on a signal from a float in the receiving chamber.


  • Two compressors last longer than one.
  • No stabilizer needed.
  • Flaws:

  • The price is higher than that of Topol (plus the cost of one compressor, 8-10 thousand rubles).
  • Sometimes owners confuse sockets when connecting compressors.
  • If it floods, repairs will be more expensive.
  • The float may get stuck, the station freezes in one mode.
  • Topas modifications with forced pumping are also equipped with DAB pumps. Previously the Wilo brand pump was supplied.

    Compressors in Topas septic tank

    The Topas manufacturer also offers the Topas-S treatment station. It, like the Topol, has one compressor, with phase switching through an electromagnetic valve. Due to this, Topas-S is cheaper than Topas and slightly more expensive than Topol. Compressor and pump (in forced stations) as in standard Topas.

    Electrics in the Topas-S septic tank


    Poplar with one compressor is cheaper, but the solenoid valve is sensitive to voltage changes; it is advisable to use a stabilizer. Topas with two compressors is more reliable, but more expensive. We recommend comparing Topol and Topas-S. The electrical part in them is arranged in the same way, while the price of Topas-S is not much higher.

    Negative reviews about the Topas septic tank and their reasons

    Negative statements towards the Topas septic tank can be reduced to several factors. Let's look at a number of negative reviews.

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    Review 1

    “We bought a septic tank 4 years ago, recently the drainage after cleaning has become cloudy. When opening the container, they discovered that the first compartment was full. Here is a station without pumping. I had to call a master, whose work cost money.”

    You may be interested in bionic septic tank reviews.

    Septic tank overflow

    The reason for the malfunction in this case is obvious. The user forgot that the septic tank must be regularly maintained.

    Review 2

    “We’ve had the Topas septic tank for almost a month now. All this time, the wastewater coming out is cloudy, and a putrid smell emanates from the tank itself.”

    Muddy water

    Such moments are due to the fact that it takes time to accumulate active biomass. In winter, this process can take a month. To speed up the normalization of biological treatment, you can add river sludge or ground food waste to the septic tank. After all, biomass will grow provided there is enough food.

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    Review 3

    “We have had VOC Topas for almost 3 years. All this time, some kind of malfunction occurs. Most often, the float fails, which leads to overflow of the chambers and flooding of the electrical part. Or the overflow between the compartments becomes clogged. Not even two months go by without replacing some spare part.”

    Float for Topas

    A possible reason is a defective septic tank. Some users encounter this problem. At the same time, among defects, malfunction of the float occurs most often. If the equipment was purchased from an official representative or manufacturer, and service was ordered from them, then such defects are easily corrected by the service center free of charge.

    Alarm connection diagram

    Overfilling of chambers is often associated with incorrect calculation of the productivity and volume of wastewater and salvo discharge. Clogging of elements is caused by operational violations, namely the discharge of prohibited substances into the sewer system, for example, large amounts of wool and hair, polymer or rubber waste, construction waste, etc.

    Note! The drains must not contain chlorine detergents, antibacterial drugs, antiseptics, as well as aggressive chemicals such as alcohol, solvent, etc. But bacteria cope with wastewater from bathrooms, dishwashers and washing machines.

    Review 4

    “I installed a septic tank myself in the summer, when the groundwater level was minimal. I hoped that the tank filled with water would not float. My hopes were not justified. We had to re-install it."

    Poor installation of Topas

    This unpleasant review relates not to the equipment, but to the installation. In many regions of Russia, groundwater rises close to the surface at least seasonally. For this reason, any plastic local sewage tanks must be installed on a concrete base and secured to it with cables.

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    Thus, following some recommendations when choosing a septic tank, purchasing it and operating it is the key to reliable operation of the equipment.

