How to get rid of the smell from a cesspool in different ways?

From our material you will learn how to get rid of the smell from a cesspool, why it smells after pumping, and how you can eliminate the unpleasant odor.

The smell from a cesspool is not only a discomfort for you, but also the likelihood of conflicts with neighbors. Let's not prevaricate, because cesspools are often installed on a site without approval procedures. If a neighbor complains about the smell, and an inspection comes to you and reveals such a fact, you can receive a fine for violating the rules for landscaping the adjacent territory. Do you need it?

Therefore, let's look at the causes of the unpleasant smell from the cesspool and ways to eliminate this problem. Cleaning sewer pipes in St. Petersburg can help in this case, but if the cause of the spread of unpleasant odor from the cesspool is not eliminated, this measure will turn out to be temporary.

Traditional labor-intensive mechanical cleaning

Even 20 years ago, odor removal from a cesspool was carried out strictly through the mechanical method of purification. Sanitation, removal of sludge and fetid accumulations requires the use of a special sewage disposal machine.

Mechanical treatment does not provide a long-lasting effect. Despite the fact that it is possible to remove all the waste at once, it will not be possible to get rid of the smell in the cesspool for a long time, the problem will return. Therefore, it is advisable to consolidate the result with additional processing, for example, with special chemicals.

Mechanical cleaning

The most common cause of an unpleasant odor is siltation in the cesspool. If there was no stench before, then it is worth carrying out sanitary cleaning of the tank using a sewer machine or manual methods.

For sewage tanks equipped with plastic or metal barrels, the option of cleaning with vacuum cleaners is more suitable. In this case, the inner surface of the container is not damaged, but all solid particles are removed from the walls and bottom. Many machines are equipped with shredders, which significantly speed up the cleaning process.

Photo: sewer cleaning of a cesspool

If the pit is made of concrete rings or tires, then a simpler method will do. For example, manual mechanical cleaning. This is done with a special metal brush, which many homeowners can do themselves.

Let's look at how to clean a cesspool with your own hands:

  1. All liquid waste is pumped out of the pit. If possible, the pit is then filled with clean water, which is pumped out again. This will help simplify drain maintenance;
  2. A working platform is equipped on the surface. Non-professional plumbers are not allowed to go into the tank, so they must work from the ground. You can use boards or other smooth, stable building materials;
  3. The simplest wire brush is a metal or wooden tool with a long handle. The working part of the device consists of sharp and fairly hard tips. You can use nails, screws, etc. The length of the handle should correspond to the depth of the pit;

    An example of a metal brush for cleaning pit walls

  4. This tool is used to clean the walls and bottom of the tank from solid waste and sludge. After mechanical cleaning is completed, clean water is again collected from the drain, which is later pumped out.

You can repeat the procedure regularly (every month) or as needed.

Unsafe cleaning with chemicals

When choosing a product to eliminate odor in a septic tank or cesspool, it is important to understand that all chemicals are harmful to humans and the environment, and can also cause corrosion of metals and plastics (in a septic system). Each product must be used strictly for its intended purpose, adhering to the rules and instructions from the manufacturer. It is important to follow safety precautions, protect the respiratory system, mucous membranes, eyes, and skin from the negative effects of aggressive substances.

As a chemical remedy for sewer smell in a private home, the following is used:

  • acids;
  • nitrate products;
  • ammonium.

It cannot be said that this is a good reliable option to remove the smell from a septic tank or rings. The thing is that, in addition to the high price and unsafe method of application, chemical preparations do not allow you to forget about the problem forever. Experts advise against frequent chemical treatments. After all, it is harmful, capable of causing allergies, intoxication of the body, compromising the integrity of septic tanks (rubber, plastic elements), and leading to corrosion of individual metal parts of the sewer structure.

Biological products for sewer odor

The simplest and most effective way to overcome the stench is to use biological treatment preparations. The composition includes anaerobic bacteria that eat organic matter, cleaning the drains. It is organic matter that is the cause of the stench of wastewater, since when decomposed, organic substances contribute to the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms, fungi, and bacteria.

Biological products are recommended to be renewed every two weeks. They are poured into the toilet and flushed. Live bacteria completely destroy organic matter and any unpleasant odors. But biological products are not always effective. If chemicals, aggressive household chemicals or petroleum products get into a pit or septic tank, the bacteria will die and the stench will return. In addition, bacteria live only at above-zero temperatures, and die instantly in the cold.

If the pit is heavily contaminated, the hydrodynamic washing method is used. Vacuum trucks wash the septic tank, pit, pipeline under strong pressure of water. A jet of water under high pressure breaks up silt and other deposits. After flushing, the water is pumped out and clean liquid is poured into the septic tank. This measure helps to completely remove the odor in the house after pumping out the septic tank and restore the septic tank to cleanliness.

The best way to remove the smell from the cesspool of an outdoor toilet

If you still don’t know how to get rid of the smell from a cesspool, it’s time to pay attention to guaranteed effective and safe products - unique developments of bioengineering. In the modern market, the undisputed leader is the product. These are highly scientific developments focused on real effectiveness, safety, affordability and ease of use.

