Sewer wells: complete classification and examples of arrangement
Sewer wells are a mandatory attribute of external sewerage; without them, its installation is impossible. They must pass
Pressure switch for water supply systems
What is a water pressure sensor and what is it for?
It is difficult to imagine the operation of an individual water supply system without automatic elements - in their absence, a pump
Common types of wells
Well construction: equipment used and methods of protection
To protect the well and equipment from external pollution, atmospheric phenomena and vandals, it is necessary
well pumping stations
TOP 3 best pumping stations for a well and the subtleties of choosing equipment
Well and borehole sources are the main suppliers of water in individual areas without access to
The very first building at the dacha is a toilet. Often this is the first experience of DIY construction.
Drawing of a country toilet: diagrams and projects of the best homemade products
The first building that appears on any site is a toilet. We can somehow do without
Eurocubes for household purposes
Eurocube: size, characteristics and methods of use on the site
Large plastic containers, called Eurocubes, can be found in almost every enterprise. This
Aerator for a septic tank: how to make it yourself
Overview of types of aerator for a septic tank: purpose, operating principle, device features and installation instructions
In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to sanitary standards, both in industrial,
Making a compost box with your own hands: description of the main technical points, recipes for preparing compost (photos & videos) + Reviews
Growing garden crops depletes the land. Preservation of its fertility is ensured by the application of fertilizers, the best of which
surface fecal pump
Surface pump for dirty water: Types and how to choose the right one - Tips + Video
By type of operation, pumps are divided into: self-priming or centrifugal. The incoming liquid is scattered onto the walls
aerator for sewage
Review of types and characteristics of air valves for sewage: device and operating principle, how to choose sizes 110 or 50 mm, step-by-step installation and use instructions
The ventilation outlet of the sewer system is designed to allow air to enter the rarefaction zone that is formed every time
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