    Groundwater occurrence diagram

    Installation of septic tanks Topol and Topas

    There are no fundamental differences in installation technology. Main installation steps:

  • Digging a pit and supply trench.
    The pit is dug according to the dimensions specified in the technical passport. A sand cushion is poured at the bottom.
  • Burying the septic tank.
    The waste is lowered onto a sandy base and leveled.
  • Sprinkling with sand and filling with water to the level of the inlet pipe.
    Sprinkling and filling are done simultaneously, at the same level, to balance the pressure from inside and outside.
  • Insertion and sealing of the pipe.
    The hole is cut out with a crown. Sealed with polypropylene rod. The Topas and Topas septic tanks already come with a 110 mm pipe and a rod.
  • Connecting electrical equipment.
    A cable is laid from the house to the septic tank. To protect the cable, a 20 mm technical HDPE pipe is used. In the house it is connected to a circuit breaker, in a septic tank in an electrical box in the compressor compartment. Compressors are placed in the instrument compartment and plugged into sockets. Forced models have an additional socket for the pump.
  • Commissioning
    They turn on the cleaning equipment and check how compressors, airlifts and aerators work.
  • Final filling with sand.
    The housing with a lid is left 20 cm above the ground level. They are not buried flush with the ground so that surface water does not enter the septic tank.
  • Conclusion.

    Installation of septic tanks is performed in the same way. The technology has been proven, experienced installers of the Zagorod company install the Topol and Topas treatment plants in 1 working day.

    Installation instructions with video

    It is advisable to trust the installation process to professionals if you are not sure that you will be able to carry out the installation yourself without errors. However, the installation of a Topol septic tank can be done on your own. Installation algorithm:

    • Determining the location of the septic tank. It is desirable that the sewer pipe be closer to the building, but there must be at least 5 meters from the house to the septic tank during installation.
    • Determination during installation of the wastewater outlet location.
    • Construction of the pit (photo can be seen on the page). For a Poplar septic tank, before installation it is necessary to fill the bottom with a sand mixture and level it.
    • Installation of sewer pipes leading from the Poplar septic tank to the house. The connection points are sealed during installation.
    • After installing the Poplar septic tank, it is covered with sand and soil. To balance the pressure indicators, the septic tank must be filled with liquid to 75% of the total capacity.
    • Inspection work of the Topol septic tank. It is better if the final installation process is carried out by experienced specialists: they will be able to identify problems and improve the operation of the device.

    After this, the septic tank is completely ready for use. To understand how to use it, you can refer to the photo, description and installation tips contained in the instructions included in the kit.

    Maintenance of treatment plants Topol and Topas

    The Poplar manufacturer recommends cleaning airlifts and the compressor filter once every six months. Once every two years it is recommended to pump out with a fecal pump.

    Topas must be pumped out independently once every 3-4 months using a service airlift. Once every 6 months, you should call a service engineer to check the equipment, flush the airlifts, and pump out sludge.

    Septic tank maintenance by a service engineer


    Both septic tanks can be serviced without a sewer truck. You can pump out the sewage with your own hands, using a fecal pump, or call a service specialist from the Zagorod company.

    Poplar 8. Characteristics, modifications and description

    Model Topol 8

    To purify a larger amount of wastewater, it is recommended to use the Topol 8 model. The model is superior to the previous one in terms of the maximum volume of processed wastewater. It also has the following technical parameters :

    • the maximum number of people using the sewer system is 8 people;
    • amount of liquid processed - 1 m?/day;
    • one-time liquid discharge – 470 l;
    • amount of waste – 1.9 m?/day;
    • electricity consumption – 1.6 kW/day.

    Topol 8 is equipped with two superchargers to ensure the required degree of oxygen saturation of the liquid. The dimensions of the Poplar septic tank are 1330 x 1030 x 2485 mm. The appearance of this device is almost identical to the design of Topol 5.

    A sufficiently large volume of wastewater tanks, as well as high-performance compressors, ensure the most efficient filtration of wastewater.

    There are the following varieties of the model under consideration:

    • Poplar 8 Long – required when the depth of the sewer line is more than 1 m;
    • Topol 8 PR is equipped with a pump to remove recycled liquid;
    • Poplar 8 Long PR is a deep modification technological tandem equipped with a special pump.

