How to get rid of odor in a country toilet: effective means and methods

An integral part of any country toilet is the smell. Is there a remedy that will help you forget about this problem for a long time? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of eliminating odor in the most necessary place on the site.

The toilet can be sent to the far corner of the site and hidden from prying eyes by decorating it, for example, with climbing plants. However, even entwined with flowering vines, it will give itself away as far from a floral aroma.

  • 11 plants that will disguise an unsightly fence and significantly transform the area

    Review of popular climbing plants and the secrets of their cultivation.

There are several ways to get rid of the unpleasant odor in your country toilet. Let's name the main ones:

  • ventilation system,
  • mechanical cleaning,
  • traditional methods,
  • chemicals,
  • biological agents.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Ventilation system against odor in a country toilet

If you properly build the outdoor toilet itself, in particular, provide ventilation, then the problem with the unpleasant odor will be partly solved.

The diagram shows one of the options for the correct design of a sanitary building:

If the ventilation pipe was not initially provided, then you can attach it yourself. Run and insert a plastic or metal pipe into the cesspool, and then lead it through the roof of the building so that its end is located above the roof of the toilet.

In the warm season, the sun will heat the pipe, and it will begin to work like an extractor hood.

There is nothing stopping you from making natural ventilation in the outdoor toilet, namely a window in the door or in the wall.

Video: odorless country toilet using effective ventilation

Sanitation rules

To prevent unpleasant odors from appearing in the bathroom, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Reworking gaps between tiles. During operation, pores appear in the joints. In the future, mold and various microorganisms will develop there, which will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The old seams are deepened a little with a knife, and then grout is applied.
  2. Always close the toilet lid after using this sanitary appliance. This way the user neutralizes the stench.
  3. Always remove trash from the room. After some time, unnecessary objects will begin to emit odors.
  4. Wash towels; these elements become saturated with moisture and become musty. To combat unpleasant odors, add 100 milliliters of white vinegar to the washing water. The towels must dry thoroughly before they can be hung in the bathroom.

If after completing all of these procedures the smell in the bathroom remains, then the user should seriously think about renovating the room. To finish the bathtub, you can purchase products that are resistant to moisture and odors. Such an upgrade costs a significant amount of money, but you should not skimp on your own health.

When cleaning indoors, make sure there is good ventilation. If mold is considered the cause of the unpleasant odor, the user must treat the surfaces with an antiseptic or repair the room.

Biological products (bioactivators) against odors in outdoor toilets

Recently, preparations obtained from bacteria living in the soil, which process the contents of country toilets, have become especially popular.

Important! It is worth considering that these drugs will only work at positive temperatures. Also, you should not add bleach to the toilet, otherwise it will kill all living bacteria.

Such biological products for cesspools and septic tanks include:

Video: biological preparations for country toilets

They are quite simple to use: the product must be diluted in water according to the instructions , poured into a cesspool, and then the bacteria will work independently without your help.

The main advantage of using such products based on living bacteria is their complete environmental friendliness and safety , in other words, they will not harm anyone in our summer cottage (its soil). In addition to the fact that they eliminate unpleasant odors, they are generally originally intended for the disposal of toilet waste (for their decomposition). But under no circumstances should you throw away or pour chemical waste into a cesspool, because it can destroy all living bacteria.

By the way! These drugs are available in liquid, powder and tablet form . Depending on the volume of your cesspool or septic tank, purchase exactly the right amount in the appropriate form.

Video: products for country toilet

What to do if an unpleasant odor appears?

A bathroom is a necessary sanitary and hygienic room in every apartment, which requires special care. If residents comply with sanitary requirements, there should be no foreign odors in the toilet, including the smell of sewer gases.

In order to eliminate the unpleasant smell of sewerage that spreads to other rooms, you should first identify the cause of its appearance.

