How to dig a well in a country house: detailed technology

Selecting a location

The optimal time for work is summer-autumn, when it is no longer very hot, but also not too cold. Digging should not be carried out during spring floods. In August-September the water is at its minimum level. If you focus on the level of the water layer filled with natural precipitation, then the well will not have sufficient depth, and in the summer it will become very shallow or even dry out completely. Water at a depth of up to 2 m is unsuitable for consumption.

The well should be placed on the site in the location of the aquifer, located as close as possible to the surface. This speeds up work and reduces costs. When choosing a location, you must use methods to determine the occurrence of water. Layers at a depth of up to 10 m are considered technical, drinking water is located below 10 m. To determine the closest location of the layer and the quality of the water, you need to listen to specialists.

It is better to install the well closer to the house and further from polluting objects Source

It is very important to take into account a number of factors when determining the point. Garbage and cesspools, toilets, septic tanks and the like should be located away from the well. This applies to absolutely all sources of pollution. It is best if they are located lower in the terrain. You must also take into account that in the future you will build or make changes - it will not be possible to rearrange the well.

Alternative solution

If the house has not yet been built, you can make a well directly in the building. This solves the problem of removing the well from different objects. The interior layout of the house must be properly designed. The well must be located at an appropriate distance from the foundation.

This solution allows you to save space on the site and reduce the cost of installing a water supply system. First, a well is created on the site, and then a foundation pit is dug. The type of soil and topographical features of the area are taken into account.

The advantages of such a solution are comfort when arranging a communication system for supplying water to a bathroom, toilet, or kitchen. A minimum number of pipes and a pump with less power will be required. This reduces the cost of installing a water supply system.

Building a well inside a house also has a number of disadvantages. For example, if the water supply equipment breaks down, the well needs to be repaired. This may require special equipment that cannot be used in a basement. To periodically clean the shaft, you need to provide sufficient space around the well. Finishing materials in the basement must be resistant to moisture.

Also, building a water intake point inside the house reduces the amount of usable space. Therefore, for our reader who turned to experts for advice, this option is not suitable. He has already built a small house on his plot. Therefore, there is no point in installing a well inside a building.

Rules for digging a hole

The diameter of the well should be more than a meter so that the rings can easily fit into it, while the internal diameter will be exactly one meter. As the depth of the mine increases, work becomes more difficult. The rings are stacked on top of each other during the deepening process, the vertical installation is checked with a plumb line, and measurements are taken constantly. The solution is not used to fill cracks; it is enough to lay clay around the structure.

The shaft should be slightly wider than the rings being installed Source

The rings themselves are produced in different heights. It is more difficult to work with tall ones, so it is recommended to use meter ones. The rings can be fastened with wire eyes. Insurance is also important to protect the worker from voids in the ground, quicksand, and the level of soil mobility is constantly checked. A 1 m hole is considered a finished water intake; the water is pumped out, excess soil is removed and crushed stone is filled in with a layer of 10 cm.

It is more convenient to work with rings 1 m high Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in water supply and sewerage.

Digging method

If the site has dense soil, then digging a hole is carried out in an open way. Robots are carried out as conveniently as possible; you can easily cope with boulders and other obstacles. It is possible to dig a well in an area with loose soil only using a closed method. There is a minimum of earthwork, in some cases it is possible to do without large equipment, the walls will not crumble, and the integrity of the soil is maintained.

To decide on the method, you need to dig a hole 1 m deep and look at the walls of the shaft. If the walls collapse during the digging process, then the closed method is used and vice versa. But in some cases, when using an open excavation during further deepening, the walls may collapse; it is necessary to switch to the closed method - this is the main safety rule.

Experts will advise on the best way to dig a mine Source

When digging a shaft using the open method, its diameter should be 10-20 cm larger than the diameter of the rings being installed. The rings are lowered and fastened together, the remaining gap is filled with sand, and the seams are sealed. The closed method is a little more complicated in its technology. It is necessary to dig a hole until the soil allows. Basically, such a pit is up to 2 m deep.

