Emergency sewerage - responsibilities of the emergency service, prevention

A clogged drain is a problem that every person knows today. You should not assume that only people who are careless in their everyday life can encounter such a nuisance. Very often, blockages occur due to improper installation of sewerage system elements. Operational blockages that arise as a result of prolonged use of sewage systems are also not uncommon.

Today there are many ways to remove blockages. The advisability of their use depends on the cause and nature of the blockage. At the same time, emergency blockages that lead to complete failure of the sewer system are considered the most difficult.

Emergency sewer service: price of services

Emergency sewer service price from RUB 4,500. for the service. The exact cost of emergency sewer service services in Moscow is discussed with the manager immediately, or we go out for an assessment and an accurate calculation. The initially announced price remains unchanged, and a guarantee for the services is provided.

Kanalservis is an emergency sewerage service operating throughout the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. We serve any clients: owners of private houses, HOAs of high-rise buildings, enterprises, trade organizations, car washes, etc.

What it is

An emergency sewer service is an organization that performs various work on drainage systems. Basically, these are urgent or emergency work - cleaning, repairs, restoration of sections or network nodes. Emergency calls can be made by phone or through the city's unified dispatch service. At the same time, the organization can work independently and not belong to city municipal divisions.

Most often, emergency sewer service is required at odd times, when it is useless to wait for help from regular plumbers from the management company. For example, at night, on holidays or immediately after the end of the working day. The specificity of drainage systems is such that delay in eliminating the accident is unacceptable. If the pipes are clogged in the basement and the apartment on the lower floor is flooded with sewage, the danger increases with every minute. Waiting until the morning and not using the sewer is not an option, since neighbors on the upper floors are not always ready to accommodate the affected residents of their building.

In such conditions, urgent, emergency assistance is needed. Users need to know where to go if problems occur. The city’s unified dispatch system has its own emergency units related to the Gorvodokanal. However, their sphere of influence often extends only to the external sections of drainage systems. For example, if a problem arose near the house, they will deal with it, but they may not go into the basement - they will say, it’s not our business. However, in such situations, urgent and independent assistance is needed. If it was not possible to find out the required telephone number in advance, the sewer will have to wait until the start of the working day (or week). Moreover, the system will wait, but people are unlikely to.

24-hour emergency sewer service Kanalservice offers a wide range of services

Removing blockages of any type in internal, external sewerage or storm drains

The equipment we have and the technologies we use allow us to remove fatty, silty and solid deposits, fight traffic jams caused by the accumulation of sand, gravel, building materials, household and waste, personal hygiene items, etc. We carry out mechanical and chemical cleaning, as well as hydrodynamic washing sewerage.

Defrosting systems

Contact us if you need emergency defrosting of water pipes, sewers, etc. Such work can be performed at temperatures down to -20oC.

Video diagnostics of sewerage and other communications

It will help identify damage, construction flaws, clogging areas, etc. In addition, the equipment used and the experience of the company’s employees allow us to draw up a detailed plan of the system in the absence of one.

Equipment used

We are engaged in eliminating blockages in sewer pipes of any diameter and for this purpose we have in our emergency service fleet sewer flushing equipment of various capacities and purposes. If portable small-sized units transported on passenger cars are used to flush internal sewer systems, then those installed on trucks are used exclusively for flushing external communications.

In any case, when you contact our company, rest assured that we have all the necessary specialized equipment to solve your problems.

Each vehicle of the "Engineering Service" emergency service is equipped with a powerful hydrodynamic unit permanently located on the vehicle, as well as mobile hydrodynamic devices for carrying out work to clear blockages in the sewer system.

In addition, the machines are equipped with mechanical cleaning devices and a push-through tele-inspection system that makes it possible to assess the nature of the sewerage violation.

Advantages of emergency sewer service Kanalservice

The company offers:

  • Prompt response to requests. Our emergency sewer service accepts calls 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. A team of specialists is ready to go to the site within 10 minutes after the client contacts.
  • Fixed prices for services. The final cost of emergency sewer repair, removal of blockages and other services is not relative to what was announced during the preliminary assessment of the work by our specialists. If we haven’t taken something into account, we take on all additional expenses.
  • Work on any objects. Different clients can contact us: from the owner of an apartment with a clogged toilet, to representatives of a large industrial enterprise whose sewerage system has problems.
  • Availability of all necessary licenses for waste removal and disposal. You don’t have to worry about this: you won’t have any problems with environmentalists and representatives of other structures.