Image gallery A sewerage diagram in a toilet will allow the owners of a living space to get an idea of ​​the design and operating principle of the plumbing equipment they use

Modern aerosols have a variety of aromas that can briefly overcome the unpleasant smell of sewerage, but they are not able to eliminate it.

Possible causes of the smell are the flow of gases from the drain hole of a certain or several plumbing fixtures.

Quite often, a disgusting “aroma” appears in the bathroom due to clogged devices or improper installation of plumbing equipment. However, there are other options for the occurrence of unpleasant odors.

Anti-odor chemicals in outdoor toilets

In stores you can find different types of chemicals:

  • ammonium agents. They are quite safe and very effective. The only restriction is that any soap solution (such as “Bio-san”) is not allowed to enter the cesspool;

  • bleach (bleach) and formaldehyde. Very toxic and contain a huge amount of carcinogens. But they are very effective and cheap, so they are still in demand, although they have a rather negative impact.

Note! The main advantages of using chemistry are its reliability under any temperature conditions (even subzero) and the highest efficiency.

Naturally, if you decide to use chemicals to combat toilet odor, you must follow safety rules and work in special protective equipment (gloves and a mask), and of course, do everything according to the instructions.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use the contents of a cesspool as fertilizer or dump them on a compost heap if you have used chemicals to decompose them. Only dispose of in specially designated areas!

Construction of a cesspool

Cesspools can be sealed or not sealed, i.e. having no bottom. The last option is a tank, the walls of which protect the soil layers from the penetration of runoff. The bottom of the structure involves the use of a filter made of gravel and crushed stone. The advantage of the system is that there is no need for pumping with sewage disposal equipment - a suction pump.

Important! It is not recommended to install a toilet for a summer residence without a solid bottom if groundwater is close to it. This will affect the filling of the tank during rain and will have a negative impact on the quality of filtration. Contaminated streams do not undergo purification, but immediately go into groundwater.

A hermetically sealed country toilet is a storage device. Waste is removed using pumping equipment. This option eliminates the release of bacteria and soil contamination.

The toilet in the country is made from the following materials:

  1. Tire structures are made without a special bottom. They are characterized by quick installation and low price.
  2. Concrete rings are a durable and reliable material. Lifting equipment is required to install them in the pit.
  3. You can quickly install a toilet from a barrel. It is suitable as a storage device. To install the filter you will need to remove the bottom.

Plastic models require additional fixation to the foundation. This will prevent it from floating during rainy periods. During backfilling, the tank must be filled with water to prevent deformation.

The design can be rectangular or round. The configuration should be selected taking into account the shape of the site. Concrete devices are made using formwork. Brickwork is done in a circle. When applying the methods, it is necessary to use a layer of waterproofing.

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Digging a pit

The cesspool must have a depth of at least two meters.
But the groundwater level must be below this mark. It is important to choose the right place to place the pit. It should not be located on a slope of the site or away from the road. The hole is dug using an excavator or manually. Its width should be 50 centimeters wider than the intended container. This distance should be left for cladding. Additionally, you need to make trenches for the pipes.

Arrangement of the bottom of the sump

For a country toilet with a storage pit, a bottom filter is required.
It is made from gravel and sand. You can also take crushed stone of certain fractions. A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, and layers of gravel and crushed stone are placed on top. Small elements should be located at the bottom, and large ones at the top. A concrete slab is laid on top of the embankment or a screed is made.

Arrangement of the internal part of the storage pit

To create an odorless toilet for your dacha with your own hands, you need not only to dig a pit, but also to finish the walls.

The following materials can be used for surface finishing:

  1. Concrete. The concrete solution is poured into pre-made formwork. The thickness of the layer should be at least 7 cm.
  2. Brick. Using red brick, the walls are laid out from the bottom to the very top.
  3. Rings. Laying reinforced concrete rings requires special equipment. The rings are laid out on a concrete base. The joints are treated with cement mortar.