Branded preparations are a composition consisting of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, biologically active components and mineral salts. These are bioactivators, the principle of operation of which is associated with natural processes.

When bacterial material enters the work environment, a natural mechanism is activated. Thanks to the active activity of microorganisms:

  • unpleasant odors disappear;
  • the volume of solid fecal fractions decreases;
  • the sediment liquefies;
  • the process of reproduction of insect larvae stops;
  • fats decompose.

BioBak's developments are the most effective odor control agents for septic tanks and outdoor toilets of varying levels of contamination. Products:

  • safe for the environment and humans;
  • non-toxic;
  • does not react with concrete, plastic, steel, rubber surfaces;
  • demonstrates a long-lasting effect;
  • can be used at any time of the year;
  • It's inexpensive.

Please note that the substrate, which appears as a result of the natural activity of bacteria, is also a high-quality fertilizer.


You can tell that the pit has silted up based on the following signs:
Causes of odor in the toilet and ways to eliminate it

  • water from the bathtub or toilet drains very slowly;
  • drains can spill around holes on the surface of the earth;
  • wastewater does not seep into the ground well and lingers in the structure for a long time;
  • There is a strong unpleasant smell coming from the pits.

The choice of method for cleaning pits depends on the design of the structure. Thus, an open type cesspool (without a bottom) is cleaned mechanically or chemically. To do this you need to do the following:

  • pump out liquid waste;
  • update the gravel filter layer at the bottom;
  • add chemicals for cleaning pits, which are made on the basis of nitrate oxidizers. They help liquefy solid waste and remove unpleasant odors.

Mechanical cleaning is carried out by pumping out a third of the waste, flushing the pit with water under pressure and pumping out the waste again using a fecal pump. Vacuum trucks can effectively clear a pit of sludge.

A closed pit silts up much faster. In this case, it is necessary to pump out and remove the contents of the sealed tank. Vacuum trucks do this. If you want to save money, you can use chemicals or biological products. The chemicals eat away even solid waste, cleaning out the pit. The action of biological products is based on the use of bacteria that decompose solid waste into gas and water.

Attention: the use of chemicals and biological products does not eliminate the need for regular cleaning. The frequency of this procedure is simply reduced.

What products to use to eliminate odor. "BioBak" assortment

When an unpleasant smell appears from a cesspool in a private house, the catalog will help you understand how to remove it, how to eliminate it, and how to remove it. In assortment:

  • starter drugs that are relevant for use after a long break;
  • enhanced measures for overly contaminated waste tanks;
  • universal biological activators.

When choosing how to eliminate the smell of a septic tank in the house and on the street, carefully read the instructions, choose a product taking into account the required volume, price and characteristics. On sale:

  • Product for country toilets and septic systems BB-YSE
  • Product for septic tanks and cesspools BB-YS45
  • Product for country toilets and septic systems BB-V600
  • Product for septic systems BB-S180
  • Product for septic tanks and cesspools BB-YS60
  • Super all-rounder for cesspools, septic tanks, drainage systems and pipes BB-SU010

All BioBak products are certified, economical to use, and allow you not only to remove unpleasant odors from a concrete septic tank or outdoor toilet, but also to clean the drainage system and pipeline. Now you know what to add to your cesspool to decompose waste and save money at the same time.

Something else?

So, smell is not a prerequisite for the operation of a cesspool. Moreover, it indicates violations caused by errors during construction or operation.

In particular, one of the reasons is the banal overflow of the structure with sewage, its untimely pumping. This happens occasionally, and the reason for this is the very principle of operation of the cesspool as a storage tank.

Septic tanks do not have this disadvantage. They not only collect, but purify and discharge wastewater.

The construction of a septic tank is a little more complicated than a high-quality cesspool. In addition, there are ready-made sets of septic tanks, the installation of which is “turnkey” even for a beginner in construction.

Installing such a device can be called the fourth, most effective way to combat the smell of a cesspool.

How to prevent septic tank odor in the toilet

In order to use the odor remover in the cesspool not too often, and to prevent the appearance of stench in the dacha, you need to approach the matter comprehensively:

1. Purchase and build septic tanks and pits, taking into account the number of consumers. Always take extra so that the tank does not fill up too quickly. Order installation and construction from professionals, because even minor mistakes can cause unnecessary trouble in the future.

2. Systematically use certified bioactivators. Follow the instructions, buy products taking into account the available volumes of biowaste.

By choosing high quality products from a trusted manufacturer, you get excellent results. Give preference to safe products, this way you will solve your problems while taking care of the environment and your own health.

How to eliminate stench

What to do if your bathroom smells like sewage? First of all, you need to find the place where the stink is coming from - it could be a sink, bathtub, toilet or kitchen sink. Next, you should check the operation of the sewerage and ventilation.

To eliminate the causes of the unpleasant odor, you will need special tools.