Emergency sewerage service in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region Kanalservice - we work around the clock, efficiently and with a quality guarantee.

Prevention is always better!

Such situations do not occur immediately; this, as a rule, is the fruit of a long, gradual destruction of the pipe, so the emergency sewer can be repaired in time. Such situations can always be avoided by promptly inspecting the sewer and water pipes of your apartment for:

  • cracks;
  • even minor leaks;
  • suspicious spots;
  • rust.

If during the routine inspection you find anything else that raises your suspicions, no matter what it is, call a plumber immediately. After all, it is much easier to prevent trouble than to eliminate its consequences by calling an emergency sewer at two in the morning.

Repairing a damaged section of pipe by a professional plumber will cost much less than restoring the sewer system, cleaning and disinfecting the apartment, and paying for the neighbor’s repairs. Do you need all this?

If you live in Moscow, or the Moscow region, then, having discovered a potentially dangerous section of pipe, so as not to ask yourself the question “my sewer has burst, who should I call?”, do not wait and immediately call the “Plumbers Service” by phone +7 (495) 066-06-67. Remember that time is working against you. After all, by delaying repairs, you increase the chances that you will soon have to perform emergency sewer repairs, which, whatever one may say, will cost much more.

Our equipment and its capabilities

The level of equipment of the company allows us to carry out the full range of work on servicing emergency sewerage and eliminating any problems in systems of various types. Kanalservice uses the following technique:

  • Electromechanical machines from Rothenberger and RIDGID for cleaning sewers from tree roots and branches, cement and other solid deposits, hygiene products, rags and hair. We work with pipes from 20 mm in diameter.
  • Equipment for hydrodynamic washing from brands such as Poseidon, RO-JET and others, which also allows you to effectively remove ice plugs.
  • Sewer and sludge cleaning machines with tanks up to 12 m3 and various additional options. They allow you to remove caked deposits, perform hydrodynamic flushing, etc.

Our emergency sewer service can handle any job. Contact us and you will never hear from the dispatcher “There are no specialists available, call tomorrow,” or “We have a day off today.” Kanalservice will not leave anyone alone with such a delicate problem as a sewerage failure.

Seek help from specialists right away!

Any delay in calling a specialist in such a situation means worsening it through inaction. Regardless of whether the trouble has already happened or you are just afraid that it will happen - in any case, calling a specialist is the most correct decision.

Don’t delay and call us, our qualified specialists will eliminate a breakthrough of any complexity! We have experience in eliminating such problems, and therefore we can easily cope with yours! Call us at +7, “Plumber Service” will cope with even the most difficult situation!


Let's start with an analysis of the causes of the communal disaster. There are quite a lot of them:

  • Paper getting into the sewer . First of all, newspaper and magazine pages: unlike toilet paper, this paper does not soften so quickly when it gets into water;
  • Rags that set off on a free voyage . When you drain the water when washing the floors, they try to escape your attention;
  • Food waste . Stale potatoes, porridge, tomatoes and other dishes from your table are quite capable of tightly clogging the toilet or riser;
  • A variety of cat litters , primarily clumping (clay-based) and sand;
  • Construction garbage . The belief that you can pour unused cement mortar into the toilet, sprinkle plaster, or throw out pieces of plaster has no basis;
  • Hair and pet fur;
  • Closing our hit parade is ordinary fat from plates . It gradually settles on the walls of the sewer and over several years narrows its lumen to the size of a coin. This is the only cause of blockage that is not associated with improper use of the sewer.

Sewer collector. The white mass in it is ordinary fat.

Using the toilet for its intended purpose, contrary to numerous anecdotes on this topic, never leads to problems. Feces and toilet paper travel all the way from the toilet to the sewer without interruption and without delay.

Complaint about the lack of hot water supply and hot water supply in Moscow

It is increasingly happening that utility companies violate the rules for supplying resources and do not promptly respond to the problem. It is in these cases that you need to know which inspectorates a citizen can complain to.