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    Preservation of SBO Poplar and Topas for the winter

    When living year-round in a private house, conservation is not required. If wastewater flows constantly, then septic tanks do not freeze. When leaving for the winter, Poplar and Topas are preserved. The work procedure is the same for both treatment plants. They turn off the power, disconnect and remove the compressors and pump (in forced modifications), wash the airlifts with a Karcher, pump out water from the septic tank and fill it with fresh water to the level of the inlet pipe. It is also recommended to insulate the lid with penoplex.

    Conservation stage: insulating the lid with penoplex


    Both septic tanks must be preserved during long-term departures. There are two options: mothball the septic tank with your own hands or call a service technician from the Zagorod company. The second option is more expensive, but an experienced master will definitely do everything right.

    Advantages of treatment plants

    Therefore, all types of septic tanks are structurally thought out, have high quality workmanship and excellent performance characteristics in any conditions.

    Manufacturer of the septic tank - . Treatment plants are manufactured using the most modern and high-tech equipment, from raw materials tested in all respects.

    1. All products are thoroughly tested. Confidence in the quality of the purchased autonomous treatment plant is confirmed by the performance characteristics and warranty period of 50 years.
    2. The Topol station of all modifications is equipped with Japanese-made compressors, which increases the efficiency of septic tanks.
    3. The use of polymer materials in the manufacture of the housing and other parts minimizes the possibility of corrosion and destruction of the station housing under the influence of atmospheric factors.
    4. The station is designed in such a way that pumping out solid deposits that appear during operation is not required - these fractions can be easily removed on your own, without resorting to the services of vacuum cleaners. This decision puts the Topol station structurally higher than the Tank or Triton septic tanks.
    5. During operation, the installation does not emit unpleasant odors and does not produce any extraneous noise.
    6. Stations of different power and performance are produced, so choosing the best option for your dacha or home is not a problem.

    One of the disadvantages is the need to connect electricity to power the compressor and pump, but most suburban and summer cottages do not have problems with electricity.

    Price of septic tanks Topol and Topas

    Model Topol 6 for 5-6 people costs 83,000 rubles. Topas 6 for the same number of people is offered at a price of 104,400 rubles. Topas-S 6 costs 91,800 rubles.

    NameNumber of personsSalvo release, l.Price, rub
    Septic tank TOPAS-S 44175 RUB 95,940

    RUB 106,600

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 55220 RUB 113,220

    RUB 125,800

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 6 Pr6250 RUB 126,900

    141,000 rub.

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 88440 RUB 137,880

    RUB 153,200

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 99510 RUB 140,220

    RUB 155,800

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 1010760 RUB 182,790

    RUB 203,100

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 1212830 RUB 185,130

    RUB 205,700

    Septic tank Topol 44180 RUB 86,304

    RUB 92,800

    Septic tank Topol 66270 RUB 105,090

    113,000 rub.

    Septic tank Topol 99500 RUB 124,248

    RUB 133,600

    Septic tank Topol 1212830 RUB 166,470

    179,000 rub.

    Septic tank Topas 44175 RUB 111,060

    RUB 123,400

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 4 Pr4175 RUB 108,180

    RUB 120,200

    Septic tank Topas 4 Pr4175 RUB 125,280

    RUB 139,200

    Septic tank Topas 55220 RUB 131,940

    RUB 146,600

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 5 Pr5220 RUB 124,020

    RUB 137,800

    Septic tank Topas 5 Pr5220 144,000 rub.

    160,000 rub.

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 5 Long5220 RUB 132,660

    RUB 147,400

    Septic tank Topas 5 Long5220 RUB 151,740

    RUB 168,600

    Septic tank TOPAS-S 5 Long Pr5220 RUB 144,180

    RUB 160,200

    show all


    Poplar is about 20,000 cheaper than Topas. This difference includes the price of the second compressor, the markup for the brand, the cost of material for the manufacture of the septic tank (a rectangular body requires more material). Topas-S is similar in design to Topol and is only 10,000 rubles more expensive. For those looking for a cheaper septic tank, we recommend choosing between Topol and Topas-S.