After finishing the walls, the pit is connected to the sewer pipes. To create a tight seal, special rubber connectors are used. The outside of the pit is finished with clay or roofing felt.

The pit is covered with wooden logs and slate or a concrete slab. There must be a hole in the ceiling.

Making a wooden cabin

A wooden booth can be made from different materials - boards, profile sheets or bricks.
When arranging a cabin, ventilation and reliability are important parameters. The plank bathroom is especially popular. Wooden frames can be easily rearranged to a convenient location. When choosing wood as a material, it is worth considering that it can easily crack when exposed to sunlight or become deformed from humidity.

Wood requires special processing and varnishing. After installing the walls and floor, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Door installation. Additionally, you can make a slot in the form of a window.
  2. Roof installation. A profile sheet, roofing felt or asbestos cement sheet is suitable for finishing the roof.
  3. Applying the finishing coat. You can use paint or varnish.

The metal version is also popular. The metal or wooden frame is upholstered with profile sheets and secured with screws. We invite you to read the step-by-step instructions on how to build a wooden toilet stall with your own hands.

An important point is ventilation. This system is designed to remove unpleasant odors from the country toilet. A pipe is used to provide ventilation.

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Peat fillers for odor control in dry closets

Currently, the installation of small dry closets in sanitary country buildings has become popular. In order for waste to be processed into compost, it is very convenient to use peat fillers.

The main advantages of using peat fillers are the following:

  • Destroy all unpleasant odors.
  • Fast waste recycling.
  • Frost resistance (effective at sub-zero temperatures).
  • Prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the appearance of insects.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for nature.
  • Possibility of using waste as fertilizer (after additional composting on a heap).
  • Easy to clean waste container.

Among the most popular peat fillers for eliminating odors in country dry toilets are:

  • Agro Balt;

  • Hera;

  • Bio-Life;

  • Peter Peat "Ecopeat".

Disadvantages of cesspools

Before you start making a country toilet, you should consider installing a cesspool - see options for building cesspools of different designs. A special tank is needed to collect waste. And to prevent the spread of odors, you will need a pit with a sealed bottom. But this option requires systematic pumping.

Note! A good solution for a cesspool is to install a drainage bottom. The liquid will quickly be absorbed into the soil, and particles of the solid structure will settle. With significant accumulations of waste, siltation of the bottom may occur. And for such a case, special cleaning will be required. First, contaminants with solid waste are removed, and then the filter bottom is restored.

The following points should be noted among the disadvantages of a cesspool:

  1. To maintain and care for a country toilet, you will need financial investments. When the tank is full, pumping is necessary, carried out regularly.
  2. Even with high-quality sealing, you cannot protect yourself from the occurrence of an unpleasant odor in the country toilet.
  3. After some time, the walls begin to let in sewage and contaminate groundwater.

If a sewage system is installed at the dacha, it is necessary to come up with ways to insulate the container. In severe cold weather, sewage may freeze, which causes difficulties in using the system.

Folk remedies for odor in outdoor toilets

There are several very effective and long-tested folk methods for getting rid of odors in country toilets.

So, after each visit to the toilet, you can pour out 1 mug of wood ash or sawdust , or throw an armful of freshly cut grass or weeds .

Tomato tops (stepchildren, leaves) and nettle have a longer lasting effect (you need to add them once a week) , which can also repel insects and can absorb ammonia.

The advantage of using these folk remedies to combat odor in a country toilet is that they are completely harmless and virtually free . Moreover, after some time you can use the generated natural compost in your garden.

Video: how to use tomato tops to eliminate odor from cesspools of country toilets

Thus, to get rid of the unpleasant odor from the country toilet, you can use various methods and means. Find and decide on the most optimal biological, chemical or folk remedies for yourself, as well as your wallet. And remember that keeping your garden and sanitary buildings in perfect condition is the responsibility of every responsible and self-respecting summer resident.