The list includes:

  • housing office;
  • GZHI;
  • Vodokanal;
  • HOA management;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

However, this is an incomplete list of authorities through which justice can be restored and a complaint can be filed.

Responsible authorities

It doesn’t matter who provides the services - a public housing service or a commercial management company, a claim about poor-quality supply of hot water or cold water must be written to the Housing Office at the place of residence.

You can submit a letter of claim in person or online. The application states the legal norms that were violated and the evidence. Lawyers advise sending collective complaints, as they are considered faster due to priority.

Sample of a collective application for a management company.

Filing a claim through the State Services website

If the tap comes out with cold, rusty water or is completely absent, and utility workers do not react in any way to citizens’ statements, the Housing Office will issue a warning to the resource supplier and impose penalties.

Filing a claim online is a more convenient option.

What to do if the sewer is clogged and how to avoid recurrence of the blockage

Drain Cleaning Methods When your drain is clogged, you need to clean it. Cleaning can be done in several ways, but the most effective is to use household chemicals.

  • In granules.
  • In the form of a gel.
  • Powdery.
  • In the form of a liquid.

Before starting cleaning work in sewer pipes, you need to wear home clothes and rubber gloves so that the skin areas are covered.

You can also clean the pipes using a plunger or cable. But it’s easier to pour household chemicals into the sewer pipe and wait until it eats away the existing blockages.

Repair and replacement of sewer risers in an apartment building

Instead of outdated cast iron, it is now customary to install plastic pipes; they are lightweight, inexpensive and have an aesthetic appearance. There is also a drawback: thin plastic walls do not insulate sounds well, so the drainage of neighbors upstairs will be heard throughout the house if you keep the bathroom door open. The noise can be reduced by purchasing and installing thick-walled PVC pipes, but they will cost more.

Replacing risers is a rather labor-intensive operation, and it is better to perform it when there are no other options left: the fistula is large and sewage leaks constantly, emitting a terrible smell in the house. If the horizontal branch leading to the bathroom and kitchen sink is damaged, it is not necessary to replace the riser.

Sewer blockage causes, emergency measures, maintenance

The work is carried out in several stages. First, all drain holes in the apartment are closed. Then a plunger is inserted into the toilet drain, with the suction cup facing down. The next step is to fill the toilet with water (up to 5 liters)

Then you need to push the plunger up and down, also performing rotational movements with the handle. ATTENTION! Before cleaning procedures, it is recommended to pour up to 5 liters of hot water into the toilet hole; it will soften the paper and food waste that clog the pipe.

The cleaning rules are not complicated; it is only important to carry out the process on time, without bringing the situation to a critical point. Mechanical cleaning is an effective method, as is chemical

Plumbing service experts recommend pouring a quality cleaning product into the toilet every few months. In this case, problems with sewerage will occur very rarely.

Mechanical cleaning is an effective method, as is chemical cleaning. Plumbing service experts recommend pouring a quality cleaning product into the toilet every few months. In this case, problems with the sewerage system will occur very rarely.

How can we influence neighbors who dump sewer waste into our garden?

By pouring sewage waste into your garden, your neighbor is violating the requirements of the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation and your constitutional right to health protection. For example, in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population,” citizens are obliged not to carry out actions that violate the rights of other citizens to health protection and a favorable living environment.

In the described situation, we recommend that you file a complaint with the local sanitary and epidemiological supervision body, which will have the right not only to issue your neighbor a warning about the need to eliminate the violations of the law and your rights committed by him, but also to bring him to administrative responsibility under Article 6.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses:

Rules for turning off water supply

If the cold water is turned off, you should first call in Moscow directly to the utility company that represents this resource. Some houses in the capital still receive hot water supply and hot water supply from the state Vodokanal, and this is where you should call and complain if the blackout is illegal.

The claim will be substantiated when consumers have identified disconnection violations and there is an evidence base. There are basic rules that experts recommend that public and private companies adhere to.

For planned major repairs of pipes or reconnection of a resource, residents are notified two weeks before the start of the event. Government Decree No. 354 prohibits turning off water supply without legal grounds.

The regulatory act prescribes the procedure for the provision of utility services, in particular hot water supply and cold water supply. Utility workers can violate any rules only if there is an order from local authorities to do so. Residents of apartment buildings must be notified of this one month in advance.

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