    How much

    The price for Poplar of any model is quite competitive, the septic tank is neither cheaper nor more expensive than similar devices from other manufacturers. It is quite understandable that prices for Topol treatment plants increase with the performance of the model and the volume of the main reservoir.

    The table below shows the average cost of treatment plants of various capacities for 2013 for Moscow and surrounding regions.

    Septic tank model PoplarNumber of residents in the houseSalvo releaseMaximum runoff inflow, (m3/day)Power consumption, (W/day)Dimensions, (cm)Cost, rub.)
    AU 5up to 5250 liters1,112001030x1000x248566500
    AU 5 Prup to 5250 liters1,115001030x1000x248573150
    AU 5 Longup to 5250 liters1,112001030x1000x298579800
    AU 5 Long Prup to 5250 liters1,115001030x1000x298595950
    AU 8up to 8470 liters1,916001330x1030x248585500
    AU 8 Prup to 8470 liters1,919001330x1030x248592150
    AU 8 Longup to 8470 liters1,916001330x1030x298599750
    AU 8 Long Prup to 8470 liters1,919001330x1030x2985106400
    AU 10to 10790 liters3,323001928x1120x248599750
    AU 10 Prto 10790 liters3,326001928x1120x2485106400
    AU 10 Longto 10790 liters3,323001928x1120x2985114000
    AU 10 Long Prto 10790 liters3,326001928x1120x2985120650
    AU 15to 10900 liters3,828002128x1120x2485121600
    AU 15 Prup to 15900 liters3,831002128x1120x2485128250
    AU 15 Longup to 15900 liters3,828002128x1120x2985135850

    Which is better: Poplar or Topas?

    Let's summarize all the advantages and disadvantages in a table. We highlight the disadvantages in red, the advantages in green, and equality in characteristics in black.

    Poplar Topas
    Housing material and design Monolithic polypropylene without thermal insulation, there are stiffeners. Foamed polypropylene with thermal insulation and reinforcement ribs.
    Case shape Cylindrical Rectangular
    Lugs Available for extended modifications (Topol Plus) No
    Working volume Less (1.3 cubic meters) More (1.8 cubic meters)
    Salvo release More Less
    Weight LessMore
    Standard equipment The kit includes an inlet pipe, a rod for soldering the pipe, compressors, and a drainage pump.
    Cleaning quality High, the output is clear, odorless water, discharged without additional treatment.
    Possibility of blockages High, airlifts must be pumped out and washed regularly.
    Electrical equipment One compressor, phase switching via solenoid valve. It is advisable to install a voltage stabilizer. Two compressors, each operating in its own phase, no stabilizer needed.
    Installation The installation technology is no different.
    Service Do-it-yourself pumping (once every 3-4 months) and calling a service engineer (once every 6 months).
    Preservation for the winter Needed for both septic tanks when leaving for the winter. Performed without a vacuum cleaner.
    Price Cheaper Expensive
    Guarantee 3 years for the body, airlifts and aerators, 1 year for electrics. 5 years for housing and process equipment, 3 years for compressors. The Topas-S septic tank has a 5-year warranty on the body, 3 years on compressors, 1 year on the solenoid valve.

    As you can see, Topol has more advantages. But the question is what is important to you. We will give advice on choosing.

    Poplar is right for you if you:

  • Are you looking for a cheaper septic tank?
  • You use a lot of plumbing and need a large salvo discharge.
  • You don’t want to hire special equipment for installation.
  • Choose Topas if the following is more important to you:

  • Famous brand.
  • Large working volume.
  • Electrics without solenoid valve and voltage stabilizer.
  • Long warranty.
  • The design and principle of operation of this septic tank

    The material for the production of the product is homogeneous propylene, which is durable and environmentally safe.
    The septic tank contains absolutely no metal parts, therefore, the material does not oxidize and has a long service life.