To check the operation of the ventilation, you need to bring a lit flame to the ventilation hole, the flame should deviate towards it. To check the sewer, open the taps to full capacity and observe how quickly the water drains.

Most often, the smell of sewage appears in the bathroom if for some reason the water seal stops functioning normally.

Sewer cleaning

The most popular drain cleaning tools are a plunger and a cable. The plunger is suitable for clearing siphons and small blockages.

Use a plunger to clean out the drain.

To clean pipes using a plunger, place it on the drain hole so that it is completely closed. Open the faucet and pour enough water into the sink or bathtub to cover the rubber part of the plunger. Move the plunger up and down a few times. Remove the plunger and check the water drain rate. Repeat the operation if necessary.

The cable is only suitable for iron pipes.

Using a cable is not recommended if you have plastic pipes installed. Insert the cable into the drain hole and push it, rotating it around its axis, until you reach the blockage. It is advisable that it catches on the hook on the cable and you get it out. After this, rinse the drain with hot water.

Use chemical professional pipe cleaners.

The sewer can also be cleaned using chemicals, for example, “Mole”, “Tiret” and others. Follow manufacturers' instructions strictly. If you leave the product on for longer than indicated in the instructions, there is a risk of damage to the pipes.

Improved ventilation

The normal functioning of the hood is mandatory, even if there is no unpleasant odor, since otherwise, over time, the air in the room will become musty and dampness will accumulate. Fungus may even appear on the bathroom fittings.

Unpleasant sewer odor cannot be eliminated with aerosols.

The operation of natural ventilation can be disrupted due to blockages, replacement of doors in the room, or neighbors installing too powerful forced ventilation.

To try to clear the blockage yourself, remove the decorative grille from the ventilation opening and inspect the shaft with a flashlight. If the clog is close enough, you can pull it out with your hands or a hook.

Flush your drains often to avoid blockages.

If installing a new door, provide additional ventilation by trimming some of the door panel from the bottom. You can also cut a hole in the bottom of the door and install a decorative trim. A good alternative is to install it in the exhaust vent of a fan.

Only a specialist will quickly understand the problem of the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Sealing joints

There are the following types of sealants: silicone, acrylic, silicone-acrylic, polyurethane. Silicone sealants are elastic and retain their properties at any temperature. Acrylics are characterized by a long service life and resistance to temperature changes, but have low elasticity.

Polyurethane sealants are toxic but can be painted over. The best choice is silicone-acrylic sealants, which combine the best properties.

Use professional methods to combat unpleasant odors.

Before using sealant, it is necessary to degrease the joint surface. The sealant must be applied to the joint in a continuous line in a circle. Use a spatula to level the applied sealant. After this, leave until completely dry.

Solving the ventilation problem

Why the ventilation system does not perform its functions:

  1. There is no head on the fan pipe. As a result, the ventilation will become clogged after some time. To prevent this from happening, a cover should be installed.
  2. Due to the nature of the wind rose, an unpleasant odor enters the house as the air flow clamps the pipe. To fix the problem, install a weather vane deflector.
  3. The height of the drain pipe is insufficient. To get rid of sewer smell, you need to lengthen it.


There are no special preventive measures for sewer care. The main thing is to adhere to one key rule: promptly clean the sedimentation tanks from waste waste. If the tank is not cleaned for a long time, sooner or later it will overflow, and the stench will spread even more throughout your yard, keeping neither you nor your neighbors alive.

Remove sewage from the sewer pit regularly. To do this, you can pump out the liquid yourself, and then use high-quality disinfectant compounds. If you don’t have the ability to clean it yourself, vacuum cleaners are the best option. Remember that the removal of sewage from the sewer pit must be carried out in a timely manner. If you don't do this, over time you will begin to smell an unpleasant odor that will spread throughout your yard. You shouldn't let this happen. Regular disposal of slop is the best preventive measure necessary to combat stench.

How to reproduce the necessary bacteria

Two methods of propagation of bacilli have been found and studied: spores and division. Under certain conditions, crops are grown on substrates:

  • meat peptone broth;
  • crushed agar in a liquid phase, including meat water and table salt;
  • synthetic additives;
  • vegetable broths.

In an autoclave, the medium is sterilized at 1200 C, cooled, cultures are sown and diluted at a biologically favorable temperature.

Knowing that bacteria are alive, you need to wear rubber gloves when working with them. After use, wash hands with soap. Keep the drug out of the reach of children.

Using biological sewage products, you need to reduce the use of household chemicals and aggressive compounds. When you wash them away, the colony of bacteria may die. Moderate use of detergents creates a low concentration, and regular addition of a bioactivator restores the number of beneficial bacteria.


Traditional methods

Owners are often offered to get rid of the stench in their yard and home using folk remedies. Among the most frequently mentioned are mint, nettle or tomato. But they can temporarily remove unpleasant odors, and, moreover, only when we are talking about small tanks. If you are looking for an effective remedy to eliminate the stench of a large sewer drain, traditional methods are unlikely to match the potency of chemicals or biological products.

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