Then the first ring is installed and the hole deepens, it will begin to descend, and the remaining rings are placed on it in turn. Having reached the required layer of water, a ring is placed that will be located above the ground. After this, the seams are sealed. At the end, the head is mounted and the planned equipment is installed.

Common Mistakes

The list of common shortcomings includes the following:

  1. Insufficient number of concrete rings for the dimensions of the well design.
  2. If it is necessary to deepen the mine, it may be a mistake to dig it in from the outside. It is optimal to clean its source.
  3. When performing structural restoration, the joints are processed superficially. The solution must be thoroughly cleaned.
  4. It is not recommended to restore the old source; it is safer to create a new well in another location on the site.
  5. Do not leave untreated seams through which water penetrates.
  6. During the construction process, the dug hole is not left without covering with film or boards.

A mistake could be poor placement of the structure or the use of low-quality building materials and tools.

Mine well

According to their filling capacity, mine wells can be incomplete, full, shallow, or deep. Full wells are often made with an additional reservoir that provides water filling during droughts. There are open and closed types. Strengthening the shaft can be done with a monolithic circle, rings or masonry. In rare cases, logs or bricks are used. However, it is best and more convenient to use rings.

A shaft well has its advantages Source

Before digging a well in a mine-type dacha, you need to study its components:

  1. Mine shaft . Located underground, it strengthens the soil from collapse, protects water from soil and other contaminants.
  2. Water intake . Water collects here and is protected from soil contamination and freezing.
  3. Header . Located above the ground, it protects the water from debris. A water raising system is installed and can be decorated.

Features of wells of different designs

There are two types of structures – shaft and tubular. The first option is much more widespread, because Construction of such a well is usually cheaper and more convenient to use. The shaft structure is universal, and water can be raised using buckets, hand and electric pumps.

Another advantage of the shaft structure over the tubular one is the ease of construction. You can find out how to dig a mine well with your own hands by reading specialized literature and articles.

If desired, everyone can take their advice and dig and arrange a quality water source on their own.

A column, or tube well, is a shallow well, the walls of which are lined with a pipe, and the water is raised using a manual or electric pump

A tube well is built if the aquifer is located shallow, and the owner can use drilling equipment. The advantage of a tubular structure is faster construction. Due to their small diameter, tubular structures are less polluted. They can be built next to residential and commercial buildings.

Both types of wells have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a suitable design, you should take into account all the nuances. Since it is easier to build a mine well without the use of special equipment, in the future we will consider the issues of digging just such a source.

Ground part

Once the location of the well on the site has been chosen and it has already been dug, you can begin arranging the head. With its help, you can not only provide access to clean drinking water, but also decorate the area. Very often, a log house and decoration in traditional motifs are used for this. The head itself is mounted on blocks; glass insulation, roofing felt and other similar materials are used as waterproofing. Sand is poured under the blocks; with the help of gradual backfilling, the structure can be protected from soil displacement.

The head can be decorated in a variety of ways Source

Tips on how to dig properly

When deciding how to properly make a structure from reinforced concrete rings or a wooden well with your own hands, the following is recommended:

  1. It is required to study the geology of the site and nearby plots.
  2. In winter, digging begins after frosty 2-3 weeks. It is not recommended to carry out construction work in the spring.
  3. The lower level of water flow must be well deepened.
  4. The recess needs to be made larger than the bottom mark of the wells in the neighbors’ territories by 1 ring.
  5. Concrete elements are connected with metal brackets to strengthen the structure.
  6. It is necessary to install an aspen shield and a filter made of stones and river sand at the bottom.

Financial expenses

To dig a well on a summer cottage will require certain financial costs. It is necessary to purchase materials, hire specialists and possibly equipment. The final cost of the work will depend on a number of factors, for example, the depth of the shaft, the digging method, materials for strengthening the walls.

If concrete rings are used, their price averages 1.5-3 thousand rubles, and installation of a ring can cost 3-4 thousand rubles. On average, the cost of installing a well with 10 rings is 35 thousand rubles, and with three rings it will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

But water from a shallow well cannot be used for food consumption, but only for technical purposes and irrigation. Setting up a year-round water supply system from a well to a bathhouse or house also leads to increased costs.