    The vertical shape of the Topol 5 septic tank is convenient for installation, as it takes up minimal space on the plot - 1.5 m x 1.5 m

    The operation of a septic tank is based on the aeration principle of cleaning. Organic compounds found in wastewater are oxidized by oxygen. The water is purified by 98%, and there is no need for a sewage disposal machine, since there is no sediment as such. Aerobic bacteria, rapidly multiplying, transform organic matter into activated sludge, which serves as an excellent fertilizer.

    Diagram of the “Topol” septic tank, which shows the principle of moving wastewater from one chamber to another

    After cleaning in the septic tank, the water enters the filtration well, drainage system or specially prepared trench. It can be used for watering beds or gardens, washing a car, or equipping a small fountain.

    The compressor forces the drains to move in the desired direction

    The Japanese-made Hiblow compressor with which this septic tank is equipped has a 1-year warranty, while the equipment itself has a 3-year warranty, which indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in the quality of its products. Electricity consumption per day is 1.2 kW.

    Poplar 10. Characteristics, modifications and description

    Model Topol 10

    This model is considered one of the most productive on the modern market. It is designed for a daily flow of liquid up to 3.3 cubic meters. Poplar 10 is perfect for joint use by two residential buildings.


    • maximum number of residents – 10 people;
    • daily volume of treated liquid – 1.1 m?/day;
    • one-time liquid discharge – 790 l
    • fluid influx – 3.3 m?/day;
    • electricity consumption – 2.3 kW/day.

    Like previous models, this septic tank is equipped with two blowers to ensure the required degree of oxygen saturation of the liquid. The dimensions of this device are 1928x1120x2485 mm.

    This model is also available in three versions:

    • Topol 10 PR - for deep laying of sewerage;
    • Poplar 10 Long - equipped with a drainage pump;
    • Poplar 10 Long PR is a combination of the two modifications described above.

    The choice of a specific model of sewer system depends on the volume of liquid passing through it per day, as well as on the climatic conditions of the area and soil characteristics.

    Tank septic tanks also have their own varieties and similar principles of operation.

    The article about Septic Tank Unilos Astra 5 also describes various modifications of this sewer system, describes the operating principle and user reviews.

    By clicking on the link - - you will see information on preparing a septic tank for winter.

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    Reviews from owners who have used a septic tank for at least 6 months indicate that Poplar demonstrates excellent performance.

    Sergey, Samara : We bought Poplar for a cottage. At first they were afraid that he would not survive the cold. Even at -20° it functioned well. The problem with the airlift is that sometimes it gets clogged and needs to be cleaned. The reason is that a significant amount of debris is flushed into the system.

    Maxim, Pskov: After washing off the cleaning products, a smell appears. The reason is that these substances contain chlorine, which damages the bacterial colony. They end up not cleaning the drains properly, which is why the smell occurs.

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    Cost of sewerage installation

    The cost of each model depends on the configuration and technical characteristics. Modifications of “Topol-5” cost on average from 75 to 103 thousand rubles, “Topol-8” - from 94 to 113 thousand. Prices for the Topol-10 models are 118-143 thousand rubles.

    The cost of installation work depends on the volume of the septic tank, the depth of the pit and the pipeline trenches. Installation of more productive models will cost slightly more. The assembly work of a standard Topol-5 will cost approximately 16 thousand, and for a regular G8 you will have to pay about 20 thousand. For installation of models marked “PR” or “Long” you will have to add another three thousand. Thus, the turnkey installation of a Topol-5 septic tank will cost approximately 90 thousand rubles.

    If you don’t want to spend a lot on sewerage, then there is an alternative option - a budget septic tank made of plastic barrels.

    Today, electricity is not cheap. How to save it in your home, read this article.

    Need your drain cleaned? An effective method is described at link.

    Features of operation of “Topol”

    The manufacturer claims that Topol septic tanks require minimal maintenance efforts, and this is true. Device owners are required to regularly perform the following simple steps:

    • ensure that pollutants hazardous to the septic tank do not enter the sewer system;
    • regularly inspect the device for damage;
    • control the liquid level in the container to prevent it from overflowing;
    • promptly dispose of accumulated sludge;
    • properly prepare the septic tank for winter.