Application of moisture absorbers

The problem with the appearance of odors from the toilet lies not only in improper use of the toilet, but also in the presence of mold in the room. Pathogenic microorganisms appear here due to high humidity. To localize this problem, it is recommended to use moisture absorbers, special store-bought substances in powder form.

Advice! An example of a desiccant agent is silica gel. This substance contains toxic particles, so it is placed out of the reach of children and pets.

It is recommended to store silica gel briquettes in plastic containers. Plants, such as ferns or lilies, will help absorb excess moisture in the bathroom. These crops not only regulate humidity, but also help get rid of a strong unpleasant aroma.


The most common cause of an unpleasant odor in the toilet is a problem in the sewer system, namely clogged pipes. This problem is very easy to identify. It is enough to flush the toilet. When a sewer is clogged, the liquid usually doesn’t drain well, and in some cases it just stays put. To solve this problem, plumbers often use a special metal cable.

Sometimes the source of the foul odor is a malfunction of the pipes themselves. Over time, cracks may appear in them, through which a strong sewer aroma subsequently begins to leak. It is for this reason that experts recommend regularly inspecting your home plumbing because, in addition to odors, you may encounter other, more serious problems.

If the above options for sources of unpleasant odors are excluded, then most likely the reason is poor cleaning. Perhaps you do not clean the toilet in a timely manner and also do not use disinfectants. Another unpleasant, stagnant aroma can form if cigarettes are regularly smoked in the restroom.

Characteristics and types

The flexible hose for connecting plumbing is a hose of different lengths made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Thanks to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the desired position and allows installation in hard-to-reach places. To protect the flexible hose, there is an upper reinforcing layer in the form of a braid, which is made from the following materials:

  • Aluminum. Such models can withstand no more than +80 °C and retain functionality for 3 years. At high humidity, aluminum braiding is prone to rust.
  • Of stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of the flexible water line is at least 10 years, and the maximum temperature of the transported medium is +95 °C.
  • Nylon. This braid is used for the manufacture of reinforced models that can withstand temperatures up to +110 °C and are designed for intensive use for 15 years.

The fasteners used are nut-nut and nut-fitting pairs, which are made of brass or stainless steel. Devices with different permissible temperatures differ in the color of the braid. Blue ones are used to connect to a pipeline with cold water, and red ones for hot water.

When choosing a water line, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, reliability of fasteners and purpose. It is also mandatory to have a certificate that prevents the rubber from releasing toxic components during operation.

Means that improve the performance of a septic tank

When everything is in order with the sewerage structure, but odors are still present, various preparations are used. They speed up wastewater treatment and improve its quality. Previously, chemicals were used for local sewers, which eliminated the odor. They were not environmentally friendly and were not harmless to people.

Modern synthetic drugs are not so destructive. Developers have focused their efforts on creating reagents that speed up cleaning. This is achieved by forming large suspended particles from small suspended particles. Having a lot of weight, they sink to the bottom.

Biological drugs that prevent odor

Septic tank cleaning products are produced mainly in concentrated form. They contain bacteria, the purpose of which is to speed up the natural process of decomposition of organic matter. Preparations of biological origin have significant advantages over chemical ones:

  • These are natural products that are harmless to the environment;
  • they do not damage the material of the septic tank and pipes;
  • cleaning occurs better and faster;
  • the sludge at the bottom of the chamber becomes more liquefied.

According to experts, regular use of biological products reduces the number of necessary cleanings; an unpleasant odor is completely absent in a working septic tank.

YES. Vergeles, manager.

Top biological products for septic tanks

The most popular bioactivators are presented in the table, which was compiled taking into account the opinions of customers.