Work examples

To understand the work process, we publish reports on excavated and equipped hydraulic structures.

  • Vsevolodovo, Noginsky district May 22, 2016
  • Neroshchino, Dmitrovsky district April 10, 2016
  • Garden partnership Kolos-2, New Moscow July 29, 2015

Video description

Features of constructing a well at the dacha:
Sometimes unforeseen difficulties may arise in the process; it can be a large block that can only be reached with the help of large special equipment. But sometimes you come across huge blocks that cannot be removed and you have to find a new place for the well. Soils that are highly saturated with water can also complicate the work. Before starting work, it is necessary to discuss in advance all issues regarding increased payment in case of unforeseen situations. A good company always has a price list for all work, and such nuances are specified in the contract. Additional costs may include the service of removing soil from the site.

Well with a forged head Source

Is there a guarantee

Yes! Before digging a well, we enter into a written agreement. The document specifies the responsibilities of the parties and the list of work performed.

The warranty is one year from the date of delivery and acceptance of the well.

When digging a well, it is necessary to use high-quality consumables and follow construction technologies. Well companies, including us, guarantee:

  • Stability of hydraulic structure performance under operating load;
  • No mechanical impurities.

The second point does not guarantee absolute purity of water. The chemical composition of the liquid is determined by the composition of the rock where the water lies.

Do I need permission?

According to the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 1992 N 2395-01 “On Subsoil”, Article 19 allows for drilling wells for one’s own purposes without any permits, provided that no more than 100 cubic meters of liquid from the aquifer rise to the surface per day, and that the source is not centralized.

That is, if you want to obtain water from a source solely for watering your garden, agricultural or household needs, drinking, etc., you do not need to obtain any permits for either a summer house or a private home.


The set of tools and materials may differ depending on what types of wells will be built.


  • cable;
  • homemade winch;
  • buckets;
  • shovels with short handles;
  • ropes;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • hammer/drill;
  • carpentry tools (when working with wood);
  • jackhammer;
  • scrap;
  • ladder;
  • flashlight;
  • pump;
  • insurance;
  • level;
  • helmet.


  • reinforced concrete rings;
  • cement;
  • sand.

Wooden log house

The oldest ancient method. For the construction of a well frame made of wood, logs with a diameter of 10-15 cm or thick boards are best suited. The technology for strengthening the walls of the mine is as follows: first, they dig a shallow well to the height of a log or board, then install a finished frame into it. Then they dig up the soil under the log house, gradually deepening it and making room for the next crown, then install the second, third, etc. on the first log house. – until the finished structure reaches the groundwater layer. And so that the crowns of the log house do not fall apart, they are firmly fastened with vertical boards.

What time of year should you dig?

Is there a difference when it's better to dig? Yes. The ideal time of year is late summer and January. To cut a spring in winter, there must be frost for at least three weeks.

Digging during this period has its advantages:

  • The groundwater level is very low.
  • There is practically no perched water.
  • It is easy to calculate the debit, since at this time of year it is minimal.

If you plan to dig yourself, with your own hands, then you need to start in early August in order to be in time before the rainy season.

Important : the selected time of year should be as dry and dry as possible.


In most cases, the depth of a well that is dug with your own hands, without the use of equipment, rarely exceeds 8 - 10 meters. How exactly do you find out the distance to the aquifer?

A simple method is to ask your neighbors. It’s as if some of them already use a well or water well. Obviously, the depth of the aquifer can vary, but in adjacent areas the difference in most cases is no more than a couple of meters.

There are also indirect indicators of the proximity of water: abundant greenery, a cluster of birch, spruce and aspen trees, and sedge thickets.

Finally, a simple way to check how water flows over a long distance is to cover a small area of ​​soil with polyethylene overnight. Abundant dew on its lower surface indicates the proximity of the aquifer; if it is at a great distance, the film will remain dry.

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