    The list of substances that do not combine well with biological treatment is quite wide. In addition to the previously mentioned chlorine-containing substances, as well as acids and alkalis, it is worth paying attention to many technical fluids: gasoline, oils, paints, antifreeze, etc. These substances cannot be poured into such sewers.

    Each cleaning product will have to be tested for compliance with the requirements of the septic tank, and it is recommended to use aggressive household chemicals for cleaning no more than once a week. To prevent the device from clogging, virtually any non-degradable, non-organic contaminants are prevented from entering the drains: sawdust, small construction waste, rags, film, etc.

    A protective mesh installed on each drain in the house will prevent small inorganic debris from entering the septic tank, which will prevent it from clogging

    Pet hair should also be included in this list; bacteria do not have time to process it, which leads to clogging of airlifts. Large volumes of plant waste can also be dangerous, especially if it is poorly chopped. Caution should also be exercised when disposing of unnecessary medications.

    If for some reason a small amount of debris or aggressive substances ends up in the drain, do not panic. But the operation of the system should be monitored more closely in order to immediately identify the problem and fix it.

    In some cases, you should not carry out repairs yourself; it is better to contact specialists. This recommendation is especially relevant if the warranty period has not yet expired.

    A visual inspection of the Topol septic tank should be carried out at least once a month. Check the condition of the sludge storage tank, namely its filling level. In addition, you need to inspect the drain for purified water; it should not be clogged. The lid of the septic tank should also be lifted, make sure that the structure has no internal damage, and also evaluate the smell of the contents of the septic tank.

    Compressor gaskets gradually become dirty, which can cause failure. These elements should be periodically replaced with new ones to prevent damage to the septic tank.

    A change in normal odor, especially a stench, may indicate that the bacteria in the septic tank has decreased to dangerously low levels. In this case, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the death of microorganisms, as well as replenish their quantity to the required level.

    Septic tanks use aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that process wastewater, decomposing it into purified water and neutral sludge.

    To clear the receiver of sludge, you must first turn off the compressors. Then the mass of neutral sludge is pumped out of the storage tank using a drainage pump. You can immediately apply this fertilizer to the soil or compost it in a special pit. With proper maintenance and operation, the Topol septic tank can last about 50 years.

    Septic tank Topol: cost, advantages, reviews

    Septic tank Topol is one of the latest developments by engineers from Russia, designed for the most thorough water purification. Thanks to modern innovative solutions, the system allows you to obtain water that is 98 percent purified from impurities.

    Principle of operation

    Wastewater immediately enters the receiving chamber of the device, where large fractions are crushed into small ones. After this, the water is sent to the aeration tank, where biological treatment occurs. Then it is poured into a sludge settling tank, where it is clarified. Biodegradation of wastewater also eliminates the small amount of sludge that ends up in the main chamber.

    The Topol septic tank is capable of operating in two modes, the choice of which is determined by the load on the system. The first mode allows aeration of wastewater and its settling; in the second mode, sludge sediments are pumped into a stabilizer and a receiving tank.

    Water that has been purified is discharged either by gravity or using a drainage pump installed in the septic tank.

    The septic tank is very easy not only to use, but also to install. Installing the system does not require special knowledge or tools. To do this, you just need to dig a pit of the appropriate size. When installing, it should be taken into account that the device cover should be located 20 cm above ground level. This measure will avoid flooding of the septic tank with melt and rain water.

    Before installation, it is important to pour 10 cm of sand into the bottom of the dug hole so that the base can be leveled. When filling the system, it is necessary to simultaneously fill it with water to compensate for the pressure created by the earth.

    You also need to connect sewer, exhaust and overflow pipes. You can do this yourself, without turning to specialists for help. This process is described in detail in the instructions.

    Features of the Topol 5 septic tank and its varieties

    The Topol septic tank purifies sewage wastewater and is designed to serve 5 people. The device works equally well both under constant load and during periodic use.

    Waste from Poplar 5 comes out on its own, without the use of drainage pumps or other methods.

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