Name of the drug, manufacturerPeculiaritiesUsageaverage cost
Dr. Robic 309, USAPackaged in 800 ml bottles. Additionally, it removes blockages, processes and breaks down grease and paper. Once a year, one container per 2 m3. Shake and pour into the toilet. It is advisable not to use the sewer during the day. Used in conjunction with Doctor Robik 509 for heavy silting and line 809 if a lot of soap is used. 780 rub.
BioExpert (Poland)Produced in tablets, the container contains 2–12 capsules. Eliminates odors, deposits in pipes, and processes feces. One tablet per 4 m 3 of septic tank is dissolved in 5 liters of water. Pour into the chamber, to clean the sewer - into the toilet, flush. 215 rubles per capsule.
Roetech K-37 – (USA), “BioTechnologies of the 21st Century” (Russia)Capacity 1 l. Used in sealed septic tanks. Eliminates blockages, odors, reduces the amount of solid deposits. For 2 m 3 chambers. Shake and pour into the toilet or septic tank. Duration of action is six months. 950 rub.
Biosept (France).For any systems. Starts working 2 hours after application. Powder in sachets of 25 g. One package per 1 m 3, duration of action – two weeks. Pour into the toilet and flush twice. Regular use required. 55 rub. per bag.
Dr. Robik 109 (USA and Russian companies).Powdered product, packaged in 75 g.

For any sewer systems.

One package per 1.5 m3. Pour into the toilet and flush with water. It is recommended to use monthly. 135 rub. per package.

Proper use of biological products improves the performance of the septic tank and comfort in the home. At the same time, do not forget that the environment must be favorable for microorganisms. Liquid must be present at a level above the solid waste. Before use, read the manufacturer's instructions: each drug has its own nuances.

It's a common mistake to be aware of. Sometimes there is almost no liquid in the septic tank. The use of biological products in this case is useless. Add several buckets of water and then monitor its level for 2 weeks.

What negatively affects the effectiveness of biological agents

The reason for the appearance of odors from a septic tank is often unwittingly caused by people themselves. They dump substances into drains that kill bacteria, both those that colonized themselves and those added by humans. The following actions should not be taken:

  • pour water down the drain after washing the filters: it may contain manganese, which is dangerous for bacteria;
  • throw antibiotics into the septic tank;
  • use washing powder with antibacterial additives.

If you do not use the sewer regularly, there is a risk of bacteria dying. There are special additives for preservation. Colonies of microorganisms are restored faster after their use.

My personal invention

The filling level of a cesspool is perfectly reduced by... trees. My pit is lined with bricks with gaps along the top of the masonry. The moisture partially goes into the ground, and the drainage is located at such a level that it does not enter deep groundwater.

I planted an ornamental willow and red maple next to the toilet. When the trees grew and developed a full-fledged root system, they began to draw moisture. Now waste leaves the pit several times faster. The smell, of course, also decreased.

I was advised to plant a walnut near the toilet, but I didn’t take the risk. You never know what will be pulled out of the pit into fruit. I chose moisture-loving ornamental trees. They create a beautiful view, camouflage the toilet, and create shade.

Biologically active additives

Activators are preparations with a high concentration of biologically active bacteria. For normal growth and life, microorganisms need a large amount of organic matter and a temperature of +0 C. During the processing process, organisms neutralize waste, break it down into water and fertilizer. Bioactivators also absorb odors and prevent the reproduction of insects.

Thanks to rapid recycling, the contents of the storage tank are reduced, which reduces the frequency of pumping out.

Rules for the use of biological activators:

  1. Soapy water and chemical components are not dumped into the drain pit. Even regular soap can kill bacterial colonies.
  2. Ensure sufficient air supply (ventilation) and maintain positive temperatures.
  3. Every year in the spring a new portion of bioactivators is placed in the pit. In winter, microorganisms die.
  4. For 1 m3 of waste, one tablet of the product is enough. Correct calculation of the additive is the main nuance. If there are a lot of bacteria, they will die of starvation; if there are few, they will not be able to process the entire mass.

Having allowed the colony to freeze due to seasonal frosts or die from soapy water, they give the remains time to rot or clean out the hole with a sewer truck. Then they launch a new portion of living organisms (throw in a tablet).

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